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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  January 30, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PST

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you don't see this on a house every day. >> it is a horse and it did crash land into the roof. >> how it good there and how it finally got down. down that deep hole is a 2-year-old who -- >> really rescued himself. >> see the tools that helped him do it. when we first saw this victim of the primate trade. >> limbs hadn't developed, that was heartbreaking. >> how baby booty is making remarkable progress. plus -- the buzzword for your shot at a
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new ipad mini. we give puppy bowled over before the big game. and a little girl gets a card that -- >> just the best example of a dad doing it right. >> now she reveals what her daddy told her that was -- >> very very, very awesome. do you notice what's hanging out on the roof or underneath it. >> my gosh a horse. >> yeah horse legs. that's a mare. check out other pictures posted from brazil. >> like a pegasus that crash landed. >> not a pegasus, it is a horse, and it did crash land into the roof. let me show you video captured around 4:30 in the morning they heard a raucous on the roof. you think something exploded maybe somebody's breaking in. scares you half to death. not what they expected to find and that would be this horse on the roof. its hanging th
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>> the horse is okay didn't break anything. it did break the roof. but the horse managed to get itself down accidentally. you're wondering, how did it get on the roof? it's near a hillside and they think it came after the hillside and either fell or walked on to the roof and that's how it got stuck there. >> my gosh. >> never seen such a thing. >> i never either. the horse did a full-on slip to get on to the roof and on to the patio and it's shocking ungin inging uninjured. >> awkward. >> did i do that? >> that's the craziest thing i've ever seen. . >> all right. we're going to play word association for the first video. i'm going to give you something, say the first word that comes to your mind. boy stuck in a well. >> china. >> boom. >> down this tiny hole which is over 30 feet deep a well a 2-year-old child is stuck 20
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feet down just above the water level. but this is where they have to get really imaginative because you can see this first rescuer tries going down. first, he's not fitting. he's not getting down that hole. they go all right, another idea they decide let's go head-first. but look he's not fitting either. nothing is working. these guys have to think so far outside the box. what they did was they get a giant bamboo pole with a loop on the end, they put it all the way down the hole screaming at the child, shouting at the child hoping he can get his arms in put him in the loop and watched. they then pull him up fish him out. >> wow. >> basically this 2-year-old he just used the equipment to rescue himself. >> basically once he got his arms through, they were able to tighten up pull him out. he's fine. these guys ninja about it. next video from santiago,
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chile. as it starts falling, everybody starts running but one lad picks the wrong direction. yeah. you can see, everyone runs off to the right-hand side but he doesn't. he goes straight down to the left. exactly where the tree is falling. and the impact is a big one. >> is he okay? >> he's totally fine. he got a sprained ankle. >> from when he tripped, that's not from the t there are crummy people everywhere. they are just everywhere. we're here to bring them to you. palm beach county florida. >> what's that rat-a-tat-tat on the roof. >> santa. >> bandits making their way into the check cashing store. that's one guy followed by anlice come crashing through the roof. it is kind of funny but don't tell that to the clerk just opening the store.
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these two guys came in one held a gun to the woman's head and forced her to open the safe. they stole money and fled through the back door. police looking for these guys. you can see, very covered up. up to calgary, police seeing these type of robberies, smash and grabs of atms. this at a ka seen nope youcasino. run as way when two guys come smashing through the front door of the casino. what that guy pushing? an empty hand cart. go up to the atm, isn't bolted or chained to the casino. load the atm up make their way out. atm falling on top of the guy who tripped. get it back uprighted, back on to the truck and out to a waiting vehicle where they make off with nothing. >> nice! >> atm was empty. >> i was wondering why security wasn't more interested in this but they don't care. it's an empty atm.
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let the guys drop them on themselves. >> kick to the nuts. >> not every crummy person is up to steal something. this kid in england decided to go on a destructive tear leaping and bounding over seven cars causing thousands of dollars in damage leaving dents to the roof. police looking for that dummy. >> did you say a car dealership? >> i didn't know. does look like those are stickers in the windows. they don't make any mention in the report it was a dealership they say seven cars but it does look like that. looks like brand-new cars. guess what everybody? it's almost time for us give another ipad mini. >> you need friday's buzzword to be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> stand by for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. i'm going to let this video play and you're going to tell me what seems to be kind of out of place.
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>> oh! what is that little -- was it a little girl? >> yeah. you guys are good good drivers because you did notice what many people probably would have missed and that's a child on the side of the road. >> my gosh in you're wondering, where on earth did the child come from? as the video progresses and you see this. >> oh my gosh. >> a woman running down the side of the road toward this child. i'm guessing that might be someone related to the child or someone the child was in care with. >> that is horrifying. >> here's another incident of people being exactly where they're not supposed to be on the road. the ambulance sirens clearly on the way to respond to an emergency. these two decide we're going to cross the street business as usual. [ sirens ] >> what did he say? >> turned on his p.a. system and yelled at them move out of the
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way, you morons! >> maybe they didn't know the ambulance was going to be turning, i don't know. >> you never know. that's the point, you hear sirens move out of the way because you don't know. you can't assume they're going to go the other way, no. got to give them room. >> like that. it's good. i need one in my car. >> a political candidate is caught on camera pouring water on his baby. >> but dad is not done disciplining his kid. >> why what he does next has everyone stunned. it's almost time to watch the big game. but -- >> it's not a big deal because the big deal is the puppy bowl. >> catching up with two of the fierce players before they take the field. >> that's it. it's a wrap. "right this minute" is brought ohoh y yeah... i'i'veve g gotot a a p pilile e ofof w work... presenentatatitionon t tomomororrorow.w..... dailily y woworkrkouout.t..... inin-l-lawaws s onon s sunundaday.y..... mamakeke t timime e evevererydydayay f foror b berocca. itit s supuppoportrts s mementntalal s sharpness and physical energy. beberoroccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!a!
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this is not the kind of attention that an attorney general candidate in the state of queensland australia really
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wants. here he is in a cafe in queensland with his wife there she is on the lower right of the screen they're having breakfast, that's him across the table and that's their son right there that's the oldest of two children that they have at the cafe with them. like most kids at a restaurant in get restless they don't want to be. there dad gets a pitcher of water and pours on the baby. but dad is not done disciplining his kid. dad smacks him in the head. witnessed by dozens of people and police have been notified. people voting this saturday they told 9 news, not excited about voting for this candidate. >> never vote for someone doing that. >> better ways to deal with it. >> what a strange parenting or disciplinary technique. >> make better choices. >> no charges have been filed against him, and he claims that police told him no action will be taken. but the election is this weekend
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and maybe the voters will tell him what they think about the video. >> how to deal with icy windows. i don't know if you guys have heard, the super bowl is this weekend, super bowl xlix. it's not a big deal because the big deal is the puppy bowl on on malplanet the cutest of all of the bowls. >> it's been 12 months since the cutest sports arena on the planet has seen action but that's about to change. today is puppy bowl sunday. >> puppy bowl it is on animal planet on super bowl sunday. this is puppy bowl xi. this is the best cutest competition on the air. it's so much fun. they have puppies up and against puppies, it's team rough.
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watch all of the action go down. they've got all puppies available for adoption for everyone to enjoy. and to get us and everyone watching "right this minute" ready for puppy bowl sunday guess what we have got? >> no. >> no. >> we have some of the stars of puppy bowl xi here in the "right this minute" studio to get their fluff and rough on with us. >> hand them over. >> who >> we've got the referee here, too. >> cute! >> oh my god. >> that's it. it's a wrap. >> this is a big lineup. brutus and his sister here is cleo. >> goodness. >> smaller, more agile, she's quick. brutus clears the way and cleo takes it to the house. >> the great thing what you do with the puppy bowl every single one of the puppies available for the adoption.
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>> 85 puppies, 15 in the starting line-up 30 that are second stringers, just as important. all find forever homes through the y bowl. come from shelters all over the country. these guys are from the local arizona humane society helping us out at puppy bowl cafe during super bowl week. >> one thing i have to ask, deflate-gate. i hear it's encouraged they deflate toys. >> been around 11 years and our balls have always been deflated. >> for people who maybe seen the puppy bowl how to watch. >> animal planet on at 3:00 p.m. eastern and pacific. go online and cast your own fantasy football. >> this production has a surprise twist. >> what could be in the treasure box? and still to come -- it's a daring climb that's definitely not for the faint of heart. >> right at the top, if you are
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brave enough, it's only the size of a dinner plate if not smaller. >> why the journey up is all about the look down. >> a shot to win an ipad mini. friday's buzzword co
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>> closed captioning provide er ] hewer cavities can take enusds scooby-doo rinse. it tastes greaeat and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. soso i it't's s aallll good. aactct k kidids.s. bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dadandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakakes and itch. selsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandrdruff. recently, i shared this video from international animal
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rescue. it is booty, an orangutan kept in a chicken cage ten months the first months of his life after a victim of the primate trade in asia. >> limbs didn't develop, heartbreaking. >> i have a happy update on booty. this is booty toda before that little orangutan couldn't hold anything with his hands, bones were atrophied. holding a bottle on his own. and he can sit up on his own for short amounts of time. >> good to see he's made some sort of progress. you only can hope he makes more. look at his little booty belly. >> tlc. >> so precious. i can't imagine people mistreating this fellow. >> if you remember before, his limbs were swollen. his limbs seem to have shrunken. he can move his arms and hole the bottle. weeks ago he couldn't do than he's not even 2 yet. >> do they expect him to make a full recovery or will he always have issues?
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>> their goal to get him back into the wild that's what they want to do. he's got a long way to go and they need people to donate to fund the medical care. their goal to return booty to . >> i've tricked my way into your fine country i want to start exploring wonders that america has mu like these guys at epic tv who put together the show north america's 50 classic climbs. featured in the episode, 25 miles north of moab utah at fisher towers. they have this time called ancient art, which you can see, ding right there. >> wow. >> people come from all over the world. the reason they do it right at the top if you are brave enough only the size of a dinner plate, if not smaller, what they want to do stand on top and get iconic photos. looks amazing in itself. watch this guy, he starts walking along.
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notice starts climbing up. >> crazy. >> don't you feel like it's going to break? don't you feel like the weight of a human on this is going to cause it to crack and fall? >> you trust over millions and millions of years that it's taken enough of a beating. >> it makes me scared. it's millions and millions of years old. >> look at the shot here the beautiful silhouette as he's standing on top. but that's pailing compared to the pov and the 360. you can see half of utah. look slowly turns around while standing on top, amazing. >> that's when i would keep my hands to my side. i wouldn't be leaning so one is heavier on one side than the other. >> if you want to see the whole thing in its entirety, click on today's show and use our mob all right, everybody it's time for us give away ipad >> enter, need the buzzword be 18 years or older and a legal
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u.s. resident. >> head over to, enter to win the ipad button. enter to win each day. >> buzzword is quest. >> click on the win ipad button enter friday's buzzword qwest. >> and get this one guy later next week, bonus giveaway day. we're giving away an ipad mini and flat screen tv two winners. watch every single d. a little girl reads a heartfelt letter. >> a card from her dad for their second date. >> what her dad had to say that moved her to tears. >> i felt very special and a appreciate that he took time. hihi. . i'i'm m hehenrnry y wiwinknkleler. and i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortrtgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k knonow the facts. ththerere
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e arare e cucurrrrenently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirirements to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-x-free money from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoneney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone.e. the remaining money can be used for anything. ththerere'e's s nono m mononththly mortgage payments. anand d yoyou u ststilill l owown your home! cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. itit e expxplalainins s hohoww a government-insured reverse mortgage works. ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligigation. onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgagage is a quicken loans company. ththeieir r lilicecensnseded e experts can answer all your questions. cacallll t to o fifindnd o outut what a great solution this can be. dodon'n't t wawaitit, , cacallll now!
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>> startled siamese.
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[ laughter ] >> any father knows that the relationship you have with your daughter is the basis for all her future relationships. >> true. >> you've got to teach her she's wonderful the way she is she should be respected and anyone else that doesn't understand that is not worth it. >> great way to put it oli. >> we came across the video, the best example of a dad doing it right. video starts with a little girl she's opening up a card. it's a card from her dad for their second date. >> love it! >> i can't hear you. >> you are the most special girl i've ever met. you are smart, beautiful, funny, and most of all, a great
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[ inaudible ]. never sacrifice [ inaudible ]. wonderful girl. >> my gosh. >> sweetest thing ever. >> she's never going to find a man as awesome as her dad. >> a little difficult but i loved the fact that he's setting the bar so high so that she knows what she can have and she will never settle for less. i love it! >> so many people are having this reaction. we are so lucky right now to have them via skype. >> bravo! >> briel, how awesome is your dad? >> very very, very awesome! >> how did you feel in that moment? >> i felt very special and i appreciate that he took all of his time making a card. >> what about you, dad?
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what about you for the reaction? >> i thought it would be something that she would be able to hold on to and years down the line able to look at and appreciate really caught me off guard. it meant more than i even imagined. >> going on daddy/daughter dates cool thing to do. why is it special? >> we have four babies rest 0 boys. she's the youngest. i want my daughter to know how to be treated, like a lady. it's essential for every father to build up a strong and set a great foundation for their kids. someday when she meets that nice guy, she'll know what to loo i love you so much. >> that's going to do if for us at "right this minute." thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time, e.
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stay on the ground. >> video shows an accused car thief being cornered and -- >> causing quite a debate. >> what's up for debate about guys trying to steal a car? >> see why a taser has something to do with it. >> we'll get you out, okay? >> a doe hung up on the fence. >> caught between those slats. >> the delicate mission to set her free. >> i know. i . >> no please don't. >> a proposal where nothing goes as planned. >> a lot of awkward going on right now. >> why it


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