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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  November 24, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST

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a tram can't move because the cars on the tracks. >> what crazy person would have done that? >> how angry commuters solved the problem that gave the only air mini cooper meltdown. >> how ignorant do you have to be to park your car on a train track? >> a raccoon moves into an attic. >> happens all the time. >> the ingenious way to get the raccoon to relocate itself. she has something strapped to her pants. >> like an ipod shuffle. >> why she's busting men's chops about it.
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the buzzword at your shot for a new ipad mini. mac dreidel is here. >> real or fake monday. >> see if the fruit ninja can pass the smell test. >> i'm going with real, no one's going to let the video up on the internet with a shirt like that. i have a very british video from britain of a british person having the worst day of british person could possibly have. this comes from nottingham. the video starts, the most british of cars, mini, parked illegally on the side of the street on a double yellow line what happen crazy person would have done that? but it's blocking the tram in nottingham. delaying all of the commuters. behind that tram is another tram. people are a little by annoyed of what's going on, they decide it it's it's mini, we're going to lift this. but the engine's in the front, they're not getting leverage they want. but more people team up i was worried they're lifting the fender but watch what's going to happen.
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>> one, two. >> oh, there's a bit of a crack. the car pulls off. it's okay. they get it rolling and push it backwards. then she comes back to find out her car's moves, everybody's waiting, her car's been broken. you can see she's holding the piece of plastic in her hand. >> how ignorant you have to be to park your car on a train track? come on, are you that dense? >> she gets a ticket. in when she gets in the car, mocking. nothing like sarcasm. she gets back in, everybody's having a good giggle at her expense and drives off. her only choice as a british person, humiliated in public, she has to move countries and change names because she can never leave her house again. you never know when an
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animal's going to need rescuing. happens all the time and of course we've got the awesome videos to show you. in this house, in the attic, raccoon has decided to make a little den. look at it, right there, chilling out. but the people over at the humane society came and rigged the vent with an exit door. it's an exit only. he wants -- once the raccoon makes it out, he'll never be able to make it back in, forced to live in another den. >> that's a smart way to do it. the raccoon essentially rescues itself, it just doesn't know. >> it's like, i locked myself out! oh, man. can somebody give me a key? anybody home? hey, unlock. now, here's a crew from the rnl ivy, royal national life boot institution in the water to a rescue. they're going to rescue a dog. >> what? >> out in the water.
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look at it. you can tell it's been swimming for a while. >> that dog is way out there. where in the world d it come th? >> right? set a world record? >> come from cali. >> no word on what got the dog there, but he was very tired, it was cold, disoriented. they picked him up, put him on the boat and ended up warming him up, bringing him back to safety. >> it's a good thing that melbourne police have this man in custody. they accuse him of pretty heinous stuff. one thing caught on video, check what he's got as a self-made weapon at the service station. >> my gosh, like a flamethrower. >> a self-made flamethrower. this is during a crime spree. he was chased out of this door by one of the storage -- you can see that, being chased by a store atip dance with a shovel and that guy talked to 7 news in australia. >> that guy's big. >> bigger than a bottle of hair
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spray and lighter. >> he's pretty manly. >> you get in your car or i'm going to start hitting you. >> he drove off in a car. police say the start of the crime spree started with this man allegedly stealing a car, then allege he raped a teen and tried to set her on fire, and went on a series of attempted robberies. they caught up with this man. now charged with rape indecent assault, two charges of robbery. >> pure evil. >> ease an ice user. police in the ushg find this man, this man walks up to somebody's yard and you see the person's two pets, tessa and brand-new 6-month-old terrier in the yard, friendly, hey, hello. >> he stole their family pets. >> the man hadn't had the dog for 24 hours. bought the dog, brought it home, had a friend to check on it. 15 minutes after the friend left
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the dog was dog napped. >> crazy. >> terrible. everybody, it's about time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> to enter, you need monday's buzzword, be at least 18 and a legal u.s. resident. >> buzzword's coming up in a little bit. >> stand by, everybody, for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> lots of traffic circles in australian this car with the dash cam pulling up to the circle and coming to a slow stop. the person behind does -- goes right through this traffic circle. thankfully not colliding with anybody else in the circle. you see a piece of that little jeep fall off as it gets into the island. people get out to help out. >> that's right thing to do. >> you know what the wrong thing to do is pretend like this didn't happen and drive off, leaving people that have come to help you. there goes the car that went crashing through the circling. the two people in the car were
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laughing as they drove away. >> what did they do? >> the people who wrecked their car, they were laughing about their wreck? >> yes. >> maybe a stolen car. >> you are on to something. because they also report that the plates did not match the car. >> oh, so they really needed to get out of there. >> the video from juken video, in the uk, dash cam, you see this car gently moving over into the right-hand lane. but who's not moving gently is this car. >> what the [ bleep ]. >> bounces off the guardrail, spins around, and guess what? >> got everything you [ bleep ] deserve you [ bleep ] he's not going to drive off? >> right. now the car is pretty banged up. >> wheel's going to fall off or something. this guy's a muppet. >> according to the guy's dash cam, the car stops and the video comes to an end. let's hope the guy finally got some sense into him. >> what the [ bleep ].
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competitive eater matt stoney's taking on a new challenge. >> he's going to eat 7,000 calories of endless shrimp. >> shrimp. garlic. >> see how the shrimp goes down. she goes makeup free every day. but now she's challenging herself. >> try wearing makeup for a week. >> hear what she learned after getting glammed up. >> the first day it felt like i was wearing a mask. eleltztzerers the cold truth. i i hahaveve a a c col, wiwithth t tererririblble e chc bebetttterer t takake e so. i'i'llll c catatchch u up awawwwww...... trtrututh h isis, , ththererad doesn'n't t trtreaeat t chchese rerealallyly?? nenew w alalkaka-s-seleltztzerer rushes r relelieief f toto y yod sysympmptotomsms p plulus s chc. ohoh, , whwhatat a a r rele. heherere w we e gogo!! wowoooooo!o! w woooooo! anand d nonow,w, a alklka-a-sesa cocompmpleletete l linine e oo trtreaeat t yoyourur w wororsts
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thanksgiving's coming up and some people really need something to encourage them not to eat too much. matt stoney, one of our favorite eating challenge guys. >> we're on our way to red lobster now. >> he and his friend morgan decide we're doing the red lobster endless shrimp challenge. >> what we're going to do today is make a calorie goal. >> eat 7,000 calories of endless
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shrimp. >> morgan. >> morgan says i'm not going to eat that much. >> here we go. >> the first thing they do is start out with the cheesy biscuits. >> cheddar bay biscuits. it's the reason to go to red lobster. >> eating the shrimp. >> lots of shrimp. garlic scampi. >> 1,180 calories. >> what? >> goes through quite a few of the items. you can see the calories stacking up for him. here he is with 1,000 to go. will he be able to do it. >> order the alfredo. i'm going to order the scampi. we'll have more biscuits. and then -- >> he ate more than 7,500 calories. he was there for 3 1/2 hours. >> gosh. >> i hope he left that waitress a killer tip. >> had great service. >> 50%. >> i thought it would be funny to go to red lobster, eat until
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they kick you out. how much to order, excuse me mr. toad, megatoad. >> i feel like i have one thigh. >> when slating becomes scary. >> put that on record. >> i have nothing against makeup, i'm not trying to make a statement by not wearing it. >> you recognize her, macy thornton, used to work with us. she's over at buzzfeed. she never wore makeup. but this time she decided that she was going to actually try wearing makeup for a week.
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she immediately starts noticing the difference in terms of things people notice about her. >> people ask about my change in appearance i feel a need to tell them i'm doing an experiment for work and that's why i'm wearing makeup. >> cool. >> why couldn't i thank them for the compliment? day five my boyfriend told me -- >> you turn into a bossy, little sassy girl. >> picking up on my heightened confidence. >> she became more confident when wearing makeup. >> in the same way that women who wear makeup feel insecure when not wearing makeup, i think that women who don't wear makeup, like myself, can feel like they're drawing attention to their insecurities. >> it's a weird thing culturally. guys don't deal with makeup/no makeup issue but we as women do feel it on a daily basis. >> they have another video where a girl that wears makeup stops. >> i think there are a lot of assumptions about people who wear makeup, they're insecure, self-conscious, vain. but that hasn't been my experience with makeup.
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after 17 years of wearing makeup every day in my life i hoped to know if my confidence would be the same without it. i'm makeup-free, and i'm scared [ bleep ]. >> when wearing makeup it accentuates certain areas. she's feeling uncomfortable or scared because she's uhas to ge used to her own face. >> it's a moot point. >> maybe give each other a chance not having to wear makeup if you don't want to wear it. >> it's how you present yourself that will change the way people will treat you and not about what you put on your face. >> mac dreidel is back for real or fake. >> let's roll the clip. >> what happens when glass attacks. >> oh! >> when he fights back. >> not a ninja. >> when road rage turns into a rude surprise. ebaum's world next. plus an ipad mini to give away.
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geord for your chance to win. ç3ç3ç3ç3
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>> closed captioning provided by -- time to have a little fun, check in with mark dreidel from ebaum's world. that means it's real or fake monday. >> mac dreidel representing ebaum's world, as always. let's roll the clip. real or fake?
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>> oh! >> oh! >> no, no. >> yes. >> yes? >> that's real. but the kid brushed it off. >> i say fake. >> one fake, four reals. and then mac dreidel's going to tell us what he knows. >> the guy's reaction of immediately getting up and running out lends authenticity to it. i'm going real. go ninja. >> video number two. >> that's real. >> that is not a ninja. >> wow. >> you know what the problem is? is that he's not a ninja and should have taken time between the two assaults. >> i'm going fake because of the dude's reaction. way too dramatic. >> i'm going it say fake, too. looks like a great idea to make a great fail video. >> yes. >> set it up. >> i think that he really got hit. >> i'm going with real. >> three reals, two fakes. mac? >> i'm going to even the score,
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i think it's fake. the reason i think it's fake also the reaction. this guy kind of milks it with the head bobbing. i got hit in the head with a rock, walked off. >> all right, final video. [ horn blowing ] >> what? >> i got -- there's a clown car! >> fake. that just crossed the line. >> fake. >> to superfake. >> yeah. >> this is not a real road rage incident but it is a real funny video. >> yes. >> five fakes. >> i'm with you guys. i'm not going to argue with you on this one. it's definitely fake. >> cat videos, the golden
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nuggets of the internet. a chicken cam on its head. these two guys trying to help but mostly laughing at poor cat who is freaked out. >> oh, oh [ bleep ]! >> kitty's exhausting itself, running into curbs, falling off of curbs. round and round in circles. but thankfully that's enough to get the cat to slow down a little bit. these guys try to get the can off and the kitty goes running again. >> they're doing it with their foot. just use your hands. >> exactly what these guys do right here. >> kitty runs off without the can on his head, hopefully going to find a warm place to sleep and maybe have something to eat. the next video, though, every one of us thinks that catnip, catnip is the trick to a crazy cat. these people learned -- >> ready.
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as soon as they hear that can. >> oh my gosh, they're addicts. look all three of them. >> they open up and she squirts it right in their mouth. >> oh, you -- you know what? that's why you can't go to somebody else's house and trust them when you -- you don't know whose mouth it's been in. >> okay, everybody. pay attention because it's time to give away an ipad mini. >> you need the buzzword, be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to, click on the win ipad button. >> enter on facebook, twitter or both. enter on each every day. >> monday's buzzword. it is decorations. >> get over to, click on the win ipad button, enter monday's buzzword, decorations,
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d-e-c-o-r-a-t-i-o-n-s. >> and one day later this week, we have bonus giveaway day. two winners, one an ipad mini and the other a tv. you have to enter every day. a woman clips on a hidden camera to catch who's glancing at the booty. this isn't a video all about putting guys in their place. hear the real message behind the video.
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- "dear scan, "i've been a scan member for almost two years and have been very satisfied with the plan." - "i would like to thank you and your organization from top to bottom." - "i recently called into scan regarding a claims problem." - "i had been going round and round with a problem with a prescription drug order." - "it is nice to know that one phone call to you, and you take care of it right away." - "your kindness and helpfulness has been appreciated "more than you will ever know. i could not have done it without your help." - i'll never be able to thank them enough. uh...and it's the truth. - "thank you so much. sincerely, donna markow." - "sincerely, shirley ramgren." - "sincerely, shirley ramgren." - that's what really sets scan apart from everybody else. scan cares. - i don't know a better way to say it than, the heart of scan. - scan, for your health and independence.
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there's a big jimmy on top. baby elephant gets fed up with dogs. ♪ ♪
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you've good to watch yourself if you have a wandering eye because you might get caught on camera, hidden camera like this one on the back of this lovely lady's pants. >> looks like an ipod shuffle. >> exactly what it zpliz they're workout pants, tight-fitting pants. hitting streets of new york city to catch who's glancing at the booty. >> unfair. it's human nature, we look at each other, we check things out. >> we've got a little booty counter on right-hand side of the screen. >> i do like the way the video's put together, i like how they zoom in on the face, make the face larger, you can see the smiles, the grins, the placement of iowas, not just fellows check out the booty. women checking things out. there you go, there you go. >> maybe they're like i never thought to put my ipod shuffle on my butt crack. >> or she has an ipod. >> you will be happy to know,
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this isn't a video all about putting guys in their place. it's a video reminding men that they need to check out their own booties, too. november is men's health awareness month and prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the united states. so, it's a reminder that, if you're going to check out a lady's tuckous head to the doctor so make sure you don't have prostate cancer because it's nearly 100% preventible if detected early. >> that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us. see you for the next edition of "rtm."
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." gwyneth paltrow and martha stewart are at it again. wendy's got the latest. find out who's getting served. and radio host elvis duran is here with the inside scoop on our favorite pop stars. plus, get a jump on black friday with huge trendy and wendy discounts on amazing gifts. [ cheers and applause ] >> now, here's wendy! ♪


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