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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  January 30, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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hey -- >> an open mike night is about to become a closed fist event. now, find out what set off the comedy club sucker punch. >> my mind's going a mile a minute. >> a rally driver wipes out. >> but still ninja. >> how taking a car for a spins a real crowd pleaser. >> this my dear -- >> jenna marvel to help a familiar face. >> looking for love. >> wait wait wait.
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max on the show to be matched up. >> yes. >> better than ever. >> a millionaire? >> plus the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini. and one interesting family experience. >> i gotta do it. i gotta. >> the video of a daughter's first armpit shave with a dad determined to -- >> make sure she does it right. >> no punch line? >> just shaving? >> the key to comedy is landing that punch line. >> right here open mike night in lima ohio holiday inn but they have rules one of which, no swearing. >> oh i like that rule. >> talking about [ bleep ]. >> so as the video starts this fellow's got up open mike he's going to do some comedy. but the first thing he asks the audience is this --
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>> [ inaudible ]. >> everybody cheers. but he has been told no. >> there are rules, joe. >> that's what joe, emcee, the guy telling him you can't do this. >> i'll beat your [ bleep ]. >> after putting a jokey threat there, you see a shadow past. joe comes up to the stage. the guy immediately changes. >> [ bleep ] the police. >> he drops the f-bomb. >> sweatshirt was a sign it says vicious and untamed. >> he kind of had it written across his chest. >> joe comes up he doesn't want to do it, puts down the mike stand. >> oh! >> and there is the punch line. joe then takes the highest of the high routes what a pro. >> [ bleep ]. >> hands together for our comic, everybody. and a couple of people just -- >> brilliant on joe's part make sure that everybody knows who this jack hole was. >> guess what?
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we've got him right now, via skype, joe dees. >> guys. >> what was going through your mind when this happened. >> when he hit me he obviously knocked me down to the ground. i was only down for a few seconds. i news thinking how am i going to salvage the show. >> press charges. >> absolutely filing charges for sure. the prosecuting attorney couldn't believe it. >> we have spoken to the police. they have issued a summons for simple assault. >> did you know who this guy was prior? had you heard his comedy before? and did you feel any threat from him before he picked up the mike? >> no not at all. he was a local guy. he wanted to get the comedy through his fifth, sixth show. they're always going to slip up accidentally say a swear word or two. he's done that we talked to him, i said make sure you tone it down but this was obviously different. this was intentional. >> we heard from brian irons the guy that threw the punch.
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he said he set me up. damn near every comic curses but the few times i slipped up they interrupted my set to chastise me. you're sayg i'm a guy who made a poor decision in the heat of the moment. >> alex olson, chattanooga, tennessee, the officer is attempting to pull observe the vehicle. the driver apparently blew right through a stop sign. right about here it appears the driver 20-year-old lester is about to pull over except backs up and continues to refuse to pull over. eventually the driver ends up in a cul-de-sac. you see him, he finally stops, the officer gets out of the vehicle, decides to back up rides into the patrol car. hits the car, sending it into the direction of officer olson.
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watch ow stupid stupid kid. for a traffic stop you risk getting shot. >> saltassault with a deadly weapon in a residential area. >> officer olson four shots. this incident happened back october 5th. video released because the officer has been suspended. it's against police regulation for an officer to shoot at a fleeing car, especially in a densely populated neighborhood. >> why did the kid run? >> believe it or not, it appears he was driving with a revoked license. charged with reckless endangerment aggravated assault, vandalism, a slew of other traffic charges. >> how stupid this young guy is. >> no injuries reported. officer olson was not injured in the incident. >> struck my vehicle.
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>> part of the fun of rally racing are the accidents. >> oh! >> just looks like he crunched into someone's car off the track. now what makes this more interesting, robert a formula one race car driver nearly killed in a horrific accident several years ago. the guy made a recovery continues to drive the cars like he stole him. the different angle of the same accident. >> looks like maybe he didn't quite crash into these cars. that last sign he bumps into appears to have sto spectators jump in push the car off, off goes again. one of the few sports that if you are a spectator, you can truly get your hands dirty.
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>> like in this video, the same rally, rally monitor, different driver differ car. navigates this right-left combination almost. lifts off the side of the road. everybody comes running in. for a while, they sit there, they have a strap, the strap they wrapped around the car, trying to be a human tow truck. they struggle they pull they tug, they are able to get the car off the snowy embankment. >> hey, everybody, it's almost time for us give away another ipad mini and get this today is bonus day. that means we're also giving away a flat screen tv. >> that means two winners today, one-two, you need thursday's buzzword be at least 18 years old, legal u.s. resident.
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>> thursday's buzzword coming up. > dan casey, creeping crawling out on the woods to set out a fox trap he set up in south dakota. you never are going to believe what he caught. >> unexpected prize. beautiful lion in the trap. >> what? >> what? >> a mountain lion? >> he caught a mountain lion. and it's illegal in south dakota to trap a mountain lion. dan knows this. he's an outdoorsman. it's his job to make sure this mountain lion gets released. but that mountain lion is probably not happy. >> exactly right. but dan really tried to get this accomplish. >> what we're going to do is try to release her. mountain lion season is going on right now. >> she's beautiful. >> she is beautiful, isn't she? >> what he's going to do is fashion himself a little door holder so when he lifts that cage door the little sticks that he has strategically placed
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will hold that door up. >> his wife behind the camera is safely inside the truck. >> listen to how angry the mountain lion is. >> oh! >> it builds your stomach gets tighter and tighter worrying about dan. he ever so carefully uses his barehand. >> yikes. >> to lift that gate. and he props it with the sticks. he slowly backs away from the cage. watch what hap >> wow. >> everyone lives to see another day. and dan left with all of his fingers. >> a car cruises down the flooded street no problem. >> but the bike not so much. >> what? >> the big issue that put a damper on one dude's day. and -- the precious moment when chewy
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the cockatoo reunited with her owner. >> what? >> wow, the bird talks to her! okokayay l ladadieies,s, w wheheneneveverr you're ready. i got this. nono, , i'i'llll g getet i it!t! let meme g getet i it.t. ah uh, i i dodon'n't t wawantnt y youou t to o pay for this. it's not happening, , hohoney. lelet t heher r geget t itit.. shshe e gogot t heher r sasafefe d dririving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. whwhatat a aboboutut a a t tipip?? heherere's's o onene.....g.getet a ann allstate agent. ninicece!! swswititchch t tododayay a andnd g getet two safe driving bonus checks a yeyearar f foror d dririvivingng s safafely. ononlyly f frorom m alallslstatatete.. cacallll 8 86666-7-78888-0-090900 0 nonow. hoholdld o on n maman,n, i is s ththatat a leak up there? ththatat's's a a d dririp.p. nonow w ththatat's's a a l leaeak.k. ththatat i is s a a leleakak!! anand d ifif y youou d donon't't h havave allstate renters insurance... game over. protect your valuableses from things like water damage fofor r asas l lowow a as s $4$4 a a m month when you adadd d rerentnterer's's i insnsururanance to your allstate auto policy. cacallll 8 86666-7-78888-0-090900 0 nonow.w. anand,d, i if f yoyou'u'rere a a s safafe driver you can save up to 45%! jujustst a a f fewew m morore e wawaysys, allstate is changing
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just because a car does it doesn't mean you can do it on your bike. take this rider in sao paulo brazil. >> what? >> watch this again. the car went over fine but the bike not so much. >> oh my gosh. >> the car stralded the giant pothol the bike went through it. >> the id because of heavy rains in brazil. they've had landslides floodings, traffic lights out. as you can see, when you see the bike lifted out of there, you can see how big that hole is and that hole is enormous. >> obviously it's gotten bigger. the weather would have kept making it bigger. you can fit a truck in there. >> i feel like the car barely made it over. the poor dude's bike look at it. >> the hole formed because of a water main break. and the waste management company
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says they are working to get that thing fixed. in have to or else they'll be fishing a lot of things out of the big hole. >> it's quite clearly a monday. not the only one who had problems on wheels. check this video out. this guy, posted video from new york as you know new england, new jersey new york got a lot of snow this week. a lot of people posting videos this guy apparently snow day, he decided to take that quad out and go around his neighborhood. but he got a good look at the neighborhood and a good look at the ground. >> uh-oh. >> and he does it right in front of people. >> oh! >> that thing just rolled over but he was able to get right back up get right back on. people nearby came over after he was okay. he was able to get back on and ride away. no howling allowed. [ howling ]
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it is impossible to not believe that animals have emotions that they know what's going on. this video posted on our facebook page by carrie turner bomar, her friend robin left for a month. the second this cockatoo chewy, heard the voice of her owner coming through the door, she lost her mind. that bird is excited to see her mama again. >> did she say something? >> i think she did. >> hi. >> hi chewy. >> what? >> wow, the bird talks to her! isn't that precious? look when her owner picks her up petting her, she cuddles up to her neck. >> a delightful video. >> this ones a i little predictable, dogs getting excited when they know they're about to be fed. this guy has a very interesting way to show that he's very excited about .
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>> mimics with food. >> you have extra food when he's excited his mouth moves. see the sound of the spoon. >> one more bite. >> he does it every time. >> poor dog has no clue either. >> the pavlov dog. >> wrapped around that spoon. he is hypnotized in this moment by that spoon, and it's awesome. >> metal jaw. >> i know. people come from all over the globe just to experience this -- >> it's one of the world's most famous climbs and you'll see why. >> on th and still to come -- devon supertramp known for making amazing videos but this time it's -- >> compilation of devon supertramp fails. >> see all of the shots that hurt to watch. >> oh! plus, bonus giveaway away. get thursday's buzzword for a shot of winning an ipad mini or
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flat screen tv ththerere'e's s nono t tasastete l likike e twtwizzlers. ththerere'e's s nono t tasastete l likike e twtwizzlers. ththerere'e's s nono t tasastete l likike e twtwizzlers. (witch laughing) frfromom m movovieie c clalassssicics s toto t tv v hits twtwizizzlzlererizize e yoyourur e entnterertatainment with twizzlers. ththe e twtwisist t yoyou u cacan'n't t reresist. [c[cheheererining]g] evevererything okay? wewe'r're e heherere b bececauausese y you're about toto h havave e a a hehearart t atattatackck. pepetete's's h heaeartrt a attttacack didn't come with a warning. totodaday y hihis s dodoctctoror has him onon a a b bayayerer a aspspiririn regimen to helplp r rededucuce e ththe e ririsk ofof a anonoththerer o onene.. ifif y youou'v've e hahad d a a heheart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. bubusysy w weeeek?k? ohoh yeah... i'i'veve g gotot a a p pilile e ofof work... presesenentatatitionon t tomomororrorow.w... dadailily y woworkrkouout.t..... inin-l-lawaws s onon s sunundaday.y... mamakeke t timime e evevererydydayay f foror berocca. itit s supuppoportrts s mementntalal sharpness and physical energy. beberoroccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!a!
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>> closed captioning provided - ds scooby-doo rinse. it tastes grgreat and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. soso i it't's s aall good. aactct k kidids.s. bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakes and itch. selslsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandruff. the show "millionaire matchmaker" on bravo, eighth season. >> i love that show. i swear i used to watch it all the time. i'm not kidding, one of my guilty pleasures. >> the star of the show thinks she can set people up on great dates. >> i think jenna can get through
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the guys and break their schtick. >> the comedian everybody loves to love on youtube. helping out guys looking for love the dude from tmz. >> yes, you probably do recognize max ho tm >> wait maxes on the show to be matched up in. >> yes. >> wait wait wait. max is a millionaire. >> this exchange between jenna marvels and max, though awesome. >> how would you have a -- >> i like your dyed gray hair, like old lady hair. >> oh! >> but i dig it. >> trying to help him know how to talk to the ladies. >> can i fix your hair?
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a braid or bun? energy to come out. >> you can do whatever you want. i do like girls playing with my hair. it hot. >> i think you like nice. >> fullback comb. >> i've got to watch the episode. i'm fascinated now. >> you should watch the episode of "millionaire matchmaker" to see what happens, airs next thursday february 5th, bravo, 10:00, 9:00 central. the man who always gets his shot, the man who puts out videos all the time that puts smiles on everyone's faces. known as devin supertramp. he gets the shot all right. goes right or not. this is a compilation of devin supertramp fails from 2013 and 2014. but not everything goes as planned when devin's out there, some of the fails. >> dude!
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that was bad! >> could have given us a warning. >> some of these are rugged man. everything on his awesome water videos to the giant ball hamster wheel things zip lining fails, zorb fails, all here. watch this one. supercool. i'm just going to trip. >> and he lost his helmet. due hooked the helmet. devin looks the field look supercool. >> everything comes out perfectly. there are no fails, right? you think everything went as planned, right? no. >> compilation of fails comes out perfectly. great to watch. it's not just devin's subject that fail. devin goofs, too there saved the camera. >> he did a little run, gotta trip. >> every frame of the video is watchable and fun. go to, click on today's show. you can see it on our mobile
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app. pay attention, time to give away another ipad mini. need the buzzword be at least 18 and a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to, click on the win ipad butten. enter on facebook twitter, or both, enter on each every day. >> ready to hear thursday's buzzword? vapor. >> get over to on the win ipad mini enter vapor. >> bonus give away day. one of the winners get a flat screen tv. two winners today. enter the buzz. everyone's gathered in the bathroom to witness the first shave. >> no big deal. >> let me see if you got it. >> see what happens family time. >> this is fun.
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showing them up and making them look like dummies out there. remember the first time you
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shaved? >> yes. >> what? >> didou cut i did. >> but it's something we have to do at one point or another. this little girl kaden, it's her first time shaving. >> this way, never this way. let me see if you got it. >> family affair. >> a family affair in this is making me uncomfortable. think back to the first time of shaving and i don't want my whole family in the room. or video camera. >> it is a little weird. >> yeah. >> it's a big deal. >> can i get it right there? >> no. >> let me do it. you're missing the hair. >> dad wants to help. i got it. >> get the side. don't shave your mole. right there. >> she's going to be so happy this is on national television when she grows up. >> other way, please.
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>> all right. we're good. stubble. >> i love the fact this dad is sucking it up and still wanting to make sure that his daughter does it right. >> totally. >> it's on camera. everybody gets to see a family affair. now it's a national television affair in wow. this moment is going to live forever. her first shave. >> arm straight like that. there you go. >> so >> that's it for us here at "right this minute," everybody. thanks for joining us, we'll see you next time. when i didn't have health insurance, i had to learn how to cope with severe pain. after i signed up with a health plan through covered california, i found my doctor. they discovered some growths that they had to remove. had it been left untreated my situation would have been much worse.
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i was in my doctor's office for a follow-up appointment. she looked me straight in the eye and just said "get on with it. go live your life." that touched me. i'm in, for a healthy future. open enrollment ends february 15th. visit today.
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holy [ bleep ]. >> students on a project notice a bizarre sight behind them. >> what? >> what happens when cops are called about the creepers in the bush. it's the universal symbol for -- >> get off my lawn. >> how tourists came face-to-face with the elephant enforcers. >> he doesn't have the money for it right now. >> stop! >> a little girl really, really, really wants a -- >> queen elsa doll. >> what happens when she tries to drag it right out of the store. >> let's buy a tv instead. >> no! >> a buzzword for you


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