tv Right This Minute FOX February 13, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PST
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[ sirens ] a woman is accused of a serious drug offense in thailand. >> they used to execute people for this stuff. stk story with a bizarre twist coming behind her. a soldier is about to deliver a surprise to his wife. >> down on his knees. >> the journey that led to love caught on camera. >> a trip to graceland and uncovers -- >> elvis' 1948 chevy panel truck. >> now, they reveal all about the king's mystery ride. >> it was exactly the way he drove it. when he passed away no one's
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touched it since. >> plus the buzz word to win a new ipad mini. find out what this is supposed to do if you can do it. >> all i can see is that moustache. >> concentration and focus. >> drug bust in thailand. they take things extremely seriously when it comes to drug use, smuggling, they still execute people for this stuff. [ sirens ] >> you can hear the sirens going. they run up to the car. they flash a badge and they are like shut off the engine now. inside the car, she's looking very very uncomfortable with what's going on. very very surprised with the guys from the drug enforcement. they are pulling her over with a tip she's in the possession of drugs. you see them searching through her pockets.
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they are trying to find drugs, things like that. eventually they say she has to stay there until their superior shows up. >> oh! >> he's carrying flowers, turns around will you marry me? remember that time i made you think you were about to get arrested by the drug police but you weren't? hilarious, right? she's not happy. you see her very very upset. what on earth were you thinking? >> that's a different take on romance. i get like the emotional roller coaster of something. this is too much. this is like an emotional elevator falling. >> they are smiling. by the looks of it she may have warmed up to the idea. let's take this as an example of whatnot to do.
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i'm about to blow your mind with these explosions coming from the volcano in mexico. many eruptions in the last 200 years. they are expecting this volcano to blow. have a really massive explosion like the one that happened in the early 1900s that killed thousands of people. but this video is just about how spectacular the images are. we have a variety of time lapse footage and realtime video of just how magnificent this volcano is. >> you are watching how the earth was made. >> yeah. >> way back in the day. this is how it happened. >> i love where you can see stars in the background and
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beautiful, bright red lava. >> you see see theruions a in fact in the 2005 eruption some of the lava shot out almost two miles out, away from the volcano. >> wow. >> very powerful volcano. >> it's so spectacular, though. it almost doesn't look real. >> should it have a massive eruption it could affect 400,000 people that live in the villages around it. hopefully that won't happen anytime soon. very popular around the world and getting more popular here in the united states. this video from the cincinnati ohio area. if you didn't catch this on camera it would be very difficult to explain. he rounds the corner here. keep your eyes way up ahead. right past the light. >> is that a polar bear?
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>> quite the opposite. a pontiac solstice. >> oh it's a car. >> off that rock wall to the middle of the street. thankfully no other cars coming in that direction. >> how did that happen? >> i don't know. it's hard to tell if anybody is in that vehicle. i don't know if the parking brake wasn't set and it rolled down the hill? >> it's coming from the apartment complex. somebody left the hand brake off. >> does he have body damage? >> i wouldn't think there's quite a bit of damage. that's not built for that type of off roading. >> doesn't look like anyone is in that car. that's going to be a weird day. >> in china, this road is full of traffic, slow-moving traffic. what could go wrong here? you get into the moments where you are daydreaming. >> not behind the wheel. >> or behind the handlebars.
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>> looks like he just about decapitated himself. he's not paying attention to the big, giant truck in front of him. >> oh! >> all the way back. going to be sore for days. hey, everybody, we are about to give away another ipad mini. you are going to need friday's buzz word be at least 18 years ode and a legal u.s. resident. >> the buzz word is coming up in a minute. >> stand by for the ipad mini give away. just in time for valentine's day, love caught on camera. that adorable blond at the beginning of the video is sarah. her husband has been away. he's in the military. you hear the awesome song "thinking out loud."
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>> wow! >> emotional. they are still embracing. look how tight and beautiful and full of love this hug is. >> she looks like she wants to crawl inside with him. >> they are finally standing up still embracing. they start slow dancing, then she's like what about me. now they hug their baby girl, ellie. >> a beautiful family moment. they are all there, just embracing each other. >> are you ready? we have to go around. >> the next surprise father and son, also so full of love. >> go get pizza. >> mom talking to the little boy. he's about to walk around the car. look who's waiting there. ahh! so sweet. the little boy had no idea daddy
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was coming home. he's been gone a month. look at his face. this kid knew exactly who that was. >> it never, ever gets old when the kids come running up. >> i love you so much, honey. kaugt on camera what happens in the wake of a blackhawk helicopter. see what the camera catches, next. what can four men staring into one another's eyes lead to? >> like we should hug. >> i'll hug you. >> see eye-to-eye contact on "right this minute." ohoh y yeah... i'i'veve g gotot a a p pilile e ofof w work... presenentatatitionon t tomomororrorow.w..... dailily y woworkrkouout.t..... inin-l-lawaws s onon s sunundaday.y..... mamakeke t timime e evevererydydayay f foror b berocca. itit s supuppoportrts s mementntalal s sharpness and physical energy. beberoroccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!a! ouour r "n"namame e yoyourur price" tool helps -- oh, jamie you got a a lilittttlele s somometethihingng on the back of your shoe there. a a prpricice e tatag!g!
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dadangngerer!! prpricice e tatag g alert! ohoh. . hehey,y, g guyuys.s. prpricice e tatag g alalerert!t! isis t thihis s nonormrmalal?? well, progressssivive e isis a price tag free zone. wewe l letet y youou t telell l usus what you want to pay and we h helelp p yoyou u fifindnd o optptioions to fit your budget. whwherere e arare e ththeyey tatakiking him? i i dodon'n't t knknowow.. ththisis s seeeemsms e excxcesessisiveve!! dedecocontntamamininatatioion n inin p prorogress. i i dodon'n't t wawantnt t to o tetellll y youou guys your job, but... popolilicicieses w witithohoutut t thehe p priricece tags. nonow,w, t thahat't's s prprogogreressssivive.e.
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in it a student pilot. the pilot knows that blackhawk just took off and he's aware of the downdraft a helicopter can leave behind. he's trying to amend his landing to try and land long of where that aircraft took off from. here he comes from the left. he has a tail wind. watch him trying to abort. that doesn't work. >> oh! >> cartwheels down the runway. that pilot seriously injured in this incident. it happened in december. ntsb releasing the preliminary report. they revealed the pilot may have been experiencing a tail wind. it's the worst possible scenario in dealing with turbulence. >> the worst scenario of what could go wrong. we have seen that when helicopters take off. it's going and going. >> pilots are trained to deal
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with that kind of turbulence especially when following large aircraft. it is something pilots train for. this pilot was aware and tried to avoid it and couldn't. i'm absolutely so into the idea behind this video. i love when science and love and intimacy combine. look at this. studies say just four minutes of uninterrupted eye contact creates intimacy. they decided to take six couples in different stages of relationships and said we are going to make you stare at each other for four minutes. as they stare, you can see the emotion that runs across their faces. >> you have to imagine, most of these people never have taken that time, right?
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as you are sitting there looking at the other person maybe you think about what you love about the other person in the first place. >> i have chills thinking about it. you are right. the four minutes are over. we get to hear what they thought about this. >> in 55 years of marriage we have never really looked into each other's eyes like that. i do look at your eyes sometimes, because i'm checking your blood sugar. >> i love her. >> it's very practical. >> i wondered what you were thinking? >> how wonderful it was to sit here and look at my wife. >> when i look at you closely, i realize how much i need you and what you mean to me. i couldn't imagine being with anybody else. >> what about the couple that just met? the strangers. what do you think it did to them? [ inaudible ] >> i think we should do it.
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>> no, i don't need to. >> it is really weird. >> yeah. >> did it make you feel like your heart opened up? i don't really look at you enough? >> i was trying to figure out what was going through her mind. >> exactly. >> i wonder what she's thinking. try it, america. look there's one of those cuddly koala bears. see the toughest koala, next. coming up time for the buzz word and the rtm ipad give away. someone's going to be a winner, "right this minute." ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortrtgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k knonow the facts. ththerere e arare e cucurrrrenently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirirements to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-x-free money from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe
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e ththe e momoneney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone.e. the remaining money can be used for anything. ththerere'e's s nono m mononththly mortgage payments. anand d yoyou u ststilill l owown your home! cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. itit e expxplalainins s hohoww a government-insured reverse mortgage works. ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligigation. onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgagage is a quicken loans company. ththeieir r lilicecensnseded e experts can answer all your questions. cacallll t to o fifindnd o outut what a great solution this can be. dodon'n't t wawaitit, , cacallll now!
9:47 am
life's morning multitasking. it's multiple ideas for growing families and drawers with many layers to show exactly what you need. life's the food that brings us together. and kitchens where every meal is the most important of the day. gogoldld b bonond d rorougugh h && bubumpmpy skin therapy. used daily, it exfoliatetes,s, smoothes, softens. rereduduceces s bubumpmps s 7272 p perercecentnt.. gogoldld b bonond.d. ultimatete l lototioion.n. ulultitimamatete s skikin.n.
9:48 am
[ [ fefemamalele a annnnououncncer ] helping your kids get fewer cavities can take enthusiasm. or just act kids scooby-doo rinse. it tastes greaeat and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. soso i it't's s aallll good. aactct k kidids.s. whwhatat m makakeses g golold d bobondnd u ultimate so ultimate? it's's p pacackeked d wiwithth 7 7 moisturizers and 3 vitatamiminsns.. ririchch, , yeyet t ababsosorbrbss lickety-split. skskinin l looooksks n nououririshsheded healed, healthy. gogoldld b bonond.d. america has a rich history. in my opinion, there's no better way to discover it than through the car this is great country has built. it's a show called americara. we got a behind the scenes look after graceland. in their episode, they are discovering something special. >> this is it. >> a mystery vehicle under wraps. whatever could it be? >> this is a '48 panel chevy truck. it escaped the public.
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>> elvis' 1948 chevy panel truck. there's a really cool story behind this truck. he put a hat on drove away in this chevy and go do his errands. it's still there. it's one of two cars elvis ever kept. this and his famous pink cadillac. >> has this truck ever been seen publicly? >> not since his death. >> he drove it a lot himself? >> he did. >> when elvis left the building this is what he left in. >> you would think it would be in tiptop shape. >> maybe tell us more about why it wasn't. we have ray joining us "right this minute." why is this famous elvis vehicle in the condition that it's in? >> when we were at graceland, we initially talked about another car, the last car elvis drove when he passed away. they were like that's not the car you want to see. it's this one.
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it was this truck. it was exactly the way he drove it. hen he passed away no one touched it since. that was more cool than seeing it if it had been touched. it is the greatest job in the world. we meet incredible people. you find something that inspires people in history. we found mario andretti's rookie of the year car in a garage that an art dealer owned in new jersey. there's stories all around in america. >> for someone not interested in cars why should they watch? >> it's a car culture show. it helps us document the american time line. people are emotional about their cars. they inspire the way we dress. we are trying to key in on that emotional connection with the automobile. >> you are going to want to check it out. premiers february 17 at 10:00 p.m. on velocity. ♪
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koalas considered cute and cuddly. not this one. i give you australia's toughest koala. i think there's a territoryial thing going on. grabs the other one and boom. he drops to the ground. he pushed him off. >> how is the one that got pushed? is he okay? >> okay enough to walk away. he's like it's not worth the fight. >> look at his game. the evil koala. >> that wasn't a happy koala incident. this one is just in time for valentine's day. scratching behind his ear. this is at the wildlife park. look at arthur cute as a button. arthur has a friend. watch as she gets close. she grabs ahold of him and hugs him. she just hugs him. >> you see something else and rub the two soft things
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together. it's one big ball of sort. >> i love how she just hugs him and loves on him and kisses. isn't that beautiful? everybody pay attention. we are giving away another ipad mini. you are going to need the buzz word be 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. head over to you can enter every day. it's time to reveal friday's buzz word. it is keeper. get over to and enter the buzz word keeper. get this one day, later next week we are going to have bonus give away day. two winners. one gets a flat screen tv and the other an ipad mini. you have to watch every day. good luck. received an unforgotable
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rry, sweetie. >> take a nap, then get your groove on later. you have the whole day. >> everybody loves to get a gift. let's be honest when it comes to the most special gift there is it's the gift of giving. this first one she spent months training for her first ever triathlon. friends and family pitched together to get her a very special dream gift. >> turn around. >> oh my god, what's happening? what is this? >> your bike. >> a trek concept racing bike. she is going to use it in her race. they are incredible. >> oh my god. >> a gift of wheels of any kind. you can see it gets much for us. >> this is the coolest thing,
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ever. in my whole life. >> we did a lot of research. >> you guys are so awesome. >> everybody, friends and family were inspired by her work. she's raised over $2,000 herself. you can see the personalization they give it as well. >> i love this family. >> you love that family? you are going to adore the next one. this is his 60th birthday. it's a couple old pictures of his car from way, way, way back when they were kids. >> another card in there. >> there's a key there. >> hey, pops. at any age you taught me to work hard be a good person and always stand-up for myself. you have shaped me into the man i am today. >> it's a beautiful, beautiful card. what they tell him is okay pick up that key. close your eyes.
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they say dad, open your eyes. watch his reaction. >> happy birthday dad. >> you have to be [ bleep ] me. >> no. it's yours, dad. >> get the hell out of here. >> that's your car. >> wow! >> as far as i understand i think it's almost identical to the one he used to have. starts it up it sounds beautiful. gets his mrs. and they jump in the car and go for a cruise. >> that's aur show. thanks for joining us. see you for the next edition of "r
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doug, we have the results, but first, we have a very special guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what?
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live from new york city it's "the wendy williams show." today international superstar ricky martin makes his wendy debut. a new album and new tour and we're finding out about ricky's la vida loca. plus, wendy is breaking down all of today's juiciest hot topics. now, here's wendy! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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