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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  February 18, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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analysts say the price of gas in california could jump 10 cents by tomorrow morning, and 50 cents in the coming days. the new problem that has prices at the pump headed higher. good evening, i'm julie haener. >> the price of gas was already going up. a serious issue with the refinery in southern california is expected to fuel another big jump. the latest problem is at the exxonmobil refinery in torrance. an explosion and fire today forced part of the plant to be taken offline. that refinery accounts for about 8 to 10% of the gas produced in california.
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new at 10:00, ktvu's ken wayne, live where the tesoro refinery is shut down. >> reporter: they process 850,000 barrels a day. there's a lot less gas headed to your local pump, and that could drive prices up even higher. the tesoro plant, and the exxon refinery in torrance account for 16% of california's gasoline production. gas in san francisco now averages $2.87 a gallon. up 2 cents from yesterday, 10 cents from last week, and almost 20 cents from last month, and they seem to be rising faster in california than the rest of the country. some at this station say wild price swings just don't make sense. >> it's ridiculous, we live here with all the refineries. with why are our gas prices so
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high? the transportation cost, it doesn't make sense for me. >> it takes forever for it to go down. when it finally goes down, you know it's going to go back up again. >> reporter: striking workers say they sympathize with consumers, but they're more concerned about worker safety. >> you could give me $100 here for every person here, that's not going to make it safer. these things need to happen. >> reporter: an industry watchdog wants the state attorney general wants to determine if oil companies are restricting supplies to drive up prices. >> we need people with badges investigating what happened in torrance and what's happening in martinez. >> reporter: this man works at another east bay refinery and says if there is price manipulation, he's not involved. >> no. not that i know of. >> you're not in on that. >> no. wish i was, i would take that
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money. >> reporter: there is one bit of good news, a union rep on the picket line tells me she received a text just a short time ago, telling her that labor talks here at tesoro in martinez are set to resume tomorrow. >> there's hope there's a settlement sooner rather than later. >> reporter: now to the labor dispute that has shipping containers stacked up at west coast ports. they're trying to end the stalemate. today, the shipping companies districted letters to rank and fire long shore members. employers appear to be hoping the workers will pressure their employers to make a deal. one union leader said that could backfire. joining labor secretary tom perez as negotiators and arbitrators try to meet to end this dispute. tonight, a statement from the
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labor department says in part, secretaries perez, and prisker stress the importance of meeting an agreement before this causes further damage. a vote tonight to lay off teachers in a financially struggling school district on the peninsula. within the last 20 minutes, the school board at the san bruno school district approved a controversial new budget plan. >> reporter: frank, $2 million in cuts are indeed coming to this small district within the last 20 minutes, the board voted off to lay off teachers and to impose across the board, a 1% pay cut for all employees. this is obviously very disappointing to all the parents and teachers who gathered before tonight's meeting hoping to convince the board to do otherwise. the no layoffs chants beat
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again in san bruno. this time outside park side middle school. the monthly school board meeting was moved to accommodate all of those wanting in say in next year's budget. >> this could be really ugly. >> reporter: nick hart has an 11-year-old in the district. like many other parents he's concerned about how officials plan to deal with a $2.1 million deficit. one of the proposals is to boost class sizes. >> if they have to increase the ratios to 30 to 1, the students can't get the help they need. >> the school district has always fought to provide a quality education to every child. that standard has not changed. right now, we have negotiated standard for class sizes, which is 31 to 1. if the district needs to move to that standard, it's something that's been negotiated with our teachers in good faith. >> reporter: superintendent david hut says costs must be
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reduced, initial to filling classes to the maximum, teacher layoffs are also on the table. >> i've been there for 10 years. >> reporter: megan clark hasn't received a raise for 8 years. none of the teachers have. she tells me it's unfair teachers are being penalized for what she calls the fiscal mismanagement. >> no raise in eight years. then you want to take money. this just isn't working. >> reporter: it will be another year without a raise for teachers here in san bruno, as i mentioned. they will now be facing a 1% pay cut. the board making that vote just within the last 20 minutes. again, frank, a very difficult decision here in san bruno, but one officials say they had to make or else risk state takeover. >> heather holmes in san bruno tonight, thank you. a school field trip took an unexpected turn, when a bus
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became stuck along highway 1 in marin county. it happened 2 miles north of muir beach. the bus was carrying 33 students and 3 adults. the bus bottomed out, and became stuck when the driver tried to clear a tight turn after coming up on a narrow road from slide ranch. a tow truck was culled to pull the bus free. the students waited for another bus to pick them up and bring them home. uc students can breathe a little easier tonight. university of california president janet napolitano says she's decided to postpone a tuition hike next year. saying it's a show of good faith as she negotiates uc funding with governor injury where brown. napolitano and brown have been working together on ways to allow the university to serve more students without increasing tuition. a major new development tonight in thele killing of a 21-year-old man in san leandro back in december. investigators now say it appears to be a case of
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mistaken identity. joel ramirez was shot in his driveway. he had just come home, he didn't even have time to turn off the engine of his car. he lived with his mother and grandfather in an inlaw unit. investigators say the neighbors in the main house were running a marijuana operation. ramirez wasn't involved, and today police explained why they couldn't clarify that until now, two months after his killing. >> we knew that by releasing joel's name, the killer, still at large, would know that they killed the wrong person, and therefore they could come back and look for the person that they intended to kill in the first place. >> reporter: ramirez family and friends are coming together to publicly clear his name, and also to create a memorial scholarship in his honor. his killer is still at large. the city of san leandro is offering a $25,000 reward. republicans have been pressing the administration to
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refer to isis, and other terrorist factions using the phrase islamic extremist. >> reporter: focused on creating a worldwide plan to counter violent extremism. also brewing today was what to call terror groups who act in the name of islam. >> we are not at war with islam. we are at war with people who have perverted islam. >> reporter: he explained which he avoided the phrases islamic extremists, and radical islam. >> no religion is responsible for terrorism. people are responsible for violence and terrorism. >> reporter: some american muslims applauded the president's stand, saying it acknowledges the 1.6 billion muslims worldwide who are not violent. >> appreciate his words. i think they're really helpful. we don't have to have conversations about how the kkk
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are not christian extremists. >> reporter: critics called the president blind, saying terror groups and their religious brief, however extreme cannot be separated. >> it's about an understanding of who the adversary, who the enemy is. it seems in many cases the administration has turned a blind eye willingly. >> i think we have to be very cautious with the terminology. >> there are crucial differentials to make. for example, between sunni extremism and shiite extremism. >> reporter: he says it's important to recognize there is no unified islam, as the world witnesses the rise of al-qaeda, isis, boko haram, and recent attacks in the west by self- proclaimed muslims. >> the islamic world is very different from the roman catholic church, it is possible for the possible to presume to
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speak on behalf of the catholic world. the islamic world is much more like the protestant world. >> the president is expected to address when he speaks to foreign ministers at the state department tomorrow. that's all part of the summit. >> is there any action expected to come out of this? >> they're hoping they can form some sort of worldwide plan and get this in front of the united nations. potential republican presidential candidate jeb bush made his first major foreign policy speech in chicago today, and set out to try to distance himself from his father and brother. >> i admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions that they had to make, but i'm my own man, and my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences. >> jeb bush says there were mistakes made in iraq, there
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were no weapons of mass destruction. he also criticized president obama on his handling of isis, the crisis in ukraine, and for normalizing relations with cuba. 2 investigates a growing number of homemade guns showing up at crime scenes across the states. why making a weapon that's impossible to trace actually is not against the law. >> mild weather outside but a changing pattern could increase the fire danger. the timeline on warming weather and winds. >> next, asking teachers to oppose homosexuality, and abortion. the push back tonight against a controversial school handbook.
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a peaceful protest attracted hundreds of people to san francisco's st. mary's cathedral tonight. they want the archbishop to draw his morality clause in the four high schools. that requires them to raise the opposition to abortion, and same-sex marriage. kent pritchett is live with the protest and how the diocese is responding. >> reporter: the san francisco diocese has four catholic high schools, and this protest comes with the backdrop of the diocese and the teachers union under contract negotiations. some say what the church is asking for, among other things
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could put teacher jobs at risk. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> reporter: there was song, and prayer. no anger, no yelling, but with hundreds lining the sidewalks around st. mary's cathedral, there was protest no less. >> reporter: adding language to a handbook that school employees must sign, calling homosexuality, among other sexual behaviors, gravely evil. >> just as someone at coca-cola can'texpect to go to work with pepsi every day, and sing the praises of pepsi, so we expect our teachers not to speak against catholic doctrine. >> reporter: also asking them to be rebranded as ministers, which could strip them of
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federal protection. >> they are teachers. we do not want them to become ministers. we do not want them to lose their workplace rights or anything. >> reporter: the protest was organized by students. >> we ask the archbishop to stop this effort, which is harming our children. >> reporter: they say the morality clauses came as a shock to students. >> it is inherently bad that he put this on us, but it really brought so much of the community together in our school. >> reporter: the question is, will their voices make a difference against the church that sees some social change as counterproductive. >> i think it can. if we keep doing what we're doing and keep pushing, i think it definitely can. >> reporter: the resolution of some of these contentious issues one way or the other could be known relatively quickly. i'm told that these contract negotiations could wrap up in about two months. >> live tonight in san francisco. ken, thank you. fire investigators are trying to determine if there
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was a drug lab inside a home that burned near santa rosa today. a neighbor shot this video of the home in flames on romando drive. they were about to get out safely, but they did get out safely, excuse me, but three of their cats died. a neighbor first realized there was fire after hearing popping sounds. >> i heard a couple of explosions. at first, i thought maybe they were gunshots. but of course when i came out, i saw the house on fire. >> our crew was told investigators found evidence of a possible hash oil manufacturing operation, including marijuana, and butane canisters. authorities also say there was a distinctive smell of marijuana after the flames were out. sheriff deputies interviewed one of the people who lived in the home. he was then taken away in
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anambulance. at least seven people have been infected, and 180 others could have been exposed to the drug resistent supersuperbug. a specialized instrument that is inserted down the throats of thousands of patients each year to treat cancers, gal stones and other issues could be to blame. it is difficult to disinfect, so bacteria can be transmitted from patient to patient. pitchers and catchers from the world champion san francisco giants reported to scottsdale arizona today for the first day of spring training. ktvu's joe fonzi is there. he reports there are some new faces, and some big shoes to fill. >> reporter: everything was in its place as the day began here in the giants clubhouse. it's spring training tradition that the pitchers and catchers report first. when they came in for their physicals, they found a large group of nonpitchers and catchers already here, taking batting practice, and eager for the season to begin.
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>> this year, i know i have a role on this team, and nothing's going to change my mindset of the way i prepare, and the way i play my game. >> it will be nice to have a full spring with joe this year, because last year, you know, he was in and out of the lineup. we weren't sure, i think what we were doing with him, or where he was going. >> it is a new season, but you can't blame the giants if they still take a moment or two to reflect on what happened last fall. >> for 12 years without winning one and having been a part of two now, you understand just how difficult the task really is. i feel so fortunate to be a part. that being said, when you win them, it makes you that much hungrier to do absolutely nothing but that. >> reporter: there won't be many open spots on this roster, but one very important addition is casey mcgee who would be the starting third baseman if the season started today, replacing a fan favorite. pablo sandoval.
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>> pablo is one of a kind. we do things a little different. have a different style of game. that doesn't help me to do my job. the only thing i can do is go play the best i can play, and hopefully carve out my own little niche. >> reporter: mcgee is new, but expected to be a member of the starting lineup. if you're not in the giants immediate plans, this will be a very tough roster to crack, which only mines they have high expectations for the 2015 season. in scottsdale, joe fonzi, ktvu fox news 2. the fog burned off just a bit earlier today. not as gloomy today as yesterday. tomorrow, very similar to today, maybe a little earlier on the burn off. last night at this time was a little more infiltrated on the bay. more sunshine for your bay area thursday. i do have fog trying to show up in the central valley. it's really just all over the
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place and a few high clouds coming in. the story tomorrow will be a day tomorrow a lot like today. overnight lows will be in the mid-40s, even low 40s. 48 in santa rosa right now. 47 in napa. again, we're just kind of repeating, just rewinding the day of today. 45 in santa rosa. 45 in vallejo, with patchy fog. could be in a lot of places, painting it pretty thick in the central valley. i don't have any fog out there yet, but when it forms, it hits that dew point temperature and pops pretty quick. i suspect we'll see less fog in the morning hours. as the model forms back, you'll see it burns it off a little quicker. certainly by noon for all of, or most of us. so that will be good. then you notice, because of that yellow, 70s. so there's a chance tomorrow, we'll ratchet back up into the warmest bay area cities, back up into the upper 60s and low 70s. we'll talk about how this fog is going to impact the weekend.
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we'll see you back here after the breaks. a revelation from a south bay congressman. the tweet about a grand child that has generated a show of support. >> at 10:30, guns being used in crimes with no way to track where they came from. 2 investigates how homemade weapons are ending up in the wrong hands, and why making one actually is not against the law. why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. the volvo presidents day invitation. this month, lease the xc60 for just $399 a month. visit your volvo showroom.
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new at 10:00, burglars strike at a jamba juice in danville. you can see them with a crowbar, trying to pull money out of the cash registers. police are asking anyone who recognizes those men to please give them a call. and in the south bay, a similar situation. police in san jose say four businesses were hit overnight in a series of smash and grab
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burglaries. azenith smith tells us why they could have a tough time identifying the thieves. >> reporter: it was the alarm system that alerted them something was wrong. >> they called me and i rush over here as fast as i can, to actually see what the situation was, because i thought it was just simple. someone probably just broke a window or something, but it was breaking and entering. >> he discovered this. he says thieves used a fist to grab what they could. they failed to steal a generator worth $800, they made off with a few hundred dollars of other merchandise. >> shouldn't be like this. you're the one who put yourself in that struggle, not anyone else. >> reporter: similar break-ins occurred at the raiders shop across the street. the president restaurant, a few blocks down. all happening in a matter of
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hours. the owner at the president restaurant tells ktvu, thieves stole the entire register full of cash. >> we all are equally worried about our safety. >> this is very disconcerting, because i mean, this is where we feel safest is in our own hometown. >> reporter: this comes as families packed a community meeting last week, concerned about a rash of home burglaries. city officials and police say they're coming up with ways to combat the uptick in burglaries in san jose. >> i guess not surprised anymore, with everything that's been going on, but this hurts. these are good people, and it's a unique business. it's not like they're targeting a large corporation. they're targeting people who, you know, this is how they live. >> reporter: we reached out to police to see if these cases are related. we know two of these businesses had surveillance cameras.
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we were told they were not working. azenith smith, ktvu, channel 2 news. a personal tweet from democratic congressman mike honda is welcomed by gay and transgender activists. he tweeted this picture with the texas the proud grandpa of a transgender child. i hope she can feel safe at school without being bullied. the chairman of the congressional antibullying caucus and a member of the lgbt equality caucus. they are a dead end for detectives. >> bought this in an undercover operation from a convicted felon, gang member. >> homemade guns with no serial numbers and no way to trace them. as 2 investigates found out, they're not illegal. >> later the eve of chinese new year. the traditions underway for a big celebration.
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2 investigates tonight, homemade assault weapons with no serial numbers and no way for police to trace them. federal agents say homemade guns are showing up more and more often at crime scenes across california. and they are perfectly legal to make. allie rasmus shows us what is making a dead end for officers. >> reporter: the part of the gun that makes it a gun is this. a part called a receiver. >> what you have is a block of metal, or a plastic. >> reporter: the rifle in his hands was made from a blank metal part anyone can buy legally, called an unfinished receiver. drilled and assembled, that
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unfinished part become as firearm. >> my agents bought this is an undercover operation. >> reporter: seeing more guns made from unfinished receivers on the streets. >> we started noticing these types of firearms. firearms with no markings on them that were coming up at crime scenes. >> reporter: the receiver is usually where you find those markings. the gun's serial number and the manufacturer's name, homemade guns, made from unfinished receivers don't have that information. on this type of ar-15 rifle, you can see where there would normally be the manufacturer's name, it is completely smooth. a clear design it is made from an unfinished receiver. the guns cannot be traced. >> this is one of the worst crimes we've seen in the city of stockton. >> reporter: talking about the bank robbery in july of last year, which ended in the death of an innocent bistander. the gunmen used this ak-47 style rifle to take three hostages, then led police on a
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chase and shootout that lasted nearly an hour. the gun was made from an unfinished receiver. >> who else had the gun, who owned the gun, who may have transported it? >> reporter: with no serial number, the weapon is an investigative dead end. >> just a horrible, horrible crime. and for it to be a weapon that we can't really trace back, i say that's a problem. >> reporter: a year earlier in santa monica, investigators say this man assembled an ar-15 from an unfinished receiver. he killed five people before police killed him. california had denied his request to buy a gun from a dealer. it's not against the law to buy an unfinished receiver. >> there's a lot of people that are law-abiding citizens that are operating within the law that have a hoppy, or interest in manufacturing a firearm for their own personal use. home built firearms are perfectly legal and allowed.
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>> reporter: what is against the law, is when people start using the unfinished parts to make and sell the parts from multiple buyers without background checks or paper sales. >> if you do everything right and it's legal, you have nothing to worry about. if you're buying a dozen of them, and building a dozen of them and giving them to your friends you've got a problem. >> rough numbers of manufacturers that we're aware of, and the number of blanks that they're selling. >> reporter: illegal manufacturers, undercover atf agents say they've busted a network of them in the sacramento area earlier this year. two brothers were at the center of the ring, accused of taking customers in their plaster and gun parts store to a back room, and assembling firearms for cash. it del tails how another man ran a similar operation out of a garage.
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another from the back room of a tool store. >> this really sort of only hit our radar two or three years ago. >> reporter: it's a crime hard to prosecute, because investigators have to show that the people making these guns plan to sell them. investigators believe many buyers wouldn't be able to purchase a weapon legally. police say the gunman in the stockton robbery had criminal records. >> we know who used the weapon. but we want to know, where did this weapon come from? >> reporter: a question that cant be answered easily, when the guns are homemade, and untraceable. fox 2 news. if you have an idea for 2 investigates, we want to hear from you. email 2 investigates at the collection of dna samples from suspects arrested for a felony will be allowed to continue in california at least temporarily. that after the state supreme court today agreed to take up the issue. back in december, an appeal's court declared the practice
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unconstitutional. the state attorney general filed an appeal. today, the state supreme court justices agreed to hear the case. the aclu argues that dna samples should only be taken if officers get a warrant or the person is convicted of a crime. an east bay medical center has closed its doors. it is part of a bay area health group that filed for bankruptcy last august. we got inside for a look at the office tonight. bankruptcy court records show the nonprofit health group owes hundreds of thousands of dollars. a federal bankruptcy judge ordered them to leave the center. employees had already cleared out, but stacks of confidential medical records were left behind. a mixed day on wall street. the dow was down 17 points, but nasdaq added 7. the s & p 500
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was down a fraction. investors tried to make sense of the minutes of the last fed meeting, suggesting it's not in any hurry to raise interest rates. dr. suess has a new book coming out. so how did that happen 20 years after his death? >> tracking how far inland that fog will go. >> up first, police release surveillance video in connection with the killing of a south bay man. (vo) after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble... ...and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. not honda. not ford or any other brand. subaru eyesight. an extra set of eyes, every time you drive.
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new at 10:00, police in gilroy are investigating the suspicious death of a man inside his home this week as a homicide. two young women are wanted for questions. detectives are investigating the death of robert heiser. they think he was killed on or around february 16, which was last month. police consider these two to be persons of interest in the case. investigators say the two suspects are latina between 18 and 25 years old. they were using property belonging to the victim, but wouldn't say what kind of property it was. police searching a warrant on a man after they say he pointed a gun on officers. it happened at 8:30 in a san
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pabla hotel. police say they were there at the request of berkely police regarding an armed robbery investigation. a san pablo commander says officers surrounded the motel. as they were making contact with the suspects. two officers saw one of the suspects had a gun. >> one of the subjects had a handgun. pointed it at two officers at the back of the motel window. at which time the officers fired their guns. >> no one was hurt. the commander said he doesn't believe the suspect actually fired the gun. the man and the woman who were in the room were taken into custody, and are being questioned about armed robberies in other cities. it didn't take long for all the tickets to burning man to sellout. they were gone in just about an hour. once again, that festival is to be held in the black rock desert in nevada. this year, it will run from
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august 30 to september 7. some 40,000 individual tickets were sold for $390 each today. a limited number of presale tickets sold for $800 each last month. the famous dr. suess has a new book coming out 20 years after his death. random house says it will publish a recently discovered manuscript. the author's widow came across it and set it aside. then she came across it again when she was cleaning his office. it's believed he wrote it between 1958 and 1962. a new look for hundreds of cabs in san francisco. the new message meant to help taxis compete against uber and lyft. >> chinese new year celebrations are underway in the bay area tonight.
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we'll tell you the meaning behind it.
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firecrackers tonight in san francisco's chinatown. an ancient tradition to celebrate the new year and ward off bad luck. it is celebrated by the bay area's large chinese community. >> there are preparations underway to usher in the year of the ram. new at 10:00, ktvu's amber lee live in chinatown with more on the tradition underway. >> reporter: chinese new year is the most important holiday for the chinese community. it's about family, food, and fortune. chinese new year, a celebration seeped with tradition. the firecrackers at the close of the business day.
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an act to ward off evil spirits in the new year, and usher in good fortune. a prayer with offerings for prosperity. while shoppers make their last minute purchases. >> just to take in the beginning of the new year, is all a good vibe. good energy. that's what i'm doing this for. >> reporter: just steps from the commotion. hundreds of patrons filled new asia restaurants. a busy night for many chinese restaurants. patrons say it's much like thanksgiving for americans. >> it's a very happy occasion. sometimes we don't see each other so often, because it's so busy. you know, know it is a good time to get together and catch up, and wish each other well for the new year. >> reporter: inside the kitchen of great eastern restaurant, the chef cooks popular and traditional dishes for the
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holiday. such as dried oysters. >> good fortune. make more money. >> reporter: each dish such as pork feet has meaning. >> gambling, you're going to win a lot of money next year. >> reporter: a roast pig straight out of the oven, for those wishing to eat at home. chicken, another popular item. roast duck sold out by afternoon. this week is the busiest of the year. >> happy new year. >> reporter: the greeting for the holiday. the chinese chamber of commerce. showed us the red envelopes filled with money she's prepared. >> giving out lucky money. even it might be a dollar, or $5, but then, the symbolism. >> reporter: a lot of firecrackers will be lit once again, shortly before midnight to welcome in the year of the
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ram. i want to wish everyone happy new year. >> amber lee in chinatown tonight. this year's new year's parade is set for saturday march 7. you can watch it that night live here on ktvu fox 2. now to breaking news in the south bay where there is late wore tonight of a shooting at the dzo sports bar in san jose. here is a live picture from the scene. we are hearing there were at least two victims taken to local hospitals. the shooting happened just after 10:00 tonight. as you can see, there is a large police presence outside that bar. we have seen several people and we have calls into the police department to get more information. san francisco officials say air bnb has settled when the city claims it owned in back taxes. the failure to pay the 14% hotel tax was a bone of contention with some city
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leaders. supervisor david campo says the short term rental service has now paid its bill, and that it amounted to 10's of millioners of dollars. airbnb declined to say how much. but some estimates show it could be as high as $25 million. one of san francisco's oldest cab companies is rebranding with the help of new technology. desoto cab, with its color scheme dates all the way back to 1933. now all the cabs are being repainted red, and being renamed after the taxi hailing app fly wheel. it's a red bird city company. it's part of an effort by traditional cabs to compete against companies like uber and lyft. they expect a big increase in app downloads as it repaints 250 desoto cabs. checking back in on weather. the highs from today, warmer than yesterday. we got a little more sunshine
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out there. therefore, you got numbers back into the mid- to upper 60s. a nicer day. started off slow with a lot of fog and clouds lingering around. that's how tomorrow goes. i don't think we'll see as much of that as we have the last couple of mornings. a lot going on in the pacific. all going up north. over the top of us, a few clouds overhead, and a little bit of coastal fog right now. the conditions will allow for some fog to form in the valley tonight in and around the bay. overnight lows are in the mid- 40s, and low 40s for the overnight lows. fog, back in the forecast, as it has been. but not real dense. it hasn't been dense fog advisory stuff. it's been high off the deck, so you're able to see a bit better. look for fog tomorrow morning, but quicker burnoff. tomorrow, slightly warmer. sunny for the weekend, and warmer with less fog. thinking about rain, we had a heck of a lot of rain that first week or so, the beginning of february. serious rain. really great work for us, then
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we dry it out. basically, our next chance for rain is really right at the end of the month, early march. which is a drag. because we need the rain. it looks as though we're going to have to wait a while to get some more. the high pressure sitting up there tomorrow and gives us a day, a lot like today, but slightly warmer. a little more sunshine. warmer, and milder as we head into the bay area weekend with offshore winds developing that will clean up the fog along the coast. breezy conditions by saturday, and maybe a little into sunday as well. 60degrees for a daytime high after a lot of clouds in the morning in san francisco. we hop over to oakland across the bay. you're going to a little warmer. temperatures warm there tomorrow. 68 in antioch. 65 in hayward. tomorrow, like today, but a little bit warmer. then that's how it goes right through the bay area weekend. we've got no rain, not until the end of february, but these
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temperatures that are certainly above the average, with less cloud cover as we head into thursday and friday. a nice looking weekend yet again for the umpteenth time this winter. >> windows rolled down. sunglasses on. >> the big deal is the tree pollen is spiking up. mark's here now. baseball. back in the news. spring training already. >> spring is here. i don't care what the calendar says. spring is here, because major league baseball players say it is. they hit camp. the shorter winter for the giants. they're just fine with that, it means they were in the world series again. and they won it, as you know. not much news really from day 1. manager bruce bochy did say pitcher tim hudson is well behind schedule after having his ankle tuned up. it means the giants are really counting on tim lincecum to bring it.
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he says he's ready but the well known seattle seahawk fan did want to rehash the low point of the off-season. that would be the last seconds of the super bowl. >> utter shock. it was almost like it was in a commercial. is that one of these jokes? one of these commercials they have at halftime. it was hard to watch, but it was such a good football game up until that point, you were jawing in, you were enjoying it. >> reporter: he'll be ready to talk a little baseball soon. football on his mind right now. as it is back in indianapolis. potential nfl drafties, strutting their stuff, while the talent evaluators check him out. the 49ers continued of course. general manager trent balke on the heels of jim harbaugh's comment last week says it was not a mutual decision for him to depart. you know he would be asked
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about the 49ers side. >> i have no response to that. jim's moved on. we moved on. he's got a heck of a new job. we're trying to get ready for the draft, free agency, and the off-season program. >> there you go. if you're craving warrior basketball, the wait almost over. they should be well rested for friday's game. sports part 2, next.
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just about into the stretch run now, and the assumption is the warriors are going to scream into the playoffs full throttle. those who have watched closely see a team who is looking a little ragged, and mistake prone as of late. they're winning the games, yes, but the precision basketball of the early season definitely missing, but coach kerr has a rejuvenation plan. >> i'm really not concerned with as many wins as we wind up at the end of the season, as commitment to getting better on both ends of the floor every day. that has to pick up. i think it waned a little bit the last couple of weeks. we have very little practice
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time, and have probably regressed a little bit. a golden state warrior for one year, but a star with the portland trail blazers for the bulk of his 17 year nba career. jerome kersey died in portland. officials have not yet released the details, as to the cause of death. all we know right now is that he spoke to a group of students at a portland high school yesterday and was apparently in good health. he was hospitalized today, and died at a local medical center. jerome kersey was just 52 years old. strange story, he had a knee operation, i believe monday, and said he wasn't feeling well yesterday. he went into the hospital, and as i say, more details will come out. but right now we don't know. >> he used to live in the same building i did in san francisco for that one year. all i remember about him was he was a super nice guy, and he had one really cool car. >> always really popular with the fans. always reached out to the fans.
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>> so sad, mark, thank you. thank you for joining us tonight. our coverage continues at >> see you later. >> good night.
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11:00 pm
(jay) as great as it is bringing a baby home from the hospital, there's one sound you absolutely dread waking up to... (women laughing loudly and speaking spanish) relatives. i really never saw these wedding pictures, mamá. how handsome and young papá looks. ay it makes me sad. ay i know that you miss him. no. look at my ass. there are two things in that picture i don't have anymore. ay, mamá, qué loca. sonia, can i help you? no, no, she's fine. it keeps her busy. we need more corn. gloria, where is your garden? i will harvest some. they don't live that way honey. gloria, give me the keys. we'll go to the market. hey, you're all awake. i didn't hear you. oh, look at my two handsome men. mi niño, my little fulgencio umberto.


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