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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  December 31, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST

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get ready to ring in 2015 with great viral videos "right this minute." if you hit the bounce other, you are going to bounce. >> this guy is warning her. >> he's big but she's not backing down. >> what looks like a music video is actually a bachelorette party. >> all her favorite girls got in on the act. >> i think that's mom. >> an italian daredevil gets on the track. does a come-on motion. the idiot who wants to end the year with a bang. >> a big brother who is a tough
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act to follow. >> a prankster who pretends to be the drunkest guy ever. >> see the dude you don't want to be on new year's eve. >> nailed it. you don't have to go home but you can't stay here. a common phrase said by many bouncers around the world. this girl not welcome at this upstate new york club. you see her arguing with this bouncer outside. another bouncer inside the club is this girl's ex-boyfriend. she wants to see him. they continue to refuse to let her in. she is being a little argumentative. >> i'm not going to cause anything. >> that's what they all say. >> oh! >> socks that big old bouncer right in the face. he gave her a shove.
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she stumbles back on her heels. the shoes come off. she comes back and starts throwing the shoes. this guy is warning her, look. >> i don't care. enough. [ bleep ]. >> another bouncer the size of mount everest is in her face. she still refuses to leave. >> your girlfriend needs to have an intervention. i know you're mad, but i'm removing you from the situation. >> the bouncer with the beard is keeping his cool. she takes a swing at him. >> that was funny. >> she does walk down the street. sit down. okay. she's cooled down. she's calm. she's done. >> she's not done is she? >> she's done until the rest of these clowns laughing at her riled her up again. now she is chasing them down the
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street. >> the only way she can stop it is just go home. >> there were no charges pressed by the bouncer or the club. this all was just kind of left to another day. >> sometimes people take extremely unnecessary risks all to create what they think is a cool video. you are going to see that very thing in this video from central italy. you see a young guy climbing down a fence. you see that train coming at full speed. he lies down on the tracks and does a come on motion. watch this. >> there is no guarantee you'll survive that. >> i say fake. >> i hope you're right. >> no one is reporting this as a fake. viewers around the world are showing this as a warning because it's stupid. it's not likely you will walk away from this. you never know what might be
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underneath that train. you see in this video, this kid gets up shows his arms like look i did it. they have not identified this young men. italian officials are warning people it is illegal. not to attempt it if you are near a train track. >> this is easy to fake. he could lay down on the track there. get that shot and then layer it over with the train passing through. i'm not saying he didn't do it. i'm saying it's very easy to fake a video like this. >> that said we've seen kids do this before in videos where they take the camera underneath with them. >> let's hope nobody gets any ideas. this incredibly dramatic epic tv video almost became the moment kent lost his life. he was kayaking in mexico. you see he is going down this river very smoothly. they knew that at the bottom
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there was a small whirlpool. if you go into it correctly, you can get out of it. if you make a mistake, you get stuck in it. that is exactly what happened to kent. >> oh no. >> as you can see in the video, he is now stuck in there. he is paddling away and fighting against this whirlpool. at one point he ends up upside down. is able to right himself. >> you do see there are people there. his friends are trying to help him out. reality is that unless they can get to him, he is on his own. >> they can't jump into this whirlpool. i hope they have throw bags. >> they have to be ready for this kind of thing. i have to believe they are ready to help out. >> you see finally someone is able to get him a safety line. he grabs on to it. even while holding on to the line he ends up upside down again. >> this has to be a thrill for
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the challenge or things like this. it's all part of kayaking. >> after a very long struggle you see that he does lose the kayak, but is able to get his way over to the side on to the rocks. grabbing on to the rope for dear life and making it out alive. this video demonstrates every parents' worst nightmare. setting up something cl for horribly wrong. this happened in northern england. two kids are on a trampoline. 9-year-old casey and her 10-year-old friend. her dad peter watson put them there to protect them because he's got fireworks they are looking at. the fireworks went the opposite way they were expected to and landed inside the trampoline. >> oh, no! >> oh god. >> now they're trapped. >> one of the fireworks went straight to the kids. did it hit him?
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>> you see casey making her way out. she trips. got her foot caught up in that thing. the little boy was inside while that firework was ricochetting off the side. luckily they weren't hurt. >> her dad says what happened was he aimed the fireworks opposite the house away from them but the fireworks fired in an option direction, hit the house and bounced into the trampoline. they say casey is a little bit frightened now of fireworks. i don't blame her. >> this will serve as a reminder of how dangerous fireworks are or can be even if you think you've got it under control. you just never, ever know. >> that is what peter watson said. he said he was injured several years ago so he was being very careful, following the rules. he suggests people buy fireworks from a reputable source where you know they will have safety
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protocol. dudes have junk and gasoline. >> i'm going to do this. >> how mixing fire with stupidity can blow up in your face. >> what? and a video that will change your life. >> while you'll never feel safe in the bathroom again. >> oh! dodo y youou w wanant t a a hehealalththier mouth? pplulus s a a whwhititerer s smimile? you can have e bobothth! with colgate total® advanced whitening.
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[[ m malale e anannonouncer ] it removes more surface stains toto w whihiteten n 3030% % better. aandnd i itt i impmproves mouth health. hheaealtlthihierer p plulus s whwhiter. [ male announcer ] colgate total® advanced whitening. 330%0% m morore e whwhitening.
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counting down to 2015 with our favorite videos of the year. >> you guys know who he is right? he is back with a new character. >> that's where i hang. i'm owning it down there. >> bryce ownings, the drunkest guy ever. >> i met this guy. >> we all met this guy. >> you let me know.
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>> you all right? >> nailed it. >> nailed it. >> basically, he's the harmless friendly extraordinarily drunk guy who starts talking to you in the streets. he's not doing anything. he's just being nice but he's hammered and falling over. >> whoa! >> he nails this stuff. to commit to that level and know how to fall and not be embarrassed to walk up to strangers and making a fool of yourself in the name of comedy? this is the sweetest guy. he strikes up a conversation outside a cinema. of course it all goes wrong. >> he causes a little bit of trouble. >> he almost knocked down their food. >> they are having a nice meal. >> when he is going back out of that restaurant, he gets hung
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up. they may call the police on him. >> i've got a movie pass. >> i don't think they will let you. in you're too drunk. >> really? >> this guy tries to help. looking out for him. >> he comes back to theuy outside thetheater. bryce is trying to stand up. like a newborn. this is where bryce just milks it for all he's worth. >> they should send this into "saturday night live." >> in this video, group of dudes, they think hey, we've got a ton of dry wood here. we can create a big old bonfire. you know what else we've got? gas gasoline. i'm going to do this. it's going to be awesome. what? >> of course. of course. this is going to happen.
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you don't need the gasoline with all those dried palm fronds there. when you let the gasoline sits it vaporizes. it is the vapor that is explosive. >> soon as the guy lights that flame, it immediately blows up in his face. he takes off running, smoking. >> he probably has no eyelashes. >> at this point he probably has jacked-up hair. we get a close-up of him later. his face is red. >> he didn't think about this. obviously, there was no thought in any of this. >> jumping for joy.
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i am not exaggerating that this short video will change your life. a camera trained on a bathroom scene. we have a toilet an empty roll of toilet paper and a rat trap. prepare -- >> i know what's happening. >> wait for it. wait for it! >> oh! >> i would never pee again. >> exactly. the next time you go sit on that toilet imagine this. that is a rat that has come up from underneath the water. the description says renters in this apartment were wondering where the rats were coming from so they set this camera up and surprise! >> what made them think it was coming from the toilet? >> what had they been eating that week? >> did it ever get out of the toilet? >> doesn't show it in this video that it got out of the toilet. i will say there is potential,
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there is possibility maybe somebody put a rat in a toilet just for the sake of video. who knows? but i know next time i go have a seat this is going to be in my mind. >> easy for a rat to get up and duck through the vent and he's out. >> all it takes is this and somebody is going to have nightmares. >> you are going to be thinking about this. i guarantee. >> more bar tricks, one bullwhip and a dude to is -- >> a jedhi. >> what happens when the dude in the robot costume suffers a technical failure.
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[ [ mamalele a annnnououncncerer ] megan doesn't know that coffee breaks down tooth enamel. thankfully, she uses act restoring mouthwash. itit r rebebuiuildlds s totooth enamel making yourur t teeth two times stronger.
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acact.t. s smimilele s strong. bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dadandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakakes and itch. selsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandrdruff. i'm a big fan of bar tricks and how-to videos. this is from the nine-time guinness world record holder bull chip champion of the world. >> bullwhip tricks. le. >> it's not like you can watch this video and go and do them. you have to practice for maybe five or six years, then go to a bar. the first trick is the most simple of the impossible things he does in this video. it's a whip and a couple of
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water bottles. >> there so clever about it. >> the second one here he is going to whip the card at the edge to spin the card off so the ice fall into the jar. >> that's awesome. >> how much time does he spend perfecting that stuff? imagine that's all you do for hours and hours until you get it right, then you're able to do it over and over again successfully. >> he can because it's his job. he spends ten hours a day whipping things. >> he whips it good. >> the third one more dramatic. what he is trying to do is whip the middle one out of the way so the bottom cup catches the top cup without spilling water. >> is this possible? >> he's a jedi when it comes to whipping. >> he whips the one playing card so it moves the other playing card and goes into the cup.
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>> i love the crack at the end. >> it would be impressive if the 6 of diamonds was the card you picked earlier. i have two videos that are so darn cute they are hardly a fail. this first one. you know when little kids are growing up the smaller kid always wants to do what the big kid does? watch this kid. he goes down the fire pole right? makes it down just fine. right behind him is little mate. i got this you know? he just lands face first. >> you're thinking oh shoot. little nate is not going to do
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this again. is he going to be mad? heck no. nate's awesome. >> he's just cracking up. they are like yeah i just fell. >> i owned it. >> this other one not as cute as nate. he starts backing up. he backs up way too much. >> ruh-roh. >> fell right off the stage. >> ends right where that curtain is. he didn't know that. fortunately, the person wearing the costume was just fine. makes it back on to the stage later. >> i'm glad to see all his hard work didn't get busted in that little fall. this bride-to-be didn't want just any bachelorette party. >> see how she and her girls brought down the house before the big day. >> they are doing beyonce moves!
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tonic water version. >> something out of
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"ghostbusters." sandy loves bottles. happy new year! >> grand announcement you guys. >> breaking news here. we just learned that l.a.-based writing team lorne mckenzie and andrew gettens are getting married. >> they got married. they married on the cbs lot. they did meet on a hollywood set. the evesalk of hollywood as a video has leaked from lauren's wild bachelorette
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party. >> we just obtained an exclusive peek of what that wild weekend was like. take a look. ♪ the night we met i knew i ♪ needed you so ♪ >> this is actually lauren's bachelorette party. she decided she had been to vegas. she's done all of that. she is the last person in her group of friends to get married. she wanted to do something different. she got the guys to produce this music video with her and her friends. ♪ be my be my little baby ♪ >> this is fantastic. it's like 1950s, no boas no weird dudes in g-strings, banana hammock things. they are dancing to "be my baby"
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then "go crazy" by beyonce. >> that's mom and grandma. >> oh they are doing beyonce moves. >> they break into "timber" by pitbull. ♪ you better move ♪ you better dance ♪ >> this is the coolest bachelorette party ever. how much fun must it have been to do this make-up, costumes choreography, friends, family, singing. >> that's it for our show. thanks for joining us. we hope you have a happy new year.
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we're counting down to 2015. pop the cork and enjoy great viral videos "right this minute." they got hitched and ran straight into a little hitch. now meet the newlyweds behind the viral video hit. >> he scoops me up and starts running. i was like okay we'll be on display now. >> dude using fireworks as a cigarette. >> really? really? >> yes. really. >> a python wrapped around a pet -- >> that dog is done for, but no. >> witness one of the greatest escapes ever.


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