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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  February 19, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PST

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her body's on board the slingshot but her brain is saying -- >> no, no, no no! >> see the moment her brain wins the battle. >> we've got a sleeper! >> after a cop wrestles a teen to the ground -- >> the teenager stands up and -- >> what had her raining down blows in a snowy stand-off. >> get the [ bleep ] off of me. >> rescuers sneak up on a scared homeless dog and then -- >> a few days later -- >> -- see why she had a big surprise for them. plus the buzzword for your chance to win a new ipad mini.
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a surprise for the whole family in one walmart bag. and "rtm" is strapping in for adventure. >> feels like saturday night. >> how sweaty are part of getting our cirque du soleil on. >> no. >> you have to admire people who face their fears, they do things that they're scared of. this lady at the sonic festival in australian you see that she and her buddy are getting strapped into one of the slingshot rides. >> yeah. >> wait i don't want to do this her buddy's smiling but going no no no, no! >> no! >> the dude he's screaming at this point, right? you start to see her freaking out, legs are flinging arms start flinging. >> she fainted. >> we've got a sleeper!
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>> she's a rag doll. >> to the slingshot. i think i passed out. >> she is breathing heavily at the end but she high fives her buddy and starting giggling again. i think she's glad it's over. >> remarkable recover on her part. i have to give her a ten. >> you have to be impressed by people who keep their cool when something like this happens. a soccer match in portugal. pay close attention to the player in the white jersey that's fernando ferreira look closely at his left leg. >> i'm not doing that. >> completely the wrong direction. >> his shoe is kind of a red herb color, that's not blood, that's just the color of his shoe. fernando is currently recovering had surgery, a fractured left leg. big issue all of his legments were torn. he told reporters he was in shock.
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he doesn't really remember any of it as it happened. >> a good thing. >> when police tried to pull over colin he had other thoughts and he was off. this guy's putting some serious beat on the wrong side of the road almost gets in the wrong way of the car, past 80 90 miles an hour. this is a 30-mile an hour zone. he's breaking the law. starts trying to pull all kind of tricks to shake the cops like right here crosses to the other side of the road approaching a roundabout to the right-hand side of course the wrong side of the road in the uk police goes left he goes right. they meet on the ear sideother side of the roundabout. he's not done yet. over 100 miles an hour. wrong side of the exit of a large roundabout by a motorway. he goes right.opft. spot him going down there you can see him right there.
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get up to almost 120 miles an hour on the motorway. but this is where colin seems to realize he's not lost them he's tried his tricks didn't work. starts to slow down. eventually pulled over. he admitted too dangerous driving, driving while disqualified driving without insurance and failing to stop for a police officer. he was jailed for one day. branson, west of toronto, canada outside a public school a public school where they noticed a couple of teenagers trespassing. they called the police. police turn up and this is where this video starts. you can see a female officer there with one of the teen girls on the floor. but then the teenager stands up and -- >> oh. >> what? >> -- starts raining blows on the back of the police officer's head. continued as she screams -- >> get the [ bleep ] off! >> oh my gosh.
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>> this is where somebody actually comes running up. you think he's going to help. but, no the policeman calmly gets up had the pepper spray which she starts spraying but not before the other girl comes up with a chokehold. >> teenage girls. >> 15 and 16 years old. they don't get far. you see another officer comes in here. girls were eventually captured. this video going crazy viral, for obvious reasons. >> that's horrible. >> now their names haven't been released because they are minors facing charges fortress passing, assault on a police officer and assisting an aescape from lawful custody. but crazy. what were they thinking? >> ask their parents. the dog at the end of this alley in india really needs help of animal aid unlimited. wire embedded around its neck strangling this poor dog. you can see them throwing bread at this dog. they need to capture this dog and take him back to centers to
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help them out. you can see them with the nets. creeping up on this guy. they get the net around the dog, the dog not wanting to go with them but able to get the dog on the table. and they have to give her sedation because they need to move that plastic wire from her neck. it's so deeply embedded. guess what? three weeks later, she's 100% healthy. she can run, bark eat a biscuit. >> that wasn't strangling that was almost decapitating. >> amazing able to eat, live and breathe. >> the scar makes her almost look like she has a collar on a constant collar. >> another animal rescue from the united states. here you can see a dog cornered in somebody's card. an animal foundation saying hey, we need to get the dog. took them several days. got her into the yard. but she wasn't going easily. close in between the two houses that look like they're only two dogs wide. finally they're able to trap her. once they put the real leash on her, she's very very chill.
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so they decide to name her sky. and the significance of that is that what sky was taken to the center a few days later, she added her own stars because look what we have here. >> wow. >> a few days later, she gave birth to ten -- >> ten? >> -- puppies. here they are eight weeks later. sky and her puppies available to be adopted. >> oh adorable. >> maybe she was trying to fine a good place to give birth. all right, everybody. we are about to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter, you need thursday's buzzword you need to be at least 18 and a legal u.s. resident. >> thursday buzzword is coming up in just a little bit. >> get ready, everybody. the "right this minute" ipad mini giveaway is coming right up. a can't think of a more zen place than the millennium bridge in london for a little yoga.
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>> what? >> oh. >> that's kind of my reaction when i saw this video because this girl thought it would be a great idea to do some yoga on the millennium bridge with a whole lot of people walking by. >> bridge going, not my business keep walking past. >> they are polite about it. >> of course. >> if she was doing it naked, no one would be looking. doing yoga. >> she's doing a yoga sequence in front of all of the people. right, most walk by. must be the tourists that actually stop to look. at one point she gathers a solid crowd. >> no one leaving a tip? they're going, this is the weirdest bit of street performance i've seen. >> she's not looking for a tip, she's doing yoga. >> if you're ever going to try to find your zen place and you're able to really calm yourself and find your center these true that would be the
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ultimate test. >> yeah. >> the car windows covered in ice. >> gets an instrument gives it a poke. >> see why it backfires. >> [ bleep ]. >> and it's -- >> how to redneck your popcorn. >> a nice layer on the bottom the bag. >> easy and inexpensive way to get it popping right. okokayay l ladadieies,s, w wheheneneveverr you're ready. i got this. nono, , i'i'llll g getet i it!t! let meme g getet i it.t. ah uh, i i dodon'n't t wawantnt y youou t to o pay for this. it's not happening, , hohoney. lelet t heher r geget t itit.. shshe e gogot t heher r sasafefe d dririving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. whwhatat a aboboutut a a t tipip?? heherere's's o onene.....g.getet a ann allstate agent. ninicece!! swswititchch t tododayay a andnd g getet two safe driving bonus checks a yeyearar f foror d dririvivingng s safafely. ononlyly f frorom m alallslstatatete.. cacallll 8 86666-7-78888-0-090900 0 nonow. hoholdld o on n maman,n, i is s ththatat a leak up there? ththatat's's a a d dririp.p. nonow w ththatat's's a a l leaeak.k.
9:10 am
ththatat i is s a a leleakak!! anand d ifif y youou d donon't't h havave allstate renters insurance... game over. protect your valuableses from things like water damage fofor r asas l lowow a as s $4$4 a a m month when you adadd d rerentnterer's's i insnsururanance to your allstate auto policy. cacallll 8 86666-7-78888-0-090900 0 nonow.w. anand,d, i if f yoyou'u'rere a a s safafe driver you can save up to 45%! jujustst a a f fewew m morore e wawaysys, allstate is changing cacar r ininsusurarancnce e fofor r gogood. cacallll a an n alallslstatatete a agegent and get a quote now.
9:11 am
flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time. but when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors' rates you can't win them all. the important part is, you helped them save. thanks, flo. okay, let's go get you an ice cream cone, champ. with sprinkles? sprinkles are for winners. i understand.
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trying not to get sunburned outside. our friends on the other coasts are under mountains 0 snow. the average commute on the morning into boston a bit of traffic. see something that's going to come out of nowhere. unexpected nature of what happens when living with this much snow. see if you can spot what's wrong. >> what's that? >> yeah that car probably shouldn't be on its side. >> no idea what's go on there. a couple of videos tips on what
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to do what not to do when trying to get your car out after all of the snow. for example, this one you know your car is covered in snow. next morning try to scrape it off. these guys went down to the local hardware store and picked up, you the drop cloth. in four five seconds. almost completely clean car. >> i -- i -- >> i know exactly. >> every car should have that. the crazy part of the debate costs almost nothing. a bit of plastic. if you're watching that's what you do. this is what you don't do. we've seen many of these videos where people's cars have the ice on outside. of course people putting them down, stuff like that. >> [ bleep ]! >> really. >> he didn't see that coming. >> apparently not. he gives it a poke. 95% of the its ends up inside the car. >> i like the reaction. >> the last thing you need now.
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>> [ bleep ]! >> i think i have officially found an internet soul mate. >> folks. >> that's jim bow from the how-to redneck channel. today, how to redneck up your sink. >> hook you guys up. >> the children can't reach the sink to wash their hands, brush their teeth on their own. he's trying to figure out a way to fix that problem of. >> pvc. you have something like that it's kind of rough. that's going to slide over your stick. >> there you go. rubber band the cut pvc pipe around the faucet. >> how do you turn it on? the handle's still pretty short. >> the next piece of pvc pipe. watch this. >> slide this on the top of the handle. >> see, what they do turn the water right on and it comes out closer to them and now they can brush their teeth. >> how are they going to spit out the toothpaste? >> if you don't have pvc pipe he shows us a styrofoam cup will
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work as well. >> a stool, america. a stool or box, anything really. >> you're not sold on the how-to redneck channel. another video. jim bow back with another how-to. how to redneck your popcorn. >> i've got -- >> puts your popcorn in the bottom of the fast food bag, throw in the microwave, 3:33. >> the way to redneck popcorn, use a microwave. >> yep. >> that's not rednecking. >> in a fast-food paper bag. >> you think it works? >> that's how you make popcorn. >> we tried it. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> our fabulous producer keers stin got a fast food bag and popcorn kernels. see if it does work. >> butter sea salt. this is really good. >> that is awesome. >> what do you think? >> a slack line adventure high above a spectacular california
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gorge next "right this minute." and still to come -- this toy seems pretty tempting. >> the cat seems like it's about to jump right. >> see why someone else is ready to bounce first. >> oh! >> hey. >> the thursday buzzword you'll need if you want a chance to winan ipad mini. y wi wink nkler. and i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k know the facts. ththerere e arare e cucurrrrently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirements to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-free money from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone.e. the remaining money can be used for anything. ththerere'e's s nono m mononthly mortgage payments. anand d yoyou u ststilill l own your home! cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. itit e expxplalainins s hohow a government-insured reverse mortgage works. ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligation. onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgage is a quicken loans
9:17 am
company. ththeieir r lilicecensnseded experts can answer all your questions. cacallll t to o fifindnd o out what a great solution this can be. dodon'n't t wawaitit, , cacall now!
9:18 am
>> closed captioning provided by -- gogoldld b bonond d rorougugh h && bubumpy skin therapy. used daily, it exfoliaiatetes,s, smoothes, softens. rereduduceces s bubumpmps s 7272 p perercecentnt.. gogoldld b bonond.d. ultimatete l lototioion.n. ulultitimamatete s skikin.n. hohow w fafastst a arere n newew a allllegra® gelcaps? we're going ouout t inin a an n hohour... fafastst.. alallelegrgraa® r relelieieves your worst alallelergrgy y sysympmptotomsms two times fasterer t thahan n claritin®. nenew w alallelegrgraa® g gelelcacapsps..... nonot t jujustst f fasast,t, a allllegegrara® fast. - - yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awaway. yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awawayay.. female annnnououncncerer:: you could try home remedies toto r rememovove e yoyourur w warartsts bubut t wawartrtststicick k woworkrks.s. bubuy y atat d drurugsgstotoreress or ususe e ononlyly a as s didirerectcteded..
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oh the unexpected lives of animals. first in this juken video, the cat seems like it's about to jump right and then -- >> hey! i didn't see it coming. >> no. neither did the cat. >> brilliant. finally, finally one for the dog. >> there's like what just happened? the second video, we learned that alpacas don't like car rides. >> what? >> it's like she's got an alpaca hat. >> do you think you're helping me? >> why -- >> i don't know. >> why is there an alpaca in her car? where do they go that they need an alpaca? >> i don't know why this alpaca's in the car. >> what do you think in? look that way.
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>> there's another one back there! >> there are two alpacas in a minivan! ♪ >> this story of icarus never told like this. a cirque du soleil show athletes combined with performers to create this incredible and amazing and beautiful stage show. in my opinion, no better way to see this mythological story. >> oh! hey! cool. >> check it out! >> yeah. >> these guys are so amazing. >> we wanted to invite all of you guys since you're the ones showing us all of the crazy videos we want to invite you, touring the u.s. right now.
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show you some of the crazy things we do. >> wait wait. >> right now. we're going to get up and go down to their stage. >> no way! >> and do what they do. >> don't be afraid. >> nice girls. >> i wanted to do the minimum. >> i'm impressed. >> go go, go. >> one. >> all right! all right. >> that's great. >> really? come on now. >> you can try. >> oh my gosh. no way. >> i can do this. watch. >> isn't it?
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♪ >> i don't -- >> seems like an elevator. you'll be fine. >> i don't like elevators, either. >> hello. >> hello. >> this is actually really cool. ♪ there we go. this is good. >> look up. >> no! >> oh my god this is high. oh my god, oh my god, this is high! >> how did we do? >> you guys did great. a for effort. the basic physical tests, the bare minimums are things that we all have to pass. of course the more specific things to our acts and numbers we've all been doing for ten or more years. you're not going to pick that up on the first day. >> cirque du soleil currently touring the country. if you want to see it go to
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cirque du soleil. >> all right, everybody, pay attention, because we are giving away another ipad mini. >> enter, all you need is the buzzword to be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to, click on ipad button. enter on facebook twitter or both every single day. >> thursday's buzzword. ready? >> i am indeed. >> it is benefit. >> benefit. head over to, click on the win ipad button enter the buzzword, benefit. >> and i'm going to give you a hint tomorrow is going to be bonus giveaway day. you definitely want to watch. two winners, one a flat screen tv the other an ipad mini. good luck, everybody. he's gathered the family to reveal a big surprise. >> looks like he's about to pull nerf guns or footballs or something. >> see why that's definitely not it. >> what? i i hahaveve t thehe f flulu w witith h a a runny nose. [coughs] bebetttterer t takake e sosomemeththing. therafaflulu s seveverere e cocoldld
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w won't treat your runny nose. rerealallyly?? alalkaka-s-seleltztzerer s seveverere e cold and flu relieves your worst flu symptoms plplusus r rununnyny n nosose.e. [b[brereatath h ofof r relelieief]f] oh, what a relief it is. mommy! ththisis l litittltle e pipiecece e ofof hershey's chocolate... isis c calalleled d a a pipip!p! itit''s s ththe e waway y wewe a allll s start anand d enend d a a hehersrshehey'y's s babar.r. pipip p byby d delelicicioiousus p pipip.. hehersrshehey'y's s isis m minine,e, yours, our chocolate. ♪ wawaititining g ququieietltly, the key to everything. a a mamagigic c foformrmulula a ofof p protein and grain, ♪ t thehe s sunun'l'll l cocomeme o out tomorrow.... ♪ totomomorrrrowow i is s yoyoururs s toto claim. ♪the sun'll come out, tomorrow.... ♪ kekellllogogg'g's.s. s seeee y youou at breakfast™. jajackck's's h heaeartrt a attttacack k dididn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen toto h helelp p rereduducece t thehe risk of another one. ifif y youou'v've e hahad d a a heheart attack bebe s surure e toto t talalk k toto your doctor befoforere y youour r bebegigin n anan aspirin regimen.
9:25 am
have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 areaes? no what is it? starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number you'll need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and i'm calling a 415 number?
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you'll still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! >> go on long enoh f the person to realize, this is going to be funny. i need this camera. >> embarrassing.
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over the weekend a romantic weekend, a lot of people got engaged, facebook posts are any indication. but this one, i think, price also because the person who posted the video is the daughter. the daughter of the bride-to-be. >> we've been together a long time. and i love you so much. >> that man right there is paul. paul wants to be engaged to this woman, donna. so he asks his future stepdaughter hey, could you edit a video of me proposing. >> looks like he's about to pull out nerf guns or footballs or something. >> amazing woman you are. i love you so much. >> he's like you're an amazing woman, every day i find out how wonderful you are. they start holding hands. starts kissing the hand. >> in front of the kids a family thing. so he has a ring and she realizes -- what?
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>> are you crazy! >> he has to be reminded to stand up by her daughter and then he proposes. i like this couple. >> it's sweet, at home i love you, here's a ring let's make this official lady. >> involving the kids is a great way of bringing them in as well. >> yeah. the good thing is nobody was screaming from the room no! >> they say love's better the second time around. that's our show. thanks for joining us. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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it's one big party in the street in brazil. >> lots of slow-moving cars. >> how rushing to join the fun put one guy in the hospital. >> oh! >> guys i helped about four people now. using my shovel. >> that guy's out in miserable weather because he knows -- >> there are people who don't heed the warnings. >> the story of the snow angel who's warming hearts. alaska bush people follow a family with seven kids. >> and raised in the wiy' in on the season finale and how the crew survives b


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