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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  February 11, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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another deadly police shooting. this time in the south bay. a family friend tells us, the person who was killed was a football player for san jose state. >> i pray for the police every day, because without them it would be chaos. but, i'm also a mother, and i feel for these kids. these families. >> good evening, everyone. i'm frank somerville. >> i'm julie haener. san jose police are trained to stop a threat. they say that's exactly what they did tonight when a man with a knife charged at two officers. just a few blocks from the
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campus of san jose state university. we get the developing news now from ktvu's amber lee. she's live at the scene with what we've learned about the altercation and the victim. >> reporter: julie, police are still here at the scene, collecting evidence. now a woman who identified herself as a family friend of the young man killed tells me he was a frequent visiter at this corner home. shortly after 5:00, police say officers respond today a 911 call that came from inside a home on the 1300 block of sherman street. the caller says a man carrying a knife entered the home, and that the person asking for help was inside a locked upstairs bedroom. witnesses tell me they heard a woman screaming, and then gunshots. >> i was actually walking on my way over here, and that's when i heard four shots. >> i was just scared, i can't believe this. >> reporter: the gunshots came from two police officers who fired at a young man in front of the home. >> they ordered him to fire
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their weapons, and fired from their duty weapons at him. striking him at least once. >> this is just horrible. there's a baby without a daddy right now. as we speak. she will not know her daddy. that's just really sad. >> reporter: eva martinez says she's friends with the 25-year- old man who was killed. she says his 2 or 3-year-old daughter lived with his mother and grandmother at the corner home. she says the dead man was an athlete at san jose state. >> just outgoing, very polite. very sweet boy. >> right there. >> reporter: a man who did not want to be identified, showed us this cell phone video. police say officers are trined to stop the threat, but family friend, eva martinez wishes there was another way. >> you can't do that. >> reporter: martinez says she's not aware of any trouble
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coming from the home previously. police say the two officers involved in the shooting have both been with the department 7 to 8 years each, and as standard protocol, they're on leave, while the shooting is under investigation. amber in san jose. thanks very much, amber. >> police in milpitas are asking for the public's help in locating a person of interest following a deadly hit-and-run last week. police say this man, alex alkazar owned the cadillac used in the crash. the hit and run happened early last wednesday morning on milpitas boulevard. the cadillac crashed into a garbage truck and suffered heavy damage. police followed the debris, and found the damaged car about a half mile away. a 14-year-old girl was found dead next to the car. police have determined she died
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from injuries she suffered in that crash. president obama asked congress today for formal authorization to use military force against isis. the request opens the door to limited use of ground troops with an emphasis on limited. ktvu's ken pritchett is here now to explain. >> this would be the first war authorization granted by congress since the war in iraq in 2000. congress wanted this request from the white house, but if approved, it will come with considerable debate. >> reporter: what president obama is asking for is congressional approval for a battle well underway. >> our coalition is on the offensive. isil is on the defensive, and isil will lose. >> reporter: prohibiting quote enduring ground operations. >> it is not the authorization of another ground war, like afghanistan or iraq. >> reporter: those words
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intended to appease skeptical congressional democrats. >> none of us really know what enduring offensive combat operations means, and deliberately, i think drafted to be ambiguous. >> there is no appetite for any boots on the ground except in limited circumstances. >> reporter: it would allow the use of rescue operations and when the president deems necessary. >> a gathering of isil leaders, i would be prepared to order our special forces to take action. >> reporter: even without a war authorization, the president has put boots on the ground in syria. navy seals engaged militants in a two hour fire fight. by emphasizing the limited use of ground troops, the president
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may win over democrats at the expense of republican votes and support, many who say it doesn't go far enough. >> the president's point is that he wants to dismental and destroy isis. i haven't seen a strategy yet that i think will accomplish that. >> reporter: the president said this will an dangerous mission and one that will go on even as congress debates the matter, which could take weeks or months. >> the white house isn't giving many details about this war authorization. the congressman in the report says that's exactly how they want it. >> reporter: today, the white house spokesman essentially confirmed it was ambiguous and intentionally so. >> a lot of debate still to come. ken pritchett, thanks. president obama returns to the bay area tomorrow ahead of friday's summit on cyber security at stanford. friday morning's summit begins at 8:45 a.m., and includes some of the tech industry's biggest
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names. and on friday evening, the president plans to attend a fundraiser at a private home on san francisco's russian hill. he'll spend a second night in the bay area before leaving just after 10:00 saturday morning. lieutenant governor gavin newsom announced he's running for governor in 2018. new some posted his intentions on facebook, and talked about why he's starting so early. the former san francisco mayor said quote, the reality of running for governor in america's largest, most diverse state demands that i start raising resources now, if we're going to lead a conversation worthy of the 38 million people who live, work, attend school, and raise families in the golden state. >> it's a long way away in terms of resource. >> fundraising. >> fundraising as well. i was just being honest about it, super p.a.c.s opening up every single day. we're also living in a world where there's folks out there every day, that we haven't even speculated that can write a
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check tomorrow, and self- finance. >> newsom spoke with ktvu's gasia mikaelian this afternoon. if you would like to listen to their entire conversation, we've posted it for you on just look under top videos. a major new development tonight in the labor dispute involving dock workers and shipping companies at west coast ports. the ports are being shut down again. this time for four days in another blow to the region's committee. the impact this dispute is having on companies, such as tesla. >> reporter: julie, port operators here at the port of oakland, and up and down the west coast say that they do plan to shut down most operations for four of the next five days. the towers of cargo containers held at the port of oakland hold the story. they had barely reopened after last week's shut down, now the pacific maritime association, which represents the 70 port
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operators and shipping companies, has said they'll shut down the ports, thursday, friday, saturday, and monday. refusing to pay higher workers to dock workers on lincoln's birthday and presidents' day. >> you know the truth. we want to go to work, and they're blaming us. there's space on the docks to unload vessels. there's cargo to be delivered, and we're here to do it. >> reporter: yet another standoff, yet another set back for everyone else, who depends on the port, as they're bearing the cost of the conflict. oakland's rna trucking is among many companies getting stuck with empty cargo containers. >> we have no place to take them. a lot of the steam ship lines are just saying deal with it. hold onto it. >> reporter: the truckers say the shipping company continued charging them daily fees for each container not returned. >> right now, we have per diem
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bills from different steam trip lines bearing from $2,000 to $20,000. >> reporter: customers and consumers are also having to bear extra costs. >> they're having to pay stand by times for trucks waiting down there for eight hours at a time. >> reporter: one of the concerns is imported aluminum. >> this is all tesla. >> reporter: giant coil come by container. >> they couldn't build the car, it would shut down the factory. >> reporter: 12 ships are docked. 16 are stuck outside the port, still waiting to unload. something that now likely won't happen until next week, and the contract negotiations are expected to continue tomorrow at 1:00 in the afternoon. so many people affected by this. jana katsuyama reporting live in oakland tonight. thank you. pg and e is now admitting to flaws in its training and
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security operations following a sniper and gunfire attack at a san jose substation almost two years ago. the utility is calling on the state public utility commission to improve the safety of california's power grid. this is surveillance video from 2013, when someone shot up the metcalf substation. a puc report warned that better security should be put in place. a 30-year-old man is behind bars tonight after authorities say he tried to run over a santa clara police officer. it happened in sunnyvale on monday when police tried to pull over a suspect in a burglary case. investigators say the driver tried to run over an officer, so he opened fire as the man drove away. now, we've learned the suspect was hit. police say a gunshot victim turned up at san francisco general, 30-year-old danny rodriguez-garcia was placed under arrest. tonight, we know the identity of that dismembered body found in a suitcase in san
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francisco. the medical examiner used dna to identify the headless, and handless torso as omar shwan of vallejo. police questioned mark andrus, and released him. andrus died in a hospital of gastrointestinal bleeding and shock. today we talked with shwan's father. he said the most hurtful thing was the district attorney let him go. that hurts. i don't think this is the america i used to know 30 years ago. a controversial plan on cutting teacher pay, and laying off teachers. ktvu's heather holmes live at the district offices where officials say it just wasn't safe to continue. frank, i was inside the meeting room, and let me tell you, it was shoulder to shoulder, and it was extremely hot. these budget cuts always
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attract man. the work president told me, he wasn't prepared for quite this many. dozens of fired up san bruno teachers and parents marched around the school district office, firing back at proposed cuts. >> haven't had a pay raise in 9 years. >> reporter: julia teaches english and history. >> every decision is made around getting more money. >> reporter: she's also union president of the san bruno association. maynard accuses the district on borrowing money. it has now run dry. >> if they weren't putting more money in that pot, where did we think this was going to go? >> reporter: which brings us to the current money mess. >> a structural deficit in the 2015-'16 school year. >> reporter: the superintendent told me there were a number of proposals to put the district on better financial footing. including school closures, and
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a parcel tax that failed. >> the district is having to live within its means. it's really having to size itself correctly going forward into 2015-'16. >> reporter: that means potentially laying off 14 teachers, and increasing class size. parents packed the meeting, spilling out into the hallways. the room so warm, people used signs to fan themselves, presenting safety concerns. >> we will continue this meeting next wednesday night. >> reporter: the board canceled the meeting, postponing a decision for one more week. people will have a chance to take to the microphone next wednesday in a much bigger venue. frank, the meeting is set to be held at park side middle school. >> i imagine we will be there as well. heather holmes, thank you. a federal indictment accused of two bay area private investigators of hiring hackers to gain advantage over their
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competition. the case surrounds around private investigators nathan moser and peter sirugusa. the indictment also names three hackers. they allegedly installed software that secretly tracks key strokes. the defendants were each charged with conspiracy, six counts of accessing a protected computer to gain information. cancer patients filed a lawsuit today to allow them to choose when they die. they want doctors in california to be able to prescribe drugs that would allow mentally competent, terminally ill patients to end their lives. >> even if i never use it, i want that choice to be mine. to die where i want, when i want, and how i want. >> christy white is battling leukemia. right now, it's in remission. but if that changes, she says she wants the right to choose how she ends her life.
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she is one of three cancer patients who joined two doctors in the lawsuit against the state. all of this comes after the death of brittany maynard last year. you'll recall, she had terminal cancer. she was from the bay area, but moved to oregon because it has a so-called death with dignity law. new at 10:00, rare access inside a unique training center that gives bay area firefighters a real world experience before they're thrust into life or death emergencies. it's a unique facility located on treasure island, and it provides firefighters with invaluable experience that could one day help save you or your family. >> ktvu's ken wayne got an inside look at the training facility and is live to show us what it's like to go through this hands on training for firefighters. >> reporter: training officers say classrooms are good, but being outside is a lot better. that's why they built this hollywood looking fake city here on treasure island. tucked away on a small corner of treasure island is a small city within a city.
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some buildings have the familiar metal gates and doors found at homes across san francisco. >> it's a great thing going on out here. >> reporter: this replica town has almost everything but people. all the dangers that fires encounter every day. >> the quicker i can get firefighters out of the classroom and into the yard, that's where you really pick up good stuff. >> reporter: water main breaks. firefighters learn not just how to turn off the water, but how to not make a bad situation worse. >> it's vital for them to keep positive pressure on the main line, so it doesn't contaminate the water system. >> reporter: they learn new, safer techniques. >> right now, we never go in one. never. >> reporter: lessons from san bruno. how to react to gas line breaks. >> it comes in at approximately 120 psi through the transmission system. >> reporter: earthquakes can
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leave people trapped in elevators. >> if i am trapped in an elevator, i want to know what i'm looking at. >> reporter: mock elevators are used to teach firefighters how to rescue people in the many different styles of elevators in the city. in this case, they come to save me. >> san francisco fire department. you're not hurt at all, okay. >> reporter: it's best to wait for rescue in an elevator. in a fire, you should get out as soon as possible. i was in the department's burn room, where it's dark, smoky, and i can't find a way out. >> we're coming. before we get there, we'd like you to get back in your bedroom and stay becausicly what could be a safe area. close the doors. if you have clothes or towels, line them against the bottom of the door. maybe put a towel over your nose so you can breathe without smoke. >> reporter: if firefighters don't know where you are, do your best to get their attention. >> we want you to get that
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window open, and start throwing things out it, and calling for help. >> reporter: you should also plan for help with your family. >> one of the things we know to do is follow the hose. we know the hose goes to safety. >> reporter: there's also a mock bart station here on treasure island, firefighters are learning how to safely evacuate people who are stuck on a bart tree, and are actually hoping bart will one day provide a bart vehicle so they can one day practice working on that. the real interesting part is other bay area fire departments are interested in what's going on out here and want to come out here. this might actually make money for the city of san francisco, who will be charging those departments to use this facility. >> that is fascinating stuff. ken, if there is one thing you took away from all of this, what would it be? >> reporter: just how dangerous this job is for firefighters. there are so many things that can go wrong on all the
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different types of calls they go out to. there's one little mistake that could really lead to disaster, so firefighters are trying to get that hands on training here to make sure it doesn't happen. >> yeah, they put their life on the line every day. ken wayne, live on treasure island tonight. ken, thank you. checking in on the weather right now. we've got a little fog in the forecast tonight, we had a little bit this morning. there might be a little bit tomorrow morning. the fog, the dew points are there, but the fog's had a tough time forming. just look for patchy fog in the spots that you typically see it. but patchy is the key. it's not so patchy south of stockton, or stockton area. we've got a dense fog advisory, that is in effect for that area for the morning hours. i suspect we'll see fog up in davis and towards the sacramento area. and in the east bay, and north bay as well. current temperatures are in the upper 40s, low 50s. dew points are in the upper 40s tonight, and mid-40s. these are easily going to be reached. fog should form in some locations. warmer thursday than it was
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today. today we saw numbers had the low 70s, tomorrow, maybe mid- 70s. the dry pattern continues. oakland, tomorrow, 73 degrees. so lunchtime at oakland, 69 degrees. it's february. 73 at 3:00. let's check in on san jose tomorrow. san jose, they could see temperatures in the upper 70s. for tomorrow, lunchtime, it's 70 degrees. daytime heating about 74 degrees. so a really, really nice day tomorrow. there is no rain in this five- day forecast. but there's further heating. when i come back, we'll talk more about how warm it's going to get as we head towards your bay area weekend. he walks 20 miles a day for his job and that news spread around the world. after hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations spread in, the dark side of this story that forced him to leave his house. >> found wandering a quarter mile away from the beach.
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how drivers teamed up to rescue a starving, and stranded sea lion pup. >> next, thousands of b.a.r.t. riders potentially exposed to measlesment the specific lines and stations where an infected passenger was tracked. bulldog: what what? mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day? but mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic... icomfort... posturepedic hybrid... and wow! get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and, get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. mattress discounters presidents day sale ends presidents day! ♪ mattress discounters ♪
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a san francisco company that makes tofu has agreed to shut down its factory in the bay view district indefinitely. the fda says fong king tofu has failed inspections. the complaint also said insects were flying around in the tofu processing area, and that condensation was dripping onto ready to eat bulk tofu. in order to resume operations, the company needs a sanitation expert, a labeling expert, and a monitor to monitor a food
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safety program. the county's first case of measles. they say b.a.r.t. riders may have been exposed, as ktvu's mike mibach reports, the infected person rode b.a.r.t. three days last week between lafayette, and san francisco's montgomery street station. >> reporter: the measles, on the move. airborne, and onboard b.a.r.t. >> i can't live in fear. >> we can't live in a state of fear and terror around who has what. >> reporter: today in martinez, health officials say a resident with measles took b.a.r.t. >> it is important for people who may have been traveling on b.a.r.t. during those times and may have been exposed, and are not vaccinated or immune, that they could catch measles. >> reporter: b.a.r.t.'s spokesperson. >> we carry on average those three days about 25,000 riders.
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a train car, probably 115, to 130 people. >> reporter: the unnamed person who is a linked in employee, also ate at eonin bar. one of the san francisco workers was sick with measles. they said the health and well- being of our employees is our absolute priority. we will take whatever steps are necessary to ensure their safety. >> if i had measles, anybody who is in this room, even an hour after we leave could become infected with measles. >> reporter: it would be highly unlikely for someone who's been vaccinated to become a carrier of measles. health officials did not say how that person was exposed. they did say he or she was at home, and recovering. this is the first confirmed case in contra costa county this year. last year, the county had four confirmed cases of measles. in lafayette, mike mibach, ktvu, channel 2 news. long time "60 minutes"
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correspondent bob simon was killed today on a crash on west side highway in new york. the driver rear ended a car that had stopped at a red light, then slammed into the median. simon was unconscious when police arrived and had to be rescued from the car. he was pronounced dead a short time later at the hospital. bob simon was 73 years old. he won a number of awards during his long career at cbs. he was also captured by iraqi forces in the iraq war, and spent 40 days in an iraq prison. tonight's winning numbers, and late word just in, as three tickets match all 6 numbers. >> he walked 20 miles every day to work until donations started pouring in, including a new car. >> why this man says all the attention he's getting is too much, and he's now become a target. (mom) when our little girl was born
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we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. ♪ at kaiser permanente everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪
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san jose police addressed a sudden rise in crime in the aldonin neighborhood. the number of burglaries and break-ins has soared as much as 300% in the last few months. many are asking the police association to relocate a police department in that area. >> trying hard, but we can't sustain the overtime. we can't ignore other parts of the city, so we have to come in, do what we can, hope for some reduction. strengthen the committee. >> while some homes have security signs, others are
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equipped with cameras. some have hired security guards for their streets, paying out of their own pockets. this is a surveillance picture of the suspect. police say he grabbed a man's buttocks while he used a urinal. police also think he may be connected with an incident on monday inside the women's bathroom at the coverly community summer. they say a man with a similar description suspected of peeping over the top of a bathroom stall, and then taking pictures of a woman with his cell phone. the man ran off, when she started yelling. new at 10:00 tonight, a detroit man is back in the spotlight tonight after his 20- mile round trip walk to work led to an outpouring of donations and a new car. but now he says he thinks all of that attention has made him a target. >> this story is really something. charlie duff tells us the man is now afraid that his humble
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story is attracting the wrong people. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> reporter: he'd rather crawl than mooch off someone else. a 20-mile walk to work for 10 years. then the news got ahold of his story, and the tv. and just like that, he became electronified. >> all of us are complaining about this morning's commute, after all of that snow. but imagine having to walk to and from work more than 20 miles a day. >> that is what one detroit man does five days a week. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> reporter: hundreds of thousands of dollars poured in around the world to help the working class hero. a ford dealership gave him a bright red car. that's the good part. >> a round of applause for a
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man who's totally overwhelmed. james robertson looks as though he might cry as he checks out his new car. a gift from suburban ford. >> reporter: robertson had hit the lottery, and the whole world and the whole neighborhood knew it, because robertson was electronified, because he was now cruising detroit in a bright red car. the only thing missing was the bright white bulls eye. >> god knows i don't belong there. >> reporter: the very day his story was pinging around the world, an old man was found stabbed to death in the basement of an abandoned house in detroit. the old man was rumored to have hit the lottery. people started hitting up robertson for money. they wanted to take the new car for a spin. then robertson clipped the neighbor's house with the new
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car, and the neighbor wants to get paid too. robertson started to worry. his friends called the cops. then his friend called me, and i called the local police captain. >> you've got a cruiser going by every night to make sure that red car is still sitting there. >> as much as we can. i think it's the right thing to do with the attention given, the situation. i think we want to make sure he gets as much attention from us as he did the community around him. >> reporter: the captain called the landlord. tuesday, the police moved robertson and his four bags of stuff from the room he rented for $900 a month. protect and serve. >> you all right? let me help you. good to see you. >> how are you? >> i'm good. >> i'm well, you? >> i'm very good. >> now it's going to be good. >> yeah. it's a brand new life. >> yeah, it's a brand new life.
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got to look out. >> reporter: so now robertson is staying in a new part of the city, until he figures out what to do with his life and his money. >> they were all starting to put their hand out, yeah? >> oh, yeah. >> kind of shaking you down? >> something like that. that's all it was. >> because you're out. >> that's the key. does it got a parking spot? you got a parking spot? >> yes. >> trouble is someone might have thrown some rocks on it. >> we'll take care of it. >> reporter: it involves the mayor inviting robertson to the state of the city speech. but robertson declined. he didn't want to miss work. >> kenny g. jeez. >> he's not the only one too. i got another one. >> i thought you were cool. there he goes, new car.
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new life. new kenny g record. on your way, young man. try not to hit anything else. >> it's really remarkable what that guy has it done. he's never missed a day of work, walking all that way, he's in his 50s. can you imagine that, walking more than 20 miles a day in your 50s? >> it seemed like he liked it that way. i just hope he can be left alone and go on to do what he wants to do. still ahead, three winning tickets shared tonight's winning powerball jackpot, and we just learned where those tickets were sold. >> a track of the wet system. how long is this dry weather pattern going to hold? >> up first, remembering three muslim students killed execution style in north carolina. the bay area vigil, and what may have led to those killings.
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new at 10:00, a candlelight vigil for the three people shot and killed in north carolina last night. a sell proclaimed atheist shot and killed three muslims.
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the police have said that the shooting appeared to have been motivated been an ongoing dispute over parking. investigators say they are also looking into whether religion played any part in the killings. the father of two of the victims says they had issues with the accused gunman before. >> this man came knocking on the door, and fighting about everything with a gun on his belt, more than twice. she told us, daddy, i think he hates us for who we are. >> one of the victims was 23 years old. he was a second year dental student at the university of north carolina. his 20-year-old wife was also killed. they just got married back in december. she was planning on going to the dental school in the fall. the third victim was her 19- year-old sister. the shooter turned himself in last night. a cleanup effort is
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underway in the oakland estuary. the state fish and wildlife department says it appears to be marine diesel fuel. samples have now been sent to a lab for analysis. on wall street today, stocks ended largely flat after a choppy trading day. concerns about a debt default in greece drove the dow down by more than 100 points. apple helped drag the nasdaq hire. the s & p was flat. $564.1 million. >> and there's late word of three winning tickets in tonight's massive powerball jackpot of more than half a billion dollars. the tickets were sold in north carolina, puerto rico, and texas. california lottery officials say a ticket sold in san leandro matched the white
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numbers. the numbers were 25, 11, 54, 13, 39, and the powerball number was 19. the odds of winning that jackpot were 1 in 175 million. three winning tickets. clint eastwood, ray romano, andy garcia, some of the stars taking place in an event at pebble beach. >> the complete bay area forecast. >> up first, a sea lion pup far from the water. his rescue on the streets of san francisco and why so many sea lions are malnourished. this... is the best part of the day. when we sit down together and talk.
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more and more, we're having conversations about the food itself: how good it is for us. how good it is for the planet. at monsanto, we're working with farmers to make balanced meals accessible to everyone. while using natural resources more efficiently. it's time for a bigger discussion about food. be part of the conversation at
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a sea lion pup is recovering tonight after becoming stranden in san francisco about a half mile away from the ocean. ktvu's kristin kasten tells us how drivers teamed up with the national park ranger to rescue the wayward pup, and in the
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process, nicknamed him persevaro. >> reporter: got a little well earned rest today after months of starvation, and a desperate search for food this morning, that took him up in the ocean, over the sand dunes, and over a quarter mile inland. patrolling the area at 7:10 this morning, when he came upon stopped cars. at first, he thought it was an accident. >> i activated my emergency lights to pull over. i've seen a couple of folks on the side of the road, they're both talking on their phones. i look down, and there's this sea lion pup, halfway under the car. >> reporter: he got persevaro into a tote bag. >> not a typical wednesday morning, that's for sure. >> reporter: he brought him in for emergency treatment. there was just enough time to snap a shot of the two together. >> a persevero. which is latin to persist, or to continue. after the journey he had, knowing he's going to be in a position to be aided back to health, and to be able to keep
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fighting on and get through this ordeal he had, i thought it was appropriate to name him that. >> reporter: the veterinary staff has started treating the 1-year-old pup. he weighed just 28 pounds this morning. persevaro is justify the latest malnourished pup to come ashore. they've had more than 1 cases already, pushing the volunteers and staff to their limits. >> we're nonprofit, all of our funding comes from donations to the public. the best thing the public can do right now is go to our website and help and donate so we can care for the animals. >> reporter: they're hoping to double the weight in the next 4 to 5 weeks and then release him back into the wild. walkers and bike riders one step closer now to crossing the bay on the richmond, san rafael bridge. converting the unused lane on the upper deck into a
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pedestrian and bike path. the plans also cause for using the break down lane as a third lane of traffic during the evening commute. the combined cost of the projects has been budgeted as $74 million. the work still needs state and federal awe proval. and walkers and bikers using the new path on the new bay bridge will have to wait a little longer to cross all the way to yerba buena island. the bridge officials say the path will be finished about 6 months later than previously thought. the delay is caused by a lack of parts, and also slower than expected demolition of the old bridge, which needs to be removed to make room for the path. the new opening date is expected to be december of this year. we've got some warm weather to talk about. take a look at today's highs, and where they're going tomorrow. today down here at the bottom. check out santa rosa. 68 today. 74 tomorrow. big warm up in terms of temperatures the next few days.
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jet stream rides everything over the top, just like this. that's where all the weather goes. it's going to miss us. a lot of weather out here too. all productive stuff for somebody else, not us. that's going to move into the plains and out in the midwest, and create weather there. for us, got the radar spinning, and it's dry, dry, dry. a few clouds out there. valley fog back in the forecast. i mentioned that dense fog advisory, downward south. right now, 49 in napa. dew points are up there. up around 48 degrees, 47. so far, we'll try to form in some of these inland bay valleys tomorrow morning. be aware of that. it wasn't that big of a deal this morning. i think we'll see a little more of it tomorrow morning. overnight lows, upper 40s, mid- 40s. that's what you can expect. we're looking at the forecast for tomorrow, yellows or 70s. the forecast, colors, yellow temperatures representing 70s. greens are 60s. look at all of that. right, that's february. you just don't expect that
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temperature footprint this late. we're in the heat of winter right now. it's not the heat, the warmth. air quality takes a little bit of a hit with that, and we've got more of the same. there's that fog, it will show up in the central valley. so a nice week ahead. this week is going to be dry. you can count on that. next week, it looks like things want to break loose a bit towards the end of next week. tomorrow, 68 towards antioch. the warmest spots right around the santa clara valley. morgan hills, san jose, mid- 70s. around the coast, upper 60s, so a really, really nice day tomorrow. a lot like today. five-day forecast, dry, as she goes. we're talking about numbers that will peak on saturday and sunday, perhaps into the upper 70s. there you go, the five-day forecast, the bay area weekend in view. and it's a good thing we got all that rain, because boy, we'd be hurting right now, looking at five stars like that across the top. no rain this week, maybe something next week. >> and warm temperatures coming
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up, it's nice. enjoy it while it lasts, and we'll hope for rain next week. >> mid-70s in february. >> bill, thank you. mark's here now with sports. the warriors barely won tonight. did it seem like, a couple of weeks ago, it was like how much do they win by? now they're just squeaking by. >> kind of reminds me in the early '80s. when the 49ers would win a game. it didn't satisfy the fans because they didn't win by enough. they have the best record in the nba at 42-9. individually, two all-star starters since 1967. a little concern they have peaked maybe a little too early. some of them looked gassed. you know steph. 25. curry, this time he will pass and gets it to andrew bogut. perfect timing. the big guy had 10 points, 10
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rebounds. 1:34 left, the timberwolves pull even. pekovic to young. 89-89. it's a splash down special coming up. 1:22 remaining. clay thompson will hit when it countsment he had kind of an offnight, but not on that particular shot. 14 points for him on 5 of 14 shooting. the warriors get out of town. get themselves a week of rest, of course except for clay, kerr and steph. they go to new york for that game. if tiger woods wins another event again, it's going to come as a huge shock. no one is more aware of it than woods himself. announcing his game is not tournament ready, and he won't play again until it is. he has missed the cut three times, and withdrawn three times. he will play for real at the at&t pro-am tomorrow. bill murray, doing it with
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babies. maybe he's running for office. for his team, he's got huey lewis laying up nice here within inches of the hole. good enough for a skin against clint eastwood, it came to a chip off. clint eastwood's team will prevail. he doesn't play much anymore, but clint can definitely still pick a team. >> i picked the right team because i haven't played well enough to help anybody. we had good players. good players on the other team too. they started off like gangbusters. it's beautiful out here, going to be great. going to be a good tournament. >> it starts for real tomorrow. the sharks, they were plenty entertaining. the story is how many of their fans were not at the tank to see it? two goals in 22 seconds. was it enough? overtime at the tank. sports part 2 next.
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female announcer: get 36 months interest-free financing, and save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. and of course, free same-day delivery. but only through presidents' day at sleep train.
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all right, they're not terrible by any means, but the sharks kind of perceived these days as a team in trouble. the fans smell it. once an automatic sellout down there, they've got their lowest attendance tonight at the tank since 2006. the good old days of nabokov in
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net. san jose records in the net, all over the place. announced his retirement at age 39 today. dropped the puck for a good game. 3-3 in the 3rd, taking the lead here. he gets it past antti niemi. but just 1:03 later, joe thornton, taking it upon himself. watch him go upper shelf there. tough angle. 4-4. we've got overtime. just 2:42 in, it's joe ward scoring to end it. the sharks have now lost three straight, and five out of their last six. and the sports world today mourning the passing of hall of fame coach jerry tarkanian who really put unlv on the map. remember him chewing the towels? hall of famer, 84 years old. dealing with health problems the last several years. >> mark, thank you.
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thank you for joining us tonight. our next newscast, mornings on 2 beginning at 4:30 tomorrow morning. have a good night, everyone. >> good night. our vision for partnering with more farmers, growers manufacturers is that eventually organic and natural will be the norm. for raley's that means a lot more organic and natural options on the shelf. and for our consumers, that means having a lot more affordable and readily available, healthy products to feed their families. sustainability is about making a difference in our community. it's about being happy, healthy and well for many years to come. to learn more, visit raley's family
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of stores on youtube.
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yello? house of the future. phil, you have two whole days to yourself. please tell me you're not gonna spend them trying to wire the house to your ipad. nope, 'cause i've already done it. (man) showers and thunder-- great. now go out and see some friends. i'm headed out now. i have a third showing at that colonial.
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cam gave me a free pass to his gym. i am-- not too bright. - hmm. - i am-- - dim! - (manny laughs) honey, if you could hear yourself. promise me you'll go outside and play. miss you, too. (beep) (whooshes) phil dunphy, this is the year 2025. welcome. you're the first one here. ♪


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