tv Right This Minute FOX February 4, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PST
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a motorcyclist misses a head-on but then -- >> that rider gets catapulted into the field. hear from his buddy who couldn't believe his eyes. >> it doesn't seep real seems like almost a car teen. >> holy moly. >> a pod of orcas get this close to shore. this camera is not zoomed in. how some dudes captured the thrill of a life. >> what are you asking for? did you do it once? >> a woman confronts a fellow airline passenger. >> i'm sorry, please. i'm sorry. >> what she claims he did that
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got him read the riot act. the buzzword for your shot at i a new ipad mini. and a wife gets a gift from her husband -- >> slowly and slowly it dawns on her. >> the surprise trip that brought her to tears. >> ah now that -- >> in my book one of the best ways to start the new year a motorcycle ride with your buddies. these guys are out in california we've got a helmet cam here. what you see is a pickup truck and other traffic slowing things down separating the group. some of the guys decide to go around that truck, right there. it is a double yellow. from here i want you guys to keep an eye on this rider. one in front of the black pickup truck. it almost looks like he gets hit but he doesn'ts. misses a head-on collision with suv. but watch what it costs him. ! >> my gosh like a rocket launcher!
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>> that rider gets catapulted into the field. he avoided suv but hit the dirt berm off into the gravel. >> so close to getting hit by that car. >> the rider with the helmet cam, one of this guy's good buddies. listen. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]! >> that's a barbed wire fence that that rider went catapulting right over. they get through the fence. >> look how far away he landed, how far they have to run. in pain. >> [ bleep ]! >> don't move. don't move! . don't move him. >> what happened to that rider? joining us right this minute the man with the helmet cam. rudy what happened to your buddy, is he okay? >> yeah. sufficientrd a a broken back. wasn't too bad of a break. >> what w going through your d seem real seemed like a cartoon when i was
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watching it. i didn't think it was real until i stopped and got off the bike. >> were you with him when he first saw the video playback? >> when we first saw the video he was in the hospital. we brought the nurse out to see the video. as soon as they saw the video, they transported him to a facility that could better manage him. >> what's his condition? is he fully recovered? what were extent of injuries. >> something in his lower back that they broke. after x-rays and cat scans, they cleared him, released from the hospital. he couldn't move well at all. four five days later back on another friend's bike. he was shaky. to this day he still is a little bit shaky. >> is the video making you guys safer riders now? >> a lot of us here in fresno think twice about different things we do. we're glad he's here with was. >> get to talk to him. he'd deaf anilyyilyy definitely learned his lesson i would say.
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>> if you ever thought of visiting british columbia, canada, this will put you over the edge. posted by chris wilson. gorgeous nature beautiful water, awesome little pebble beach it looks like. >> don't need to go on a boat to see orcas, just british columbia they swim up to say hi. >> they do. pay close attention to this video because this is a very shallow area that they're standing by. >> yeah. >> you see it there. >> wow. >> crazy. >> the camera's not zoomed in. >> like standing into a pond with the fish except they're giant. >> some that have seen the video are saying the orcas are scraping across the pebbles at surface of the water, it helps remove barnacles from their skin feels like a nice belly rub. other scientists other people saying these orcas are practicing scenarios and maybe it looks like -- >> we've seen videos where the
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orcas breach up on shore and go for a seal. >> i might start stepping back and zooming my camera. >> wait until you see this moment right here. yes, you would think, i probably should step back. watch this. >> holy mo! >> oh! >> wow! >> my look how big it is. >> an entire pod. you see smaller orcas, you see large guys who start flopping his tail. unbelievable. again, this guy is not zoomed in. this orca is this close. >> any word of this happened here before? >> there was a post underneath the video that said scientists had identified this particular pod of orcas and they are local to this area. i could not believe how close they are. unbelievable to me. >> this is spectacular a guy on the beach had to remind the guy. >> make sure you --
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>> yeah you -- >> someone is giving it to someone who is hiding their face. this guy right here like you think you have a right to touch me? >> you can't touch me any time anywhere you want. forgiveness you're asking for. >> on the plane this gentleman was putting his fingers between the seats, getting a grab something. >> did you do it once? was it by mistake? >> as the plane landed she saw that he was putting his hands through, again, to go again and she decided, enough is enough. >> good. she made him, as uncomfortable and as humiliated as she felt. now he knows what it feels like. >> of course again, i have to say, alleged things but you can hear him here. he's apologizing for something. i'm kind of feeling that maybe there's a reason for that. >> well he looks very guilty. he's not sitting there saying i didn't do anything what are you
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talking about? he's sitting there, shamefully and looking pretty guilty. a second video, looks like it's in the baggage reclaim area where she confronts him again. so you want to say that you want to give me an apology for misbehaving with me. >> seem to be insinuating he wants to give a written apology for what he's alleged to have done. >> what do you think? i'll be qui. some reports say he was handed over to the police at airport help has posted bail but police will investigate all angles. >> you want to give me a written apology for misbehaving with me? everybody, it's about time for us to give away another ipad mini. >> enter, tuesday's buzzword, need to be 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> tuesday's buzzword coming up in a little bit. >> strap in everybody. the "right this minute" ipad mini giveaway ! ♪ on a daily basis on "right
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this minute," don't we say, after we have seen something crazy on a video, why did they? >> do this? what's wrong with them. what were they thinking? >> guess what a fire captain in edmonton alberta canada, actually asked somebody that. >> your stupidity cost us a lot of [ bleep ]. what happened if you go through the ice and we've got to save your [ bleep ]? >> ctv cameras running when the firefighters showed up to the river, north saskatchewan river. people called firefighters saying there's a man running, they see the guy running on the ice and told him, fella, come on in. they didn't have to rescue him, but once he got in captain had a lot to say to this guy. >> we putourselves in danger and you're out there doing zupd inging stupid [ bleep ]. >> let this get reported and put a psa together and send it out. people need to hear what the captain's saying.
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>> hey, cameras are rolling. captain looks and he's like i'm going to keep going. >> now you will will you not? >> i don't look at it that way. he's not thinking about how his actions affect others. the captain did talk to ctv after that and had more words to worn people doing stupid stuff. >> you may die, fall in. once under the ice, there's no recovering you. >> man and wife are taking swings but things get heated when -- >> she picks up one last rock. >> how she turns the throwdown into a takedown. >> oh that landed. >> and -- >> this is andrew hale at his most awkward. >> you want to see me flex my strutting his stuff gets weird. >> oh! i i tatakeke p pririlolosesec c ototc each morning for my freent heartburn. because it gives me... zezeroro h heaeartrtbuburnrn!! prprililososecec o otctc.. ththe e nunumbmberer 1 1 d dococtotor-r-rerecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. onone e pipillll e eacach h momornrnining.
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2424 h houoursrs.. zezeroro h heaeartrtbuburnrn.. hehersrshehey'y's s mimininiataturureses.. wewe p pouour r ''emem!! wewe p pasass s ''emem!! wewe p picick k ''emem!! dedeliliciciouous s fufun n fofor r evevereryoyonene. hehersrshehey'y's s mimininiataturureses a are mine, yours, our chocolate. i i brbrining g ththe e gigiftft o off the name your price tool toto h helelp p yoyou u fifindnd a a p priricece that fits your budget. uhuh-o-oh.h. ththe e nanameme y youour r prpricice e totoolol.. shshe'e's s nonott toto b be e trtrusted. kikillll h herer.. flflo:o: i it t wiwillll s savave e yoyou u momoney! ththe e nanameme y youour r prpricice e totoolol isn't witchcraft! anand d i i dididndn't't t tururn n yoyourur d daughter into a rooster. shshe e jujustst l looooksks l likike e ththatat.. buburnrn t thehe w wititchch!! the nameme y youour r prpricice e totoolol a dangerously progressive idea. when i didn't have health insurance, i had to learn how to cope with severe pain. after i signed up with a health plan through covered california, i found my doctor. they discovered some growths that they had to remove. had it been left untreated
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this video appears to be a very unfortunate case of domestic violence caught on video in brazil. it is believed that this woman, wearing the pink shirt, has discovered her husband is being unfaithful. and at the very beginning of the video you see that she picks up a stick. it looks like it might be a broom. swings it at that man who then takes it and starts swinging it . as she picks up another board and starts to swing it at him, you see this woman go over behind these plants. picks up a rock throws it at the man. and misses. she does it a second time. he comes at her with a stick and swings again. she tries to push him away. and as he's coming at her, she picks up one last rock and throws it at him. >> oh that landed. >> and thatlanded square in the face knocks him over. she runs out of the room back
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into the home. he moving slowly trying to get back up completely disoriented. >> in a situation like that even like where it's alleged that he's done, both of them they shouldn't be doing this. he shouldn't be getting physical. they're both lucky it didn't go further. >> it's not clear who started the physical confrontation. we don't know what happened before the video. >> doesn't matter who started it. >> hope they realize they're not good together and decide to go their separate ways and call it a da the king of awkward is back. >> i'm andrew hale. >> talking about andrew hale from the la8wf youtube channel. always awkward, always funny. huntington beach, california with his buddy. >> huntington beach. >> randomly asking people -- >> if they want to see our muscles. >> wait until you see how he flexes his muscles. this is andrew hale at his most awkward. >> hi. >> you want to see me flex my
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muscles? >> are you serious? >> andrew hale has the best wing man, go out looking for girls. he hel go up to anybody and tart a conversation. >> makes you look awesome by co. >> want to see me flex my muscles? >> what? >> like evel knievel of awkward. >> he's the stuntman of weir >> if that makes any sense. >> makes perfect sense. he's brilliant a. >> you like them? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> a favorite youtube prankster gets himself into trouble.
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or does he? >> you don't understand this is good. >> see what happen >> and still to come -- he's the 6-year-old who -- >> can do this. >> whoa! no way. he's awesome! >> see how this little dude masts are big tricks. plus tuesday buzzword you need for your chance to win an hihi. . i'i'm m hehenrnry y wiwinknkleler. and i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse mortrtgage soso i i w wu toto k know ththerere e arare e cucurrrrenently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirirements to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-x-free money from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoneney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone.e. the remaining money can be used for anything. ththerere'e's s nono m mononththly mortgage payments. anand d yoyou u ststilill l owown your home! cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. itit e expxplalainins s hohoww a government-insured reverse mortgage works. ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligigation. onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgagage is a quicken loans company. ththeieir r lilicecensnseded
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3:19 pm in touch all day long. now, back to the s >> no way these two videos don't make you just tense up. look at these fires. this first one in paris, france. a fire's broken out at a bar on the bottom floor of the multistory building. you can see the residents in the apartment above gasping for air as they lean out the balcony. >> look at the smoke pouring out of the window horrifying. >> you see three women on the top floor, another man by himself in the middle and two men it appears, in the floor below. what the fire department does show up get the tower ladder working to get the top women out. another firefighter working with just ladder. these guys now, so afraid of the fire terrified of the situation they're in they have to climb down themselves. >> oh! >> hanging off the balcony. >> really dangerous. this guy, he's not a young fellow. >> the ladders swinging around and moving. at that point you don't care
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just get me out of here. thankfully i'm happy to report everybody got out safe. >> amazing. >> this next video shows how dangerous firefighting can be for the firefighters. this building that they were called to the home there were people inside. a small child was rescued from the building treated for smoke inhalation. but that wasn't the most treacherous part for the firefighters. watch what happens once the fire spreads throughout the house. it compromises the integrity of the roof and in a situation that i've never seen before in fire videos the firefighters try to prop up this overhang with their pipes, there's one firefightering inside the house. one goes inside the door there. watch . >> oh! >> wow! >> oh my god! >> watch the firefighter come out the front door as that collapses around him. >> oh my gosh! >> if it wasn't for his colleagues holding that up it could have crashed right on him.
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>> talk about timing. >> yep. no injuries to report to any of the firemen. >> inten. little wesley he's 6 years old, he wants to be a really good snowboarder. he's young though still learning. struggling with his snowboard. don't let this fool you. because this 6-year-old can do >> whoa! no way. he's awesome! >> yeah. he's grinding on the rails. he's going down slopes killing off little slicks. >> does he have a pro snowboarder dad. >> his mom, the shred mom. look at that. the guy is good. >> my kid's going to have to get their ideas. this kid's way better. >> put the legos down and get on the slopes. >> 6-year-olds old, fearless. will be to try anything. so cool. >> pops right back up keeps on
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going. >> look at that. if i did it i'd be down for -- >> he's not just on the trails. he's snowboarding between trees, which is very hard. >> yeah it is. >> especially with the powder. >> i guess it's like if you grew up with bicycles and learned how to ride a bike at a young age what happen you were brought up doing, if your family enjoyed the slopes lived near snow you'll be good at it. >> he's a young person developing such a passion for something. you can see that he loves this. pretty incredible to develop that kind of energy at that early in your life. >> i think we're seeing a future olympic athlete in the okay everybody, get ready it's time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> it's simple need the buzzword you need to be 18 years old and legal u.s. resident. >> head over to our website,, click on the win ipad dutton. >> enter on facebook twitter or both do each every single day. >> tuesday's buzzword it is
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prestige. >> if you want prestige of winning an ipad mini head over to, click button enter prestige. >> one day later this week bonus give away day two winners, one gets an ipad mini the other a flat screen tv. you have to watch every single da brianna's unwrapping a big surprise. >> whoa. >> it's a thoughtful gift. >> see why this gift has a twist.
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>> whoa. that's really cool. >> it's a thoughtful gift. >> it's like a goal you set the goal by putting this in front of you, reminds you you need to achieve it. >> he's gone online and found these really nice pictures of the uk and stuff and printed them out, put them in. and he went aspirationally further and went i found this apartment. that's so cool. like a little apartment. >> then she turns the page again. >> and there's like a ticket for, you know -- >> what? >> the peg drops as she realizes it's a ticket. she gets it out, starts checking it's got our names on. slowly it dawns on her. when she finally realizes it's real, watch her face. wait. are we going to england? >> yeah. >> that's a magic moment.
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>> now they that album, they can come back and fill the album with their own pictures. >> yeah it's great. beautiful idea. >> oh my gosh. >> and that on the previous page is where we're staying. >> oh my gosh! >> that's good. >> done it secretly spent 18 months planning it being able to give her that gift was magic. >> it's really real? >> it's really real. >> that's it for "right this minute," everyfl
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a driver's rolling down the freeway and -- >> everything seems to be going smoothly. >> how that all changes in >> whoo! >> a pickup game turns into a knockdown drag-out. >> people tried to pull them apart but somebody says no new york let them go at it. >> why it takes a woman to knock some sense i ♪ >> taylor swift made it number one. now it's the anthem of a mom who could be going for two. >> i thought oh my gosh. i'm not awake ♪ ♪ it must be
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