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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  February 5, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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a rowdy customer goes on a rampage when -- >> suddenly out of nowhere -- >> the real-life cat woman that has people wondering, is that real or fake? >> i'm suspicious. a truck filled with fireworks catches fire. >> there you go. you've got a little show. >> why lighting the fuse is easier than putting this one is that big mess on the floor the work of that -- >> innocent-looking puppy on the couch? >> see the moment he gives up the real culprit. plus it's bonus giveaway day. get the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini or a flat screen tv.
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and the simple trick that trapped the dude on a pole. >> apparently that's it you've tied yourself in a knot. >> what happens when we try to houdini our way out. >> i can't get out! >> footage of three thugs in china quickly going viral because things went well slightly unexpectedly. starts off with inside a bar or restaurant and these guys start throwing stuff on the floor. obviously very angry. starts throwing things in the staff's face. being very aggressive. suddenly out of nowhere, boom. >> whoa! >> is that a woman? >> it is. what they're calling chinese cat woman. these three guys suspicious. >> of course looks like a movie trailer. trying to get attention. >> there are some people speculating this is something that's been shot for a movie. so we will see. but the people that posted it
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are assuring it's 100% true. see how hard she comes in kicks the guy with full force, he goes flying. he two men stand up gets the umbrella ties them in a knot can't tell you how tough she kicked the other guy. but at the same time she's kicking hard. >> i want it to be real. >> i totally want this to be real because these guys acting up not behaving being rude to the staff and this woman comes in and sets it straight. although i don't condone violence. >> this is a movie i would pay to see. this is fake. this is not real. her response didn't fit the crime. they weren't throwing punches it's a guy being rude. >> not that i don't think a girl can kick three the guys' butt. it seems set up. if you want to play amateur detective, head over to, click on today's show or use the mobile app. some people choose celebrities or sports stars to be their heroes. this guy, sam, my hero.
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decided to quit his tech job in san francisco last fall and chase his dreams of being an explorer a new explorer in the digital age of ours. following his latest dream to team up with wild people. award-winning photographer volcanic explorer they went down to the south pacific to the crater. sam got to go inside the crater. >> oh no way! >> here's the journey to the volcano. one of the world's most active volcanos and one of the world's most difficult to get to. what's neat about this expedition is that sam brought along a bunch of new technology. using a deejay eye drone and camera they were able to doty 3-d map of the volcano, first time ever done. >> amazing. talk about a great reason to quit a tech job. >> no kidding. >> it's the production value,
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with the drone expert, the photographer. looks like shot by steven spielberg. >> the suit he's wearing can take up to 3,000 degrees and used a device that used live technology to record his emotional response to this moment. this whole expedition was bristling with tech. >> it probably recorded all kinds of joy and happiness and i doubt if he experienced fear. i feel like you are mesmerized and captivated by the magnificent area. >> my new hero. i'm going to follow him along on other adventures. you might want t. this was a truck carrying fireworks involved in an . not only do you see flames shooting out of the back of that truck, you see fireworks coming out. and it put on quite a show.
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took firefighters an hour and a half to get this fire under control. >> the driver able to get out unharmed but the fireworks -- >> didn't make it. driver took in danger. >> driving down the highway, how terrifying that would be. feel like you're in a war zone. no clue what was going on. >> they did stop traffic for this. if you're going to get stuck in a traffic jam-related accident at least you have a fireworks show to go along with it. >> turn on the classical station. >> yeah. >> call in ask for the 1812 overtures. ♪ there you go you've got a little show. luckily, nobody was hu. hey, everybody, it's about time for us give away another
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ipad mini and today is bonus giveaway addai. that means giving away a flat screen tv. >> two winners today. you need wednesday's buzzword you need to be a legal u.s. resident and you have to be at least 18 years of age. >> wednesday's buzzword is coming up in just a little bit. >> stand by everybody, for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. all right. put your investigator caps on. we're about to figure out who dundu it. >> this from juken video. papa got home. shredded on the floor. innocent-looking puppy on the couch? >> who tore up the kleenex? >> there's the kleenex, the evidence. >> harle >> does that dog look guilty or not? >> not meeting eye at all. >> this is the look of guilt -- i -- i -- i don't know. i don't see it it's not true. >> tell me what you think of the second dog's expression. >> casey?
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>> the dog wasn't not looking at owner. the dog was staring at the other dog. >> really? >> casey. did you do that? i think you did. >> that's so bad. poor dog. he's like dad, help me. >> finally, removed the box. >> come he. and he's hey, nothing happened here. >> good video. >> no idea he did any wrong. >> so simple. so good. >> you know what else is simple and so good? litter of golden retriever puppies. >> aw. >> can i have a knew. >> you can have all you . >> oh look at mom. she's cute too. >> this type of video's one of those that doesn't get old. you can sit and watch it forever. so cute. they can do anything. >> bowl full of ice. happy with that. >> this is awe.
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it's a clash between. >> two groups of young teens supporting their favorite soccer club. >> how their idea of showing support is nothing but a brutal brawl. and -- when singing the abcs. >> takes a little turn. >> uh-oh. atat c chihilili's's, , frfresesh h is now. nonow w momorere s slolow-w-smsmokokeded momorere m madade e inin-h-houousese momorere u unenexpxpececteted.d. ifif y youou h havavenen't't been here lately cocomeme c cheheckck o outut c chihilili's's whwherere e frfresesh h isis h hapappepening now. dodo y youou h havave e sosomemeththining g for pain? i i hahaveve b bayayerer a aspspiririnin.. i'm not having a heaeartrt attack, it's my back. i i memeanan b bayayerer b bacack k & & bobody. it works great for pain. babayeyer r babackck & & b bodody y prprovovides effective relief for your tough pain. bebetttterer?? yeahah.....t.thahanknks s fofor r the tip!
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crcresest t gagaveve o onene f fririend crest 3d white whitestrips. and the other, a whitening toothpaste. here's what they thought. i i cacan'n't t tetellll i if f ththe paste whitened. well the whitestrips worked. yeyeahah. . ththe e papastste e dididndn't do that. crcresest t whwhititesestrtripips s work below the enamel surface toto w whihiteten n 2525x x bebetttterer than a leading whitening toothpaste. crcresest t whwhititesestrtripips.s. the way to whiten.
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these young kids taking support for their team to a stupid level. two groups of young teens facing off in the middle of the street coming head to head with another group of guys. from the information that we're able to gather from the translation, this happened in russia and it's two group of young teens supporting their favorite soccer club. they brawl. incredibly violent. incredibly disturbing. and watch this one poor kid right here, down on his kn
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>> oh! >> oh no! >> knocked him out with that kick. >> knocked him out, and apparently broke the kid's jaw. it's a 14-year-old boy. he's down. the fight continues. nobody really seems to notice. everybody swinging punching. as he's about on his hands and knees again, another kid comes running down the street and tees off on him again. poor kid gets kicked in the head a third time. two boys suffered serious head injury in the fight. >> you can see towards the end, one after the third kick to the head they almost killed that child. >> over soccer? over team loyalty? this is unbelievably ridiculous and irresp >> so stupid. >> so stupid. the fight, not settling down at all. these kids easeily could have killed one anoth. >> a feel like showing this video to you guys and "right
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this minute" is somewhat irresponsible but at the same time courtesy of juken, a lot of people will be having a lot of laughs. it's a simple video. out of the uk. this guy told to climb up the pole and hold on one of hisates tucksuner and says to him -- >> you guys. >> that's it. you've tied yourself in a knot you can't get out. >> i see. yeah you couldn't really stand up from that because you're pushed up against the pole you're sitting on your own foot. >> the other one tied behind you, you can'tly. lift up your hips. >> why can't he crawl up the pole. >> can't get the grip to pull himself up. he's just there there we've got to try >> sit down on your feet. >> sit down on your feet.
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okay. now get up. >> >> get up. get up. >> i can't get up. >> are you okay? >> yeah. >> okay. wait. wait. i'm bendy. >> do it. >> there you go. >> well good experiment. science. >> you're not going to try? >> no. i can't help but feel all across america, there are students going, oh that's good! >> forget sticking your tongue to a pole you, can do this in any weather. >> i feel like we're going to see hundreds of these videos over the next six mo. kids have a wonderful way of communicating with the rest of the world. in this case these twins are reciting the abcs. >> abc. >> abc. >> abc.
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>> very excited about their abcs. >> gosh so cute. >> little bows on their hair arc doorable. except the video take as turn. one told her to hush. >> a response -- >> when it comes to twins, growing up they develop their own language. >> yeah. >> i think you're right. their mom, amber, recorded a follow-up video asking -- >> what did you do? >> that's it she's told her mom what her sister did to her. >> i love the moment. like it's great. >> little hector 9 months old, i think you can figure out what he's feeling as he's listening to the song. ♪ apparently the first time that
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hector listens to russia's 2112. >> listening to rush? wow, he's going to have awesome music tastes as he grows up. >> yeah. >> it's clear he likes it. >> got rhythm. >> yeah he does. his eyes too, whoa i don't know what this is but i li >> she's a comedian who plays a lot of characters. and in this particular video, she is both carol and nancy, and they're discussing the super bowl. >> the reason we watch the super bowl is for the commercials. >> for the commercials. >> hear the funny post-game discussion. plus -- bonus giveaway day. get wednesday's buzzword to win an. nkler. and i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k know the facts. ththerere e arare e cucurrrrently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirements to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-free money from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe
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3:48 pm
have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes? no what is it? starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number you'll need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and i'm calling a 415 number? you'll still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! >> closed captioning provide [ [ fefemamalele a annnnououncer ] helping your kids get fewer cavities can take enthusiasm. or just act kids scooby-doo rinse. it tastes grgreat and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. soso i it't's s aall good. aactct k kidids.s.
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gogoldld b bonond d rorougugh h && bubumpy skin therapy. used daily, it exfoliaiatetes,s, smoothes, softens. rereduduceces s bubumpmps s 7272 p perercecentnt.. gogoldld b bonond.d. ultimatete l lototioion.n. ulultitimamatete s skikin.n. bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakes and itch. selslsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandruff. you guys want to be entertained today? look no further than best in show. >> super bowl. >> super bowl. >> from the youtube channel does all kinds of funny charact and in this particular video, she is both carol and nancy, and they're discussing the super bowl. >> congratulations to all of the fans of which -- which -- which team was that? >> i think seattle was up and then they were down. >> patriots now, the patriots we losing. >> once the
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it i lost interest there four weeks ago, i thought, i'm done. >> they've got wisconsin. remember she's having a conversationh herself. >> started off with the national anthem. >> i almost missed it. >> i know. i know. i heard you call. i thought, i'm coming but i was taking out my seven layer dip. >> first discussion about the super bowl is the dip. >> the one that's four layers. >> four layers of cheddar cheese in between you've got sour cream. >> sour cream. >> cream cheese. >> top. >> the seventh layer, let's see, one two, three -- yeah just a bag of shredded cheddar on top. >> so good. >> so good because you see people do this badly. it's like one person says something, one person says something else. these guys are talking over each other. not easy to do when it's an empty room. it's funny. >> we never hear any real super bowl football discussion. >> the reason we watch the super
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purple. >> for the commercial. >> for the they talk about the nationwide commercial one that's getting so much attention, the very sad commercial. how about the one with the -- with the boy that died. >> the boy died. >> i mean oh. >> he drowned in a bathtub. >> the bathtub. watch your kids when they're in the bathtub. >> the whole thing is brilliant, hilarious, worth the watch. check out the video, head over to, click on today's show, or find it on our mobile. it's all about the cake. ♪ you know i'm all about that cake about that cake and kicken ♪ ♪ i'm all about that cake about that cake and chicken♪ >> the cake? >> i'm all about that cake. and chicken ♪ ♪ all about that cake about that cake♪ >> i agree, i love cake. >> this is daniel he is a usc fighter. a parody of the song "all about
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that bass" nominated for a grammy. >> all of the right places. >> see, daniel though can afford to eat all of that cake. >> i got that boom boom. all of the fighters shake all the right punches ♪ ♪ in all of the right places♪ there you can't picture him right now whooping some tail inside the mma fighter cage ♪ perfect from the bottom to the top♪ >> i want to pen.inch his belly. ♪ kept feeding me popeye chicken♪ >> this was to promote the seventh annual fighters only world mma awards. today, wednesday, february 4th, 9:00 p.m. on fox sports 2. >> ♪ icing and moving along♪ all right, everybody, it's time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> you need three things to
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enter. number one, buzzword number two, you need to be at least 18 years of age and, number three a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to, click on the win ipad mini button. >> enter to win on facebook twitter or both and enter on each every day. >> time for us reveal wednesday. buzzword. it is stormy. >> get over to, click on the win ipad button and enter wednesday's buzzword stormy, that's s-t-o-r-m-y. >> and it's bonus giveaway day. you're going to want to enter because we're giving away an ipad mini and a flat screen tv. >> good luck. dude filling up his gas tang when something goes wrong. >> it's not hard to identify. >> the leak that has him at a loss for thought. >> oh. >> i mean i could -- i mean we could -- >> huh?
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nothing can prepare you for having a doctor tell you that you have cancer. that was very hard. so even though i was in full remission, i still had to get frequent checkups that are very expensive.
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as a freelance design instructor, i couldn't afford health insurance. so when covered california came along, i could finally get the follow-up treatments that i needed. it was such a huge relief; i think i danced around my living room - just a little bit (laughs). i'm in. open enrollment ends february 15th. visit today. going to be legendar >> crazy hamster.
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♪ >> sometimes people's level of just sheer obliviousness is mind blowing. dude filling up his car. at a gas station. there's a bit of a malfunction, i'd say, and it's not hard to identify. okay. he notices that fuel is spraying from the top of that hose. but he just stand there's and almost looks like he's contemplating, i'm going to continue filling my tank. >> love the general panic, he's just standing there for, what 20 0 second of going huh? >> should i just -- we could -- no thought completed. he just shut down. i think the only thing going on that crickets. >> if you're in one of those cold climates out there, you
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might think to yourself, maybe ice skates will do a good job, maybe better than rollerblades in the middle of traffic, bro. rollerblades. >> he's not doing any rolling. >> no. >> just stepping. >> and he's doing it in the middle of traffic. this video shot in new york. gets his speed up. there he goes. about 100 mile an hour. >> that's it for "right this minute." we'll see you ne
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> welcome to "tmz live." harvey levin here. >> charles here. >> so we found out a lot more about bruce jenner. it is interesting. bruce jenner kept his wife completely in the dark in terms of telling her about the fact that he is going to undergo a sex change operation. that's really what this is because he has had you know, he has had some surgeries already. we're told hormone treatment. obviously this is something that he is going to do in a docuseries that we have talked about. we have found out it sounds in


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