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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  November 10, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST

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. a busy intersection leads to -- >> a brush with death. >> why that woman should not cross at that crosswalk. >> basically one of his hips has popped out. >> a dog in desperate need of surgery. >> was going to be euthanized but rescued. >> how dr. matt gave hunter a new leash on life. took on the challenge with gusto. >> drink a beer, run a lap, drink another beer. >> meet the mother of six whose record setting run made her famous. >> i wasn't expecting that. >> plus, the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini. and a video that --
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>> will change your life. >> why you'll never feel safe in the bathroom again. >> oh! >> it's very important, whenever out anywhere in the world, keep your head on a swivel and look out. the first video, dash cam footage from a taxi in quebec, canada the taxi pulls up, at a stop light. pay close attention to the pedestrian on right-hand side of the screen. >> oh, oh. >> holy cow! >> holly cow is right! a brush with death. that woman not injured because she was paying attention. that was a 50-year-old woman behind the camera that crashed. she lost control of the car, head-on, into the light pole. >> pretend everybody on the road is going to lose control anytime. we all trust each other. it's crazy. >> i hope for that pedestrian, this is an opportunity for a new life. >> i hope so, too, because that
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would be the perfect moment to just say, i'm going to live a whole different way. the next video, traffic cam footage from china. you see a woman crossing the street, looks like she might be doi this in an area tt designated for a pedestrian. >> i think you're right. >> but, watch this. remember, keep your head on a swivel. >> what are you doing? >> where is she? >> where did she go? >> she did end up getting hit by the bus. the woman did survive the crash. she did end up causing a multicar collision because she wasn't paying attention in that crosswalk. >> wait a minute. pedestrian crossing, you see the blue line right there. reports say she was the cause of the multicar collision. take a look at aftermath. >> oh, no. >> she was taken to the hospital. she had a few broken bones but expected to recover. these videos prove that money you donate to animal rescues go to help animals in various situations. we start at veteran.
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and dr. matt. this dog is hunter. hunter was going to be euthanized but rescued. hunter was brought in to him because they realized that hunter had a hard time walking. >> this side right here, you can see, has a bitty bump. he walks around with one hip out of the socket. >> they're going to cut off the top of the dog's femur. >> the bone on bone contact is making the pain for him, that's why he's limping around. if you take that out, it will be a lot better. >> here's the x-ray of what the dog looked like before the surge rip normal hip on the right. on the left, that's the hip where he's got trouble. >> yeah. >> he does show us the surgery, this may be difficult for some to watch. >> i have this wire, which is our saw, i have it wrapped around right there. >> oh! >> you can watch again, beth. >> there is hunter, post-surgery. he was adopted. >> doing well. getting better and putting more and more weight on the hip. >> hunter is going to lead a nice, happy life.
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the other guy we like around here, he's with hope for paws rescue in california. he was aided this time by it's the pit rescue, because the family's house was destroyed by fire. the family was okay. the dog was okay. but the family left and they left the dog behind. they hadn't returned for weeks. they're going in to rescue this pit bull. >> okay. >> this is habi. what do you think this guy gave him a dog to lure him over? >> a burger. >> slow. good boy. >> popeye is taken to the center, introduced to a cat. >> good boy. now happy and safe. and this is just another example of when you donate to these rescue, this is what they do. >> some lousy people in this world. to the uk. this woman in the pink shirt standing in her driveway when the woman in the striped shirt walked up to her, struck up a
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conversation, started to chat. i got this necklace, it would look so pretty on you. so she puts the necklace ash the woman's neck. yeah, you know what that looks so nice, thank you. but okay, you don't want to buy the necklace? i'll take the necklace back off of you and i'll be on my way. the woman leaves, gets in the jeep, off she goes. did you see what happened? >> she stole her necklace? >> she did. she put on a bogus necklace and took off the woman's necklace she was wearing, a more valuable necklace, left her with a piece of junk that she put on the neck. the woman in the ping never noticed. >> awful. how creepy. i mean, you feel like you wouldn't let somebody just come up to you and try to sell you something like that. >> yeah. too bad. it's sad to see. now in a similar video, this one in india, street cameras picking up action. that guy, riding his bike around and around the city streets.
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a mature woman minding her own business. watch what that guy does. boom. >> her necklace. >> just by swiping her necklace right f her neck. there's a glitch in the video right at that moment, but you still see it quite clearly. she tries to go after the guy on the bike but has no chance. good news here, though, is because it was caught on camera, other people saw this, police were immediately able to jump on top of this. they did capture the guy. he did admit to stealing it because of financial constraints in his own life. >> the latest winner in the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. rosa from antioch, california. congratulations. for everybody else, your chance to win an ipad mini coming up. monday monday's buzzword, be 18, and a u.s. legal resident. >> buzzword coming up in a lilt bit. >> stand by for the "rtm" ipad mini giveway. >> i will bring you the
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inspirational story of chris who broke the world record for the women's mile. not only that, she's a mother of six. >> what? >> this world record broken on a track in austin, texas, just the or day, and i've got the footage. but it's a special mile. >> oh. >> is that shotgunning a beer. >> not shotgunning a beer. that would be against the rules of the beer mile. what happens is, you have to drink a beer, run a lap, drink another beer, keep going. it's four laps on the track, four beers. it has to be from a can or a bottle minimum of 12 ounces, and you've got to just run and break the record. finishes the third one, and she's away. i should tell you in the rule of the beer mile if you chunder, throw up, you have to do a penalty lap. >> how did she do? i'm dying to know how faf sst s
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ran this thing. >> six minutes, 28.6 seconds. >> she ran a six-minute mile, had time in between laps to pound beers? >> it's not only that, she knocked 13 seconds off the record as well. you can see how excited she is here. pretty cool, right? i'm sure we have all kinds of questions. as you know "right this minute," we have her live "right this minute." hello, crisp. >> whoo! >> how did you hear about the beer mile? >> we heard it was world championships? austin. we should see if we can get in. that was last spring. it was two weeks ago i went to get my race packet for the ten-milder i just did. the on theowner's like i want you to run. i'll try it, i'll let you know. that's the d i i haven't chugge honestly since college.
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that was my first beer chug in 25 years. >> good job. good job. >> i never felt like i was going to throw up. >> how does it feel to get attention for this one mile? >> the guy that recorded it, we gave it so they could view it, know whether or not i did it or not, put me in an elite field. and then he put it on youtube i think that's what kind of made it go viral. >> you do realize it's not every day that mothers of six go out and run a beer mile? >> i'm not the average mom, i guess. >> it's a great record. great video. you're a great mom as well. thank you so much for talking to us. >> the mom is the best part. >> a couple of guys play lumberjack to take down a tree. >> what's the worst? >> how this job turns into chop-chop oh snap! and the cutest thing to come trotting down a hall.
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. - "dear scan, "i've been a scan member for almost two years and have been very satisfied with the plan." - "i would like to thank you and your organization from top to bottom." - "i recently called into scan regarding a claims problem." - "i had been going round and round with a problem with a prescription drug order." - "it is nice to know that one phone call to you, and you take care of it right away." - "your kindness and helpfulness has been appreciated "more than you will ever know.
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i could not have done it without your help." - i'll never be able to thank them enough. uh...and it's the truth. - "thank you so much. sincerely, donna markow." - "sincerely, shirley ramgren." - "sincerely, shirley ramgren." - that's what really sets scan apart from everybody else. scan cares. - i don't know a better way to say it than, the heart of scan. - scan, for your health and independence.
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ladies, you play not be aware that you've got two rather strapping men at this table. we were men. you know what men do? fix things. what's the worst that can happen, nick? this comes to us from france. two words that shouldn't be combined, amateur lumberjacks. >> oh! >> oh my gosh! >> trying to chop the top off of the tree you can see there's a guy up there in the tree that's been doing the cutting and you can see a rope coming off to the right-hand side, his buddy's got a rope, acting as the counterweight. >> oh, no! >> this guy gets yanked like 100 miles an hour towards the trunk of the tree and gets wrapped around. >> exactly. >> is he alive? he did survive, he did break his arm, though.
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>> next up, we go to mumbai in india, where a bus has crashed into a residential building. it's not too bad. what do they do? get the jcb nearby and pull the bus up. looks like they need another jcb to get that jcb out of the problem there. >> dogs and costumes sometimes sup supersweet, sometimes superscary. start with supersweet. this is the super adorable i can't handle it, it's so cute costume. >> it's an ework. >> it is an ewow. >> munchkin is wearing the teddy
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bear costume made with the stuffed animal that was basically gutted, stuffing taken out of the teddy bear. face was cut off and slipped into little munchkin's body and it's walking towards you -- >> looks like an ewok. >> that's even better. >> squatted down. >> focus. >> this is scary. here's a man in a costume of a cow. >> not scary to most of us. but the dog, mika, doesn't like it. >> terrifying. >> doesn'e of the giant cow in his front room. >> there's no way the dog would recognize its owner. i mean, full-on cow costume with face paint. that would scare me.
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>> real or fake with ebaum's world. dude gets quick karma. a hidden hole take as guy out. >> thinking that car was going to stop. >> and a rapper's photo shoot turns into a photo flop. >> i'm going with fake on this one. >> find out which of these fails has us fooled. and get the monday buzzword you need for a shot at winning an ipad mini.
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it's monday, the start of the workweek, and the day we get to check in with mac dreidel from ebaum's world. real or fake videos. >> viewers love plea. i get mess ages, we love the real or fake segment, so we give it to them. >> video number one. >> if that person is drunk, i believe this can possibly be true. and i do believe that person might be drunk. >> what makes it real is that last fall. isn't that gold right there? >> it's real and it's a muppet. >> real. >> five reals. >> just posted to the santa barbara police department, facebook page. it is real. >> here's the next one.
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>> you don't know the pit is there? >> he was thinking that that car was going to stop. >> is it possible that this was set up because of the reaction of the dude who is on the side of the car. he doesn't look back to see his buddy. he like bends over laughing. >> he's a guy. you see a guy fall over, what do you do? >> i don't think it looks suspicious. i'm going with real. >> real as well. >> maybe the guy in the red was concerned about the car that kept rolling and he didn't have more of a reaction to the guy. hi, guy. i'm going to say real. >> i'm only one saying fake. >> you're in the wrong on this one. definitely real. feel-good video because at the end of the video you can see him climbing up out of the pit. it's not like he got seriously injured or anything. >> he didn't feel good. >> third and final video. >> [ bleep ]. oh! >> i'm going with fake on this one because what good photographer would shoot with
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the sun in the background? >> not always. >> no? >> photographers do like back light. a rapper? >> comes by way of extra medium productions in clear water, florida. the rapper is -- >> trying to create some sort of persona, maybe a viral video would help make him become more popular. >> the thing about rappers, they're trying to look cool. >> good point. you're right. i say real. >> i say real. >> we've got real, real, real, fake. >> i'll go with real on this one, too because he does not look cool at all. >> mac? >> i did my research, seems legit. fell in the oyster bed, had to rush him to the hospital, had cuts all over him, and he's just healing now and enjoying the attention. >> gosh. >> presto, and he was gone. >> [ bleep ]. oh! >> this is called the all i own house and it was created by four young spanish architects for look how cool this is.
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what you have is one room but that one room can turn into four living spaces because there are three shelves that you can move and change one room into another. started with the kitsch. but you see the big, round spot. that's her work area, a chalk board. >> where do you keep the furniture? >> furniture folds down. you have a folding down table in the kitchen, the bed folds down and bring in chairs because you have lots of storage in moving shells. >> it's lik the transforming we >> these can weigh up to 1700 pounds sheep can move them around. >> if you're a couple, this is difficult because there's no room to run into and spllam the door. >> places with high population density, we get small places to live, a smart idea. >> great way to utilize space. >> kind of cool. >> all right, everyone, it's time for us give away an ipad mini. >> answer your going to need the buzzword, be 18 years old and a
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legal u.s. resident. >> head over to and click on the win ipad button. >> enter buzzword and -- >> ready to reveal? >> ready. >> medium. so get on over to, click on the win ipad mini button and enter monday's buzzword, medium. >> and guess what? one day later this week, bonus giveaway day. we'll have two winners, one ipad mini, the other flat screen tv. watch every single day. good luck, everybody. a heads up for this video. >> prepare to get the squeamishes of your life. >> you'll be thinking twice of your next trip to the bathroom. >> oh! whwhoaoa!! [s[snonortrt]] yuyum!m! f flilintntststonone. jujustst l likike e rerealal d! ththesese e arare e didinon.
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chchewewy y ininsisidede, , cr. nenew w flflinintststotonenes s.
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hey! welcome home! woah, this kitchen looks beautiful. hey mom! it's bigger! it's great, right? give him the tour. let me show you! quartz countertop, soft-close drawers, farm sink, under cabinet lighting, look at this spice rack. um... where's my room? right there where it's always been! we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen.
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just slide right in! ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. >> i am not exaggerating this short veo will change your life.
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a camera trained on a bathroom scene. we have a toilet. we have an empty roll of toilet paper and i rat trap. prepare to get squeamishes of your life. >> i know what's happening. >> wait for it. >> yeah. >> wait for it. >> oh! >> i would never pee again. >> exactly. next time you sit on that toilet, imagine this. that is a rat that has come up from underneath the water of that toilet. the description says, renters in this apartment were wondering where the rats were coming from. so they set the camera up and, surprise -- >> what made them think it was coming from the toilet? >> what have they been eating? that's what i want to know? >> did it ever get out of the toilet? >> doesn't show in this video it got out of the toilet. there is potential, possibility, that somebody put a rat in the toilet for the sake of video.
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who knows? but, i know next time i go have a seat, this is going to be in my mind. >> easy for rats to get up, duct through, he's out. >> all it takes -- >> somebody's going to have nightmares. >> i'm going to be afraid to poop. >> you'll be thinking about this, guarantee. ♪ >> that's it for us at "right this minute." thanks for joining us. see you next time, everybody.
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live from new york city, it's the westendy will jums sho. wendy breaks it down and new drama for jersey housewives stars teresa and joe. will prison mean an end to their marriage? we have the inside scoop. and real life hot topics vict victoria gotti and her sons are here. now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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