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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  February 9, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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living in winter's deep freeze has some heated up. what's driving this neighbor gary mad. a cat woman kicking butt blew up the internet. now we reveal the real story about where she's done this before. you've got speed readers and
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celebrities takeing shelfies. see how we're crack into the latest social craze. the buzz word for your shot to win a new ipad mini. why soft and furry isn't always cute and fuzzy. record amounts of snow have fallen in different parts of our country. you would think that would make people a little chilly. instead it's got some heated up. >> it's still my property. >> you're going to keep snow off your property. >> you do not put your snow on my property. >> what's going on? >> this video is getting a lot of a attention online because of the star and the star is this fella here in the orange head band ear warmer. that is gary. >> this is my property. it doesn't matter.
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this is my property. >> you hear that? gary is mad. see that snow bank? he claims that was put there by his neighbor. that the guy is blowing the snow over into his yard. >> did the guy really do that? >> we don't know. he claims he did not blow the snow into gary's yard. gary ain't buying it. >> okay gary. you've scared me now. >> i'm a lunatic. look at yourself. >> i'm afraid gary is going to whew. >> the guy with the camera is handling the situation with good humor. he doesn't seem to taunt gary a bit. >> you don't blow snow up here. >> your yard should be snow free right? because you're gary. this wasn't clear. >> it was clear at 11:00 a.m. >> can you yell louder so everybody in the neighborhood can hear you? i don't give a [ bleep ].
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clear it out. >> i'm not clearing it. >> [ bleep ] you. >> oh. okay. i won't touch your garbage can. sorry. >> i'm getting a headache. >> bye. have a nice day gary. >> oh shut the [ bleep ] up. two people are expected to face attempted murder charges for forcing police to go on a high speed car chase through australia. >> he's getting up to dangerous speeds. >> these two men ended up fleeing after police showed up to the house of one of them with a warrant for arrest to return to prison. a second man ended up fleeing. they carjacked one car, took
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off, and eventually ended up carjacking a second car. the second thing, he hijacked a third car. one of those actually had a child in it. >> oh no. >> stupid. >> if you're this desperate to keep your freedom, don't break the law. >> you think? >> at one point in the entire chase, they ran up ended over the foot of an officer and did break his ankle. once police ended up getting them to shot, they ended up shooting at the man. they're going to face more charges than when this started. >> there are two people in custody. so you think you can dance? can you do it midair like mekell and alexander? these two getting ready to do sky dive over the island of
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dubai. three, two, one. we see people jump all the time. this is mesmerizing. >> gymnastics in the air. they're doing this midair. >> they must have spent hours in tower things rehearsing. >> perfectly choreographed. is there such a thing? it should be an olympic sport. >> let's not forget the caravan tracking back and forth. this whole thing is perfectly done and choreographed. it's really pretty. >> wouldn't you like to see behind the scenes find out how long they trained? >> how many times do you have to jump out of a plane to get this
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perfect? >> this is pretty big. they've got a lot of space to work with. >> big congratulations to zakiya our latest winner in the ipad mini give away. we're giving away later in the show. to win you have to know the friday buzz word be 18 years old and be a legal immigrant. stand by everybody for the give away. these three guys are being total thugs when out of nowhere, this business woman or schoolgirl comes through with kung fu ninja skill. >> i want this to be real. >> it's though the.
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>> 2 million have viewed it. turns out there's more. chinese cat woman turns up and gives a beating. sorry. it turns out there's a slew of these. there's another from a plane with a business man doing the same dispatching thugs. this isn't chinese cat woman. this is from korea. this is part of the underground production for kings men. if you want to see the trailer here this might seem strangely familiar from what we see here. gentleman locks the door and starts laying it into the disrespectful people as he's kicking butt. >> how strange because he's a woman. >> the guy on the plane has 80,000 views. the most famous is the one we saw. many viewing it sharing it discussing it. it was a very smart, under the radar promotion.
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>> i feel like the videos make you want to see it more. it's like mary poppins awesome style. in a galaxy, far, far away. the copper that has him geeking out. and the video that's a hairy, scary mess. >> we have interesting angles to show the variety of things you could do. i'i'veve g gotot a a p pilile e ofof w work... presenentatatitionon t tomomororrorow.w..... dailily y woworkrkouout.t..... inin-l-lawaws s onon s sunundaday.y..... mamakeke t timime e evevererydydayay f foror b berocca. itit s supuppoportrts s mementntalal s sharpness and physical energy. beberoroccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!a!
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ththeyey s sayay a aftfterer s seeeeining g a magician make his assistant disappear mr. clean came up with a product ththatat m makakeses d dirirtt virtually disappear. hehe c calalleled d itit t thehe m magic eraser. itit c cleleanans s lilikeke m magagic. evevenen b bakakeded o on n didirtrt disappears right before your eyes. mrmr. . clcleaean'n's s mamagigic c ererasaserer [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife.
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and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ]
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sometimes when i'm sitting at my desk trolling through youtube trying to find videos it can be so hard. then other times like today youtube gets me. i've got three or four. this one i happen to find on the youtube channel. joshua loves his model planes. it got interesting when they
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started test flying some of the things he's built including this which is a rocket powered rubber band glider. >> three, two, one. >> off it goes in the air. watch as it gets -- watch this. awesome. joshua brought this out. can anybody identify this famous plane? anybody recognize it? >> the bomber. >> it's the hercules. >> that's right. it's a masterpiece built out of wood. each wound up by rubber bands. >> watch this. you wind them up let it go. watch it go. >> i got into the flight test channel and found this from just the other day. picked up half a million views. it's the carrier. they have finished it. it works. check this out. while one of them is flying the carrier, they've got this model
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plane taking off. they've got the red skull escaping. they go to an indoor stadium and get a bunch of other guys with their remote control as well. it's a millennium. check it out. this is so cool. >> yeah. it's got a name and everything. >> literally, this is what i want for christmas. >> these videos are all really cool. i rushed through them. if you want to see all three, head over to and click on today's show or the mobile app. now to hairy dudes. maybe one more than the other. >> i feel compelled to show you guys how to shave. i have this video to hopefully help you get there. >> today i'll show you how to shave your chest and your belly
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with a razer blade. >> this guy peter is going to show you guys how to properly shave so you have a really hairy belly and chest. >> you're doing it all wrong. >> it can be a bit tricky. >> he is a very hairy guy. he starts just shaving his hair. obviously the razer gets full of hair and disgustingness. he goes to maybe we should trim first. got very interesting angles to show you the variety of things you could do. >> the lengths people go to on youtube. >> right? you're putting yourself out here dude. >> how do you shave your -- >> oh. this is not a how to. everyone watching at home don't do it like that. if you do, don't wear the pink undies. what's better than shopping at the mall?
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seeing the rider's wild spree next. don't miss friday's buzz word for your chance to win an ipad mini.
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[ [ fefemamalele a annnnououncncer ] helping your kids get fewer cavities can take enthusiasm. or just act kids scooby-doo rinse. it tastes greaeat and helps reduce cavitie closed captioning provided by- soso i it't's s aallll good. aactct k kidids.s. gogoldld b bonond d rorougugh h && bubumpmpy skin therapy. used daily, it exfoliatetes,s, smoothes, softens. rereduduceces s bubumpmps s 7272 p perercecentnt.. ulultitimamatete s skikin.n. - - i i fifindnd w whihiteteniningng strips don't alwaysys r reaeach all the places stains hide. plplusus w whihitete h hasas a flexible mouth tray fofor r fufullll c covovereragage e whitening. i loved my book. i feel i've become a quick reader. i've destroyed a book in three or four hours.
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i find this intriguing. >> for those that don't recognize, that's david green, host of the morning show. he was able to read 69 words. i got interested like what's this about. it's all about charity. it's about getting books to kids. 51 51% of public school kids are growing up in poverty. they're missing out on special books. what people are doing is posting these on twitter, shelfiess, hashtag with your favorite book and speed reading on youtube all to create awareness. first off i thought why don't we have a bit of fun and see who's the quicker reader at the table. i picked up "green eggs and ham"
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by dr. seuss. we're going to start here and see who's the quickest. three, two, one. go. >> that's 55. 69. >> yea. >> 77. nice. >> 85. >> whew! >> 73. woo hoo. >> right this minute chanda arnold. this whole idea, where does it come from? >> it's a social enterprise. we provide books to teachers and programming across the country working with kids in need. we're lucky. we have a lot of great supporters. disney and abc are huge partners.
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they came to the table in amazing way to create this campaign. >> what's fun about the speed reading part? >> what's not fun is what i ask. everyone has a favorite book. we'd like everyone to do a speed read and post a donation. or challenge a buddy. say i read 25 words. if you beat me i pay. >> people can donate to this charity right? how do we do that? >> go online and make a donation. for every $5 donated, our friends at disney donate two additional books for kids in need. it's a great campaign. any dollar amount helps. we've got the great match from partners at disney. well if you've ever ridden a bicycle and walked through a
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mall you probably had the idea it would be fun to ride a bike through the mall. >> this is a mall in prague. a downhill style mountain biking race. >> it's an organize niced edd race. >> they're putting jumps beside the second story railing. that seems dangerous. >> another big jump. still up on the second floor now of this three story mall in prague. >> down the final escalator. then boom into the thunder dome. >> that was cool. >> this is by red bull. that was the winning run you just watched. this is a series. this is a bike racing series they hold in prague. every young boy and girl who's
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ridden a bike has thought about is this. all right everybody. it's time for us to give away another ipad mini. know the buzz word be 18 years old or older and be a legal resident. go to right this and click on the button. enter each day. get ready for reveal. it is weekend. >> get on over to right this enter the word weekend. >> next week we have two winners. one gets a flat screen and the other an ipad mini. you'll have to watch every other day. good luck y'all. what could this guy be doing with a power drill? >> he's going to hang mom's pictures on the wall. >> something is tied around it. >> the little something that gets yanked.
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[v[vetet] ] twtwo o yeyeararlyly p phyhysisicacalsls down. mamartrthaha a andnd m milildrdreded a arere g gooood to go. heherere's's y youour r ininvovoicice,e, l ladadieies. a few stops later, and i it t looks like big ollie is on the mend. itit m migightht n notot s seeeem m ththatat glamorous having an old pickup trtrucuck k fofor r anan o offfficice.e..... o orr filling your days looking dodownwn t thehe s sououthth e endnd o of f a a heheifer bubut.t.....i i wowoululdndn't't h havave e itit a any other way. lolo okok a at t ththatat, , i i hahad d mymy b best month ever. anand d eaearnrneded a a s shihinyny n newew office upgrade. i i rurun n onon q quiuickckbobookoks.s. ththatat's's h howow i i o ownwn i it.t. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i if f yoyou u wawantnt i it t ♪ ♪ g go o ouout t anand d geget t itit ♪
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gets a treat. some are sweet and come out to greet him. post men do love dogs. we love our viewers and adore it when they send us videos because we get to post them on our show. this is thompson and her 8-year-old son. he's holding a power drill. what do you think he's about to do? >> going to hang up mom's pictures on the wall. >> something is tied around it. >> you're absolutely right. he's holding it by his face. >> he has two baby teeth left. one is loose. he's attached it to a power drill and string. >> that's hard core. i like this kid. >> there you go. good job. >> did it work? >> it totally worked. >> this was dad's idea. >> why are we not surprised? this next sent by our view per dawn ellis.
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that's 3-year-old ellis. >> how does the song go that you like? sing the honey song. >> singing sugar sugar. >> joining him his 4-year-old brother mark. >> oh my gosh. this is so incredibly adorable. >> yep. they end with i love you. >> this is so cute. i love you. >> love you too. >> this is sweet. >> check this out from rebecca. >> that's her 8-year-old son tyler. >> there's a pump from the blow up manger scene. >> it was supposed to be epic.
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it was a snow angel. >> oh. >> mom laughed. >> tyler is okay. this last video from our awesome viewer sadie. this fella has a pet mouse. put it on his arm. he eventually decides i do not like this. >> get away from me. it is crawling up toward his face. >> that's our show. thanks for joining us. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute".
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> welcome to "tmz live." harvey levin here. >> charles here. >> so we have a lot of information about the bruce jenner crash. we also have a lot of information about bobbi kristina. a lot going on. let's start with bruce jenner. you know that brous bruce was in a accident on pacific coast highway last weekend. a person died. a car he hit karined into oncoming traffic, was struck and killed almost instantly. we know a lot about this now. let me just tell you where it stands. we know that law enforcement


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