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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  December 30, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST

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today some of the best videos of 2014 "right this minute." >>. >> rescuers try to free an elephant that fell into this irrigation ditch. >> why it takes a village to get this guy out. >> two paragliders face what's probably the worst thing that can happen to you. >> see a tandem flight descent into sheer terror. >> plus a kid who knows his touchdowns. >> yay! >> and dude's not happy. >> something's in his ear and he can't get it out. >> see if you can guess what took a swim in his canal? >> i win!
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>> i have an animal rescue video. it's going to leave you slack-jawed. this is from the international fund of animal welfare youtube channel. this is from india. >> poor guy is upside down in a canal or irrigation ditch. >> this elephant was 12 years old coming with his herd. fell into this irrigation ditch and ended up on his back. >> there is nowhere he can go. he's stuck. >> how do you work with a huge animal like that that's flailing about? i don't know where to start. >> i tell you how they do this. they have a lot of people pitch in. they have two vets there with this elephant. they had aadminister pain medication.
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everything they do absolutely >> it only took about an hour total to get the elephant back to its feet. >> this is possibly the worst thing that can happen when you are paragliding in the sky. this is in turkey. this is a tandem flight. they are pulling off these maneuvers. watch and see what happens. >> this is the worst thing that could ever happen. >> it looks okay. before they knew it two pieces below them a huge body of water. >> now they are plunging to their sure death. >> almost immediately after they deploy the reserved chutes --
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they're in the water. fortunately, they survived this one. >> they must have just overloaded that wing with the two of them on there. >> it seriously just looked like giant scissors that came through and shredded this thing. >> crazy. >> you see these guys immediately spring into action. they deploy the one chute. >> that is literally the worst thing that can happen to you while doing this. >> i think you call that a catastrophic failure. >> i'm 9 years old. >> he's not an actual smoker. this is a social experiment video from the guys at whatever on their youtube page. >> today i'm going to be asking people for a light. >> he's going to back walk up to people and ask them for a light. >> can i have a light? >> you smoke? really? >> can i have a light? >> no. >> why not? >> because you're a child. where are your parents?
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you're assaulting a man. you are not supposed to be talking to strangers. >> the reaction is you're 9, are you crazy? >> who gave you that? >> i bought them. >> you are not supposed to have those. >> i like that. >> you smoke cigarettes? how old are you? >> i'm 18. >> probably not. >> you are like my brother. >> you know what is great is this young child is not just in o the street he's going up to other smokers. >> he starts asking them the question, why are you smoking? >> i'm addicted. >> i wonder if that will leave these people to think? >> right. and other people who watch the video. >> when they are asking what you're doing. >> i'm addicted. >> i started when i was 7 years old. i wish i hadn't. i can't quit. >> there is one lady this is
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the best response. >> can i have a light? >> no. >> that's what you would have done. no. >> you shouldn't smoke. you're too young. i shouldn't smoke either. >> taking a look back at some of the best videos of 2014 on "right this minute." >> ever since man invented the wheel there has been racing. thankfully man keeps coming up with different ways to race. at first, this whole race track looks like it's full of a field individual race cars. you realize those are crazy train race cars. you've got one car at the front that has an engine. the other two are chained together. no engine and off to the races they go. it's basically like a demolition derby. and a race put together. >> do we get to see some crack-the-whip action? >> absolutely. watch right about here.
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>> double rollover. that thing goes spinning. you also notice there are drivers in each of the three cars. >> they're in there steering? >> yes. that makes it challenging. good night has to try and drive even though he is getting bumped around and the cars in front are whipping him around the corner. that's the whole challenge. >> all i think while watching this is why? >> why not? >> exactly! >> i have a question. if he wins do you also come in second and third? >> all of you are up there. >> this guy is not just playing with fire he is painting with it. >> no way. >> it's like art in reverse. >> what he can do with a flame
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next. and it's levi's 4th birthday. >> i don't want to grow up. >> he doesn't want to grow up. >> hear why he wants to stay forever young.
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today we've got some of the best videos of the year. keep on watching. artists use all mediums to create their masterpiece from acrylic to water colors. you've never seen a painting with fire. this is how this artist works. he starts with something he uses as a canvas. might be a thin piece of wood. this ends up covered in soot. this is where the art begins. then he starts removing some of that soot. >> wow. >> no way. >> it's like art in reverse. >> he starts using brushes.
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exacto knife. all kinds of different tools. >> it's remarkable to see how artists come up with brilliant ways to create their art. >> the black he is getting is creating and leaving behind such a unique look and texture that you probably just can't get by hand. >> look how incredibly d notice how clean his hands are? i would expect that soot would be all over your hands. soon as you touch it you would be oh no i ruined it. >> look what he can do with the feather. the detail. the intricacy. >> such amazing work with soot and fire. >> i want to put a piece on my wall. >> isn't it gorgeous? >> you'll notice this video is five minutes long. it's brilliant. >> someone is clearly not very
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good at parking. fortunately a guy decided what's going on and will sit here and sees what happen. we'll hit fast forward. she does this forward/backwards. have the lines moved? no. you're still in the same situation. over 3 1/2 minutes she is stuck there. fortunately a man walks by. soon as he shuts the door i'm going to start the clock how long it takes him to park the car. he turns the car around the right way. parks it perfectly in the spot in exactly 40 seconds. she locks the door and goes on about her way. the only thing that makes it better if we had the video how she reverses out of the spot. i have the video because the guy stays there to see how she gets out. it gets worse. >> how does this girl get
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anything done in her day? >> how does she function? >> what is the first thing she should do? turn the wheel to the left? what have we done? it gets closer and closer. this is when the guy who is shooting girlfriend or wife basically asks the question -- >> why is this girl driving? >> the only thing to do is go forward. so of course she goes backwards. she starts scraping along the side of this ford before reversing the wrong way again. >> make it stop. >> seven minutes in total. in the last four seconds of the video, you can see the person in the volvo going to go straight into the spot. unbelievable. >> time for your daily dose of adorable. >> this is adorable levi. it's his 4th birthday. >> i don't want to grow up. >> levi doesn't want to grow up.
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he thinks if he gets older, he will no longer have fun. >> can you tell me why you don't want to grow up? >> i don't want to grow up. >> because you're little and you don't want to grow up? >> no. >> levi is the youngest in this family. >> i don't want to grow up. >> everybody wants to grow up. you don't want to get to do new things? >> no. >> mom thinks she can talk him into feeling okay about it. >> you don't want to learn how to ride a bike? >> no. >> you don't want to go to school? >> no. >> you don't want to make new friends? >> no. >> you don't want to learn how to read? >> no. >> i'm happy in my ignorance. >> i'm never going to grow up. >> this next video is seven seconds long and seven seconds awesome. >> touchdown
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>> that's going to be a meme. >> you can watch it over and over. >> touchdown! >> a dude's taking his dog skydiving. >> he says he's not scared. >> because he doesn't know what's about to happen. >> the moment reilly is ready to jump. >> the proposal that went from bad to worse. >> she's pushing him away.
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[ [ mamalele a annnnououncncerer ] megan doesn't know that coffee breaks down tooth enamel. thankfully, she uses act restoring mouthwash. itit r rebebuiuildlds s totooth enamel
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making yourur t teeth two times stronger. acact.t. s smimilele s strong. favorite video from 2014. enjoy, everybody! >> are you ready to skydive? >> that beautiful face is reilly, a 4-year-old dachshund male. he is about to go skydiving. he'll be on canine cloud nine. nathan has been skydiving for five years. every time he lands, nathan says reilly is right there waiting for him so excited to see him. he said reilly trusts him.
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he is really calm. as you can see here he is not moving an inch. he says he's really calm. he says he's not scared. he says he really enjoys this. >> he's not scared because he doesn't know what's about to happen. >> and there you see they all make a jump and there is reilly. look. >> he's trying to leave this situation. >> this is not the first time we've seen a skydiving dog. >> one thing we haven't seen on the show before? a dog in formation skydiving. >> and there he is once the parachute is deployed. i think he is smiling. >> look how calm he is. >> he handled it better than most humans would. >> who handles it better this dog or beth troutman?
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>> the dog. >> everything is a-okay. the dog is happy everybody comes to pet him. we meet another skydiving dog. >> look at him. he's so cute. >> you guys know i usually love romance. romantic videos and every now and again you get one where you're what? this is video of a couple shane and rebecca. they're at the grand canyon. >> he is asking a perfect stranger to hold the camera while he drags his girlfriend down the slopes. >> come here. >> no. i'm not going. >> he is asking her come here closer. >> she's not into it. >> you want to see what i've got? >> or she's thinking i've seen what you got. >> he's on his knees and has something in his hands. >> don't fall. >> come here. >> oh no! >> that really just happened?
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>> keep watching. you'll think maybe that didn't happen. he asks like he is going to retrieve the box with the ring in it because it's just right there on the edge of the ledge. the whole box goes ding and slides off the edge into the grand canyon. >> that was just a cool fakout. >> not cool. >> some guys aren't good at the romance. >> stick to the dinner proposal. >> he starts kissing all over her. she is pushing him away and turning her head. >> before going, i don't think he did his research. >> he's putting the ring on her finger. she has not said yes. she keeps saying don't die. >> i thought you were going to die. you scared me half to death. >> she is thinking i'd like to fling you in the hole. >> do you want to show the camera the ring? >> i want to show that you're
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not dead. >> something is in his ear. he can't get it out. >> there it is. >> the unexpected visitor about to get the boot.
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urn to its starting position. that is dependent on the length of the pendulum not the mass of the ball. >> doesn't matter how big and thick your leather safety suit is. you better leave plenty of space for the giant testicles you are going to need to pull this stunt off. >> this is packing nearly 600 horsepower. pop the trunk. grabs on to the deck lid. off they go. the car reaches up to 124 miles per hour.
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>> did he hold on the whole time? >> looks like maybe he did a 1/4 mile run. he did hold on the entire time. he was not injured. >> i did notice his skates are long but the wheels the wheels what are they made of? you know that wore those out. >> i'm sure this isn't this first time doing it. i'm sure he has special skates. man, that's a stunt. >> how you doing, brother? >> he's lying on the floor.
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what happened to him? something's in his ear and he can't get it out. >> what's going on? >> moth just blew in my ear. >> it's in there. >> you see it. it's still moving around. >> he's got a tick, too. >> oh, my god. >> oh my god. >> think about what that must feel like. it must feel like it's eating your brain. >> you do have a tick in there. >> oh my god! where have you been? >> this guy needs to clean his ears more often. >> get a torch and burn him out. >> go to the doctor dude. why are you laying on the living room floor? go to the doctor. >> oh, my god, dude! >> that was so weird.
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why didn't it fly toward the life? >> they pick it up and show him. maybe you should keep this dude. it was living inside your head for a while. it seems to be okay considering it's been in his ear. this just ruined my morning. >> you want him? >> oh! >> throw him on the ground. >> thanks so much for joining us everybody. that's it for our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this min
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. >> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." today from "the chew," celebrity chef carla hall is here. and she's headed to the tree to unwrap even more amazing surprise gifts as our holiday gift grab continues. plus, the juiciest hot topics! now, here's wendy! [cheers and applause ]


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