tv Right This Minute FOX December 2, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PST
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or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs-- helping dogs help people. a perfect day for skydiving turns into not a perfect skydiving day. what came out of the blue. is that guy pulling a lion's tail to show how tough he is? >> no, that's not what happened. the big story of compassion behind the video going viral. >> what he doesn't realize. >> that is not a one way street. >> and another driver into oncoming traffic. >> wake up. >> plus the controversy over one
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beautiful kid and a dude with two creepy creatures decides to. >> wrap the snake around the teranchila. >> see what he does next that will blow your mind. >> always impressed by bravery and it take ace lot of courage to jump out of an airplane. they got a whole group of people. buddies skydiving together. looks like they're headed into formation. >> where they are it looks like. they have a beach. >> looks like a perfect day for skydiving. until it was not a perfect skydiving day. as they get into this formation you have the person in pink coming in. >> there goes the go pro in
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midair. >> a yard sale in midair. two cameras and the sky diver lost. >> is he hurt? >> does he lose his goggles? if he lost his goggles that's really, really difficult. >> let's talk about the wind in the face created by skydiving. this video going viral because of what happens to his face. >> is he taking an air sample on the way down? >> it's when the parachute deploys that this video gets really hilarious. [ bleep ]. >> he cusses for a solid minute. he's cusses at the fall and cusses at his instructor and keeps it going until they land. >> sorry for being so mean. >> it's okay. i was mean too. >> he was like i was kind of mean too. i scared your pants off.
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a camera catching a couple of guys walking up to this station in south africa dancing. just looking like they're out having a good time but they're not, they're out looking for an easy target. these guys are dancing are distracting drivers while other members of the gang try to target these cars. here come two guys. they start dancing. having a great old time. once they get the attention of the driver they start asking for money but they don't get it. they have to take it. now there's a struggle. they try to open the door. that's when the other members of this gang join in and the guys start grabbing and taking whatever they can. they do notice what's going on but they're too afraid to get involved. this gang has got what they came for. they stole a wallet and a cell phone and you can hear the alarm going off. >> those people weren't able to defend themselves or stand up to
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the robbers but this woman was. this is from hungry, an armed man goes into a bank and he has a mascot and he's pointing a weapon. jumps over the counter, get what is he wants and on his way out of the bank he walks by a granny at the atm. she notices him start to walk out and approaches the armed man clearly with a gun and starts to struggle with him. granny. >> she does have a handbag. >> the robber drops some of his money. when he reaches down to grab the money that's when she pulls off his mask. reports say the gun did go off. she was not shot but did suffer minor injuries when he pushes her there. out the door he goes. wow. >> she unmasked the masked burglar and now police have this image to work with. >> i think this is something none of us at this table would do and that's going up to a
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lioness and pull her tail. that's what he did. they were saying the man and his friend did this just to mess th this ons a say no that's not what happened. the two men saw the lioness was injured and they said she's injured. she needs help. they said we don't know where you are so when they were coming back they went and found her again and they shot video so they could prove that this lioness was in trouble and they knew where she was. they did come help her. they ended up tranquilizing her and she was taken to a center and she was okay. sometimes you don't know the whole story. they were thinking they were mistreating this lioness and turns out they saved her life. >> this video older but trendy a little baby elephant believed to be about 12 months old in in
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zambia. it's with his family in the tour bus. [ laughter ] >> there was a little pounce like hey i'm going to raise my two feet up and you better go. >> i'd be like hugging. i'd be like running toward her like come on everybody. >> apparently when they're this young they stay under mommy's tummy. most of the time they say this behavior is unusual but i say he has a lot of testosterone already. [ laughter ] >> you're out there and you're on the ocean, you could go where ever the wind is pushing you. you can go left -- great. not to great if you're towing the boat in a car.
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try not to do that. two cars ahead you can see someone is towing their boat. watch what happens as they start going over to the right-hand lane. the guys shooting the video are very concerned. in fact getting over the radio trying to get their attention and warning people on the road that this guy is going crazy. >> what are you doing? whoa. >> that is not a one way street. that's a two way road and he is on the wrong side of it. >> wake up. anybody knows it. >> certainly he's a bit too hard to port. >> holy -- >> watch the blue car who almost follows him off the road. >> holy -- >> the boat, the car, everything is basically as you can see from this picture here on facebook this guy was really lucky. he threaded the needle between two trees and there wasn't too much damage. things seem to be okay. >> thank goodness it wasn't a head on collision.
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>> it doesn't involve a boat or men and horsepower so this is a video from busted knuckle. they're having a great time and everyone is is gathered around and then they basically straight up exit. >> instead of going slow he's going to go fast and gets advice from one of his buddies. >> oh no. >> he's got it and everybody helps out with red neck mocking. >> so that's what it looks like? he was telling me all about it. >> and because we know this is how it works. somebody else got a wench and eventually they pull him around. he drives it off. it will be just fine. >> a couple gets sneaky in this video. >> it's all about escaping the baby you just put to sleep. >> the tech feeks yniques you n leave the room in peace. and the guy that won't let go of his suv.
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>> that man was on the hood for 20 minutes. how two thieves took him for one wild ride. decongestant. isis t thahat t rerealallyl? itit s sououndnds s mamaded. i i cacan'n't t slsleeeep pn i'm all stuffy. i take offense to that. i'i'm m nonot t gogoining g toa talking ball of mucus. i i ththinink k yoyou'u're a little hasty... hehe's's n notot w witith h. mumucicinenex x fafastst m m. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m rerl decongestant. brbreaeaththe e eaeasysy. . sl. ststarart t ththe e rereli. ditch the misery. lelet't's s enend d th.
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i think a lot of us if our car was stolen we'd probably run after them and probably call the police. i don't think most of us would do what this guy did. that is his stolen suv. that man is on the hood and according to authorities in australia that man was on the hood for 20 minutes while two suspected thieves went with this car but you notice in this video caught from somebody's dash cam you can see the owner on the hood of the car and he is waving at other drivers trying to get their attention but watch what happens next. watch what they push out of the door. a tv but notice they dumped it out of the car next to this woman with a carriage. according to police a man and his niece were suspected in this and eventually caught. it actually started in the man's garage. that's where he jumped on the
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hood but they weren't caught until after they drove with this man clinging to the hood. >> you're telling me this guy was on the hood of this car for 20 minutes going down busy roads and they didn't once pass a cop or like no one got a cop. >> cops obviously were called in because the two people ended up being arrested. so cops at some point got involved. they didn't get involved before they dumped the car off at a train station and ran away but they were caught. the two suspects were charged with making threats to kill, engagering life and burglary and car theft. anyone that ever had to care for a baby and put the baby to sleep can relate to this video. it's all about escaping the baby you just put to sleep. this is a lot to go through sometimes. this is the rule where you finally get the baby to sleep.
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roll right off the bed. >> it's classic. >> the creeky floor. this is funny. in the video these people have the route to the nursery that doesn't creek. >> mistake. i had wd 40 and just thinking ahead. >> this is my favorite. the replacement where you use something else. an object in this case is teddy bear to replace where you have been. >> i may not have experience of putting baby's to sleep but i feel like i used a few of these tactics to get out of bed and not wake my fiancee. >> super cute. this is like another 100 more they could have gone for. >> oh yeah it really does happen. >> roll all the way off there and then you roll out the door as well.
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>> of all the extreme sports to get involved any think this would be the one to try. speed riding. that's where you ski down a mountain and you have a paraglider on top so you can make the mountain your playground. that's aaron flying down the mountain going where ever he wants to go. >> it's real windy on these mountains. >> yeah. >> what if the wind blows you the wrong way. >> there's a lot of what ifs but if you're carrying the red bull on your wing i'm sure you know what you're doing. the helicopter in the background so even though it takes two minutes to get to the bottom the ride back up is going to be short. this is so cool because you come upon these huge giant crevaces. doesn't matter. takes these lines where ever he wants to go. >> it's like he has the low
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depravity skiing. this is seriously cool. i love how people are finding ways to blend this together. >> did you see that? it doesn't take you up. it just keeps you from falling down. >> just think about the skill level of this guy. he also has to know everything. stop paragliding and wing and proximity and from this moment to the next it's really, really impressive. >> he's 2 years old but you have to see this kid dance. >> jaw dropping. >> are you kidding me? >> see him move next right this minute. >> and still to come, the tally takes out hit out against polic. why this might land him with his hand behind his back. >> she's the 9-year-old model dubbed the most beautiful girl
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in the world. >> but find out why her spretty snaps are sparking an online debate. isis a a r reaealllly y b. wiwithth a achcheses, , fer and chills- ththerere'e's s nono s sug as a little flu. soso w whyhy t trereatate it's a little cold? ththerere'e's s sosomemett works differently ththanan o ovever-r-thther remedies. atattatackck t thehe f fs at its source wiwithth p prerescscririptpt. anand d cacallll y yor dodoctor right away. tatamimiflfluu® i is s fdfd toto t trereatat t thehe f flue 2 2 weweekeks s anand d olr whwhosose e flflu u sysympmptod wiwiththinin t thehe l lasast . before taking tamimiflflu® tell your doctor if you're prpregegnanantnt, , nunurse serious health conditions, oror t takake e ototheher . if you develop a an n alallelec reaction, a severe rash, oror s sigignsns o of ununususual behavior, ststopop t takakining g tad call your doctor immediately. chchilildrdrenen a andnd as in particular mamay y bebe a at t anan i ik of seizures, confusion oror a abnbnorormamal l b. ththe e momostst c comn sisidede effects are mild to modederaratete nanausea and vomiting. asask k yoyourur d docr ababout tamiflu® anand d atattatackck t thes at its source.
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assaulting somebody. a woman. >> seriously, pranking by pretending your beating up a woman, that's gross. >> they move to a halt and they're out of the car in like a second. >> and -- >> it's actually a maniquin he is using. >> thanks for having positive energy. >> put your hands behind my back. >> they see it's a prank but they're not happy about it. >> i want you to understand how many people are waiting because of this joke. he said i had four people report this i'm going to stay here all day until you stop doing this. >> i'm going to go somewhere else. >> so he decides to move to hollywood boulevard and try again. >> turn around. >> these guys don't even notice
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the victim. >> what do we do? >> i've been to acting classes. >> they suddenly realize they have been pranked. >> can you give me a kiss? >> i can't. on the cheek. >> he asked him to be honest. but my acting was good. >> i felt some resistance from you when applying the handcuffs okay. do you understand everything? >> absolutely. >> listen. for what i'm getting -- >> that was awesome. i'm getting ready for my fight. floyd mayweather. >> there's a heated discussion happening online and it's all over this little 9-year-old. this is christina. and get this, she is, in fact, 9 years old. she is also a super model and has been dubbed the most beautiful girl in the world. this video posted to her instagram page by her mother shows her modeling.
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a photographer behind a camera taking photos of her but many people are suggesting she is far too young to be the supermodel she is. she has been modeling since the age of 3 and cat walk since age of 4. graced the cover of vogue at the age of 7 and now has worked with cavali and armani. >> there's lots of child models out there. what's the big deal? >> she is very very popular online. more than 2 million likes but i do want to point out that mom actually handled all of her social media accounts but people are suggesting that the photos do generate a lot of sexual comments. >> but those are the comments. these are the creepy people that are going on the facebook right. >> here's one of the photos a lot of people are upset about because she wearing short tight leopard skin pants. >> she shouldn't have to stop modeling pause of creepy dudes.
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>> they're very modeling shots. this isn't as bad as toddlers and tiaras. that's very look at this and look at me and exploitive where as this she has an amazing portfolio. >> that outfit with the leather skin shorts is what most little girls dress like in the summer. >> i see how people are going about it but you can't take it to the lowest common denominator. do you know what i mean? >> just plague around with poisonous creatures. >> he is known as the ninja of serpents. so he's going to ramp this up. >> why what he does next will make you squirm. >> yeah. hours but aleve can last 12 hours. anand d alaleveve e isis p woworkrk b betetteter r onon p l arthritis. soso w whyhy a am m i i ststilit this? hohow w arare e yaya?? gogoodod.. alaleveve.e. p proroveven n be.
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serpents in brazil. it's quite famous. here he has what he claims to be a positionouser t teranchila an snake as well. he is handling both but he the known as the ninja of serpents so he's going to ramp this up from 3 to 11. >> are we at 3 right now? because i feel like we're at 11. >> no we're at 3. he has the snake and picked it up and starts to wrap the snake around creating himself a nice little orderve. >> what is he doing? >> this is like a nightmare. >> it's pretty gross. he sits there with his mouth
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wide open. they're probably thinking this guy's breath stipgs. >> he doesn't eat it? >> no, he just puts it in his mouth. >> he doesn't want to hurt them or kill them. >> he needs to appreciate them less. >> how do you figure out you can do this? why would you want to. >> you have to kiss that mouth at the end of the day. >> that's our show everybody. thanks for joining us and we'll see you for the next edition of right this minute.
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a mountain biker with a go pro catches an alarming site. >> what is that in the woods? >> oh. >> look at how fast he can go. >> why a giant bear is not the only surprise in this video. a guy claiming to be a u.s. marine flips out on a driver. >> and this woman had kids in her car. >> what it was that set off the ugly exchange. >> you need -- >> i protect the country. >> a
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