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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  October 30, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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♪ come and get it. it's one of the toughest climbs in the world. >> no woman has ever done it. >> why this one is determined to change that. >> dude's got a red hot rib because he's riding without a front left tire. >> she what finally gets his attention. >> why just fake jump when you can mix skateboarding and base jumping? the moment a daredevil goes for broke. >> plus, it's bonus give away day. all you need is the buzz word for your chance to win an ipad mini or flat screen tv because we are giving away both. and two kittens near a pond.
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>> hey, fish, lunch. >> why the fish had other ideas. >> you'll like this video. it's phenomenal female sportswoman doing what no other woman has done before. she is a champion sports climber. >> she wants to climb one of the hardest technical climbs in the world in italy. no woman has ever done it. she's dedicated her time to be the first ever. just you wait and see the muscles on this woman. it's really technical. the only thing you can do is >> the middle is the hardest part. she comes close and falls.
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when she falls, she falls quite a bit. she is bringing the rope up with her. time and time again she is analyzing. going through the whole lime in her head. those three fingers are taking all the white. unbelievable. unbelievable amount of strength. >> look at the smile on her face. she said it was better than winning the world championship. she said all of this has been paying off. it really gets you into the achievement of what you can do.
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>> it's frightening when you see the way some people drive. it's amazing they got their license to begin with. start with this video from china. a driver having a very difficult time just reversing. looks like this little tremendous right here has given this driver the biggest problem. this is going to take awhile. we are going to let that driver continue while we look at these other videos. >> no, no. >> yes. >> a couple of people said they saw this driver driving without a front left tire. they noticed the driver going 1 1/2 miles on just the rim. you see the hot red glow from the rim and brakes. the driver not reacting to people telling him to pull over. he continued to drive on. we had to stop him. they say the driver was very hard of hearing and never heard anybody and never noticed he was driving on the rim. >> couldn't he feel it though? >> you would think all those things would have caused this person to pull over to stop.
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>> that was a weird one. >> this one very bizarre. in china again. the dash cam here beeping its horn like crazy. trying to get the attention of that truck. >> no, no, no. they are towing that car. >> it looks like that truck was rear ended. the vehicle jam and stuck underneath the rear bumper. the truck with the dash cam looked like it pulled in front and tried to slow down. near the end of this 3 1/2 minute video, that truck passes by us with the car still jammed under its bumper. >> remember the person having difficulty reversing? they have the help of this person here. turn this way, turn that way. >> i think they're late. >> eventually they did park. >> brutal. >> a brand-new industry is on the rise in china.
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it may surprise you exactly what it is. statics say china is the second most overweight country in the world. behind us, the americans. as you see in this video, people are paying a lot of money to spend a great deal of time at these weight loss camps. they do workouts to competitions. they regulate their diet. in this short film, you'll also learn that the reason that they become more overweight as a society, they've become addicted to american style food. >> that's part of it. we call them the little empress because they are only allowed to have one child. >> this generation of only children is the spoiled brat generation. >> in this short film you do hear some of the people who are part of this weight loss camp talk about the process. they say it's incredibly difficult. it's hard to lose the weight that fast on a daily basis.
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>> to me it's like torture. >> but the people are successful. after about 100 days, some people lost more than 50 pounds, more than 60 pounds. they are able to change their thought process, their way of life. this is considered a wealthy problem. >> foreign food is seen as speciality food. never enough eating that traditional chinese diet, rice, meat and vegetables which is a healthy way to eat. >> if they want to go to one of these weight loss camps, they are incredibly expensive. again, this industry is meant for the rich. >> it's about time for us to give away another ipad mini. guess what? the day is bonus day. that means we are also giving away a flat screen tv. >> two winners. you need thursday's buzz word, need to be 18 years or older and a legal u.s. resident. >> thursday's buzz word is coming up. >> hang in there for the rpm ipad mini give away. >> what do elephants think of
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gopro? >> they do. this first little elephant sees it, uses his foot and prods the gopro. >> it's like a selfie pole. >> they said he sniffed it and put it in his mouth. you are able to see inside. if you want to know what it's like underneath the foot of an element. >> that shot from the bottom, you don't normally get to see that, do you? >> in japan this video shows us you are the prey or the hunter. you'll be surprised who the actual prey is. we have two kittens next to a pond. the kittens, it's nature. hey, fish, lunch. let's try this. they're bigger than sardines,
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but we don't care. >> oh! >> it wasn't a koi. that was a pike. they can get up to big in size. the cats barely escaped with its life. >> this video from the united states gives the definition of scary cat. this cat is with a trucker. watch what happens when they get to the bridge. >> this is famous for its beauty. these girls do not like the road to hanna. how the winding drive has them feeling woozy. why playing george of the jungle means watch out for that tree.
9:39 am
ththisis i is s memega. this is megan's gym. fofor r ththosose e whwho o be exexcecercrcisise e dodoesesn'l soso s sererioiousus.. onone e a a daday y wowomemens wiwithth k keyey n nututririenem anand d vivitatamimin . itit's's n notot j jusust , itit's's a a c comomplpletete .
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this looks like dash cam, but it's not. this is a trip to maui. this is 64.4 miles of twisty, windy, snakey turns. >> what's the matter? >> she doesn't like the road to hona. >> you feel like you are going to throw up? >> they have three daughters in the back seat. they do not like the road. this little girl is in tears. >> it's the road to vomit, isn't it?
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>> they did not make it. they had to turn around. >> this next video, when mom is away, dad is responsible for putting the little boy to sleep. >> he grabs the ukulele and sings "somewhere over the rainbow." it's quite soothing. his son is wide awake, looking around.
9:44 am
>> robert is an australian shepard. challenged these two piglets. the first challenge is to get them to the mud. can he get them to the mud? it was a little too much for him. he called his buddy for help. sage and robert are herding the piglets. they got them to the mud. >> this is so adorable. these tiny piglets honking along. the doggy is herding them around. they are staying in their group. >> the next challenge is getting them through the tunnel. eventually they all make it out. at the very end they get herded to this little victory bath. >> they love it. look at them. >> i didn't know pigs liked little baths. there is video posted on youtube
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where you can get your fix on all things pets. >> you know what i love? this first one is great. he is going to come down the hill. i think will peel off and look awesome. you see the guy coming? pulls it left, pulls it right. >> he stanked it. >> that's the opposite of stuck the landing. the guy doing the selfie lets it happen as the guy goes flying past him and gives a great look at the camera. >> now, that's funny. that's a bad friend. >> he's a great friend to make a funny video out of it. he gets on television. >> he made that into something. >> we've got another video of a guy stanking it, as well.
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he is obviously, kids get out of the way. i'll show you how it's done. listen up though. >> dad's going to die! >> oh, no. >> dad! >> it's a nifty new gadget. make whiskey go down smoother. get the buzz word for a chance to win an ipad mini or flat screen tv.
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there are few places on this planet more perfect for animal viewing than the galapagos island. this group of divers in the war near the darvin arch and wolf island sanctuaries. a whole shiver of hammer head sharks. >> is that because that's the response you get when you see that? >> i think the guy who coined that term probably had the same response. >> see the one dude giving the symbol like, i'm cool? this is all right. no matter there are a whole bunch of hammer heads out there.
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the hammer head shark is on the international union for conservation nature and national resource red list. it's classified as an endangered species. it doesn't look like it here because they are in the middle of the migration. this video put together by david flores at squid film. >> it's stunning footage, terrifying, but stunning. >> the hammer head is awesome looking. they have their pointed tail, wide hammer head. bizarre animal of nature. especially when you see them silhouetted. >> we are passing through. nothing to see her. >> they're full. >> it is tech time for people who want to get their drink on. >> sweet. that's us. >> tell us about how we can get our drink on using technology.
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we'll bring in our drunk. hey, zach. just kidding. we know you're not drunk. this is a cool kick starter campaign. >> whiskey element. the idea is you can improve your whiskey you already have at home and make it better and age it three years in 24 hours. >> you mean it's going to taste better? >> you can improve the already existing flavor. say you have a bottle of jack daniels, jameson. >> can it make whiskey taste like something other than whiskey? >> ignore her. i don't think so. >> how does this work? >> instead of having it in the barrel. they are putting the barrel in the drink. they are able to use capillary action. it allows the liquid to flow through quickly instead of taking a long time as intended when inside a barrel.
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>> the whiskey -- i don't know. >> i want to taste it to see reviews online.enceeally is there are people that claimed this really worked, especially with cheap whiskeys. >> you are not going to want to put this inside a $200 bottle of whiskey. >> there are a lot of backers. they are going with $18,000 and have more than $140,000? >> there are a lot of people definitely interested in this product. a pair of these whiskey elements for only $12. >> would last me like a week. >> i'm suspicious, but intrigued. >> i'm with you there. >> all right, it's time for us to give away another ipad mini. >> you need the buzz word, be at least 18 years old or older and a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to and click on the win ipad button. >> enter on facebook, twitter or both. enter on each every day. >> ready for today's buzz word?
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it is werewolf. >> get over to, click on the win ipad mini inpad. enter werewolf. >> today is bonus day. one will get an ipad mini, another will get a flat screen tv. >> good luck, everybody. >> it's not enough to do a simple base jump any more. >> see how these guys changed things up throwing in a skateboard.
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>> or this bird just is really wanting some camera time. >> grandma's got some hula hooping skills.
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>> it's not enough to base jump. that's so dull. that's so 2013. instead, mix the sports up. here we mix skateboarding and base jumping. this is from base jet streams 2 base dreams 2. he has the skateboard on the railing of this bridge. >> he is very calm standing there. check out this stuff. >> he's got nice balance. it's not enough to stand on that rail jumping. no. that isn't even scary. what you need to do is put that skateboard right there on the edge of that railing. watch what it does. he steps that foot on, holds it. it's terrifying.
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it takes a while before he deploys that parachute. >> this is bonus material from their base dreams 2 youtube series. this isn't even hardcore enough to make it into the reel. this is the bonus stuff. >> he lost a perfectly good skateboard. it's not like you can catch up with that thing. >> that's our show. thanks for joining us. see you for the next edition of "right this minute." of shaving stuff. and thankfully, being able to find backups.
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lifeand thankfully, of shaving stuff.
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being able to find backups. live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." today the controversy is heating up. lashing out in a epic twitter rant. and fran drescher is here talking about her surprising marriage. we're sending someone to vegas for the soul train awards. now here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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