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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  November 5, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST

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two paragliders face what's probably the worst thing that can happen to you. >> tandem flight's descent into terror. >> how did that happen? as police chase a suspect. >> a package threw out the left hand side. >> ditching the goods can't help them ditch the cops. >> what looks like a giant hair ball in the drain is a portly hedgehog. >> he got out of a tight
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squeeze. >> bonus give away day. all you need is the buzz word to win an ipad mini or flat screen tv. >> a magic smart phone trick. the real surprise is yet to come. >> this is probably the worse thing that can happen to you. tandem flight. pulling off this maneuver. see what happens. >> this is the worst thing that could ever happen. >> it looked okay. before they knew it, below them a huge body of water. now they are plunging to their sure death.
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they're in the water. >> they must have just overloaded that wing. >> it seriously just looked like giant scissors came through and shredded this. >> you do see these guys immediately ringnto >> that's literally the worst thing that can happen. >> you call that catastrophic failure. a littering video for you here. there are speeds over 110 miles an hour. you see there was a package that flew out the left hand side. here is another package flying out the left hand side.
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we'll come back to those. the chase continues. they've got a flat on the front. cops notice they've got a flat tire. a police car coming over to the left. gets in front. he decides we are going to get physical with this car. >> nice. that is a well-done maneuver. >> they also had a police helicopter with them. >> the three police cars put them in a sandwich and catch them. this actually happened back in july. the reason we are showing it now, just got posted by police because this has gone through the court system. you remember that littering i was telling but? $320,000 worth of heroin. >> that's heavy stuff. >> these guys were now sent down for six years in prison for the car chase with the heroin. for everything else they were
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able to go back because the cops were able to find the evidence and boom, these criminals have gone down. >> that seems like a light sentence for a car chase, $320,000 worth of heroin. >> good point. >> and littering. >> mostly for the littering. >> if you are an animal and you want a person to rescue you, the person is simon cowell from the wildlife foundation. he's been called in to help a portly hedgehog. >> lifting it out. i thought it would be nice and easy. i dropped him. they kept it for several weeks because the poor little thing
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had worms. it was finally released back into the wild. simon told that person to cover up that drain so it doesn't happen again. >> who knows what a hedgehog is supposed to act like when you pull it out of a drain. he can tell something wasn't quite right and took that extra step to take it back and give it extra care. that's awesome. >> we move down and see a sea turtle stuck in the water. they've got him above the water. they are cutting something off his leg. that's where you see the buoy it's stuck to. >> i like sea turtles. that's the one thing you want to encounter. >> they are friendly. some of them are more than 100 years old. >> you can see this one swims away without any problem.
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guess what, everybody? we are about to give away another ipad mini. today is bonus give away day. that means we are also giving away a flat screen tv. >> all you have to do is have wednesday's buzz word, be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> coming up in just a little bit. >> the rtm ipad mini give away is coming right up. >> there are awful drivers out there. thank god there are very good drivers out there, as well. first of all, let's get beyond the giant smashed bug on the windshield. >> that could cause an accident. >> the remains that were left behind. >> it could, but doesn't. trucker behind the wheel is a ninja, to use ollie's term. watch what happens ahead of him. there is a merge coming, a car coming from the left and car directly in front of him. the guy directly in front of him just jams on the brakes.
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why? two horrible drivers that just don't know how to merge. why would the guy in front jam on his brakes? why was the guy trying to merge? >> what merging is this? >> does he swear or take it like a champ? >> you don't hear the driver say a word. >> the most fascinating part is considering this is australia he didn't use any swear words while crashing. >> all i've got to say about this next one is, i wonder what the other vehicle looks like. >> that is ridiculous. could this be some movie prop or something? >> that's not a real person. that is a mannequin. that's not a real man. >> you are serious? >> look at him. >> you're right. >> that's not a real man. this is some kind of touristy
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thing. this isn't real. >> i'm going with real. >> pay phones are thought to be a thing of the past, but -- >> they are making a big resurgence. >> extreme play ground. >> stomping over everything. >> holy cow! >> the offroad adventure next. re
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i have the worst cold with this runny nose. i better take something. dayquill cold and flu doesn't treat your runny nose. seriously? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms
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this next one for all my offroad petrol heads out there. nothing like good side by side porn, helicopter long lining this polaris, that's what you call making an entrance. this guy has a blast.
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off in the middle of a 600 acre forest in washington. here he goes. this track has more than 20 natural terrain and man-made works of art and took weeks to built. it is just fun to watch. just imagine yourself behind the wheel of this monster polaris stomping over everything. >> holy cow. >> golf would be more fun if this was the golf cart. >> it's so fun to watch. watch this part. i love this log bridge. he doesn't fit on it. he just grinds along. huge amount of speed. carries it up the hill. boom! right over the logging truck.
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imagine what that must feel like? the video ends there. says to be continued. the cliffhanger for their next installment. >> this is a korean man walking the streets picking up trash. apparently he lives there and he decided he did not like the trash that he saw in the area he lived in. he took it upon himself to clean up his community. these guys decided to go out there at 5:00 in the morning to record him. and to show people -- what is this guy doing? >> he's incredibly proactive. he saw a problem and decided to fix it out of the kindness of his heart because i respects his community. >> people throw money at it. united emirates is very wealthy. this guy, i like what he is doing. it's small town almost.
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>> well, get this. that guy walking around town picking up the trash is actually a millionaire investor himself. he could i've that thrown money at the problem. instead, he chose to get his butt out there and clean up. >> bummer part about it is there is that much trash for him to pick up. hopefully his community starts to get like minds like him and say, i can put this in the trash instead of winging it out the window. >> that's what this kid that recorded this video said at the very end. >> believe it or not, this man has been doing this for 11 years. >> and he's still not done cleaning? >> people keep littering. >> i just tidied up. what is wrong with you people?
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>> what i love about magic is the visceral reaction that it gives you. this is a great example. this from chris' youtube channel. you see as the trick's beginning, she is like if there is a spider, this is going to be the end of this. see where this goes. this is a simple trick. he takes a picture of her hand then the magic begins. >> over your hand and the spider will start to come out. it's pretend. >> it's good. it's all ver cool. waves his has the spider. then he asks her to do it.
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>> try again. >> i told you not to do that! >> just storms out. >> is that a real spider? >> no. it's a plastic toy spider. >> i'm sure it's at the bottom of his hand. it's just for the visceral reaction. she did tell him not to do it. >> i told you not to do it! >> dude going all avengers with a heli carrier. what happens when it takes off. and we're giving away an ipad mini and flat screen tv. that means two winners get
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wednesday's buzz word for your chance to win.
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the pay phone, dead technology? i think it's dead. back in 2004 in new york city there was about 25,000 pay phones. today with the advent of the cell phone, they are down to about 3,200 pay phones.
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they are still out there, but are not used very often. one of the reasons why they have to get pulled out? they corrode. here is why. >> this is usually do to both humans and dogs urinating frequently on the pedestal. >> gross. that is only one of the reasons why these two guys are out there maintaining these pay phones. they go out in the evenings and make sure the pay phones are working and pull the money out, but even though the pay phone technology is kind of dead, they are making a big resurgence. pay phone may have a whole new life on the streets out there you may start to see more of them. here's why. >> just like in your home. you have a modem and router. here it's a little more meat to it. people end up logging in. they don't know it comes from the pay phone. >> what? the wi-fi hot spots are coming through the pay phone? >> yes. the old pay phone superstructures are being
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repurposed. they are already sitting on the street with electricity running through . you can use your cell phones. the carriers are looking to pay for the wi-fi hot spots with some advertising. that is a cool way to reuse this old technology. >> i'm trying to think of the last time i saw a pay phone. was it in an airport? >> yeah. not many left, but a neat idea. >> i was messing around on facebook this morning, i mean doing research, i came across this super cool video. i'm sure everybody in the room saw "the avengers." you may remember the heli carrier. an aircraft carrier that can fly. it is awesome. well, i came across this on the flight test facebook page. these guys like to build stuff. after construction, look what
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these guys have done. the remote-controlled heli carrier takes off. it's got a nice platform there. that's pretty cool. >> impressive they got something that looked like an ironing board to fly. that's impressive itself. >> what's impressive is his energy level. >> i want to see the follow-up video where they land. >> it's time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> it's simple. you need the buzz word, need to be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to and hit the win the ipad button. >> ready to reveal wednesday's buzz word? it is heritage.
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>> go over to and click on the win ipad button and enter heritage. >> get this, today is bonus give away day. that means one winner is going to get an ipad mini. a second winner will get a flat screen tv good. luck, everybody. a little game of american flang. >> i want whatever that is. >> do we really have to say that?
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instead, now he is alive with his family. what do we know about canadian slang? >> i thought they speak perfectly. >> it isn't our slang. our friends are going to help us out a little bit. we'll play along. let's play. cracker baseball. what could that be?
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>> slang for things we never do. >> kick ball. >> holy crap. no one else could get this, but you guys got it immediately. number two, bunny hug. >> i want whatever that is. >> sex. >> sex. >> i'm going to say a warm hat. >> something dirty. >> a sweatshirt. >> do we really have to say what we think this is? >> yes, you do. >> so rude. >> this can't be canadian slang. >> i hope that stands for homogenized milk. >> pass me the homo milk to feed the baby. she is crying here. >> house coat. >> robe. >> that is a bathrobe. >> a supply teacher. >> i'm going to guess a derogatory term for somebody? >> substitute teacher.
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>> substitute teacher. >> these guys are all part canadian. >> i thought drug dealer. >> mickey could be anything. i say penis. >> a beer. >> i think mickey means beer, right? >> is this a drug? >> a hot dude. >> a bottle of liquor. >> didn't have that i house coat cinched up and i think someone spotted my mickey. >> that's our show, everybody. see you for the next "rtm." - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails )
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10:00 am
♪ live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." today, niecy nash is here with the scoop of her show "getting on." then, she's playing "gnash'sa ca cash" to send home viewers with the green. and from "fix my choir," dietrick hadden gives a live performance. plus, all of today's juiciest "hot topics." now, here's wendy! ♪ [ wild cheering and applause ] ♪


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