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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  December 22, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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firefighters are told to relocate tonight because of concerns the station house may be hazardous to their health. good evening i'm ken wayne. frank somerville is off tonight. >> and i'm julie haener. the problem at the fire station is mold. firefighters say they've been complaining for years but nothing has been done. firefighters have recently been living in the garage because of the mold problem. amber. >> reporter: fire station number 16 is among the older fire houses here in san jose. tonight it is closed indefinitely as it waits for
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further inspection. around 6:30 tonight we saw the night crew pull out and relocate to two near fire houses. station 16 crews have been living in the garage because of mold contamination. these photos show the conditions the firemen have been living in. firemen tell ktvu there's been a mold problem here for four years in the kitchen and bathrooms but nothing has been done about it. the department's command house went to station number 16 to see the problem. >> i know this issue had been brought up before. but i think at this point when they visited the station today they determined it had progressed to the point that it was no longer habitable. >> reporter: the command staff determined that the shift had to be moved out of here
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tonight. >> we understand they had to be moved out of here tonight. >> reporter: he expects the station to be cleaned and ready to house firefighters again in the next few weeks. >> we're already thinly staffed already. we can't afford to have stations out for a long period of time. we have to make sure the station is fixed and safe for the firefighters to be there. >> we're going to come back out together once we get experts on the case to figure out what the answer is for station 16. >> reporter: will thereby no disruption for service. he says firefighters will be close in case of any calls. now the state and federal government are stepping in to help. today governor jerry brown issued a state of emergency proclamation for marin, san mateo here in northern california. ventura county will also
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receive aid. each county applied for aid after the floodings of homes. sonoma, lake and tajema county also claimed local emergencies but are waiting for approval from sacramento. marin county saw more damage today when a rock slide shut down a portion of highway 101. it happened around 2:30 this morning just north of the golden gate bridge on the waldo grade near the alexander avenue off ramp. two southbound lanes were closed until about 11:00 this morning backing up traffic for miles. this stretch of 101 is a known problem spot for rock slides. engineers are expected to take a look at the hillside to try to determine its stability new at 10:00, the family of a santa cruz family woman who died from listeria is suing safeway. shirley gene frye bought the
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apples around halloween. she died from a listeria infection. fries family members say health officials confirm she had the same strain as four other people who's deaths were also linked to prepackaged caramel apples. by this time this week the san francisco 49ers and head coach jim harbaugh may have parted ways. jake glazer of spot sports is reported that the niners are expected to cut ties with harbaugh 24 to 48 hours after the season ending game on sunday. >> boy we would really have a story if all of a sudden the 49ers and harbaugh announce they've kissed and made up. i know a lot of 49er fans don't want to see him go but in the meantime we have stuck with the story that we're just going to have to wait. soon enough we will know all about the future of jim harbaugh. but today he addressed the media and talked a little bit about the 49ers tough loss
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against san diego on saturday. at least we saw some great offense for a change. frank gore going to go out in style with a nice running for a touchdown. then there was collin kaepernick. incredible run of 90 yards. but in the end it was the indignity for harbaugh. he was congenial in taking those questions on today with regard to his future. >> what will happen will happen, what won't happen won't happen. and, but, i will get the pleasure of the organization and let them have the floor on that. >> it had to have been hard to resist maybe shooting back a little bit? >> it's a good question. it's a really good question.
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>> go ahead if you want. >> the high road is the only road i know. i'll just keep on that one. >> he's taking it pretty well. you know all things considered. that the media just keeps pestering him every week since all this got turned up a notch that the 49ers weren't going to make the play offs and that it looks for certain that he's going to be leaving the organization. every week we want to know what he's doing and he's not telling. as jake glazer reported we will probably know very quickly. the 49ers entire organization does not want this to drag on by any means. >> maybe monday. >> i would imagine it'll be monday at the latest. >> right after the next game. >> yeah, sunday which you will see right here. on channel 2. >> an unauthorized flight over levi's stadium led to warning this past weekend for a drone pilot. santa clara police say they were tipped off by one who saw the drone saturday evening. the faa restricts air space over stadiums during games making it off limits to all
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aircraft including drones. police say they located the pilot and gave him a warning. they did not confiscate that drone. now to new york city where there's a call for unity as the fractured city trys to move forward after two of its police officers were ambushed and killed over the weekend. one of the officers liu was honored today before his funeral. investigators say he and rafael ramos were sitting in their squad car when the gunman shot and killed them. all political debate should be put on hold until officers are put to rest. the family of the alleged gunman's family also spoke out today. >> i feel so bad for the families. we give our condolences to the family. >> but we're grieving and we're very sorry for what happened for the innocent cops that were there. >> reporter: brinsley's family describes him as an angry
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troubled man who's life had spiraled out of control. san francisco police chief greg suhr is expressing condolences for those fallen officers. he says the deaths in new york have shaken police officers across the country. >> right now we're grieving as a profession and as a country to fallen officers. only guilty of wearing a uniform. so they were doing what they were supposed to be doing. and and their lives were taken. >> reporter: chief suhr says he has issued a heightened awareness state for his officers but they will continue to work to keep the city safe. in the meantime, there was a moment of silence for an officer who was kill on the job. officer tav era was just 28 years old. at the time of his death he worked at the taravel station and that's where people honored
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his memory tonight. an internet black out in north korea is raising new questions tonight. the outage comes just days after the u.s. blames the north korean dictatorship for a cyber attack at sony pictures. ken pritchett is live in san francisco with the latest scene in a saga that really ken is still unfolding. >> it is, in a matter of days the movie the interview should have been playing here at the metrionic theaters across the country. its cancellation or at least delay has angered many moviegoers and it's brought to the surface a cyber ware fare that's been with us all along. this evening outside the metrion a trio of protesting movie lovers have their say. >> it's free expression to make a comedy. we want to see "the interview." >> reporter: they call what sony did a censorship. some say is backed by north
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korea. today that dictatorship saw the internet slow and then go dark all together which raises more questions. >> north korea has internet? north korea, oh wow, okay. >> reporter: was the u.s. responsible in an act of cyber retribution. the u.s. would respond but many internet security experts doubt this north korea outage was that response. >> it could be anybody. it might be that this is a bad day to be an it in north korea. we have no idea. >> reporter: north korea certainly wouldn't be the first. >> we know there are these large hacker armies being created by various governments all over the world to do all sorts of stuff. but when they do it it's hard to tell who it is did it. >> reporter: one problem with pinning the sony hack on north korea or that country's black out on anyone else is we only know of what we're told about a part of the internet most of us
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never see. >> it's really fascinating what the internet has become. it's not just a communication media. it's not just this way for all of us to stay connected. it's also a way for people to wage war. >> reporter: the same monitoring group that says north korea's monitor was down today now says it is back up. and government sources have been quoted as saying that the u.s. was not responsible. >> ken pritchett live in the city, thank you ken. california has a new state supreme court justice. she will be the second african american woman ever to serve on the state's high court and the youngest in almost a century. 38-year-old crougar is a los angeles data who served as attorney general at the u.s. department of justice. crougar has argued 12 cases before the u.s. supreme court. testing for dangerous bacteria on commercial flights. >> we eat on those tray tables. >> you do, i don't. >> our eye opening results and
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expert advice about how to stay healthy when you fly. >> i'll show you the impact it could have on your holiday travel. >> this window washer fell 11 stories and survived. >> it's not easy for me to stand here and ask for help.
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just two shopping days left until christmas. and if you ventured near a bay area mall or retail district today you can attest to the fact that it's pretty busy out
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there. new at 10:00, maureen naylor live at valley fair mall in san jose with what retailers are doing to try to get shoppers to open their wallets. >> retailers are using expedited shipping and extended hours to lure consumers. here they're going to be open for another 45 minutes or so. still plenty of people here. and tonight we saw plenty of people just starting their christmas shopping. >> reporter: outside valley fair monday night. >> it's a zoo here. >> reporter: lines of cars packed the parking lot which is why adrian aguilar skipped his car and walked four blocks. >> i timed myself it took seven or eight minutes. >> i've been looking for 10 minutes or so. >> how would you describe the parking lot. >> i think it's worse than black friday. and it's a monday. so i thought no one would be at the mall. >> reporter: but this is what she found inside.
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crowds and lots of lines. along with dancing actors dubbed merry makers to make the last minute rush that much more festive. >> i've been running around like crazy just trying to breakthrough the crowds and find gifts for people. >> this is probably the coolest thing i bought for my brother. >> reporter: this 21-year-old drove here from santa cruz and left with a cross bow for her brother and jewelry for her mother. >> honestly i just got my paycheck. so i'm just kind of waiting. been putting it off. end of the month it's always crazy with bills due and everything. just financially trying to figure out what i can spend on christmas. >> reporter: santa was busy with last minute visits and visits with children. despite this mom's best effort for smiles this is all she got. daughter emily and son jack remained stoic for santa. >> we told them what we would
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like for christmas. >> reporter: what do they like. >> we want a frozen castle and lego. >> reporter: 9% of holiday shoppers wait until the very last minute and buy their last gift on christmas eve and more men than women fall in that category. christmas eve is usually when danny hern starts his shopping. >> all the time. i know what i'm looking for so i'm not shopping i'm buying. >> how quickly can you knock all your buying out? >> one day. >> really? >> absolutely. i have sharks and warriors to watch tonight so it's got to be done before jeopardy and the game starts. >> reporter: one retailer consultant says jewelry stores some offering up to 78% off are the busiest he's seen in years. ken. >> good luck getting out of that parking lot. maureen naylor, live in san jose.
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it appears the flu has claimed its first california victim. an elderly woman in los angeles county died of type b influenza. flu activity is increasing and it's not too late to get a flu shot. they expect the flu season to peak in january and february. pg & e released more potentially incriminating e- mails today about a dozen new e- mails provide fresh every of what critics say is back channel talks between utility officials and state regulators at the puc. the disclosure is a result of a federal investigation into the san bruno pipeline explosion. but the san bruno mayor isn't happy about the timing o -- of this new release. he calls it damming proof of bad behavior at the cpuc at a time when the public and the news media are headed into the holiday season. new information tonight about a window washer who fell 11 stories in the city and survived. a month after landing on a moving car his family says his
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condition is improving. his family says, he'll be out of the hospital in time for christmas. >> but he will need to go to a rehab facility and as christien kafton reports, the family faces other long term challenges. >> the hospital called to notify us that my father was alive but in critical condition. >> reporter: monica perez says that she and her mother initially heard that pedro perez had died following his plunge. the family says he's slowly recovered from a shattered pelvis, kidney damage and head trauma. cal osha is investigating but his daughter said today he doesn't remember anything about the fall or how it happened. >> i've shown him pictures of the accident. i've shown him videos and he doesn't remember any of that. nothing at all. >> reporter: pedro was a generous provider for his wife and three daughters. now his eldest daughter has dropped out of college to work full time and his wife is
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working extra hours. both say they're only bringing in half of what he did. without his income they're falling behind on the bills. >> it's not easy for me to stand here and ask for help and i wouldn't be doing it unless my dad and my family really needed it. >> reporter: perez is said to be released from the hospital and will move into a rehabilitation center. that's where the family will be celebrating their christmas miracle this year and they're hoping the outpouring of support will lead to a generous holiday season. >> we need help during the time of recooperation to maintain our family. it's not easy to be here asking for help. >> reporter: the family now has a go fund me site to make donating easier. since that site went public the donations started rolling in. we have a link to that site on our website, christien kafton, ktvu channel 2 news.
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>> quite a change from last week and a week before that with all the rain we've been getting. where the jet stream goes is typically where the weather goes. the weather is going north of us. it breaks down just a little bit as we head into wednesday night brings us a slight chance of a sprinkle but nothing, nothing like we experienced last week. we have valley fog forming in the central valley. it'll be widespread. and we won't see fog in the valley. wet ground, cool nights. overnight lows tonight going to get down into the 40s. current temperatures are new lot 50s. in the next few hours we'll get into the 40s. the dewpoint temperature is going to be met. and so you're going to have fog formation in all the usual spots. fog forecast for tomorrow morning, pretty significant in
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the north bay. central valley i wouldn't be surprised if you saw a dense fog advisory from maybe fresno north to sacramento. the computer model takes us into tomorrow morning. and the first thing you notice right, these are just torrential rain, you see the valley fog there. it doesn't do well with the grids but it'll be here as well. the climate is exactly the same over here as it is over there. we will see valley fog reforming. it'll be there. it'll have an impact on the morning travel. not just tomorrow morning but the next couple of mornings. when i come back i'm going to time line that wednesday deal for you. because i know it's coming in the middle of a lot of people's holidays. we'll see you back here after the break. >> robbed during their wedding day photo session. the reward, money for information about armed robbers who stole cameras and more. then at 10:30, bacteria found on planes. it's disgusting and dangerous. the dirtiest spots and how to protect yourself. new information about an alleged sexual assault
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involving former san francisco 49er ray mcdonald. why police were sending him text messages on the woman's phone.
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court documents are providing new information about a sexual assault charge against ray mcdonald. the documents detail an unorthodox text message exchange as the police officer posed as the woman and used her phone to exchange texts with mcdonald. police call this a rape by intoxication. mcdonald claims he didn't do anything wrong. >> reporter: the investigation reveals that it began with a night of drinking at a san jose bar. the victim and mcdonald ended up at his house where according to these documents, she ended up waking up the next day naked
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in his bed. mcdonald said he let her sleep in his bed because she was tired. it wasn't until she repeatedly asked that he confirmed they had sex. it was then that she let police use her cell phone to contact mcdonald. mcdonald writes, ex expletive just happened, we were just enjoying the moment. and then mcdonald says, i don't know why you're bothered, you decided to stay the next day. he went to the store with him to buy more alcohol. >> she may have consented but the question is was she too impaired to lawfully give consent. >> reporter: these cases are often difficult to prosecute. it'll come down to how drunk was she and did mcdonald know she was intoxicated. court documents mention alden
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smith at mcdonald's house with him. >> i think he's clearly someone that police are going to want to talk to. find out what he knows about what ray mcdonald knows. >> reporter: we reached out to ray mcdonald and i spoke to a man claiming he was ray over the phone. he told me he could not comment on this case and he hung up. mcdonald's mother told me she was flying here to be with her son during this time. azenith smith, ktvu news. an armed robbery in oakland left some photographers without equipment and a bride and groom without any photos of their special day. the incident happened around 4:30 on saturday during a photo session at oakland high school where the newlyweds first met. police say the photographers had just wrapped up the shoot when three men approached and took everything at gunpoint. that included all the pictures from the wedding. a mom and her daughter noticed the photo session a few hours earlier. >> they were doing a photo shoot right on park boulevard in front of all the graffiti. >> they were in their wedding dress and two or three little
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girls wearing red dresses. >> police say the stolen equipment is worth about $13,000. of course the pictures are irreplaceable. there's a $25,000 reward in this case. probably the germiest restroom you will ever get on will be on a plane. >> you may want to carry disinfecting wipes. the action of good samaritans that helped get a girl to safety.
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every day is a new opportunity to help make life better right here in san francisco. whether it's helping local businesses like the fruitguys grow and prosper, supporting nonprofits like juma ventures
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as they fulfill their mission or helping neighborhoods like the tenderloin become vibrant communities. if there's a way to help the people of san francisco thrive and succeed, we'll find it. that's the power of local connections. that's bank of america. monday morning commute saw a heroic rescue pulled off by two men on highway 4. a pickup truck carrying two teenagers was left dangling off the side of an overpass after a head on crash in brentwood. the coroner's office says the
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driver 17-year-old mario castro of stanislaus county died when the truck veered off the road. two men pulled over to help. a girl was stuck in the truck. >> me and another man that was there started trying to open the door. luckily i had a bat in my car. we had her cover her face and we shattered the window and we were able to open the door. >> reporter: the woman told the men she was the driver's girlfriend. investigators are now trying to determine whether or not castro may have fallen asleep at the wheel. now to the south bay where prosecutors say a san jose man who pled guilty to starting a series of fires will likely never get out of jail. 49-year-old patrick william brennan is expected to be sentenced to 40 years to life in prison in february. police say he admitted to setting 13 fires between january 8 and the 12th in downtown san jose. the fires destroyed several
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homes and a warehouse. brennan has two previous felony convictions. an uber driver charged with killing a girl pled not guilty today for the new year's eve crash that killed sofia liu. so far -- sofia was in a crosswalk when she was struck by the vehicle and killed. the judge denied a prosecution motion to have musaffar's motion suspended. he is free on bail and is due back in court february third. new at 10:00, a question as thousands of people hop on flights this week to see loved ones for the holidays. how clean are the planes we fly on? studies show bacteria can live for weeks on surfaces on planes. bacteria that is sometimes dangerous. mia garcia on what she found after collecting samples from a flight then taking them to a lab. >> we're on our way. >> reporter: we hopped on one
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of the most popular flights. >> we're off to sin city las vegas. to make sure the swabs didn't sit for days we started swabbing on the way back. the lab told us that's how we would get the most accurate results. first we swabbed the tsa bin going through security. on board we also swabbed the plane's tray table. toilet seat. seat belt and a bathroom door handle. we had a microbiology testing lab analyze our swab. the lab found dangerous infectious bacteria on our flight back home. >> this is a really bad contagious bacteria because it's very hard to treat. >> reporter: lab results found mrsa or antibiotic resistant bacteria inside of the tsa bins and also on the airplane toilet seat. staph was also font on the tsa bin and bathroom handle.
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staph orious can cause bloodstream infections and pneumonia. >> probably the germiest bathroom you will find is on a flight. >> we do an area usually about that large. >> reporter: gerba analyzed those swabs looking for fecal bacteria and for total numbers of bacteria which give us an idea of how dirty or germy an object is. the doctor swabbed the bathroom door, the handle, the seat and also a tray table. >> this is probably one of the germier bathrooms you will run across.
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the bathroom sink was the dirtiest. fecal bacteria was found in it too. >> so this is what they use to test for fecal bacteria. this was the airplane sink. yellow is positive. and you can see the fecal bacteria was all over the sink. the second was the tray table. 25,000 bacteria in the area swabbed. the toilet seat at home probably had 50 bacteria in the same area. >> tray tables often have large numbers of bacteria we found in the past. we found influenza virus and noro virus because they're not usually cleaned. >> reporter: the dr. also found mrsa on the table. >> we eat an those tables. >> you do, i don't.
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>> so eating on the fold up table is the same as eating on the toilet. >> they almost had more bacteria on the tray table than the toilet seat. >> reporter: travelers should use sanitizers and clean their tables. >> i usually put a disinfecting wipe on them if i'm going to eat or put any food of them. >> if you think that flying is the germiest way of travel? it isn't. >> you will have less germs than taking the bus. >> reporter: choose a window seat not the aisle. the person sitting on the aisle has more contact with the person as they make their way through the aisle. joe cocker died today after a battle with lung cancer.
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>> ♪ cocker rose to fame with his rendition of the beatles, up with my friends. joe cocker was 70 years old. a deputy on the wrong side of the law. a conduct that san francisco sheriff calls unforgivable. a chance of showers as we head into the holidays. i'm going for the computer models to pinpoint when and where. put it in reverse. put it in reverse. >> up first a case of road rage on interstate 80. video of a scary encounter that landed one driver in handcuffs. the holiday season is here, which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta...
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and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models.
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a driver is facing several charges after a road rage incident and one of the victims caught the whole thing on camera. >> she just hit our car. she just hit our car. she is pushing us off the road. >> the video is from inside a mazda sedan. she called 911 after she says a car started following them and reportedly rear ended their car. the women in that mazda exited the freeway to get help. the driver of the pickup truck dedrie orozco was later arrested and charged with reckless driving and obstructing an officer. a san francisco sheriff deputy is said to appear in court later this week to face charges that he attacked a hospital patient. the investigate led to the arrest of one of their own deputies. >> reporter: the alleged assault happened at san francisco general hospital early last month. a sheriff deputy who works here
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is accused of choking a patient then lying about it. >> unacceptable and it will not be accepted by this department. >> reporter: mirkarimi spoke to us about the officer. he allegedly assaulted a patient and wrote a report that the patient tried to attack him. >> give me a sense of when they became aware that there was something wrong with the deputies story. >> within days. >> reporter: it allegedly shows lewellin knocking the patient's cane away and choking him after he tried to walk away. >> we lookedded at the surveillance video we obtained which helped build our case. >> reporter: george gascon describes it as unforgivable
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conduct. officials were disciplined after a patient was found dead in the stairwell. this shows the value of the formed criminal unit. >> to proactivity move on any one of our i think folks who might misstep and violate that public trust. >> reporter: lewellen's attorney declined comment today. he's on unadministrative leave and is said to be arraigned on friday. in san francisco david stevenson, ktvu news. people lined up for hours at the local mall and it wasn't to get a picture with santa claus. the stars that came out to help toys for tots. bill martin's forecast and how a chance of wet weather could impact your holiday. in two minutes, super fast internet on hold. google's announcement today about expanding fiber to san jose.
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california attorney general issued a warning for users of location services on mobile apps. many people don't realize that some apps can access your location all the time even when you're not using the app. the attorney general's office says that can be dangerous for some such as victims of stalking or domestic abuse. you can keep your location private by changing the settings in your mobile device. those hoping for google's super fast internet will have to wait a little longer. on wall street, the dow rose 154 points to close at a record high. nasdaq gained 16. the dow is now back to the
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18,000 level. it is the fourth consecutive session for the market. new at 10:00, giving to get. that was the idea behind a holiday toy drive that featured several oakland raiders players tonight. >> they signed photographs for fans at south land mall in exchange for donations to toys for tots. jana katsuyama joins us live, and tells us this event was a big hit. >> it was. there was plenty of holiday cheer here in hayward tonight ken. basically what happened is the u.s. marines and the coast guard joined forces with four players from the oakland raiders. >> reporter: the lines were long at southland mall but on this saturday night these crowds weren't waiting for a picture with santa claus. the stars were out and the colors were black and silver. oakland raiders player antonio smith, justin ellis, and p.j.
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kerry and number 52 caleel mack signed photographs in exchange for donations. >> it's a great feeling knowing you have this great support and great fan base. i'm blessed to be here. >> it definitely bringing us closer. lets us go out there, meet new people, new organizations. >> reporter: some players drove from as far as lodi to meet the players. >> it was a surprise for him because he didn't know about it. >> reporter: and as yesterday's victory came as an early christmas gift for fans. >> we were there. it was a great end to the year. >> to be able to give back it's always a good one. >> reporter: for many of the raiders young fans it was the stuff of christmas dreams. >> i'm going to be on the raiders. >> reporter: was it exciting? >> yes. >> reporter: what was the best part.
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>> getting it signed. >> reporter: and the players had a message for those children who couldn't afford a trip to see their favorite team. >> i want to wish them a merry christmas. and send prayers out to those families that are not able to come out and give toys and don't have toys. >> always be optimistic in with everything that life brings. and success will come from it. >> reporter: more than 500 toys, more than $800 were collected tonight. all those donations will go to children that are in the hospital and children in foster care in oakland. >> good turn out there. thank you jana. checking in on the weather and rain not here. last week it was pouring. the week before that. now it's pouring everywhere but here. a lot of rain out there in cincinnati. for us we're under this big dome of high pressure and it sets us up with a dry pattern. relatively dry pattern the next
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few days. fog showing up in the central valley. i got fog down in sacramento. i got fog up in napa now showing fog. i have fog in napa as well. it'll be something to contend with the next couple of days just because, well the winds are relatively calm out there. and the nights are still long and the ground is wet. and it's just the way it goes around here before we get a major disruptive system around here. like rain or wind. big wind. we're going to be dealing with fog nights and mornings. it'll be with us right through the holiday two week period. calm in san francisco, calm in san jose. calm in livermore. livermore eastern side of town you'll get some fog. overnight lows tonight are going to get into the 40s. dewpoints are in the 40s. they're going to meet and fog forms. the moist ground sets us up with that. the dewpoint temperatures tonight are basically about 45, 48 degrees. temperatures are going to be in the 40s. and as soon as the temperature meets the dewpoint temperature fog forms. that just happened in napa in the last 10, 15 minutes at
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least at the airport. they hit the dewpoint temperature so fog is forming in those areas. the forecast for fog tomorrow, nothing along the coast. no high clouds over head but there is in the central valley right there. fog in the forecast and it'll get a little worse each day. as we set up this high pressure, sets us up with warmer weather today. today was warm. we had high temperatures today. they were easily, we had numbers today that were in the 60s. upper 60s and even some low 70s. tomorrow we'll have numbers that are in the upper 60s and low 70s again. as this high pressure center weakens a little bit. that chance of a sprinkle but the basic gist of this is the high is sticking around it's not going any where. there's a chance of showers on wednesday. there's the long range model. look what happens after that. saturday, sunday, monday. it's dry for a while after that. even that wednesday deal looks pretty good. your weekend forecast, mostly crowdty in the morning --
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cloudy in the morning. mostly cloudy in the evening. by morning you might have a stray shower but by morning it's out of there. five day forecast then with the bay area weekend coming into view. you will see it right here and it's just the way you want to see it. i mean it's dry after an extended, but we were so wet for so long now here we are with a nice break. with temperatures in the upper 60s. >> it was so nice to feel the sunshine out there today. nice and warm. thank you bill. >> sure. let's check in with -- we have one story we want to tell you about. an organization that helps youth had a special celebration this evening. the organization has been in oakland for 15 years and relies heavily on community support to carry out its mission. >> there's quite a few homeless youth in the area. in the bay area. some where around 2,500 youth who don't have a stable place to stay.
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>> for those youth, covenant house provides shelter and services. join ktvu this christmas for holiday in focus. the sights and sounds with a unique bay area flavor. join us on christmas day at 5:30 a.m., noon, 5:30 p.m. and at 10:30 p.m. or you can catch holiday in focus at 7:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. over on tv 36. >> mark is right. i'm so excited about the warriors i had to jump right in there. another w for the dubs. >> i can't blame you for being excited. we haven't seen basketball like this from the warriors since the 76 or around then. they walk out of the court knowing no teams are going to beat them. yeah they're that good. sacramento wasn't bad at all tonight. they were just badly overmatched. the warriors also have the addition of david lee back from the hamstring looking pretty
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good. playing 16 minutes. six points, seven rebounds. the usual for him when he's healthy steph plenty of rest tonight. he does what he does. and it is all good too. 12 points, 11 assists. didn't need him to play a little more than half the game. one of his assists you will see it right here it is coming up to clay thompson. pretty good pass you call that. 25 points for clay to lead the warriors and the fans were pumped all night and why not. the bench was great. andre iguodala. 12 points off the pine. and the warriors in fact, 62 points from the reserve. they win easily by 20. their nba best record stands at 23-3. they are rolling. no slouch themselves on the ice of late. hottest team in hockey as a matter of fact. but sharks had their jets cooled just a little bit tonight. first place ducks, assert themselves in southern california. they were leading the sharks 1- 0. and another shark newcomer
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melker carlson. first nhl career goal for him shot from the side 1-1 in the third. we're now 2-2 in over time. 68 kicks in. ryan kessler will sneak one past niemi right there. 9-1-1 in the last 11 games and they do pick up a point despite coming up on the short end. the college of bowl football season is upon us. and you know great sportsman ship, comradery and great representation for the educational institution, well we had the unbelieve bowl tonight. sports part two next.
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will come up with a nice play here. he knows what to do with it. he led cal with 17 points but wisconsin begins to take control of this game. in fact, they put it away at the start of the second half
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with a 17-7 spurt. so wins cal. they are now 10-2. and you've been watching the seahawks just flatten everybody in their path of late. you know it's all about when you peak. it may not be great news for denver. peyton manning and company started on fire. all young quarterbacks yeah it happens to the best of them. manning intercepted four times including this one by kirkpatrick, takes it back. right after the final between byu and memphis, mass chaos breaking out between the two squads. they weren't messing around either. there's cheap shots, real blows thrown. got to wonder about disciplinary action here. by the way, memphis 55-48.
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winners over byu. but that's, that's wild. that's ugly. not in a good way. that's the sports life. >> thanks for joining us tonight. good night. >> good night.
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"oh, my goodness, those hands are cold!" (luke laughs) mm-hmm. "at least buy me dinner first." (laughs) boom. (goofy voice) "tell my wife and kids i love them." oh, my god. ooh, that's kind of dark, mom. hmm. (cell phone vibrates) quick-- what's my favorite hospital food? um... jell-o? (laughs) hi, buddy. no, today's still good. good for what? who's buddy? yeah, just head on over to the house. whose house? who's buddy? okay. see you in a couple. (cell phone beeps) couple of what? who's buddy? kenneth. kenneth? kenneth! if i had a son, i'd want him to be like kenneth ploufe. you do have a son. when we first moved in here, he was the sweet kid who lived next door. mm, the weird kid who lived next door, but phil always had a soft spot for him because kenneth sort of looked up to him. i wouldn't say hero. and yet you did.


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