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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  November 27, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST

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♪ a brave turkey strolls into a store. >> but it's the wrong time of year to be doing it. >> what he has to have for thanksgiving dinner. j working off all tt pie can ma y the moment a skier gets creamed. >> rosa g is back to remind us. ♪ bang thing things give some things ♪ >> the holiday diddy that will stick in your head. ♪ giving is the best >> a prankster get hers friends
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to help her -- >> stuff the turkey. >> why they're the up withes that end up getting -- the ones that end up getting stuffed. police looking for this individual, slightly darker complexion, about a foot tall, shop theft, i tell you. a little punk here. >> is it a chicken? >> wrong time of year to be doing this. it's a turkey. the turkey has the midnight munchies. what's he going to steal in he's jacking some chips. got the chips, he's out. he dropped it, he thinks i want it, i'm going to take it, he runs for his life, but not before the shop keeper who notices it on camera sees what's going on. chases him outside. he gets the chips back. like, that's just wrong. good on the shop keeper he chased down the terrible individual, got his chips back. >> was it a turkey or a turkey vulture? looked like a vulture to me? >> wild turkeys will get you. >> it continues, guys. there's the shop keeper. he's making sure, you stay out of my shop. makes sure the turkey is not there.
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he goes looking for him. like, okay, i think everything is okay. the turkey is back. he comes back in! >> yeah, turkey. >> yes. >> he waits until the shop keeper turns his back, gets the chips, grabs them again, he's out the door. >> go, go, go. >> police are still looking for this man. >> there's another shocking inappropriate traffic stop. this is oscar. he's got his lights going. i suppose you could say make sure he stops the vehicle. he comes around. giving him the evil eye. wind that window down. time to have a word. >> hey, oscar. where are you going? it's thanksgiving. you need to stay out of the road. okay. >> the turkey is in suburbia one car after another, consider ham this year. consider the ham. just once. >> out.
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>> ouch. >> is he out? >> ouch, right. that's tanner, listen after this accident. >> [ inaudible ]. >> dude. >> guys. >> just chill, dude. >> that's serious injuries. that was bad. >> tanner said this was his first concussion that he ever experienced. he says thanks to his friends for coming to his aid and helping him through it. he doesn't remember a thing about this incident. he went back and watched the video. he doesn't remember even a second of it. >> maybe he needs to start wearing a helmet. >> he's got one on. >> he does. >> he does have a small helmet over his hat. go back and watch the video in slow motion, he hits in a different place than where his helmet is. like the side of his head. he is expected to recover from his injuries. this next video, not quite sure what this fella is up to. >> what's he trying to do? >> exactly. what is he trying?
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>> going for the backflip. >> ouch. >> he's shooting up on to a hill. it's not like he can do a backflip and land that high up. the ramp is like two inches. >> goes down. i want to be upside down. >> oh. >> there goes the skis. >> maybe it's the first time he tried this. >> could be. >> great moves aren't pulled off the first time. they have to practice. >> but why build a ramp going in that direction? it seems like it should go somewhere else. >> i think you can see how all the landings have happened before. people have been sticking landings. >> maybe not the flips. >> i don't think he did a flip there. >> 19-year-old brighton was out on a farm with his buddies david and eric driving around. they got to a sink hole. their tire got stuck in the sink hole. they realized they weren't the only ones that had been stuck in there. they saw something. so they immediately started to devise a plan to bring this
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living, breathing thing out of this misery. they managed to tie a rope on to this thing. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's down there. >> that's not a rabbit. >> you will not believe what comes out of that hole. >> whatever is in there must be big. they're putting a lot of effort into this. it's taken all of their strengths. >> oh, it's big. it starts coming out, you see horns. >> oh! >> and then you realize, that is a ten-point buck. >> wow. mother earth is giving birth. to a full grown buck. >> brighton and his buddies manage to pull the buck out. it runs off. >> but it's still tied to the bumper. >> cut the [ bleep ]. >> you notice the deer because of its strength ends up snapping the rope and just takes off. you can hear how excited they are. >> yes! >> this is dramatic. my goodness. that was not what i thought was going out of that hole. >> yeah. to tell us more about this, we
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have brighton via skype "right this minute" all the way from iowa. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> i'm just curious why did you decide to pull off this rescue by yourselves? >> the guy helping me pull it up is actually him and i are big outdoorsmen. we like respecting the animals. we hunt. we thought it was our duty to take care of it. >> what was that moment like when you moved your truck and you see that buck? >> i shined my flashlight down there and saw eyes staring at me. what the heck? i was in awe that this big of an animal could fit down such a small hole. >> describe this hole, how deep was the deer and how did you guys get the rope tied to it? >> it went down about two feet and then it hollowed out, probably 12 feet deep. we actually just put a rock climbing clip, put that on the end of the rope, made a lasso, dropped it down around one of the antlers and pulled it tight. we had no way of getting the rope off. gavin, went down in the hole. we held its legs while he put his upper torso into the hole. he tied it around that clip so
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when he got out of the hole he could run off and it could pull the rope off the antlers. >> that's smart. >> yes! the original ten hours of walking in new york city just really brought to mind the human condition. you know, the human behavior. this one goes even deeper. >> i'll take aleg. >> i'll take a t turkey. what he hears shocking. >> watch out. >> this is the meat packing district. >> as you can tell this is a parody put together by barely political. this turkey is accosted by pretty much everybody. >> i want to put a duck inside of you. put a chicken inside the duck. >> the classic turducken line is thrown at this turkey and then this woman shows up. >> i'm going to baste you all night. >> the most uncomfortable part is when this pilgrim follows him for 45 minutes. >> still good in my tummy.
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now i know why they call it wish bone. >> when i'm done with you i'm going to need a nap. >> this poor turkey subject to all kinds of hate language and innuendo. >> the good thing is the turkey is still alive. >> is it? >> yeah. >> how it ended up on the table i don't know. it obviously didn't run fast enough to avoid all these people. >> i would like to put my stuffing into you. i make my own -- you should be more thankful. it's thanksgiving. tucker is protecting his corn on the cobb. >> he's growling a lot. >> why he won't give up his feast for anything. >> oh. >> plus time to line up the leftover pumpkin. >> and then why not take a snow blower to the pumpkins. >> oh. >> fall meets winter next. is a really big deal.rfromu
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wiwithth a achcheses, , fefeve- ththerere'e's s nono s sucg as a little flu. soso w whyhy t trereatat e it's a little cold? ththerere'e's s sosomemetht works differently ththanan o ovever-r-ththe-r remedies. prpresescrcripiptitionon t tas the flu virus at its source. soso c calall l yoyourur d doco. tatamimiflflu u trtreaeatsts t e 2 2 weweekeks s anand d olor whose flu symptoms ststararteted d wiwiththinie last two days. bebefoforere t takakining g tatl your doctor if you're prpregegnanantnt, , nunursre serious health conditions, oror t takake e ototheher r. ifif y youou d devevelelopon allergic reaction, a a seseveverere r rasash,hs of unusual behavior, ststopop t takakining g tataml your doctor immediately. chchilildrdrenen a andns in particular mamay y bebe a at t ad risk of seizures, coconfnfususioion n or ababnormal behavior. ththe e momostst c comommomons arare e mimildld t to o me nausea and vomiting. so don't't w waiait.t. atattatackck t thehe f fls at its source. ask your doctor about tamiflu. prpresescrcripiptitionon f foro.
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okay. the turkey is being stuffed. would you mind doing that? >> of course. >> families getting together, giving thanks, having a great meal together. this woman has invited some of her friends over to come on down and enjoy turkey with her. she steps out of the room for a moment but she asks one of her friends for a little help. >> i will be right back. >> do you have any gloves? >> sorry. it should be fine. it's cooked. >> oh, okay. >> her girlfriend obliges and begins to stuff the turkey, but this is not a happy time for turkeys around the world so it's time for a little revenge. >> did you take like the -- like all the inside stuff out of here? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> i felt something really hard like maybe the giblets or something. >> i don't know. would you check it for me? >> yeah. >> what was that? did it squirt something at her? >> it did. but it gets worse. ♪
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>> oh, my god. >> what. >> oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god. why is it moving? >> i don't know. >> it's moving. stop pushing me. >> i don't -- >> i'm sorry. >> i didn't think this was going to be that difficult. >> what the [ bleep ]! [ bleep ]! >> you guessed it a thanksgiving day prank, called the zokby turkey prank put out by black box tv channel. >> whoa whoa. >> it shot them in the eye. >> this is truly an angry bird. >> eye for an eye. >> reminds me of a dirty joke i heard. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> it's -- >> oh, it's -- don't worry about it. >> don't worry about it. >> don't worry about that. the best line of all. don't worry about it. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> turkey you're fine. >> [ bleep ] no [ bleep ] turkey up.
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>> these will make you queion whether you should keep your dogs around corn. maybe yes, srt with tuer. tucker's owner was throwing out three cobbs of corn. >> trying to throw corn over the fence and it hit the tree and fell in the yard and tucker took it. now he has it under the bed won't give it up. >> tucker isn't having any of him taking it away. >> he really loves his corn. >> tucker isn't chewing it. he's just licking this thing and not wanting to give it back and he's growling a lot. >> want your toy? >> he's trying to trick tucker. here's your toy. want toys. >> here's your toy. >> tucker not fooled. >> he really loves his corn apparently. >> finally he's like okay. >> a bone. >> why don't i give him his bone. that doesn't work at all. >> wow. >> i think this dog is -- the
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dog is like i'm having a good time. why are you bothering me? >> corn is delicious. >> this dog a lot more helpful. they're shucking corn. duke is like i'll help out. >> he's pretty good at the job. >> dogs are helpful. they want to do something to participate. you go to work, they stay home and eat all day. they want to help out with something. watch what he does with the stem. >> nice. >> he bit the thing off. >> i wouldn't do this in front of your guests. >> but -- >> but it's cool. i'm going to say that what happens in these videos is conventionally unconventional. for example, let's take pumpkins and now that ball is coming to an end, let's just line them up one after another after another. so you have 100 pumpkins lined up in a row and then why not take a snow blower to the pumpkins.
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♪ >> it's like a giant kissy nar on wheels. >> totally weird. >> totally weird to watch. shooting all that into the field. i feel like they're replanting pumpkins. >> this snow blower does a good job of smashing up the pumpkins and making them nothing but mush and spraying it on the field. the next one a quad copter is doing what exactly? clearing the fall leaves. >> just going to clear out our yard of the leaves. >> that's a smart use for that. >> because why not. it's a leaf blower and a toy at once. >> not terribly effective but it is kind of fun. >> yeah. >> if only you could direct it. >> it's not terrible. it is kind of clearing certain areas. so now moms can tell their kids to go clear the fall leaves, just take the quad copter and it will be fun. a couple of guys make a hundred pb and js and head to skid row to --
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>> let these people know, you know what, we care about you and we hope you have a nice little holiday. >> the good deed spreading lots of cheer. dude dunks his gopro in. >> boiling hot oil. >> see what it's like to be deep fried. alalkaka-s-seleltztzerer p pluls the cold truth. i i hahaveve a a c col, wiwithth t tererririblble e chc bebetttterer t takake e so. i'i'llll c catatchch u up awawwwww...... trtrututh h isis, , ththererad doesesn'n't t trtreaeat t chche rerealallyly?? nenew w alalkaka-s-seleltztzerer rusheses r relelieief f toto y d sysympmptotomsms p plulus s chc. ohoh, , whwhatat a a r rele. heherere w we e gogo!! wowoooooo!o! w woooooo! anand d nonow,w, a alklka-a-sesa cocompmpleletete l linine e oo trtreaeat t yoyourur w wororsts
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closed captioning provided by -- smoothes, softens. 990%0% s sawaw s smoother, son in one week. gogoldld b bonond.d. ultimat. ultimate skin. i'm a big fan of thanksgiving.
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i've said for the holiday i've really taken to my heart outside of the great food but taking a moment and giving thanks for the things you have and the people around you. i feel like that really resonated with the guys from right productions. they'll go to skid, if you don't know in l.a. it's the largest concentration of population of homeless people in america. between 3,000 to 6,000 living in the same area. they put together 100 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, water as well, and they decided they were going to go out on the streets and just spread the love and let these people know, you know what, we care about you and hope you have a nice holiday. it's just a great video these guys are going around, you sort of see the people, the puppy there as well, people of all ages races creeds, everything all there together and these guys are bringing a ray of sunshine into their day. >> oh, yeah. thank you. >> you g it. hay thksgivieoe are just really touched by the kindness that is happening. they decide they're going to pick one special person to give them something extra special.
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that is peggy. peggy doesn't have a family to spend with in thanksgiving. she's been in skid row for three years. they've brought along some foam, padding for her to sleep on, pillows. she's like i've got my clothes in my pillow case. real pillow, thermal clothes. because it's thanksgiving as well. >> this will hopefully bring you a happy thanksgiving. >> oh, god. >> oh. >> the thing for her, she said that was the thing that set it apart. >> this is more than all of this right here. >> that right there. >> yeah. >> no just indicative of the holiday meal. >> yes. >> very sweet video of these guys being giving. we should all think -- we're all obsessed about thanksgiving and the food but we should take a minute to think about everybody else who needs help as well. ♪ man, those gopro cameras are tough. >> this guy taking his gopro and using it in a cooking demonstration. he dips the gopro into boiling
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hot oil. this is from the how to make sushi japanese food recipe channel and gives you a very good picture of what your turkeys might be going through if you choose to deep fry them this season. ♪ >> i've always wondered what this looks like in there. have you ever dunk something in the pot oil when you're frying and you want to see in there to see what's happening down below. >> you don't have to ruin a good piece of equipment so i can see this. >> i bet it's fine. >> it did not ruin the gopro. he says he put it in boiling hot water before, display went black for a while but then came back to life. >> i would have thought that you would have ended up with a piece of plastic mush. ♪ >> this is what's so fun. it looks like it's swimming in the oil. >> it is cool to see that shot, to see what is actually happening in the oil. >> i could have told you that the fish is cooking. i never wondered what's going on.
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rosa g is back with a new holiday tune telling you to -- >> so funny i love her. >> while you'll be thankful to hear this one. ♪ things some things thanksgiving is the best i have to give some things ♪
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up this christmas tree. these guys. i thought i had it tough. >> turkeys don't want to be late for thanksgiving dinner. ♪ rosa g back in the studio. today i'm thankful for everything. it's thanksgiving y'all. today i'm going to be giving some things. ♪ things things >> any time a holiday pops on your calendar you can pretty much expect a rosa g dead pan video is going to pop up too.
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videos are like this one from the fourth of july ♪ i love the fourth of july i do it up big ♪ >> or halloween. ♪ candy >> it's the fourth thursday of november give some thanks, thanksgiving time so you know i got to give some thanks ♪ ♪ it's cold outside which i like give some thanks ♪ ♪ i can wear my favorite turkey sweater give some thanks ♪ >> so funny i love her. >> and the delivery, she's got the delivery that's just like staring off into giv cornucopia is real. give some thanks. it's also called the horn of plenty. ♪ give some thanks turkey mashed potato and gravy give some thanks ♪ ♪ cranberry sauce shaped like a cylinder ♪ ♪ thanks and thanks give some thanks thanksgiving is the best so i got to give some thanks ♪ ♪ thanks thanks and thanks thanks give some thanks ♪ ♪ grass serious grass serious
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♪ for riding on my scooter outside give some thanks ♪ ♪ getting to a nice park give some thanks ♪ ♪ standing next to the pretty tree give thanks for nature's mystery give some thanks ♪ okay. cool. that's going to do it for us at "right this minute." we're going to leave you with more rosa g reminding us all to give some thanks. have an awesome thanksgiving weekend, everybody. ♪ standing next to this pretty tree give some thanks ♪ ♪ for nature's amazing mysteries give some thanks ♪ thanks thanks and some thanks ♪ ♪ thanksgiving is the best so i have to give some th - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars )
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( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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♪ her husband made it home for thanksgiving and is about to meet his daughter -- >> for the very first time. >> see the moment a soldier has been fighting for. some turkeys are getting their holiday on. >> drunk now. look at him. >> someone has had a bit too much. >> exactly. >> what happens when you swing your partner round and round and round. >> dizzy. >> most people like pumpkins in a pie. others -- >> prefer to chunk them. >> now the host of pumpkin


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