tv Right This Minute FOX January 22, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PST
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an idiot abroad hits the highway and makes this move and then -- >> no! >> oh no! >> why that near miss is nothing compared to the next one. >> whoa! >> a husband thinks he's getting a birthday dance, but -- >> i have somethin big surprise. dog's are man's best friend would not include snowboarding. plus a pup who can't decide whether he'd drink or sleep. and a video with a warning. >> don't you dare do this to me
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nick. >> see howho falls for the old pocket rocket prank. >> crazy. >> incredible dash cam from thailand. strap in for this one. watch the left lane of traffic. you'll see a car approach. it's a white one. looks like he's driving a little aggressively maybe a little quick. makes this move and then -- >> oh no! >> holy -- whoa! >> is that like a ride where you don't hit anything but you come close. >> holy smokes is this his lucky day or what? >> it's everyone else's lucky day. >> that too. i don't know what this person was thinking trying to get into the lane in front of the dash cam and then immediately try to pass the truck it looks like. doesn't even bother to see if the lane is clear. pulls out in front of the motorcycle. >> i can't believe the motorcyclist stayed on the bike. even i wouldn't have hit him, i would have fallen off in fright.
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>> you see the container carrying trucks you see the cranes. this dash cam inside one of these trucks. keep your eyes at the top of the screen on this green and yellow >> whoa. >> oh. >> something fell. >> what on earth? >> a container fell on top of that green truck and smashed the cab flat. is the driver okay? remarkably the driver suffered minor injuries. >> that thing is crushed like a can! >> you can see the line of containers now right there. you can see, it just fell off the end right on top of that guy who just happened to be driving by. >> when you get in your car and going to take a trip you should check around. make sure the tires aren't flat make sure everything's okay. but usually people don't check their engines, but this guy, he had to.
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somebody moaning under the hood of that car? no nobody's moaning under the hood of the but if you listen very carefully, you hear it again. so the guy stopped. he's like let me just pop the hood and see what's going on with this engine. >> that's kitten number one. >> no! >> oh my god. >> and there's kitten number two. >> this is like a one-litter car instead of a 1.4 liter car. >> well said nick well said. this guy is on the subway line because there's a cat down there and he's gone down to rescue it. because as we've learned on this show cats will get themselves into prerious t to somebody now he has to hop back out. now we're done with cats. three family members were out in the snow and spotted a buck in a lake. >> it didn't fall through. looks like it maybe got exhausted or cold. >> something is revealed later on that may lead you to
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understand why that buck is still out there. >> he pulls it up by the ears and starts pulling it to shore. being on four hooves is not really helpful. they start doing the first texas two-step with a deer on "right this minute." >> whatever works. >> exactly. it seems to be working. >> not only does it not fight back it doesn't leave. they're able to love on it and hold it and everything else. but they something's going on in the back area. they think it's been shot. and maybe that's why it was stuck on the ice. they went back to check on it the next day, they followed it footprints but it was gone. >> you know when you're watching movies and you're like that tank is really cool and the cool thing about it is sometimes it does predict. you know "minority report" he's manipulating everything with his fingers. now the x-box 360 kids playing with their hands.
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now they're at it again. all that tony stark cool tech he's got with the holograms, it mi be closer than you think. this commercial came out and just detonated on the internet. viewers are exploding. >> what if we could go beyond the screen where your digital world is blended with your real world? now we can. this is the world with holograms. >> it puts holograms in your environment and you can interact with it. maybe you're there. and there it is right there. maybe you want to see it full size. you can put it right next to you. then put design idea on it as well. a really cool commercial. >> this is really cool technology. >> thing about surgery and medicine and how that could play in. >> that's where i think it gets really cool for me as a gamer. here it can kind of read your environment. then the games become part of your house. look it's just minecraft. this is from c-net.
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microsoft just showed this working live on stage. so it's not just a conceptual commercial. >> it's not. exactly. it actually is working. here where they put that guy interacting with that. he's standing on it. we have a camera on the side so we can see what he sees as well. when he starts manipulating this hologram and praypainting. you hold it in your hand and it changes color. this is closer than we think it is. >> i'm superexcited by this. i love this kind of tech. i can't wait to see where this goes next. ♪ >> there's a reason dogs are man's best friends, because they'll do anything with you and in this case he's with his dogs and he's going up the snow. he's cross-country skiing. that's hard. good workout.
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>> but they're not going to play around in the snow they're going to do all kinds of fun stuff. he's on his skis the dogs are out there tagging along with him. and the dogs are there keeping him company, coming along for the adventure. >> it's cool. you kind of get an idea you just want to bond while you're doing your skiing. you don't want to leave them at home. >> they come along when he snowboards as well. they chase. >> a bit more concerned about the stuff that's stuck to their owner's feet. are you ok? are you okay? it's still there. you're aware of this right? >> he's going pretty fast and they're keeping up. >> don't you want to pick up the little black one and give him a ride. >> yeah because he's a little smaller. takes more steps for him to keep up. the german shepherd is like come on man, let's make this exciting. they're still keeping up with
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him. i just adore this. it's so cute. >> tails are wagging. >> heading out to help the homeless make a dramatic change. >> they gave all these guys a trim and a haircut. >> see how taking a little off the top makes a big difference. and why the struggle is real for this sleepy dog. >> he's still trying to be on guard. he's still tryin soso, , hahaveve y youou h heaeardrd ababout lancaster? bubutttterery y ririchch, , smsmoooothth, , anand surprisingly soft crèmes. soso y youou g givive e onone e a a trtry y anand wow. itit''s s lalancncasasteter.r. itit''s s cacararamemel l rereimimagaginineded. i i hahaveve t thehe f flulu w witith h a a runny nose. [coughs] bebetttterer t takake e sosomemeththing. therafaflulu s seveverere e cocoldld w won't treat your runny nose. rerealallyly?? alalkaka-s-seleltztzerer s seveverere e cold and flu relieves your worst flu symptoms plplusus r rununnyny n nosose.e. [b[brereatath h ofof r relelieief]f] oh, what a relief it is. mommy! hehey!y!
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coconsnstitipapateted?d? .y.yeaea dudulclcololaxax t tabablelets can cause cramps but not phillips. itit h hasas m magagnenesisiumum anand d woworkrks s momorere n natatururalally than stimulant laxatives. fofor r gegentntlele c crarampmp f freree e relief of occasional constipation ththatat w wororksks!! mmmmm m mmmmmm liliveve t thehe r regegulularar l lifife.e.
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heavy firepower used in this armed robbery in toronto. this is at a gas station. you see this guy with a long rifle standing at the door pointing the weapon at customers, threatening them and making them stay where they are. he reportedly robbed one of those customers while his accomplice goes behind the register starts stealing money and cigarettes. >> that must have been absolutely terrifying.
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>> for cigarettes too. that's awful. >> toronto police still looking for these two guys. another scary situation. let's bring it back stateside in philadelphia. again, two men going into a market at night right on the corner here. watch what they do to this poor innocent man. they step up put a gun to this guy's head. >> he's just like buying lottery tickets or something. what's going on? >> he never saw them coming but the clerk behind the counter acted quickly. watch these two armed gunmen react. as soon as the guy in the gray hoodie starts to go behind the counter, they take off, hightail it quick. the man behind the counter grabbed his own gun and fired several shots at those guys but the gunmen fired back striking the clerk in the shoulder. he was taken to the hospital and is expected to be okay. >> that's amazing when the other guy brought out they didn't shoot the poor guy they had a gun to his head. >> a customer just minding his own business. >> philly police looking for any
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information involving this case as well. i want you all to take a look at this guy. you see him. what do you think he does for a living. >> he's an actor. >> i think he's a musician. >> a librarian. >> this guy looks like he could be an actor, but actually this man and many others in this video were homeless. the toolbox and a project. they went to the union rescue mission and they gave all these guys a trim and a haircut. and what a difference it m before and afters for some of these guys is absolutely dramatic. they don't even look like the same people. and what big smiles they all have after it'. >> these guys could walk into an office now. somebody won't immediately judge them by the way they look. they'll have a chance. >> they say there are more than
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600,000 people on the streets experiencing homelessness. they suggest that everybody just go online find out where they can help and help out. >> they feel like they look better they look better they probably just feel human. >> and the feelingf having someone else care about you and care for you. we all know how difficult the lives of dogs are. >> yeah they have to stay at home all day and get fed. >> yeah. so it's no wonder doggy's get so sleepy they can barely stay awake like this beautiful go. >> it's like the wind is blowing him one way or the other. >> the dog is actually struggling to stay awake. >> how sleepy are you that after you fall and are startled like that you still go instantly
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back to slopeeep. >> he's still trying to stay on guard. he's been up all night with these guys. >> actually the dog was on a fishing trip and the rain kept everybody up all night. very cute to see this dog trying to stay awake. like this precious puppy that obviously's had a very long, rough day and needs a nap. the funniest thing is that its paws are in the water bowl. and i'm wondering maybe the water's warm. >> look at him. >> because he's clearly knocking out. i wish we knew why dogs fight sleep. it's not like they have anywhere to go. >> babies as well. they don't understand sleep as well. my son used to get so angry and scared and cranky. he didn't understand if he just went to sleep, he'd feel better. >> the usual yoga instructor is missing. >> so now this other person's going to take over. >> next "right this and still to come -- when it comes to pool trick
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shots, how nothing gets in the way of him sinking them. plus angelica's making her way up the ice. >> and she's doing it like a boss. >> see the winning climb that will have you saying suck it, spider-man. hihi. . i'i'm m hehenrnry y wiwinknkler. and i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k know the facts. ththerere e arare e cucurrrrently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirements to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-free money from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone.e. the remaining money can be used for anything. ththerere'e's s nono m mononthly mortgage payments. anand d yoyou u ststilill l own your home! cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. itit e expxplalainins s hohow a government-insured reverse mortgage works. ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligation. onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgage is a quicken loans company. ththeieir r lilicecensnseded experts can answer all your questions. cacallll t to o fifindnd o out what
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a great solution this can be. dodon'n't t wawaitit, , cacall now! for over 60,000 california foster children nights can feel long and lonely. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's night a little cozier.
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gogoldld b bonond d roroug closed captioning provided - smoothes, softens. rereduduceces s bubumpmps s 7272 p perercecentnt.. gogoldld b bonond.d. ultimatete l lototioion.n. ulultitimamatete s skikin.n. bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakes and itch. selslsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandruff. - - i i fifindnd w whihitetenining strips don't alwawaysys r reach all the places stains hide. plplusus w whihitete h hasas a flexible mouth tray fofor r fufullll c covovereragage whitening. billiards are never as sexy
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as when they're done by this dude. >> as typical with some of his videos usually includes a lovely assistant as in this video here. he seems to have an ability to completely ignore the lovely lady on the table and do amazing things with his balls. >> dude! >> i mean it's fun to watch when he's able to pull off -- i know! >> i know he's an expert but i feel kind of bad for the girl because what if he misses? >> this guy doesn't seem to miss at all. he can make that cue ball just twist and bend and curve. he can hit it when it's moving make the cue ball jump over thins. >> he does it with such precision where if he just barely needs to tap another ball he does that exact thing. >> those are serious ball skills. >> are there magnets or something under here? because this guy is too good. >> the only trickery going on here is florian himself. >> the great thing about using the white ball with the dots on
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it you can see how it spins and how he's making the moves. fascinating. >> i can't believe what i'm watching. i can't believe that's real. who can control a ball like that. >> like a jedi playing ball like that. >> he's so good, it seems unreal. he's a pro for sure and it's fun to watch ♪ colorado has some of the best ice for ice climbing in the world. in is the luray ice festival. and this woman put this video of her coming in first in the women's event. she came in second overall. they're climbing up 22 feet of ice. about 50 feet of overhanging rock. then they have a 20-foot panel with three artificial cracks created by the people who set the route. look at her going from rock to
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ice. >> suck it spider-man. you got nothing on angelica. >> here's the man-made portion. now that's the part where she does get a little bit tangled up. one of those cracks they created, she fall but guess what? none of the guys climbed in higher than she did. she came in second overall. what a climb she had. what an incredible climber she is. >> it's the man-made portion where she ended up falling. they should have let her stick with nature. knows how to get down. ♪ ♪
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>> this is a very special day for sam. >> it's his birthday and his lovely lady mckenna decided to put a very special performance togeth. then you see that she's lifting up what she's put together. the first one says, we've been through a lo. we fell in love. another one says then we got married. >> all of those in between some choreographed performances. she actually said she kind of improvised. >> she picks up another card that says we experienced loss of a pregnancy, which is a big deal for a couple that loved each other and is trying to have a family. ♪ she picks up yet another card that says but we got through it togeth. she picks up the next card, we bought our first home.
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but now -- >> i've got something to tell you. >> that move that she did, it was very sly, it was very sly there's a few other things. then she comes back to the podium where the cards have been sitting and she picks up the we're due july of 2015. he gives her a big old hug. >> that means she's waited to even tell her husband. she waited a couple of months. >> she kept that secret for a long time. >> he recognizes you kept this a secret. >> you've been lying to me. >> well then she saved it and delivered the news on his birthday. what better gift to receive, right? as a father-to-be. >> dude volunteers to plant his hand in the middle of a dart board. >> what do you think appears's going
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to happen happ? whehenevever you're ready nono, , i'i'llll g getet i it!t! let meme g getet i it.t. ah uh, hey, lady, whenever you're ready. >> thank you. >> i got it. >> no, l. lelet t heher r geget t itit.. shshe e gogot t heher r sasafefe d dririving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. whwhatat a aboboutut a a t tipip?? heherere's's o onene.....g.getet a ann allstate agent. ninicece!! swswititchch t tododayay a andnd g getet two safe driving bonus checks a yeyearar f foror d dririvivingng s safafely. ononlyly f frorom m alallslstatatete.. cacallll 8 86666-7-78888-0-090900 0 nonow. hoholdld o on n maman,n, i is s ththatat a leak up there? ththatat's's a a d dririp.p. nonow w ththatat's's a a l leaeak.k. ththatat i is s a a leleakak!! anand d ifif y youou d donon't't h havave allstate renters insurance... game over. protect your valuableses from things like water damage fofor r asas l lowow a as s $4$4 a a m month when you adadd d rerentnterer's's i insnsururanance to your allstate auto policy. cacallll 8 86666-7-78888-0-090900 0 nonow.w. anand,d, i if f yoyou'u'rere a a s safafe driver you can save up to 45%! jujustst a a f fewew m morore e wawaysys, allstate is changing cacar r ininsusurarancnce e fofor r gogood.
9:26 am
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impressive. >> the firecrack now, this guy, he's like okay sure. i'll put my hand in the middle of a bull's-eye and what do you think th oh! >> it went right through his fingers. his little vulcan live long and prosper worked for him. >> is that guy lucky or what? >> he was so cool and calm about it too. >> or he has no feeling in his hand. >> that's it for "right this minute." we'll see you next t
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cameras capture a fight between savage animals except they're not. just these three wailing on this guy. see why he manages to provoke a zebra. >> a new mom who is blind gets to see her baby through -- >> a special set of glasses. they look like goggles. >> the amazing technology that helped a family bond. >> what are they doing? >> move over double rainbow guy. it'sime for ttfl that just might give
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