tv Right This Minute FOX January 14, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PST
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spectacular wipeout but -- >> this is a race there are people. >> and they are about to go down the same dangerous road. >> police saw vicious crime on camera they didn't guess how young thug got what they deserved. a mom says she's try toll show what dancing -- >> while attachment parenting look like. >> the video creating one interesting debate. and a cop want a picture of
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a donkey but -- >> the donkey doesn't like it. >> how he took the photo opportunity and ran with it. if we were do give nick a couple of weeks off of work and land him few hundred billions to build the ultimate you'd be at the greatest off-road challenge, separates the men from boys girls from ladies. epic. seems committeding. i want to do something exciting. when you see this you may hesitate. coming to us dakar in south america, car go through, not quickly, a jump there. but then coming behind him, coming out at a high speed. front digs in and -- >> whoa whoa! >> three, four. still going, we've got another angle to see how violent. watch how high some cars go
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flying. >> wow! >> flying up in the air. >> did that just fall apart? >> the body panels dined to fall off. wheels you're seeing spares they carry with them. >> it was because of that dip there, it was in the course note as a shallow stream. but it turned out to be five feet deep. and they're going 100 miles an hour. of course everybody comes around makes sure they're okay. at the same time, this is a race. there are the people there are other people like these guys matt campbell come along a few seconds later. and they go flying as well. tumbling through the air. and catching fire as well. this is why it's so dangerous. >> yes. >> this is why this is deadly. >> fortunately, no life-threatening injuries broken bones. a couple of guys banged up under observation, but be everyone's going to be okay.
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just disgusting what the people in the next two videos are doing. first one is in london at a casino. >> you see three suspects violently attacking the staff of this vane u. they're using kitchen knives and sharpened screw driver to intimidate and attack the staff. they're attacking one of the employees and demanding the keys to the safe to get money out of. you see one of the employees on the ground while one of the attackers actually attempts to stab him, even though these complying. they did end up getting away with a lot of money, but police figured out think were responsible for at least nine other robberies in the span of three months and ended up getting away with $41,800 in all. >> these guys are still on the streets? >> fortunately, they're not. they were caught. they've been tried. and they will be each serving eight years and four months. what you will really be disturbed by the fact they're
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all teenagers. >> what? >> all 18 and 19 years old. >> police are still looking for these thieves, though. this is in florida. watch the truck pull up to a parking lot and just a little while later, look what they drive away with. >> oh. >> i thought it was a tank! >> it's weird. fooled me too. >> at first, yes. >> a 32-foot boat belonging to the palm beach fishing company. the thieves did get away. police are looking for them. the palm beach fishing company offering $5,000 reward. >> they knew exactly where the boat was, how to get in what kind of truck to tow it everything about that is screaming -- >> good job, backing that up. they know how to haul that kind of load. >> but where do you go with that? how do you hide that? how do you disguise that boat. >> it's florida. they're all going to look the same. >> or scrap for parts like some
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do with cars? >> a good look at the pickup truck. figure out who the dudes are. i've got a sports video to show you but i want you to notice what's different about it. you notice anything different about ladies? great thing about the ladyiyesladies real women with real bodies. >> bingo. a video part of this girl can, it was put on by sports england. they discovered that a few million more men in england are act everybody than women. they did research asking women, do you want to be more active? 75% said yes but asked why they weren't, some feared judgment auz of because of the way think looked their skill level, some scared because they didn't want to be seen as overly competitive, some didn't do it because they thought it would be unfeminine. >> like a crippling irony. they all want to do it but reasons they can't do it it's a
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vicious cycle that keeps them away from exercising which means they're not feelings good abo themselvess they it's tough. i like this. >> they decided to make this campaign to encourage women and thought, what should we do? get real women. casting director hung out at a gym, found women running on street outside soccer fields and approached women. so these are real women getting sweaty moving doing it. and i say, good for them. >> i love it! i feel better right now just watching this. i feel like i could head out to the gym and run 20 miles. you file inspired. boy, an exciting sight to be on the water and see some whales. but it's more exciting if you're a researcher in british columbia and see a pod of workers and a group of humpback whales. altogether they believe that the orcas were chasing and
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hunting a sea lion when they saw the two humpbacks approach and dive into the middle of the pile of orcas, they believe maybe to break up the feeding frenzy on the sea lion because it's known humpback and sea lions are fast friends below the water. so that's their theory. >> who knew that humpbacks would like orcas. >> researchers from the save our seas foundation channel believe that this is a speculation, it's just their ideas as to what might have been going on during 30-minute tussle between two different types of whales. mystery will remain unsolved because a lot of this going on under water. >> what a beautiful theory, you know? to think about huge killer whales and enormous humpbacks cominging in to save the little sea lions. >> they did say one of the male orcas had an enormous dorsal fin, a huge orca but you see the size of the humpback. it gives you a big of scale. >> you think the orcas are scared when they see humpbacks,
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my god, he's huge. >> i don't think they're scared. this goes on for a half hour. oh orcas are like let us eat. >> to get on camera i'm sure researchers will be enjoying this footage for a long time. what? what? >> mom's all excited to see a puppy. >> this is actually the first time they meet. >> what's going on? >> the story behind her precious surprise. and it's a virtual show. >> boggle your mind. >> how trippi technology can hack your fate. alall l ththe e gogoododnenessss o of f mimilklk all the e dedeliliciciouousnsnesesss ofof hershey's syrup.
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this police officer got what he asked for. this happened in dagestan. that's a donkey and the officer, they said, arranged for a little photo opportunity. >> the donkey doesn't like it. [ laughter ] >> wow! he just took off. i mean the officer stayed on. and he -- >> stayed on for eight seconds? >> this video has gone extremely viral in that region and the department of interior in dagestan is looking into this because they want to know who this police officer is who got on that donkey and horsing around like that, so to speak. [ laughter ]
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the an moolimal high jinx continue. checking out a ram and baby sheep. this ram, not exactly friendly. >> come on. >> he's like you think i'm chill, huh? you think i chill?>>hate. [ bleep ]! >> this man cursed out a sheep. >> sheep and rams are so scary is because they're the exact type of the most sensitive region of a gentleman and like to head butt. stay well away you've got to be careful. >> this man falls into the bushes afraid of a sheep. >> hey. [ bleep ]! >> doesn't respond to square words. >> if i tell you the video titled face hacking you might get images of horror movies. but i assure you, not scary. it's intriguing. >> ooh. >> an artist inspiration by a japanese expert he's using face
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tracking and 3-d projection technology to put on a show that will boggle your mind. >> creepy but cool. >> it's awesome. >> look at that. >> little reference shots and you follow it as well. >> that's the idea. you see the two subjects holding still, but as video goes on they continue to turn their head move their head in unison, projection technology tracking and following and projecting different things on their face. >> so creepy but human-like. >> imagine if you put a couple of reference dots on a lady when they shop for stuff, you can test the different makeup right there. >> take that idea and go on in a million different directions as to where this new age virtual reality could go. video games, movies. >> we wouldn't have to put makeup on before we did the show. we could put dots on our face and project dots on to our face. >> our skin would be happy. >> no blackheads.
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>> that's one idea. >> can we buy this? >> no. >> look at that. eyes are switching. this is trippy, man. >> isn't it fascinating? to think what it took to license programs to figure out this technology to make it work at smoothly as it does. it really works. >> whoa. >> yowza. >> a cool time to be alive. >> trippy! >> i don't think anyone has ever been this excited to see a puppy. >> what? what? oh my gosh. >> wondering, is this her dog she hasn't seen it in a while? no. this woman has never met that dog. >> what is going on? what is going on. >> it turns out that the mom, candy, had a 13-year-old dog that had died months ago. obviously when you have a pet and you lose it there's a big old void. but this woman's son, adam
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decided i'm going to make mom happy again and got her this precious pup. now she's thrilled. >> you are just the cutest thing! >> did he brief the puppy? look at him, totally going straight up to the person. i love you, i love you. >> i know we met, but let's make out. you're the best ever. >> look like they've met before. like they have a relationship. but this is actually the first time they meet. >> that is such a smart sweater the dog's wearing. did that dog get it out of your closet. >> very trendy. >> right there. >> precious beautiful moment caught on camera. we love it. >> meant to be. >> oh my god! >> can they break a world record? >> looks like their levitating. >> next "right this minute." and still to come -- >> it's not something you see every day. >> what you got is a couple of naked people on a moped in cambodia. >> see whytheir bare joy ride has
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>> closed captioning provided by -- bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dadandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakakes and itch. selsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandrdruff. [ [ mamalele a annnnououncncerer ] megan doesn't know that coffee breaks down tooth enamel. thankfully, she uses act restoring mouthwash. itit r rebebuiuildlds s totooth enamel making yourur t teeth two times stronger. acact.t. s smimilele s strong. there's something you just don't do in your birthday suit. this is one of them.
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what you got is aple on a moped in cambodia. >> got to feel so good. >> turns out these folks are some students from oversea. they are not cambodian. and get this they were arrested. [ siren ] you think something's not going to have consequences you think it's a fun day of naked riding through cambodia? turns out the general department of immigration wants to make sure that these people are permanently banned from cambodia because, and i quote, they violated the beautiful customs and culture of the country. >> bare faced cheek of it all. >> you want to know how they got caught? drove past the police station. >> oh. you know what a party's not a party until the popo arrives. unlike this minute we have set the bar so high in terms of
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the extreme videos that actually impress us i've got two that are going to impress you. this first one from juken video. these guys are out top of a mountain, decided to do something absolutely insane. what do you see? >> a b.a.s.e jump. >> straight down. >> this year dylan runner, watch them go, it's crazy. >> are you kidding me? >> 100 miles an houren stain insane instantaneously. >> looks terrifying. >> looks right. came out perfect. video looks spectacular. got to pump you up the rest of the day. >> my god. >> the video in the wyoming mountains posted on youtube by gopro, looking for untouched lines between the trees, in this case and this very --
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>> what. >> look at all of the powder. it's flying up into the air as he's carving right through it. right through the trees. landing like a pro. and taking several jumps. >> wow! he's good! >> man. i think this video into like goggles and stand there. >> that's what's amazing about the video, the point of view. it's almost like we're there. >> this dog knows how to have a blast. >> this little guy is having a ball. >> see why the ball pit's where 's at. yoyourur h heaeartrt i is s prprececioiousus.. one of many ways to support its health isis n newew t truruhehearart,t, f frorom m onone a day. itit's's t thehe o onlnly y hehearart t health supplement wiwithth i ingngreredidienentsts t to o both help lower bad chchololesesteterorol l anand d susupppporort healthy blood pressure anand d alalsoso i incncluludedes s coco q 10 trtry y nenew w trtruhuheaeartrt
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posted by a woman named ashley wright the woman who is dancing with the pole. she's also known as ms. wright. she has a website where she talks about attachment parenting. she's an extreme advocate of attachment parenting. >> define that for us. >> attachment parenting a parenting style that is intended to create a very everyonempatheticempathetic nurtured child. juan of the hallmarks, visible to people co-sleeping, the whole family sleeping in a large bed. video's gotten 1.5 million views and people are falling on both side of the fence. >> funny part take the pole turn it sideways and take it ballet it's the same thing, ballerinas wear very sideways. >> exactly. people went out of shape of what she's wearing. my children watched me go to bathroom a few hundred times. it's family v. family. >> if you put a funny hat and
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green paint, oh, a cirque du soleil person. is she a stay-at-home mom, pole dancer? >> she loves to dance. she's not a pole dancer by profession. she doesn't work at a gentleman's club. >> people reacting to their own reservations about this because of the preconceived notions of what a pole is. >> mis-wright would agree. a quote from her, it's no surprise that many are put off and even more confused by this shared display of divine femininity. central acceptance power, open, un unapologetic love for self and my child. many did not receive nor have bared witness to the form of love and only see what it is they can connect with. shame. i do not expect everyone to understand me or parenting child. progression is few for most. >> i think i now know why men
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are sometimes called dogs because they get entertained by very simple things like these dogs. >> i like motorcycles. >> it's adorable to see the juken video how this dog jumps from one hole to the other. >> he's going nuts. >> look at him. >> the other dogs are like wow, man, this is intense. a little intense. >> i the schnauzer is worried about him. are you okay buddy? normal behavior. >> these are my balls. leave ply my balls alone. >> the other bulldog, trying to do a job. the dog's wait no let me jump back on. let me jump back on. >> yes, we are, dogs. >> dogs. >> we're like dogs. >> my work here is done.
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>> dogs. >> that's it for "rtm." we'll see you next time. i went to the health center, and the doctor saw a blemish on my cheek. he told me it was skin cancer. i was in shock. i wasn't covered with any health insurance. but once i got covered through covered california i was able to go get the surgery that i needed. and it was a lifesaver.
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straight into the ground. hired guns show up at a wedding. >> and beat up the guests. >> the shocking story behind the get-even brawl. firefighters hear the cries of a dog -- >> trying desperately to get to them. >> icy rescue not a moment too soon. plus how to tuck a hamster into bed. and a brankprankster plans t
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