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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  February 7, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PST

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a motorcyclist misses a head-on but then -- >> that rider gets catapulted into the field. >> now hear from the fellow rider who couldn't believe his eyes. >> it seemed unreal. it seemed almost like a cartoon. >> you don't see this on a house every day. >> it is a horse and it did crash land into the roof. >> how it got there and how it finally got down. a radio personality keeps his cool -- >> in a really difficult situation. >> -- when he got handed that he didn't let throw him. plus see who really wants a frozen doll and a little girl gets a card that --
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>> the best example of a dad doing right. >> now she reveals what her daddy told her that was -- >> very very very off. >> in my book one of the best ways to start the new year a motorcycle ride with your buddies. that's what these guys are out doing in california. we got a helmet cam here. you see the pickup truck and some of the other traffic slowing things down separating the group so some of the guys decided they were going to go around that truck right there. it is a double yellow. from here now, i want you guys to keep an eye on this rider, the one in front of the black pickup truck. it almost looks like he gets hit but he doesn't. he misses a head-on collision with that suv, but watch what it cost him. >> oh, my god, it's like a rocket launcher! >> that rider gets catapulted into the field. he avoided the suv but hit that dirt berm, went off into the gravel. >> so close to getting hit by
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that car. >> the rider with the helmet cam, one of this guy's good buddies. listen. >> oh, [ bleep ]. >> runs up to the fence, it's a barbed wire fence that rider went catapulting right over. tries to wrestle the fence. eventually they get through the fence. look how far away he landed the rider writhing around in pain. >> don't move, don't move! stop moving. >> what happens to that rider? joining us right this minute is the man with the helmet cam. rudy what happened to your buddy? is he okay? >> yeah he suffered a broken back. it wasn't too bad of a break. >> what was going through your head as you're watching your buddy fly through the air? >> it seemed unreal. it seemed almost like a cartoon when i was watching it. i didn't think it was real until i actually stopped and got off the bike. >> were you with him when he first saw the video playback? >> when we first saw the video he was in the hospital.
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we brought the nurse out to come see the video and as soon as they saw the video they transported him to a facility that could better manage him. >> tell us about your friend now. what's his condition? is he fully recovered? what were the extent of injuries? >> something in his lower back that he had broke. after they did the x-rays and cat scans and everything they cleared him, he was released from the hospital. he couldn't move well at all. four or five days later, got back on another friend's bike. he was a little shaky. i mean still today he's a little shaky. >> is the video making all of you guys safer riders now? >> a lot of us here think twice about a lot of different things that we do. we're just glad he's still here with us and we get to talk to him. he definitely learned his lesson, i'd say. do you notice what's hanging out on that roof or underneath it? >> a horse! >> yeah, those are horse legs.
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that is a mare. check out a couple other pictures that were posted in brazil. >> is it like pegasus that crash landed or something? >> not pegasus but it is a horse and it crash landed into the roof. around 4:30 in the morning, they heard a ruckus on the roof. when you hear a loud noise at 4:30 in the morning, you think something exploded somebody broke in it scares you to death. something they did not expect to find, this horse on the roof. the horse is okay. didn't break anything. it did break the roof but the horse managed to get itself down accidentally but i know you're wondering how did it get on the roof. its's near a hillside. they think it came off the hillside and either fell or walked on to the roof and it got stuck there. >> i have never seen such a thing. >> that horse did a full-on flip to get off of that roof and on to that patio and it is shocking that the horse is uninjured. >> it is shocking. the horse is standing on all fours like this is awkward.
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>> did i do that? sorry. >> that's the craziest thing i have ever seen. there are all kinds of challenges that we can sign up for out there in the world. on one of the world's greatest the hardest they claim is the tough guy in the uk. this is an insane race eight miles long with over 200 obstacles like fire barbed wire mud, explosions and things going off all around you and of course you've got to add in the cold and just to make sure everyone is safe they have two doctors, ten nurses ten paramedics six firefighters 50 divers 150 cadets and 50 special forces. before they even let you on you have to sign a death warrant which says you understand the risks. >> i'm already exhausted. >> yep. this other video has surfaced to show you just how much of a toll it can take on your body.
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this is james appleton. james is a three-time winner of the tough guy. if you ever want to see the effects of hypothermia, this is it. [ indistinguishable ] >> i didn't know really what was going on. >> you could hear him as he starts describing after the race you hear the slurring. he's still not recovered. >> i'll come back. >> he could barely speak. the video continues here as you see him stumble into a shower. there's another guy in there. that's actually the winner jonathan albert. he immediately starts helping. >> this is actually terrifying to think about. if this guy is a cham a guy who won thi race and his body is having this much trble, they might want to dial it bit. >> they got doctors and nurses there. some people want to test their mettle. good for him. >> tell me why you run this. >> i don't really know anymore.
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talk about being a professional and maintaining your cool in a really difficult situation. this is footage of a live broadcast from real radio 104.1 in orlando, florida. this is one of the radio hosts. his name is russ rawlins. you will notice there's a dude at the door. >> i'm russ yeah. >> the man says are you russ. he says russ here. while this radio show is live. >> okay. >> his cohosts are looking over at the papers and you see one of them go wow. >> he doesn't look happy. >> do i have to sign that? i do not have to sign it? >> no, you don't. [ inaudible ]. >> you filed an affidavit -- wow. she had me served on the air.
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>> right in this moment that guy in the black shirt is a process server. he's serving russ with divorce papers from his estranged wife. so he thinks she did it on purpose, that he was served on the air while he was at work or it just kind of happened coincidentally? >> no he believes she did this on purpose. in fact we have some of the audio from right after they came back from commercial break. listen to this. >> she said she would embarrass me on the air and have me served have papers served to me live on the air. never thought she really would do it. just did it. that's embarrassing. congratulations. the reason that she has decided to embarrass me on the air today -- >> he reveals a little bit on the air. he pulls it together keeps on going with his radio show and even handled himself nicely as the process server was in the studio. we actually reached out to russ. this is in fact 100% real. >> wow. she had me served on the air. the video proves it.
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>> dolphins love humans. >> why this one might love a little too much. and dude's filling up his gas tank when something goes wrong. >> and it's not hard to identify -- >> the leak that has him at a loss for thought. >> should i just -- we could --
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there is nothing i think more special than the bond between humans and dolphins. when they go swimming together and it's just awesome. like this couple they're in the turks and caicos islands. they have been diving with this dolphin for like an hour. but you know what as much as humans love dolphins dolphins love humans. he's getting a bit frisky.
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he's getting extremely frisky. you may also have to blur -- >> did i see? >> yes. yes. >> you can hear she's cracking up the whole time. this is the boyfriend. still, still trying to get in there. >> he's an equal opportunity lover. oh my god, that thing is out. like he is really excited to see this woman. >> this dolphin for the next full-on minute is just kind of totally trying to get to third base i prenkelready got there. it's home base he's trying to round the corner for. >> it's so weird. i can't look away. >> i know. >> you ladies are going to love this video because i know you love disney and this video combines -- >> he doesn't have the money for it right now.
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>> i can't take it! >> this little layla has her bright red lipstick on and she also loves "frozen" and is into this queen elsa doll. she knows there is a store because dad wants to buy a tv. >> let's take the flat tv instead. >> no! >> why? >> we already have one. >> what? >> we already have one. >> you already have what? >> a tv in our living room. >> tell me he bought her the doll because this is a lot of commitment to not get her the doll. >> yes, layla did get the doll. she bought it with her own money, money her great grandma gave her. here she is with the doll still in the box and here is layla in the box. sometimes people's level of just sheer obliviousness is
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mind-blowing. dude filling up his car. at a gas station. there's a bit of a malfunction, i'd say, and it's not hard to identify. okay he notices that fuel is spraying from the top of that hose but he just stands there. it almost looks like he's contemplating i'm going to continue filling my tank. >> i love just the general panic, he's just standing there for what is it 20 30 seconds of just going huh? huh? >> should i just -- i mean -- do i -- >> no thought completed. he just shut down. i think the only thing going on now is crickets. >> if you're in one of those cold climates you might think to yourself maybe ice skates would do a good job, maybe ice skates would be better than roller blades in the middle of traffic, bro. roller blades. this poor guy -- >> he's not doing any rolling. he's just stepping. >> and he's doing it in the middle of traffic. apparently this video shot in new york.
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>> there he goes. that's about a mile an hour. a driver's rolling down the freeway and everything seems to be going smoothly. >> how that all changes in a flash. and why you have never seen a cannonball like this. that really did just happen.
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4:18 pm
[ [ fefemamalele a annnnououncncer ] helping your kids get fewer cavities can take enthusiasm. or just act kids scooby-doo rinse. it tastes greaeat and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. soso i it't's s aallll good. aactct k kidids.s. gogoldld b bonond d rorougugh h && bubumpmpy skin therapy. used daily, it exfoliatetes,s, smoothes, softens. rereduduceces s bubumpmps s 7272 p perercecentnt.. gogoldld b bonond.d. ultimatete l lototioion.n. ulultitimamatete s skikin.n. bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dadandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakakes and itch. selsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandrdruff.
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if you guys don't already want or own a dash cam, these two videos will make you run out and get one. this first one inside a car traveling down the highway in betandorf, iowa. everything seems to be going smoothly. the road looked great but we're showing this video on our show something is about to go horribly wrong. >> oh! goodness! >> oh, no! >> this was a chain reaction accident caused by that suv that came flying in between those two cars on two wheels. this caused a five-car accident but no one was seriously injured. >> is there something wrong with the suv? it came through at like 150 miles an hour like something had jammed on or something. >> the poster of the video believes that suv was going about 100 miles per hour. >> oh, my gosh and maybe driving blindfolded because how
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do you not see that line of traffic coming up? >> the white car as well they just get hit there, they get hit again. >> this next dash cam video from a truck, a big 18-wheeler traveling down a highway in pennsylvania. as you can see, the roads are snowy in this case they are icy. >> the truck driver says he was going about 55 60 miles per hour.yet ahead of the truck. >> oh, no. oh, no! >> yeah. the car goes off to the side o the road. the truck did hit the camry and the driver inside miraculously not seriously injured. but here's why the dash cam plays a very serious role in this particular case. police came to the crash scene and the driver of that camry said that it was the truck driver's fault, that the truck driver was in his lane and caused the accident. the truck driver says that he then brought the dash cam footage out and showed it to the officer, and the driver of that
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camry of course had to change his tune. no howling allowed. [ howling ] >> i do not know how to describe this video. i'm just going to push play. >> this video is a little bit older but it's just now trending. >> oh! >> he's really healthy, though. it's supposed to be like a foot long. >> what does it take to get to that point where you could do that? >> because that was solid! that was solid! it was like maybe just kind of poking out. >> i think he's ruined the day
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of swimming for everybody else for the rest of the day because you jump into the water, anything that touches you, you're going to think is -- >> you got to give the guy credit. >> it cuts away you never see it come out of the water. >> just intrigued as to what the ending was to this. >> wow! i can't believe this exists! >> you may not want to see this but if you do head over to or see it on our mobile app. a little girl reads a heart-felt letter. >> it's a call from her dad for their second date. >> what her dad had to say that moved her to tears. >> i felt very special and i appreciate that he took all his time.
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>> any father who is worth his salt knows that the relationship you have with your daughter is the basis for all her future relationships. >> true. >> you've got to teach her that she is just wonderful the way she is she should be respected and anyone else that doesn't understand that is just not worth it. >> great way to put it ollie. >> we came across this video which is the best example of a dad doing it right. the video starts with a little girl this is brielle, opening up a card from her dad for their second date. >> aww! >> i can't hear you. >> you need to know that you are the most special man i have ever met. you are smart and [ inaudible ]. >> aww! [ inaudible ]
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>> oh, my god! >> the sweetest thing ever. >> she's never going to awesome as her dad. >> they're out there. it will just be a little difficult. i love the fact he's setting the bar so high so she knows what she can have and will never settle for less. i love it! >> so many people are having this reaction. and we are so lucky right now to have them via skype. >> bravo! >> brielle, how awesome is your dad? >> very, very, very awesome. >> how did you feel in that moment? >> i felt very special and i appreciated that he took all his time. >> what about you, dad? >> i thought it would be something that brielle would be able to hold on to and years down the line would be able to look at and appreciate. it really caught me off guard. it meant much more than i even imagined.
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>> going out on daddy/daughter dates is a cool thing to do. why is it so special to you? >> we have four babies and the rest are boys. she's the youngest. i want my daughter to know how she should be treated like a lady. i think it's essential for every father to build up a strong and set a great foundation for their kids and some day when she meets that nice guy, she will know what to look for. >> i love you so much. thanks so much for joining us everybody. that's it for our show. see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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a carjacker strikes after a woman leaves the keys in the ignition. >> the crazy scene when she and her dog go after the bad guy. a pickup game turns into a knock-down dragout. >> people try to pull them apart but somebody says no no let them go at it. >> why it takes a woman to knock some sense into everybody. okay. we'll get you out, okay? >> a doe is hung up on a fence. >> just caught between those slats. >> the delicate mission to set her free. >> i know. i know. plus


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