tv Right This Minute FOX November 10, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST
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construction workers realize something is buried. >> under the bricks. >> the moment they spot a cute face in need of rescue. a pilot's in the kind of plane -- >> that you can build yourself. >> why the landing is hands-on, too. >> oh, [ bleep ]! ♪ i got the eye of the tiger >> opportunities turn katy perry's megahit into a crusade against cancer. now meet the tough, young lady who inspired the roar for britney. >> this is like the perfect song for me. we need to play it when i beat
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this cancer. >> plus, the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini and a fascinating look at being -- >> think they are vampires. it's not something you can tell people, hey, i'm a vampire. >> see the underground world where they're getting a bite to drink. >> ever drink it? check out this precious cat. tell me it is not gorgeous? look at that face. but when i go to the very beginning of the video, you are going to hate the poor situation the cat was in. this is a construction zone, apparently construct crews were renovating this stairwell but the crazy thing, the cat was buried under the bricks. apparently because of builder negligence. and these are good samaritans that are actually there breaking the ground to let the cat out.
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>> oh, that's heartbreaking. >> but how awesome that these people came to the rescue. how in the world did they even know? >> well, you can hear. it is believed that the cat may have been there at least a week, maybe as long as two weeks. these guys decided, we're going to do the job ourselves so they took hammers, crowbar, drills, their own hand and able to break enough of the floor to let the cat out. >> there he is. pulled him right out. >> isn't that cute? what a cute, precious moment. >> oh, that poor little cat. look at that little face. >> i can't believe that someone did this intentionally. i can't believe somebody had the heart to do that. >> it was taken to the hospital. cat is totally fine, trying to figure out if it has an owner or a way to give it a forever home.
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>> this guy flying a kit box. the a small lightweight plane that you can build yourself. >> would you fly something you could build out? like grabbing an ikea table and putting wings on it. >> it's a well-established plane. there is a small landing strip in the middle of the fields. see it right there? there's the green patch and a dirt runway that he lands on. here we go. nice, low, and slow. things are going just fine. touchdown. little bit of a bounce. gets auch the runway, to the right. >> okay. [ bleep ]! oh [ bleep ]! i throughout we were okay. >> [ bleep ]! >> son of a [ bleep ]. >> when they got off to the right they got into a field that
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caught up in the wheels and over they go. what's ironic, after the pilot says we're okay -- >> did the camera fall out? i don't think it fell out. i think it fell up against the windshield, which is in the dirt. >> supposed to be able to i survived a plane crash. >> i throughout we were okay. [ bleep ]! >> son of a [ bleep ]! >> i kind of feel the light, forks in the road, one way to go or the other. a couple of people who went the wrong way at the fork. a coffee shop in manila, the philippines. a gaggle of friends in the left hand corner, they walk out. keep an eye on the girl looking like she's trying to order her extremely overpriced coffee. she reached that fork, she's seen the people there before left their iphone on the chair. straight over, picks up, give it to the barista? no, no, slip it into my bag. >> maybe waiting for somebody to call the phone, yes, i've phone
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cough coffee shop. >> nice of you to suggest that. she takes the phone. they are looking for her. that's one of those moments. she made the wrong decision. another video. it's a security camera in somebody's bedroom. but of the of the a few seconds the curtain moves. >> this creep me out, somebody you don't know is creeping around in your house and doesn't see it. >> this isn't a stranger. this is the neighbor. he lives nearby. this very same guy robbed them before. >> that's why they put the cameras in. >> exactly why they put the cameras in. you can see later, a beautiful look at his face. they showed the cops the video, they laughed, we know this guy, caught him, put him in jail 24 hours and said nothing we can do. let him go. didn't search for the money. now the guy has gone back to his home village. of course they are irritated. >> nothing they can do? they have video proof of this
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guy breaking the law. >> this is like justice done and justice totally not served. >> the latest winner in the ipad mini giveaway, rosa from antioch, california. congratulator everybody else, your chance to win an ipad mini coming up. >> monday's buzzword, need to be 18 and a legal u.s. resident. >> the buzzword coming up in a bit. >> stand by, for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> you know, the animals in the video have attitude. i want you to guess which one has the most. a lion and we've got a moray eel. in a preserve in the cougar national park. here comes a lion up to the car. >> oh. aww. >> he just wants to sleep. >> dude, turn the lights off.
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>> that's what i think is going on. that was his attitude. here's the eel, in maui. dave, who was scuba diving, encountered a white mouth eel and the eels have something to say about. the eel's like, look, i've got a date with the lady, leave plea alone. then it comes after him. watch this in slow motion. you can see what dave does. the eel, not exactly happy to see him. >> just throws sand in his eye. >> this one, i think the eel has a bigger attitude. >> he wants people to respect his privacy. doesn't like paparazzi around, i can understand. and the lion is just grumpy. he's probably hungry, he's a male lion and he's complaining because the female lions haven't brought him any food. >> i team decides to ditch the waves to search -- in can or employ wrong in so many ways. >> see the stunt that dot him
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don't forget to dvr "right this minute" and never miss another video. >> australia, great country. famous for surfing, everybody look is to go surfing after work, they can because they live in australia. but of course they get bored of just surfing waves so some 15-year-old children decided to go surfing trains. you see this kid here, in his red hoodie, surfing the back of a train across sydney harbor bridge. we actually footage tt keith himself was shooting at the time here. get an idea what it's like to surf the train. other kids saw that, they decided to get involved. you can see here, right at the station, jumping on the back,
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the train tupulling out, ride across the bridge, jump off. comments on stupidity, anybody? >> maybe they were broke and didn't have money to ride in the train? >> no, they're broke up here. they got no sense. >> exactly what the police are saying. they're saying it's woefully recklessly irresponsible, especially over the sydney harbor bridge. you do anything wrong there you're falling off the bridge, it's going to shut everything down. i've said it before, to be old and wise versus young and stupid. i was young and stupid but never this stupid. >> this can go so horribly wrong in many ways. it's incredible we're not reporting more saying the three teenagers were killed when they fell off the bridge. >> it's happened before. kids have died from doing dumb things like this. >> now, cops did catch up with them. in fact one, 15 years old, will be in children's court december 15th to decide his fate. >> the students at gallatin county school decided to create
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a video from the megahit song by katy perry "roar." ♪ i used to hold my breath >> you see, a couple of girls getting out of banner that says "we love you, britney" walk throughout campus of the school. everything is shot in one single, continuous shot. >> wow, everybody's got inspirational shirts on. this is awesome. >> notice they're wearing purple and lime green. these are the favor rilt colors of one classmate, britney richardson. she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. and she's been undergoing treatment. >> her entire school decided to come together to show how much they love and support her throu this process. >> can you imagine how much hope and inspiration this would give you? because with cancer, you have to fight every single day. >> the fact doing a single shot
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thing like this takes a lot of planning. >> right. >> a lot of planning. >> to get that many high schoolers on the same page, wearing the same colors, it's like hearding katz. >> they all did it, it's awesome. takes us into the gym, you see a bunch of classmates on the bleachers ♪ you're going to hear me roar >> awesome! >> happy tingles. >> to tell us how she feels about the fact this video was made, we have britney via skype right this minute. welcome to the show. did you have any clue that your classmates were planning this video? and what did you feel when you saw it? >> i did not know at all. i was shaking when i first seen it. i was so happy. >> how many times have you watched this? >> probably like seven or eight times. >> what would you say to all of the people who participated in the video. >> >> i don't know because i feel like thank you is not strong enough word. >> tell me why you think all of
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the people came together to create this video especially for you. >> i guess they are telling me they hadn't forgot about me and they love me. because it's a very small school. we all grew up together like from little kids. >> is "roar" one of your favorite songs? is that why they picked it for you. >> when i first got somethidiag that's when she first came out with "roar." when i heard it, i said to my best friend, i said, this is like the perfect song for me. after that, that it was it. people hear that, they text me, britney i heard your song. >> how you think this video will make you feel as you continue this fight. >> >> it's going to be something that's going to be very close to my heart for the rest of my life. >> why a wife's surprise gift had her husband in tears. >> wait until the very last words of the video. >> next "right this minute." and still to come -- >> exploring nepal with eight
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the amount that's coming into my mouth. it's like taking a shot. >> this man is a vampire. >> come on. >> he calls himself a human, living vampire. there are people in the country who think they are vampires, and they actually, for real, drink human blood. he goes by the name of belfizar but he and other people gathered in new orleans to have a set where they came out of the coffin, so to speak, hanging out in public with this woman, dana, a blood donor and she has donated blood multiple times. >> what do they do? >> this guy does use an exacto knife and talks about it. >> it's very important, espec l especially the health of the donor and the trust of the donor to see they're getting a clean blade. >> he's not the only one. this one has removable fangs. another man considers himself a human, living vampire. he says vampires aren't made, they're born that way. >> i consider myself hlv, human living vampire. yes, i'm a real vampire.
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i drink blood. >> no, you're not! >> who are the blood donors. >> i'm worried about them. >> we get to see somebody donate. >> oh! >> you see him drink. and he talks about it. >> a good bleeder. >> she's a good bleeder. so gross! >> look, everybody has their own interests. i don't like to judge, but that is bizarre. >> not something you see every day. you're going to get something bad. >> notice these people don't look like vampires in the movies. looks look a normal guy until he puts on his fangs. >> he's not a vampire. he is a normal, real guy. >> if he wants to be called a var people, i'm going to call him a vampire. >> i'm going to call him a psychologist. >> being born in asia, my parents in the travel industry, for years i have been all over the world. top of the list, favorite place is nepal. devon supertramp went to nepal, shot it beautiful 4k. enjoy the wonderment.
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first up monkey temple in katmandu. you can see, the prayer flags. the way it works, when the wind blows the flags it counts as a prayer. see the monkey? >> on the swing. >> like drop it. >> oh my gosh. the cutest monkey footage ever shot. >> it's really cute. >> gets out there, he could have been shooting the himalayas. it's more about meeting people, getting energy. you see the cool stuff almost behind the scenes stuff where the kids are into his camera, things like that. also really great footage from the national park. you can go and do elephant back safari, wander around, right up to the rhinos, right up to the tigers. so cool. it's shot so beautifully.
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>> his videos never cease to amaze. captures moments. >> he also captures how kind and friendly the world is. we see so much negativity coming from different parts of the world. he seems to capture the great spirit of humanity. >> all right, everyone. it's time for us give away an ipad mini. >> you're going to neat the buzz w word, be 18, and a legal u.s. resident. >> click on the ipad butten. enter every day. >> it's time to reveal monday's buzzword. ready? >> i'm ready. >> it is medium. so get on over to, click on win ipad mini mini and enter monday's buzzword, medium. >> one day later this week is bonus giveaway day. on that day, two winners, one gets an ipad mini, the other
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flat screen tv. you have to watch every single day. good luck, everybody. a lady sends her husband and his buddy on a mission to -- >> clear the house of zombies. >> see what scary surprises await them inside. whwhoaoa!! [s[snonortrt]] yuyum!m! f flilintntststonone. jujustst l likike e rerealal d! ththesese e arare e didinon. chchewewy y ininsisidede, , cr. nenew w flflinintststotonenes s.
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obie baby kenobi. >> didn't seem to like it. >> sam is walking right up to his front door. this happened on halloween night. there's a note. what does it say? >> you're [ bleep ] in the house. i'm in the basement. i'll kill them up. >> set up zombie experience with the hubby or something? >> kind of exactly what happened. she left some guns for him right you'd side. they are locked and loaded. now they have to clear the house of zombies.
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>> oh, those are creepy zombie moans. >> ahhh! >> so far, so good, right? >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> what just happened. >> zombies. >> they missed that one. that zombie snuck up on him. >> [ bleep ]. >> here they are in the bathroom. >> wow, that one didn't even fight. >> the bedroom is where the wife is. >> check under the bed! >> oh! [ bleep ]! >> oh, no. >> i flew it. >> it was under the bed. >> i knew it, i knew it. >> they end up in the garage.
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they think they're done. >> this is our last stand, buddy. >> [ bleep ]. >> oh! >> video is about to end we see that a zombie actually attacks the plan. >> what a great way to start a halloween party. now all of your friends are there everybody's dressed. now it's just party. >> happy halloween. >> incredible. thank you. >> that's our show, everybody, thanks for joining us, we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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. a busy intersection leads to -- >> a brush with death. >> why that woman should not cross at that crosswalk. >> basically one of his hips has popped out. >> a dog in desperate need of surgery. >> was going to be euthanized but rescued. >> how dr. matt gave hunter a new leash on life. took on the challenge with gusto. >> drink a beer, run a lap, drink another beer. >> meet the mother of six whose record setting run made her famous. >> i wasn't expecting that. >> plus, the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini. and a
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