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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  December 8, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST

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a little boy is playing on a driveway when an suv -- >> just cruises over him. >> -- the near-miss, one clueless driver didn't notice. a dog rescued from a puppy mill is too scared to abdon'ted. but they worked with her six weeks. >> the remarkable transformation that got coconut a new, happy ho meet -- >> a misfault on this track. >> what nearly took his head off at nearly 160 miles an hour. >> and women try on undergarments. >> from years gone by.
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>> why vintage isn't always va, va, voom. >> pointy from the side. >> i never knew it had that much to do with the bra. i just thought boobs evolved! >> i have two videos coming from china where i couldn't pick the adjective. shocking. incredible. unbelievable. just, you have to see it. first one is footage of a 6-year-old boy just there, playing with some toys, minding his own business when out of nowhere an suv -- >> no way! >> but, as you can see, he's fine. a car, an suv, just cruise over him like he's not even there. he gets away, you can see he's holding his back but a couple of scrapes on his arm and head, that's it. i just did look! >> they keep riding after they hit the boy. >> how can you not have a clue?
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did you not feel the impact. >> not the boy, but the trash and other stuff in tstreet. >> the child is fine but what? the next video, also incredible, this is from an apartment building here. you can see there, that is a woman standing outside. she's trying to commit suicide. she wants to jump, basically. now, you can see some guys from the people's liberation army looking at the window from up above. next stop down to the window, you can see there's another woman outi'd on the ledge holding on to her. this is where the girl then starts stepping down like she's just wants to fall. held as well by this gentleman, could be family members. it's just incredible foot annual when a car pool of the army guys get out and the guy lifts her up. >> careful not to knock the other woman off. >> the woman trying to help. >> this could have killed all involved. >> drag her back insigndeinside.
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these videos i couldn't believe it. >> because a dog is rescued from a puppy mill doesn't mean it's ready to be adopted and ready for a for ever home. >> they experience everything adoptive dogs experience. they have been kept in itslation, especially from hoarding and puppy mill cases. often euthanized. >> because the spca opened a behavioral rehab center last year, they're able to get the dogs in and get them a forever home. cocoa getting rescued. she's muddy, afraid, doesn't want to be put in a leash. >> this hurts my heart. >> the dog's basically gone back to being wild. wild beast. >> you're exactly right, nick. coconut did not like human touch, but they worked with her for six weeks and the draransfon is unremarkable. >> very, very fast learner and
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smart. helped her to learn not fear the way the leash felt and taught her to place parts of her body against our hands so she was initiating touch. >> favorite part is when she's on the couch. she didn't like human touch. now she's like i'm a dog, i love you to touch me. she has a forever home, and her family is just loving her. >> she is so much in our life. she gets a hug before i get my coffee. >> look at her giving kisses. >> look how her owner's touching her ears and savoring it. >> the animals can be helped and we will try our best to help all of them. >> we've gotten so used to seeing gopro cameras everywhere. everybody going out to try to capture their exciting moment of the day. here's barry reynolds at texas world speedway track. on a track day. flying on his motorcycle. this straightaway gets him up to 160 miles per hour.
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he sees a gopro. oh! >> watch it again. barry's hitting that gopro at an estimated 160 miles per hour. >> what's amazing, with the quality of his gopro, even at 160 miles an hour we can make out the other gopro. >> look at damage to barry's bike. this could have actually been deadly. >> whoa! >> through the wind screen on barry's bike crushed the instrument cles tuster on his b and hit his chest. if it hadn't hit his bike hurt, hard to imagine what could have happened to barry. >> you're watching this stuff and it doesn't seem as severe as it is when you watch video. then you see the aftermath and then it starts to sink in. >> thankfully, though, barry maintained control of his motorcycle and able to slow down safely and get off the track. >> if you live in the ocean it's
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likely that you could become food. >> that is true. you have to come up with crafty ways to protect yourself. like this adorable sea turtle. see this turtle and see that shark? that's a tiger shark coming right after the turtle thinking the turtle's going to be a tasty treat. watch the turtle. >> this is good. >> first, he turns sideways. if he stayed like he normally would swim the shark would bite down on him like a potato chip, but the shark can't clamp down on. now a second technique, the crafty turtle also uses, after the turtle has turned sideways and created the shield, the turtle swims around in a circle, staying close to the shark because the shark can't zoom in and attack. >> like sharks don't have necks. they're like this, you know what i mean? >> those is his way of escaping.
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he's consistently turning around in a circle. >> so brilliant! ♪ >> some candid moments of the -- >> greatest relationship ever caught on camera. >> to the mom who has a mouthful for her daughter. >> owe yes. i look like -- >> what happened when a couple of grinches tried to steal christmas. >> you've gotten yourself a recycled box and paper. one of many ways to support its health isis n newew t truruhehearart,t. itit's's t thehe o onlnly y hehh supplement wiwithth i ingngreredidienentsp lower bad chchololesesteterorol l anand dy blood pressure anand alalsoso i incncluludedes0
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alalririghght,t, s so o thtl arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. anand d alaleveve e isis p woworkrk b betetteter r onon p l arthritis. soso w whyhy a am m i i ststilit this? hohow w arare e yaya?? gogoodod.. alaleveve.e. p proroveven n be.
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if you're driving anding goes wrong, it usually falls into two camps, one, nothing you can do about it and next, rush shap nothing you can do about it. weather is abysmal. wipers are going and then -- >> what was that? >> that was lightning striking next to the car. when you watch it again slow motion. >> it's right next to them. what do you do?
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not dead, okay. keep going. >> you see if you have superpowers. >> or thor's hammer on the ground. >> collect your pants to see if you need to make a quick trip home. >> brown traousers for that one. russia, things are fine. it's a clear day, there isn't snow on the road. what could possibly go wrong? >> everything. >> we're driving down, everything's cool. no traffic lights, no crosswalk, no one running across the road. no tank randomly coming around the corner but someone figures out, in a cruiser, now overtake. what a crunch! i have absolutely no idea what this guy's thinking. he can't get back in time and boom. >> any chance a car in front of him slowed down and he was swerving to avoid that car? >> i think actually you're right, next. watch, he's indicating left. the guy in the land cruiser not
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paying attention. the driver did survive but with broken legs. before i start this video, i'm going to press by saying i love, love, love this mother/daughter duo. >> i make funny videos from. >> of what. >> of me. >> youtuber chandra moore, visiting mom's house. >> what do you do? >> put them on youtube. >> should never do that. >> why? >> it's bad. >> no, it's not. >> mom has no idea what youtube is or why chandra has a camera. >> that's you. >> she starts staring into the camera. what is it? >> what is this? >> it's time to munch on a caca dia. >> obsessed with people eating. >> people -- i look at piece of [ bleep ]. >> she's got a mouth on her. >> wow. no wonder she took the camera home to meet mom because this is youtube gold. >> this conversation gets really just real, just a real
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mother/daughter moment. >> a slob? i'm not -- yeah, i'm not a slob. i'm sloppy. >> mom starts giving her daughter advice. evidently chandra has a neat problem. >> a close my eyes to it because -- >> you don't close your eyes to my sloppiness. you yelled at me the other day. >> yeah. >> i have one flaw, i'm sloppy. one flaw. >> yeah, but then you -- you have so much better other stuff. >> it gets sweep. you have so much better other stuff, darling. i love you. >> say bye. >> don't show my face to no one. >> ma, your face is beautiful. >> if you show that to someone, i'm going to [ bleep ]. >> you'll be on youtube? this woman decided that she wanted a mattress that had been dropped off at this st. vincent depaul. but watch how much work this woman put into loading up the box spring and the mattress on
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to the. of her suv. >> that mattress and box spring set probably could cost 425 if she would actually go in and buy it from st. vincent's. >> it's funny, the manager at this st. vincent's depaul was appalled because had she come into the store and said i need this, but i don't have money, they would have given it to her do. they do that es specially around the holidays. >> she'll try the backseat. man oh man, lady. >> eventually she goes to front and loads it up successfully and straight up drives away with it. >> maybe she really was in dire straits, needed this for whatever reason and her only way going about to get it. >> maybe she doesn't understand how it works. maybe she thinks it's a donation center and thinks i can go there and take stuff. >> another incident that lacks christmas spirit. this is a stuffed burger bar and
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you see the beautiful christmas tree in the front. except someone thought it was so pretty they decided to take it. you see the second guy pick up some of the gifts from under the tree and -- >> right. >> empty boxes. you know you just gotten yourself a recycled box and paper. >> the suspects were identified and issued a summons for misdemeanor theft. the tree was recovered. the good thing the restaurant offered a year's worth of burgers for any tips that led to their arrests. >> how cool. >> that stuffed burger bar is delicious. this guy, that stump, see what they make. >> this is -- that's perfectly done. >> next "right this minute." and still to come -- >> there's something different about this skateboarding video. >> joel is an amputee zblees totally kicking butt. >> meet the athletic dude who proves. >> life is all about pushing on.
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plus -- >> you don't know? >> no. >> see why this christmas pranks a gift that keeps on giving.
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>> closed captioning provided by -- there are all kinds of skateboard videos online. this is different. this guy, joel, is just learning to skateboard. it's on the sim bethic 6 youtube
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channel. the reason this is different, if you look closely, notice that joel is an amputee. this is his experience of learning to skateboard with the prosthetic left foot. the story behind this, he was riding his motorcycle and another car came right toward him, hit him in his left side. it basically broke his foot in three different directions. and after dealing with lots of doctors, surgeons, they determined amputation was the best idea. but that's the cool thing about this video. joel did not let that stop him. he also snowboards. check this out. and he's pretty amazing. as we well know, skateboarding, snowboarding, they're not easy. >> totally kicking butt. >> to tell us exactly how he does it, we have joel goldtree, via skype from minnesota. welcome to the show! were you a skateboarder and snowboarder before your accident? >> yes, i was.
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sort of on and off over the years. it's always kind of been a passion of mine and then post-amputation, you know, i came across some people on the internet. i'm not the only one out there doing these things but i realized, there's no reason i can't do this if i don't just do it. now i'm switching to snowboarding because it's snowy here in minnesota. i've caught the attention of some wonderful people. adaiv adaptive action sports, ambassador, if you will. helping raise together funds to put together skateboard clinics for adaptive athletes. >> you're back on the boards. have you gotten back on the bike? >> i have not. i have the passion. i miss the feeling of beating on a motorcycle. just when i'm good and ready, you know. >> must be inspiring to other people in a situation similar to yours. >> my journey began because of another individual inspiring me. there's another fellow out there, his name is buddy elias, and the hardest part was just
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going through the motions to get from a to b, you know, from able bodied to adaptive bodied. >> you talk about adapting to your prosthetic leg. you originally had a carbon fiber leg and so active on it you broke it? >> people that take it to my level, we break them. and not cheap to get a new foot. if you can check out click donate and just send a little money. put my name in the memo so it gets routed properly. life is all about pushing on. >> christmas presents perfect opportunities for pranks. everything's wrapped up in christmas paper, you don't know what you're going to get. >> this guy here from the blogging blog youtube channel wrapping up a can of chips going to give to his lovely girlfriend. >> here, i got something for you. >> what is this? >> early christmas gift. >> nice. >> yeah. for you.
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>> gosh. >> appreciative. nice to get that early gift. dig into it. >> like oh, potato chips, thanks. you know me so well. >> she doesn't like potato chips. >> it's just a box. oh! >> the classic gag. >> i was wondering where he got the potato chips? these are like 99 cent store? what brand. >> generic. >> wonder when they were making the sound. >> oh! [ laughter ] >> oh. >> i thought it was going to be something nice. >> isn't it nice? >> no. >> merry christmas. >> thanks, honey. you're in trouble now.
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>> a few brave ladies try on vintage bras. >> paper airplane. >> see why some are definitely better than others. >> it's that way. is a really big deal.rfromu wiwithth a achcheses, , fefeve- ththerere'e's s nono s sucg as a little flu. soso w whyhy t trereatat e it's a little cold? ththerere'e's s sosomemetht works differently ththanan o ovever-r-ththe-e-coc. atattatackck t thehe f fls at its source wiwithth p prerescscririptptioi. anand d cacallll y youour r dod. tatamimiflflu u isis fa approved to treat the flflu u inin p peoeoplple e 2 2r whwhosose e flflu u sysympmptotd wiwiththinin t thehe l lasast t. bebefoforere t takakining u tell your doctor if yoyou'u'rere p preregngnanant,e serious health conditions, oror t takake e ototheher r. ifif y youou d devevelelopop a c reaction, a severe rash, oror s sigignsns o of f ununus, ststopop t takakining g tataml your doctor immediately. chchilildrdrenen a andnd a s in particular mamay y bebe a at t anan id risk of seizures, coconfnfususioion n oror a abnb.
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ththe e momostst c comommomons arare e mimildld t to o me nausea and vomiting. ask your doctor ababouout tamiu anand d atattatackck t thehu virus at its source.
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>> dogs love laser games. ♪ nick, i know you love them. women's breasts. >> i think they're going to be uncomfortable. >> mystery. >> there's a history in how fashion has treated the female breasts. >> what did the women in the past have to deal with in. >> we watch ladies try on different undergarments from
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years gone by. >> i like this. >> kind of like slimming. >> also covers more so like, boy, you got work harder. >> even posture's better. >> bend over clear at the waist, nothing happening. >> i flow it feels like to take your bra off at the end of the night. imagine taking a corset off. >> feels like this isn't doing much boobs wise. >> hanging out in front of my boobs, like supporting them. >> can do more in the modern bra. >> bra of 1914. >> paper airplane. >> the first of the modern bras. >> guys. >> this certainly does not feel safe. >> this is a side mask for boobs. a couple of ribbons. >> like a diaper, streams wrap around and tie. >> if i jumped now, [ bleep ] will go down. >> give it a test. >> i don't know how you went from corset to here. they could have done a better job. they took a stepe bra.
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>> i hate this! >> this is hilarious. >> playing at obvious, pointy. >> watch from the side. >> look at that thing! >> boobs feel like they're hanging in midair. my boobs had a face they'd be like -- >> i'm glad that we made strides. glad we made strides. >> happy and grateful for today's modern bra. >> women have a beautiful shape, love how modern bras today really help accentuate that shape. >> that's it for "rtm." we'll see you next time.
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police say a suspect hypnotized a man. >> to take money out of his pocket. >> wait a minute. >> why this caught on camera is one weird one. skydivers re-create a movie scene from. >> how to train your dagen 2. >> real version. >> claiming fake. totally fake. >> lights and sirens mean pull over but did the car stop? no. >> the high-speed chase with a twist. >> let me see that from the beginning. >> a groom's surprise. >> this may be the


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