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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  November 20, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST

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good samaritans not so good to an 86-year-old after they lured him to part of the garage. how despicable he and she pulled off their dirty deed. >> he is a pro kayaker who has done more than 100 waterfalls. >> can he pull off his highest one yet? >> it's one of the biggest urban legends in the gaming world. >> are there really millions of these games in new mexico? >> meet the man behind a documentary that finally solves
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the mystery. >> you get out there and it's like 28 feet under ground. it's quite an undertaking. >> the buzz word for your shot at a new ipad mini. >> a prank on a snooping girlfriend that backfired. and my sandwich selfie. munching on a beth troutman can feed the homeless. >> this is not what good samaritans are supposed to do? this is a parking garage in sydney, australia. you see an 86-year-old man frank carlino. that woman right there lured him to part of a garage offering him a ride home. this man was lurking in the background. when he approached them, he punched the man in the face. they are rifling through his pockets because he is retired and just went to get money from
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the bank. he fell to the ground. you could see him using the cane trying to beat these people off. >> that is the lowest of the low. >> after they walk off taking their ill-gotten goods, this poor man can't get up. this car drives up quickly. a woman parked. she comes to give him assistance and gets security. good news is that a woman has been arrested in connection to this incident. they are still looking for the man involved. >> this one has a better ending. this man is in a backyard. not his backyard. he gets spooked quickly because of the family dog. it looks like he is about to creep into the house, but suddenly he is jumping the fence. that is a yorkie. >> yorkie on patrol. >> what is not expecting to see
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that little peanut. >> a pitbull or something. german shepard. want to see something epic? this qualifies. this is a waterfall drop. this is in michigan. the second largest fall east of the mississippi. this is pro kayaker from brazil. he is 27 years old. he has kayaked all over the world, more than 100 waterfalls. this is his biggest. >> it looks like he was prepared for the worst. he has helmet, arm protection, wearing a life vest. no, no, no. he made it out just fine. he does have an extreme sports photographer reporting all this. you see him come back out.
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this is a huge deal for him. >> frequently they will get a busted nose or hit their head if they are not careful. >> this is a bunch of guys practicing in this old housing area in germany. the security company has now taken over this area because there have been kids hanging around bothering people. these guys have been training for years. there is a running battle with these security guys. this is where the video picks up when some of the security guys spot them. they drop down the side of the fence. we are going to leg it. these guys obviously are big into gaming. while they are running away from the security guys, they are having fun at the same time.
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they start calling out moves to each other. >> the security guys are never going to catch up to these guys. they are going so fast while doing tricks. >> this is going to have another level of fun and excitement. they come across the road. they go running up the stairs. they start leaping over walls. another achievement there. security guards still chasing them? it looks like they were far away from that initial spot. >> they let the guy catch up with them. this is where they can show what they can do. they start leaping over walls. eight, ten feet. it's a really cool video. for me as a gamer, one of my favorite games was mirror's edge. you are running. evading security. the guys have done that.
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they made real life edge. >>. >> it's just about time for us to give away another ipad mini. today is bonus give away day. that means we are giving away a flat screen tv. that means two winners today. you are going to need a couple of things. thursday's buzz word. you need to be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. the buzz word is coming up in a little bit. some extreme snowfall in western new york. in fact, in that area the snowfall is so extreme that people are saying it's the kind of snow they are going to be telling their grandchildren about. these are folks used to snow. you know when that happens, people get their cameras rolling. >> it's about 26 degrees outside. >> ken and kristen.
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their cameras are rolling and they are doing crazy stuff. they are doing extreme blizzard surfing. >> i thought they would do fun stuff. they went into the water. are you insane? >> i got shrinkage just watching that. >> this from a guy who you can see has about 5 1/2 feet of snow out in his front yard. they've got big front loader, excavators. >> they are trying to plow as much as they can. >> they are using earth-moving equipment to remove the snow. >> i bet they are having fun. >> it's not just difficult for the humans. there are also videos of the struggles animals are going through. see that little speck right there out in the snow? that's a deer. >> what? >> oh, my god. the poor deer. >> the people behind the camera are heartbroken.
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the guy case what am i going to do? if the deer can't get through, how do i get through? you see the deer going through almost dolphin style making his way through the snow. >> what about the animals who live at home with their families? they've got to do number two sometimes. maybe tinkle. >> there you go. go in your poop cage. >> thank goodness the video ends before we see any -- >> there you go, go in your own poop cage. >> meet arthur, a truck driver full of rage. >> traffic, hold on. >> if you are stuck in this traffic day after day, you have to blow off steam. >> a new documentary is digging up the truth on the urban legend behind the atari gaming system. >> did they find anything?
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want to see a video again and again? head over to share them with your friends. >> traffic congestion in the united kingdom is a bear. imagine if you're a truck driver what that must be like? >> they call it rush hour. >> calm down, everyone. it's not a race. it's not rushing. >> this is arthur. he's a truck driver in the uk. this is a compilation of his videos behind the wheel of his truck. >> what's worse than being stuck behind an average driver? being stuck behind two. >> should he be behind the wheel? >> i've got to believe if you're stuck in this traffic day after day as a trucker, you've got to
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blow off steam. if he is doing it in the privacy of his cab and not getting physical with other drivers, go for it. >> often you are sitting. >> i bet this gets his anger out. >> how british people react to sunglasses. then i realized -- >> we don't sell them! >> back in august and i'm sure you remember this. i was like a giddy kid. the coolest thing ever happened. i went to oakland, california, to visit ice. we unveiled the beth troutman sandwich. we brought a ton in. i paid ike another visit because now he's unveiled a poster that goes along with the sandwich.
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this is going up in all 17 of ike's current locations, including in his brand-new location that opened in westwood, california, right near the campus of ucla. i got to sign one. he's making copies of the poster and hanging it up. they are looking to open up new locations in seattle, boston, new orleans. they are trying to open up all kinds of ike's sandwiches. >> people are going to be munching on beth troutman sandwiches nationwide. >> i teamed up with the united food bank. for every beth troutman sandwich sold they are donating $2 to the united food bank. >> that is awesome. >> did ike mention how well your sandwich is selling? one of the top requests. >> while i was in there i was standing under my poster saying, hey, you should order this sandwich we ended up raising
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enough for 70 some meals in the half hour, 45 minutes i was there. >> they're good. >> one of our editors jake was there. i got plenty of footage on my cell phone of jake eating. >> that's really good, beth. >> he is planning his 4th birthday party. see if he can get the name right. >> today is bonus give away day. don't miss the buzz word to win an ipad mini or flat screen tv.
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there is a huge urban legend based around something many of us grew up with, atari 2600. >> it was like xbox and playstation rolled into one. had 80% market share. >> was the beginning of the digital gaming revolution. >> one day it was just gone. some time in the mid '80s it just disappeared. >> there is a new documentary called atari game over that chronicles the history of atari and its impact on pop culture. and what happened to atari. >> i forgot about the et game. >> the fbi keeps attacking you.
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you fall into a hole. if you get out of the hole, you fall back down. >> one of the major design falls was et fell into pits and guess what? it now lives out its days in a land fill. >> was it the down fall of atari? that's one of the things this documentary looks into. the urban legend when atari folded in the early '80s, they dumped truck load of games into a new mexico landfill. >> this whole area is where it's buried people don't believeusme. >> did they find anything? >> let's find out. we have joining us right this minute the creator and director of atari game over zach pen. you've got writer credits on "incredible hulk", "the avengers." what made you tell this story? >> it got offered to me.
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someone said we want to do a movie about atari. i said stop, we'll do it. no one called et the worst game of all time when it came out. this crazy legend of the game getting buried got linked to the fact it wasn't a good game and atari crumbled and suddenly this story emerged which was et was the worst game ever, it destroyed atari. >> was it a scavenger hunt? >> i thought it's no trouble. it's like 2,800 feet under ground. it was quite the undertaking. >> what did you find? >> we found the game, the question of how much was et and how much was other games is something that the movie is about. people are like crying and clapping and cheering. it was a really weird moment. >> if you want to see the entire film, it's really good. it debuts exclusively today on xbox 360, xbox-1 and xbox
9:51 am >> you wanted to come to your birthday party? >> he wants miranda lambert at his 4th birthday party. he is planning it and he wants his favorite country star there. >> say it again. >> miranda lambert. >> miranda lambert? >> i can't say it. lalamber lambert. >> miranda lambert. >> miranda lambert. >> he got it. >> what would you say if you saw her? you don't know? you wouldn't say anything to her. she comes all what it to your birthday party and you don't say anything to her? >> i'll hug her. >> oh.
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>> she's got to go now. >> okay. well, let's see if that happens. good luck to you. >> all right. it's time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> you are going to need thursday's buzz word, be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> heat over to and click on the win ipad button. >> enter on facebook, twitter or both and you can enter on each every day. >> time to reveal thursday' buzz word. it is brass. >> today is bonus give away day. one winner will get an ipad mini. another will get a flat screen tv. good luck, everybody. a guy steps up a prank to catch his girlfriend snooping on his phone. >> i made a fake photo. i'm basically going to make her
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think something is going on. >> that is really messed up. i i
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours.
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here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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these, make these for dessert that night. >> relationships. all about trust. >> my girlfriend looked on my phone. a fake photo.g to p >> he gets another girl and he takes a photo in bed with her. later they set up a couple of cameras in their apartment. i'm going to make her think there is something going on so he can find out if she is snooping on the phone. gets up and leaves his phone quite obviously right there. >> that is really messed up. >> that's him asleep. the text says, you were great, honey. with an emoticon.
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>> why would you put your significant other through this? >> funny if she goes mental. >> oh, no! >> he chases after her. >> this entire thing, they are trying to explain it. she is dead silent. >> i feel like we are watching the break-up of a relationship right now. it gets very uncomfortable.
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they think it will be fine after they say it's just a prank. she will need a lot more from them to make this okay. >> you can go to our website. it's generating a lot of discussion. that's going to do it for us here on "right this minute." we'll see you next time, everybody.
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10:00 am
live from new york city, it's the wendy williams show. wendy's breaking down today's juiciest hot topics and whitney hits the couch with hilarious stories about dating in hollywood. plus, dr. gadget is here with the hottest phone gear. now, here's wendy.


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