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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  December 10, 2014 5:00pm-5:58pm PST

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san francisco unified and oakland unified and all schools in marin county. there are dozens more closing. we have lifted those at the bottom of the screen and we will bdating it throughout the newscast. >> we have live team coverage. rob roth with what this means in the commute. our david stevenson is live talking to parents and students. >> let's begin with chief meteorologist who is tracking the storm. does it look as strong as you have tracked it? >> yeah. we are pretty much on this thing. we have been talking about it for a week now. it is on track. it's a little slower than originally planned but it is going to hit real hard. you know where it will hit the hardest? the north bay. they are going to get an extended period of heavy, heavy rain. so the dynamics with this storm, already, you are seeing rain showing up in santa rosa. some sprinkles at ocean beach in san francisco. here's the cold air, the tropical air. here is the strong jet stream.
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three things in combination are creating a powerful potent explosive storm. here is the worry, this is the current radar. the worry now what i'm thinking about, we don't want it to stall out anywhere. it is a front. but if it stops and spends time in any one place like it might in the north bay tomorrow morning? that is where the problems start. instead of three inches of rain, you may see eight inches of rain. that is when flooding becomes an issue. so here is the computer model. moving it forward, you can see the shower at 12:00 a.m. tonight. see how it is starting to intensify offshore? this is 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. so santa rosa, you are getting heavy rain. the winds are fired up around here. they are already going, even san mateo, oakland, concord. we are going to see strong winds before the front, but this is what i'm tracking. watch it push forward, there it goes.
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you see it is really intense. it is 8:00 a.m. now. a couple of hours later it is still in the north bay. pushing forward again. 9:00 a.m., it is still in the north bay. that's the issue. north bay is going to get whacked with up to eight inches of rain in parts of the watershed. the rest of us could see three to four inches of rain before friday is through. there is more rain coming friday but this is what we are focused on. big wind, power outages a certainty. tons of rain. urban and small stream flood warnings throughout the bay area. when i come back, i will time it. in the north bay tomorrow morning from 4:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., boy, if i didn't have to drive, i wouldn't. it will be windy and wet. >> we'll see you in a few minutes bill. this impending storm has prompted an unprecedented decision from school districts all over the bay area to shut
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down classes, all 132 schools in the city will be closed affecting tens of thousands of students. david stevenson is in the city tonight. you learned this wasn't a sudden decision on the part of the school district. >> reporter: yes frank. the superintendent of schools tells me the district has been monitoring this storm since early yesterday. the decision to close schools tomorrow came at 1:00 this afternoon with officials saying it is just unsafe for the 57,000 students and 8,000 employees to come to work tomorrow on campuses. now, that meant a large campaign this afternoon to get the word out through twitter, facebook. and in person. parents will have to make the decision to stay home with their kids or find other forms of child care. most of them told us they don't mind. this afternoon at bessie carmichael pre through eight grade, the principal was on the playground to warn the parents of the closurement she went classroom to classroom to explain to the students what
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the situation is. >> they took it seriously. this is something that is new to them. we just told them that we want them to be safe and that there is a storm coming. but everything will be okay. >> it is bad that he is missing his school because he loves school so much. but i would rather have him safe at home than anywhere else. >> reporter: and staffers passed out these fliers warning about the closurement they were written in english and spanish. and the last time the school district saw a closure like this was on 9/11. >> david, i imagine a lot of the kids are excited to have the day off, but will they have to make up this day during the summer? >> reporter: we talked to the superintendent of schools late this afternoon. he said he doesn't believe that will be necessary. that the california school code makes provisions for these types of emergencies but so far, he believes they won't have to make up the day.
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>> david stevenson in san francisco tonight. thank you david. the oakland unified school district is canceling school tomorrow as well. late this afternoon outside of thorn hill elementary, parents pouring in to pick up their children were handed letters alerting them about the closure. the decision to close was not made lightly and that it was to take every precaution available to safeguard the community. some parents say they agree with the call but others don't. >> compared to storms they get in the east, it is hard to believe that it is going to be comparable to that. >> good decision based on the severity of the storm. and the location of the school. you have a lot of hilling around here. >> if there is a big storm coming, we would rather our kids be stuck at home than stuck at school. >> a spokesperson for the school district says the school will be open on friday. and for a complete list of bay area school closures, you can log onto there you will find the districts and the specific
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schools closed due to the storm. you will see that updated list at the bottom of our screen throughout the newscast. transit agencies like cal tran are gearing up for the storm as well and clearing drains. so far, looks like most public transit will be running tomorrow. ktvu channel 2 news' rob roth live with the one service that will not be running. >> reporter: we may not see the cable cars tomorrow, but the good news is, you should be able to get to where you need the go even by ferry. the question is, how long will it take? caltrans crews were clearing out the storm drains trying to prevent standing water tomorrow. the message from the highway patrol is slow down. >> if your windshield wipers are on, your headlights need to be on. it's the law and it is for your own safety. >> reporter: some bay area residents are planning to ride out the storm. >> i will stay in my little condo and hope the power doesn't go out.
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>> reporter: others still have to get to work and there will be ways to get there. in san francisco, muni says all buses an trains will be up and running, no changes in the schedule for now. >> we will have extra personnel on the street to make sure there isn't any flooding. throughout the city, we will have patrol officers, transit inspectors out there. eyes on the streets. >> reporter: but san francisco may be out its main tourist attraction tomorrow if the storm comes as advertised. the cable cars will have the day off. >> that is why we are here today. tomorrow we will shop. >> reporter: bart says all trains will be running and the storm is not expected to stop the ferries. the golden gate transit district says passengers can ride between marin and san francisco if they have the stomach for it. >> it might be rough. i am more concerned about getting to the ferry in the first place. >> reporter: the main advice is to allow extra time and to work from home if you can.
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gasia mikaelian? >> thanks. >> reporter: just the cable cars. >> sorry, but again, i think rob was reiterating only the cable cars might be down tomorrow. everything else seems okay. we have much more storm coverage in the next 90 minutes. we will go inside a emergency command center for the storm and take you to the north bay for reaction on the closings. and then the story of a sierra community fearing the storm more than other cities. then at 6:00, we will go live to the santa cruz mountains as they get ready for the punishing storms. now to the major protests in the bay area. protesters are going to hit for a fifth straight night tonight. this comes after anonymous shuts down a website. paul, do we know what the protesters are planning tonight? >> reporter: frank, we do.
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i just got word from a group of berkeley students. they are planning to go to a tribunal. it will be back here. the mayor says some of the officers may have done something too much. there will be some video here. the council members are calling for an investigation and he agrees those who cross the line should be punished. however, with the use of the tear gas saturday night, officers should have the opportunity to use it but be more careful. >> it is hard to say. i wasn't there. but after that happened, i think we should make sure the tear gas is only used in dire circumstances. >> reporter: mayor bates called out last night's council meeting for fear that it would
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be overrun. but council members were upset the meeting didn't take place. the mayor wants to schedule it for next tuesday. he says the protesters have not won. >> we did postpone the meeting but i don't think it is necessarily a victory for them, but for sanity. we will have it for a place where we can have everybody come and have a chance to be heard. >> reporter: now where people were not heard, that was on the city of oakland's website. anonymous says they claimed to hack into oakland police's website which is linked to all of oakland's other websites. it was offline. city officials are not sure if anonymous was responsible but says the it department was working hard to get it back up. it is now working just fine. here in berkeley. they plan another night of protests happening about 7:00 tonight. they will be back out here strong. that's the point and that is what is going to happen. we will be out here monitoring
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the situation and bring you anything that develops between now and in the newscast. >> paul chambers. thank you. alex savage shows us how the small town of emeryville was hit last night. >> reporter: surveillance video captured a rowdy crowd breaking through the front door with a trash can. at least a dozen looters streamed inside threatening the clerks on duty with chunks of concrete before stealing cigarettes and other merchandisement you can see people in masks rolling over the counter trying unsuccessfully to break into the register. this all happened just before midnight as a large crowd of protesters marched through the east bay. the vandals did several thousand dollars worth of damage. an extremely frustrating situation for the family who
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owns this store. >> i don't know if they think this place is corporate but it is not. me and my dad spent all night picking up glass. >> reporter: rahel and her father have owned this 7/11 for years. they support the protests but say this destruction distracts from the message. >> this is not the way to express it. >> reporter: police estimate as many as 300 protesters were on hand here. this superintendent was also trashed all the wiow were broken out another this bank of america. on this quiet residential street off san pablo, there still shattered glass on the ground. carol brown came outside to find the windows smashed on her new suv. >> we could see the people, the cloud of people moving down the streets still and i was like i'm not coming out until they leave i was kind of scared. they got at least five cars. >> reporter: a lot of damage done in a short amount of time.
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the 14 emeryville police officers on duty last night had no chance to control the crowds. >> the citizens and the people of emeryville are paying for something we did not do. we had no part in any of the actions going on in the united states. for some reason, our little city is the one suffering right now. >> reporter: police are going over video from last night's looting trying to track down the people who hi jacked the demonstration. all but one of the eastbound lanes of i-580 in liver more are closed this hour after a deadly accident happened this afternoon. that crash happened just before 3:00 east of the navasco road exit. the highway patrol says they are blocking the lanes. news chopper 2 was overhead less than an hour ago. you can see the monster traffic jam as a result. the highway patrol says one person was killed.
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officers haven't said yet if others were injured. we did just check with the chp. right now, they don't have an estimated time for reopening more lanes there of eastbound 580. the first draft was widely criticized for looking like a giant toilet. the redesign for the warriors new san francisco arena. >> victims of wild fire, preparing for the storm. why drought has made one northern california community vulnerable to the rain. >> and pg&e's game plan to keep the power on in the face of the storm. tuff. and thankfully, being able to find backups.
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lifeand thankfully, of shaving stuff. being able to find backups. >> pg&e crews have been out since before dawn today getting ready for the major storm head today the bay area. the biggest and most serious storm threat is damage to trees that could fall and take out
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power lines. tom vacar is live in san francisco at an emergency center that will help pg&e coordinate the local response. tom? >> reporter: indeed. in fact, those controversial smart meters we keep hearing about are going to help pg&e pinpoint where the outages are, but it is in places like this, local emergency centers will help coordinate all of the other support those crews need to do their job expeditiously. even before dawn, one of pg&e's big power equipment guards was dispatching extra power equipment. transformers, power lines, insulators and power poles to companies targeted. >> we know where the storm is going to hit. where it might hit the hardest. where we might need more crews and equipment. we are prepared to respond. >> reporter: pg&e contractors have been trimming as many limbs and branches in areas where past incidents have seen mass outages as here in the
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oakland hills. but, power outages will come nonetheless as old trees blow over and other uncontrollable circumstances dictate. even what pieces of eucalpytus bark blown away from the trees that fall across power lines can cause a short circuit and knock out the power. another event, cars into power poles. in far northern california, the fight to restore power is already fully engaged. >> we have already activated all of our regional emergency centers up north so we can quickly dispatch crews to any other outages that we may have. we are going to open our large energy center that controls the entire area at hid night tonight. >> reporter: it is important to know that crews cannot commence repairs until they can assure that the area is safe enough to work in. a decision made by those local responders. the biggest delays to be expected in remote mountainous areas where access is impossible until the weather
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settles down. we will have more on all of this at 6:00. tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. it sounds like we going to get slammed. let's bring in chief meteorologist bill martin one again. rain, wins up to 60 miles an hour. >> when you say 60 miles an hour, eight inches of rain, we are at the heavy end locations. the rest of us in the bay area, most of us will fall in the range of two to four inches over a couple of days. the north bay is going to get hit hard with four inches, maybe five or six inches tomorrow in the hills in the north baby stinson beach and mill valleyened up to san somo. this is a textbook storm. it has everything. it still has a moisture staff that extended from the islands breaking off a little bit. this is the moisture loading up now. the free frontal moisture. the main storm is pushing on shore, but it will be very strong winds, very strong rain,
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and just kind of a heck of a day tomorrow. we are already seeing rain. i'm getting reports throughout the bay area of scattered showers. this is really just the atmosphere getting moist at the lower levels. something else that adds to this or the sea surface temperatures, all year, we have had above average water temperatures offshorement we had bodega bay buoy up to 68 degrees or 66 degrees. that is like a record. monterrey 68 degrees. the warm water adds to the storms. it is like a hurricane in a way how warm water fuels hurricanes. it allows for a lot more water vapor to get into the upper atmosphere. these storms are being injected with more. you add the third or forth component and you get yourself an explosive deal and you get the cold air behind the storm. widely scattered showers. torn mornings commute, the heaviest stuff from 7:00 to
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11:00. it is going to be a little bit after the early morning commute. if you are on the richmond san rafael brunch, cross winds could be flowing 60 miles an hour. the bridges running east west could get hammered with the south wind. the san mateo bridge. the golden gate bridge won't be a picnic, but the bridges running east west, here is richmond bridge. the south wind hammers it. bay bridge gets hammered. richmond, they get hammered. so, wind in the morning, that is what you will be up against. then the rain moving in. rainfall accumulations, significant stuff here. this is the model saying by 5:00 tomorrow, san ancelmo, up to three inches of rain. in the watershed? up to five inches of rain. the russian river drainage basin, they are getting five
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inches up there. some areas six or seven inches of rain. it is a lot going on. we will be tracking it for you. there is not a lot behind this. there is rain. you see heavy rain in san rafael. san francisco, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and oakland, it starts to progress. it starts to move about noon. when you are looking at, i will get to the five day forecast here, when you are looking at the colors, think rainfall rates right? and so, it is one thing to get rain, but it is another thing to have it to an inch-and-a- half, dare i say two inches an hour in some places? that will cause problems especially in the urban areas like san francisco. i expect hot spots tomorrow will be downtown. that creek, it is beginning to want to come up. san francisco will be a hot spot. we had problems with a couple of inches in san francisco. just a lot of concrete. fast run offs.
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power outages. it has everything. i would stay home if i could. >> tomorrow night it is over? >> yeah, it winds down. and then friday, we have more showers, but this thing is a ten. i have never said a 10 have i? it is just a one-shot deal. a one-day deal. >> thank goodness. >> thank you bill. >> yeah. the warriors today, unveiled their newest design for their new arena in san francisco. it is a proposed 18,000 seat sports and entertainment center planned for mission bay right on the water just a few blocks from at&t park. it will feature open space with plazas and retail and office space. the new arena is being financed by the team. it is expected to be built and ready to open for the start of the 2018 season. you may recall the first draft of the proposal, a lot of people said that first draft looked like a giant toilet. more companies get the green light to use drones but amazon which desperately wants to use them did not. why the faa is giving some
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companies the go ahead but not others. >> now to julie haener in the news room. >> reporter: as bill tracks the arrival of the big storm headed our way tomorrow, we are in the santa cruz mountains tonight where preparations are underway in communities prone to landslides. what they are doing to minimize the storm damage. plus ...
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>> an uber driver was in court. the delay is due to a new motion by prosecutors to seize his drivers license. he hit and killed a six-year- old girl on new year's eve as she and her mother were in a crosswalk. but his attorney says he had the light and that this was not a case of distracted driving. >> there is no evidence of any cell phone usage, calling, texting, any engagement with the uber device. it was a dark night, and he made a lawful right on a green light. >> misafar is free on $50,000 bail and set to return to court december 27. an ohio judge exonerated a man who was convicted of murder 40 years ago. >> this room is lit with truth. i'm so overjoyed to be here.
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is there anything i can say moving forward, it is thank you. >> kwame azamu was accused of killing someone. a person on the stand was pressured to lie. the conviction stood. he got married and tried to rebuild his life, but had to change his name to get any kind of work. >> for every job i have been, it has been anything that wouldn't expose the fact that one was once the other. >> the other two men were released last month. each man could receive $40,000 a year for every year they were in prison. several companies got permission to use commercial
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drones but amazon is not among them. they will be used for monitoring construction sites and oil stacks. the faa is under regulation to allow other companies to use drones. congress set a december 2015 deadline but it could take until 2017. bracing for the strongest storm we have seen in years. tonight, we are tracking when the worst of it will hit. >> we told you about schools around the bay area shutting down because of this impending storm. why educators are taking this unusual step. >> and colin kaepernick talked about his confrontation with a raiders linebacker. why he didn't back down.
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>> complete bay area news coverage continues. this is ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00. >> we are tracking a severe storm. now the wind is going to hit first, then comes the rain. this could be one of the biggest storms we have seen in several years with wind gusts that could reach 80 miles an hour. our team coverage continues tonight. ktvu channel 2 news' john sasaki live in novato where schools will be closed. >> we are going to start once again with chief meteorologist bill martin who is tracking the storm. the one that is going to hit.
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it sounds like it is shaping up to be as advertised bill. >> it really is. it hasn't really changed its tone as we started tracking this three of four days ago. i wanted to take you step by step. this is the computer model. i want to show you what concerns me the most. so here we are tonight. we move forward, you see the north bay just kind of getting wet. nothing much going on. it starts to form the front offshore about 10:00, you see it is starting to coalesce a little bit. about midnight, you see more rain lingers. then watch right about here. it intensifies between 5:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. real hard rain, real hard rain, real hard rain through almost 10:00 a.m. so what is that? five hours? yeah. five hours of heavy rain possible for parts of the north bay. that's the big deal. that is why marin county is not
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having school tomorrow. that makes a lot of sense to me. now what happens here at 9:00 a.m. right? san rafael. it moves quickly into san francisco at 10:00 a.m. it is in san francisco from 10:00 to 11:00 right? so through san francisco proper, maybe an hour, maybe a little under an hour. and it continues to progress south. so see, this is a big deal. and from here on down, that's a big deal. but what is really a big deal is this stall situation here. the number of hours with extreme rainfall rates in the north bay. we will see urban and small stream flood warnings. there could be problems with the creek. so, that is what we are tracking. when i come back, we will get more precise on the timing. i wanted you to see that. that is why the north bay is on the bulls eye of this thing. they could get up to eight inches of rain. maybe nine inches of rain toward cascade canyon in the fair fax area. when i come back, it will be a nasty morning but a one shot deal. not much behind us. that's the good news. well the storm banging on
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the bay area's door has claimed a casualty if you will. the education process. john sasaki is in san rafael where the school district there has decided to shut things down tomorrow. >> reporter: you can see it on signs. tomorrow, december 11, there is no school. after the school let out, some students seemed uninterested in quickly gets away from school. >> san rafael city schools are closing tomorrow. >> the midweek break was announced in class. >> i didn't hear the announcement because everyone started streaming when it went on. everyone was happy we don't have school tomorrow. so everyone was screaming. >> reporter: little if any disappointing here. >> i'm excited. excited to sleep in. yeah. >> reporter: crystal alreadies christiansen officials recommended the low sure. >> our concern is two and from. >> reporter: when students are in class, they are safe, but
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hazards could be outside. >> typical things associated with a big storm. >> reporter: in novato, schools are shut down thursday and friday. >> i was wondering about kids trying to get the school. many of them walk. their parents are working. i think it is a good idea if the storm is going to be this big. >> reporter: her fifth fridayers don't agree on the closure. >> reporter: you said it is not good the school is closed? >> no. because i wanted to have deer day at school. >> he could have dear at home too. drop everything and read. >> reporter: closing down is the prudent choice. >> the storm is supposed to hit between 4:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. i don't want kids and families on the road at school. i am worried. i think it is safer for the kids to be at home. ,. >> reporter: i talked to the marin county superintendent
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this afternoon. she said all 19 school districts will be shut down tomorrow and she added that dozens of private schools here in the county will also be closed. it has started to drizzle an hour ago app just picked up a little bit. so this storm feels like it is moving into the area. back to you. >> john sasaki tonight. thank you john. san anthony's dining room will open in half an hour to give the homeless in san francisco a place to sleep over the next 48 hours. it is opening up as an emergency shelter that can hold up to 100 people who might have to sleep outside during this massive storm. saint anthony's dining room will be open 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. as a shelter and we have continuing coverage on including a list of all the schools that will be closed tomorrow because of the storm and we will continue to follow the progress of the storm overnight as it moves into the bay area and the ktvu channel 2 news morning news will be on 30 minutes early tomorrow at 4:00 a.m.
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to keep you posted as you head to work. new details after a confrontation between colin kaepernick and a raiders linebacker. kaepernick is speaking out about it. why he says he couldn't back down. >> a local skier making headlines because of a death defying run. the incredible video of him shooting right through a narrow ... look at that. a narrow mountain chute. >> plus, a remarkable sight. a car into a roof. >> my wife thought it was an earthquake. >> no, how this car got there and how the driver is still a mystery.
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>> well, here is something you don't expect to see everyday. an suv went airborne and crashed through the roof of a home in san diego. it happened about 12:30 this morning. police say the bmw was stolen from a dealership. the house sits about 20 feet below the road. it appears the suv was launched as the driver lost control. it landed in the roof of the garage. no one was injured. the homeowner thought that the loud noise was an earthquake. >> my wife thought it was an earthquake. she was really freaked out. and i didn't notice. i probably had just fallen asleep again. at the moment it happened. >> how do you sleep through
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something like that? two cars parked inside the garage were damaged. the suspected car thief climbed out of the car and ran from the scene and has not been arrested. the nfl has been criticized for its handling of player involved in domestic violence cases. now it will have a tougher personal conduct policy. nfl owners met in texas today unanimously approved changing to the policy. this new policy calls for a special council to be hired. that person will oversee the initial discipline of players and commissioner roger goodell will retain authority to rule on appeals. the players union has not yet said whether it agrees with this new policy. the pakistani teenager who was awarded the nobel peace prize will continue to fight for the rights of girls around the world. 17-year-old malala is the youngest person to ever receive
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the prize. the taliban gun man shot her in 2012 because she advocated education for girls. >> i had two options. one was to remain silent and wait to be killed. and the second was to speak up and then be killed. i chose the second one. i decided to speak up. >> malala is sharing the $1.1 million prize with an activist from india who also campaigned for the rights of children and young people. it was a stunt with almost no margin for error. check out these shots from a local skier. more from the camera he was wearing. look at that. incredible. as he went right down this treacherous chute. >> everyone is getting ready for the big storm, but one community is particularly concerned. why they could be especially hard hit. >> after the break, we continue
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tracking the most powerful storms we have seen in a while. weenie come back, we will give you a time line for the day tomorrow.
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>> 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick talked about his confrontation with raiders player moore. here is a look at the video of
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the confrontation. now this happens as both teams were walking off the field at halftime. it happened after moore sacked kaepernick earlier in the game. ktvu channel 2 news' scott reese is here now. not only did kaepernick smile, but he had an answer that was more than two or three words. >> what a difference a week makes. there were many pressing questions asked today in the locker room. the most important, who are you and what have you done with colin kaepernick? he spoke at length to the media including the spat during sunday's game between kap and moore. they had words during the first half. but then yeah, they went at it again at halftime. moore waited for kap in the tunnel. they exchanged pleasantries. he said moore flat-out challenged him.
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>> a little bit. i'm not one to back down from a challenge. so exchanged a few words. i mean, i'm not too worried about what someone else is saying. i'm not there to compete. that's all i'm worried about. trying to help this team win. >> since kap was smiling and talkative today, got sound on the seattle seahawks coming up. we will see that at 6:00. >> it is nice to see him talk. it is. >> thank you scott. see you at 6:00. all right, big storm, it is kind of, we have been talking about it for a while. it will be nice when it gets here. it has been sitting out here brewing. there is the system. i have already diagrammed it for you. you know there is a lot of moisture and cool air. a chance of thunderstorms. the radars are picking up a chance of rain, we are seeing showers developing. that is just again, you know, kind of getting the ground moist for what will happen again tomorrow. it is a big storm.
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i mean, again, it is a one and done, at least how it looks. that is really good. really good. if there was a line of these things backed up or another two days of rain, we would have problems with the russian river. we are going to get at least a break as we head into friday. actually into thursday afternoon. so this is a system, 4:00 a.m. starting to come together. this is significant rain. if this wasn't the mother of all storms. if this wasn't a big stormings we look at this and go wow, it is really going to rain. but watch how it comes together. it lines up like that. that consolidation tells you things are going to be very powerful. you will see rainfall rates out in the richmond district. you will see rainfall rates, an inch-and-a-half. that is what you find inside a hurricane. the rain bands of a hurricane.
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those are the kinds of rainfall rates. rates are everything. you can get five inches of rain, but if you get it over three days it is okay. if you get it in two hours, flooding. this is the kind of thing we got. so tomorrow, the national weather service will issue an urban small stream flood warning, a flash flood warning as the system rolls through. so your ebss will go off. especially in the north bay tomorrow morning. and we will see it go off around here as well. it is progressing. there is 11:00. now it is raining but it is nothing like thursday. rainfall forecasts, these are just the models going hey, three inches of rain in san francisco. by thursday night at 10:00, that is significant rain. but you get in the hills up in the mount tam, cascade canyon,
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fair fax, you are going to see five or six inches of rain, maybe more. forecast highs, it is kind of a warm storm at first. the snow levels will drop, but in the beginning they will going to be high. you think we are going to get six feet of snow in the mountains? not the case. maybe a couple of feet of snow. i guess if you get up there real high, 9,000 feet, you might see four feet. but there will be a lot of rain. >> back to the fact most bay area schools are closing. we all grew up here. do you guys remember ever having a canceled day? >> i thought it was just marin county. >> no, it is marin county, san francisco. >> contra costa county? >> wow. >> i don't remember that ever happen. i don't remember ever
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down. he won the line of the the year award. sports center posted this video and he wrote on his face book page, mountain skiing has hit the mainstream. we posted this on if you want to watch it again and again and again and again. we have some good skiers in the news room, but nothing like that. >> including our producer caroline. look at that. >> oh my heart.
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>> that is really something. well, speaking of snow, bracing for rain and snow, everyone is getting ready. one community? particular is really concerned because of what happened a few months ago. back now to julie haener in the news room with more on what we are working on for 6:00. >> residents in the santa cruz mountains are used to storm damage as well. we are live there tonight with the efforts to try to minimize the storm damage. also, the students are interviewing their potential instructors. how the south bay school is changeing the way students are learning and succeeding. female announcer: get three years interest-free financing
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♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> a protest took place today outside the oakland federal building, this one was different. >> security and oppression. >> this group of white residents marched and stood in front of the federal buildings entrance to shut it down. there were no arrests. the protesters are outraged by the ongoing violations against black people's lives. >> this country and the system. the racist system by which the country operates privileges some lives over others. we are here to say that black lives matter and white silence equals violence. >> this was set to take place
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in 27 cities across the country. crews from the u.s. forest service were hard at work in el dorado county. dave clark >> crews used shoveled and machines today to create ditches on a blackened hillside. >> reporter: they tossed rocks to reenforce newly installed road cobert. the u.s. forest service says heavy rains last week have already caused some small landslides in the area burned by this summer's king fire. now, this next storm could do even worse. >> it may overwhelm our capabilities and we will have to do what we can. >> reporter: a helicopter had been dropping rain absorbing rice straw but only a couple of acres were covered before wet weather forced it to land. now it is up to the ground
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crews to build burns like this one not the stop mud slides but to slow them down. >> a lot of people might think because of the drought, the ground could soak up all this rain, but it is the exact opposite. >> we are seeing dry soil below an inch. it is counterintuitive, but that is happening all throughout the fire area. >> reporter: no homes are threatened on this part of the burn zone, but mud slides could damage an important road. they could also send mud and debris flowing into the south fork of the american river and two power producing reservoirs downstream. >> we could get enough debris that the material could damage our turbines. >> reporter: crews plan to work until the storm hits tonight. after that, forest managers say the burn zone will become too dangerous. now at 6:00,


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