tv Right This Minute FOX February 19, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PST
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it's one big party in the street in brazil. >> lots of slow-moving cars. >> how rushing to join the fun put one guy in the hospital. >> oh! >> guys i helped about four people now. using my shovel. >> that guy's out in miserable weather because he knows -- >> there are people who don't heed the warnings. >> the story of the snow angel who's warming hearts. alaska bush people follow a family with seven kids. >> and raised in the wiy' in on the season finale and how the crew survives behind the scenes.
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>> we get a kick out of it. they're falling in creeks chased by bears. got to feel sorry for them. >> the buzzword for your shot to win a new ipad mini. a pizza challenge with hot pepper spray. and a mom who knows how to handle a minivan. tourist video of carnival in sao paulo going viral around the world. kids just hanging out, listening to music, samba dancing, everybody having good time. the reason this is getting attention, this moment when the 21-year-old starts crossing over to have fun with everybody there when suddenly -- >> oh my gosh. >> oh that looked almost intentional. that person didn't even slow down. >> this person obviously going very quickly. now the video continues. this is why as well it's getting a lot of attention. you can see him on the road family and friends quickly run
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out. the car accelerates away and keeps going. a hit-and-run which police are investigating. he cracked his head three ribs and a pelvis and has a crushed leg bone kidney damage and a perforated bowel. >> oh my gosh 21 years old. >> so lucky to have survived. as you have another video, this one comes from canada which goes to show how quickly things can go wrong when in icy, snowy conditions. here with the vehicle, the dash cam, you look ahead a brake light from the red suv. taps his brakes and that's all it takes for him to get loose, back end comes around whips around the other way, full-on slide around. >> and the piece de resistance. >> oh -- >> man. hits the light pole. >> the response. >> that's okay that's okay. >> posted photos here.
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you can see the aftermath. no massive damage. they rode they rodeight across the street from the police. they're okay. >> the most important part of pair araraglideing is landing. no proeken broken limbs. a tandem paragliding flight. >> green grass, the most ideal landing site in the world. >> wide open too. >> things don't turn out so well. they make a turn to the right. >> there. >> nick i don't think they can see you. >> perfect. >> not perfect. >> we got details from the guys who posted this video. he suffered a broken wrist because the teacher stood on it to break their fall. don't know whose error it was
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but the landing -- >> in the blizzard-string parts of couldn't interest you hear people say, stay off the roads, no need to be out there. but you're quite happy when some people look this guy, go out on the road. >> people are stuck everywhere. >> he's out there to help people. >> go, go, go! >> because he knows there are people out there who don't heed the warnings to stay off the roads. he's just a good samaritan. >> someone else is stuck right back there. >> looks kind of cool. it's going out, helping people. >> another guy's stuck we're going to go help. >> for hours out there driving around anytime he seeing somebody struggling sets up the camera on the truck, gets out, starts digging with a shovel or starts pushing. he's not the only one, of course. there are people that know we're all in this together. let's help each other out. >> you know sometimes all it
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takes is one person to jump in everybody else is like maybe i should do that too. >> go, go, go. >> oh no no! >> this video that he posted 15 minutes long time after time he's pushing people out. he does have a winch. most cases he doesn't need the winch, he's got muscle strength. towards the end comes across a bmw completely stranded. another guy out there with his jeep they did have to use the winch, and in fact bmw's so heavy, roads so slick, they had to tie both jeeps together just to be an anchor for this bmw so they could pull it out. >> all right. there we go. >> it's also good karma. >> exactly. >> with a "c." >> all right, everybody. we are about to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter, need thursday's buzzword to be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> thursday buzzword is coming
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up in a little bit. >> get ready, everybody. the "right this minute" ipad mini giveaway is coming right up. will there are thieves among us by thieves i mean monkeys. by us i mean the people in thailand. >> that's a sweet moment. >> it is a sweet moment. that guy with the ripped arms holding the water bottle for this little monkey that is usc fighter mike "quick" swift. >> explains the arms. >> done explain what the monkey's about to do. if the monkey knew monkey would not do. >> whoa! >> beast mode. takedown. >> he's like i'm ready. >> they did call this a gangster monkey. >> done matter if you're a trained usc fighter you do not go toe to toe with the beast. >> you know what else is really cool? videos from the kruger national park in south africa.
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african wild dogs are endangered. one of the places where they live. a whole pack walking down the street beside the van. watch this moment. you see this one? hears click of the camera sees the car. watch what he does. he sees his reflection done realize what's going on. who's this new member of the pack that i don't recognize. >> a good looking fella. >> checking himself out, trying to figure out how to get to the strange looking dog. looking at his buddies like dude you know this g this now. >> the rest of the pack is like oh, poor joe. >> dude's got a plan of attack behind bars. he does start punching his own face. >> find out why his plan backfired. >> and she nearly has a heart attack.
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the enormous birthday surprise that has her in tears. >> were you surprised? okokayay l ladadieies,s, w wheheneneveverr you're ready. i got this. nono, , i'i'llll g getet i it!t! let meme g getet i it.t. ah uh, i i dodon'n't t wawantnt y youou t to o pay for this. it's not happening, , hohoney. lelet t heher r geget t itit.. shshe e gogot t heher r sasafefe d dririving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. whwhatat a aboboutut a a t tipip?? heherere's's o onene.....g.getet a ann allstate agent. ninicece!! swswititchch t tododayay a andnd g getet two safe driving bonus checks a yeyearar f foror d dririvivingng s safafely. ononlyly f frorom m alallslstatatete.. cacallll 8 86666-7-78888-0-090900 0 nonow. hoholdld o on n maman,n, i is s ththatat a leak up there? ththatat's's a a d dririp.p. nonow w ththatat's's a a l leaeak.k. ththatat i is s a a leleakak!! anand d ifif y youou d donon't't h havave allstate renters insurance... game over. protect your valuableses from things like water damage fofor r asas l lowow a as s $4$4 a a m month when you adadd d rerentnterer's's i insnsururanance to your allstate auto policy. cacallll 8 86666-7-78888-0-090900 0 nonow.w. anand,d, i if f yoyou'u'rere a a s safafe driver you can save up to 45%! jujustst a a f fewew m morore e wawaysys, allstate is changing
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cacar r ininsusurarancnce e fofor r gogood. cacallll a an n alallslstatatete a agegent and get a quote now. doug, we have the results, but first, we have a very special guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what?
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the woman pretends that there's something wrong with her shoe as she's fixing it there, holding the door open an employee runs in he can't get into the store as she's blocking the way. as he's at the door not being let in he's pushed into the store by two other men, and then the very brazen robbery. to give you an idea just one of the items that they took was worth more than $34,000. and that was just one of the items. fortunately nobody was injured in this in incident. this other incident happened in oregon. this man in this holding cell 33-year-old robin, held on charges of stalking and first degree sexual assault but later accused detectives of assaulting him. this video captures the incident. tell me what you think happened. >> he's going to start banging his head against the walls. >> he does start punching his own face trying to make it seem
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like he actually had been assaulted by officers. of course once video reviewed they figure out what had happened and they're like yeah no. they could charge him with attempted coercion which added 20 days to his original sentence and a $500 fine. and also initiating a false report which added another 20 days to the sentence and $100 fine. funny thing about that is he said that he did that to try to get out sooner. >> oh, the irony. at it again, this time eating a single piece of pizza. i think it's the special sauce that really makes the challenge. >> this pizza's going to have pepper spray on it. >> why? >> well that's because -- because this is their chosen path in life. >> no idea. >> he gets the pizza and sprays it generously. >> all i wanted was a -- all i
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wanted was a little bit of hot pepper on my pizza. >> isn't this just also going to have a awful chemically taste as well? it's not like it just hot pepper. >> i can imagine it's not very good for you in many ways. >> i don't know if you'd taste the chemical over all of the heat. there's so much heat. >> he's already gotten further than i expected. >> he's going to be puking this up. no way his stomach's going to hold this in. >> let's check in on him and see if his stomach is holding it in. >> like a [ bleep ]. >> it does stay down. as far as we know it stays down. wait he's not. >> >> he's going to need colorectal surgery. >> a nasty trip to the bathroom
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tomorrow morning. >> a message in the puzzle on the table but the little guy's having trouble figuring it out. >> tell me. >> really cute way of doing it as well. probably better if the child can read. >> see what the puzzle reveals, next. and we're just a few minutes away from another ipad mini winner. hang with us for today's buzzword on "right this minute." hihi. . i'i'm m hehenrnry y wiwinknkler. and i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k know the facts. ththerere e arare e cucurrrrently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirements to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-free money from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone.e. the remaining money can be used for anything. ththerere'e's s nono m mononthly mortgage payments. anand d yoyou u ststilill l own your home! cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. itit e expxplalainins s hohow a government-insured reverse mortgage works. ththerere'e's
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>> closed captioning provided by -- gogoldld b bonond d rorougugh h && bubumpy skin therapy. used daily, it exfoliaiatetes,s, smoothes, softens. rereduduceces s bubumpmps s 7272 p perercecentnt.. gogoldld b bonond.d. ultimatete l lototioion.n. ulultitimamatete s skikin.n. hohow w fafastst a arere n newew a allllegra® gelcaps? we're going ouout t inin a an n hohour... fafastst.. alallelegrgraa® r relelieieves your worst alallelergrgy y sysympmptotomsms two times fasterer t thahan n claritin®. nenew w alallelegrgraa® g gelelcacapsps..... nonot t jujustst f fasast,t, a allllegegrara® fast. - - yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awaway. yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awawayay.. female annnnououncncerer:: you could try home remedies toto r rememovove e yoyourur w warartsts bubut t wawartrtststicick k woworkrks.s. bubuy y atat d drurugsgstotoreress or ususe e ononlyly a as s didirerectcteded..
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here's a show currently in its second season on discovery. focuses on a family that a lot of people are calling the modern day waltons. >> be careful. >> i watch this show. it's cool. >> this show "alaskan bush people" follows the brown family. husband and wife they have seven children all born and raised in the wild. >> with billy and amny done and the four oldest boys on raft building duty the rest of the brown siblings had to take on tasks they're not accustomed to. >> the show follows them through tasks, survival all the while staying close as a family. >> my dad's gotten sick again. when he starts getting like disco herein or slow in thinking i think it shows his brain's fighting for it and that's what's worrying.
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especially where we are, nothing we can do. >> they can go six to nine months without seeing outsiders. >> they have teenagers. how many do they handle the seclusion? >> they have fully grown children children up into their 30s. the season 2 finale about to air on friday february 20th, at 10:00 p.m. on discovery. find out what we can expect and what this process is like we have members of the brown family via skype "right this minute." welcome to the show. this is a new thing for you guys to be via skrip with usype with us. >> we just learned what it was. they said you're skyping. >> how did it become a tv show. >> my number two kid put up a website for children stories and they started finding out more about us and approached us. >> how did they shoot the show when you are out in the woods?
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where does the crew sit? where do they eat and sleep? >> they're out when the sun's coming up and when the sun goes down they take off. we get a kick out of it. they fall in creeks. they should have a show. chased by bears. got to feel sorry for them. >> what is it about the bush that feeds your soul so much? >> one word -- freedom. freedom, independence to be what wlavr you ever to be, dependent on yourself. >> undescribable. >> it's hard to explain. >> how do you not go crazy with each other. >> i think they call that a family. >> we all like to do the same things. >> it's pretty good, a group of people family or not, that has the same dream, you know? >> i have two very cool surprises recorded on video. this first one is in ireland. this beautiful lady is celebrating her 60th birthday on this day. >> looks great. >> sits at the table.
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a computer there. that is because her sons jay and paul live in canada have sent her a happy bethirthday video. >> happy birthday! yeah! >> so in the video they actually tell her, mom, there's a gift in the backyard for you that we sent you. look who's in the box. they're the package? >> they are in the package. >> oh my gosh. >> probably best to open it from the bottom. >> surprise! >> they nearly give her a heart attack. that's the best reaction ever becae immediately goes into oh my gosh the happiest moment in my life. all in a split second. >> starts hugging both of them. >> you know look at the size of them tower over their mom. now grown up her little kids. >> this video is a pregnancy announcement. this precious little boy put together the puzzle.
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notice there's a piece missing, very last piece. he goes to ask gramps who doesn't know this is happening. >> oh. good move. >> yes. sweet idea. >> right? >> so obviously, grandpa figures it out very quick. here comes grant pla to read what's on the puzzle. >> going to be a big brother. >> he wants to finish the puzzle. he done quite get it. >> really cute way of doing it. >> what else would be great if they finished the puzzle. just put the piece in. >> what's the matter? >> i want grandpa to tell me. >> pay attention. we are giving away another ipad mini. >> to enter, all you need is the buzzword you node to be at least 18 and a legal u.s. resident. >> then head over to, click on the win ipad mini button. enter on facebook twitter
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or both do it on each every single day. >> time to reveal thursday's buzzword. benefit. >> head over to, click on the win ipad button enter today's buzzword benefit, b-e-n-e-f-i-t. >> and i'm going to give you a hint. tomorrow is going to be bonus giveaway day. you definitely want to watch. two winners, a flat screen tv the other, an ipad mini. good luck, everybody. mom's burning up the tires and tearing it up in the minivan. >> surprised you didn't ask me my gosh the kids are they safe okay? this is terrible. >> see what's behind the mom crazy driving on "right this minute." i i hahaveve t thehe f flulu w witith h a a runny nose. [coughs] bebetttterer t takake e sosomemeththing. therafaflulu s seveverere e cocoldld w won't treat your runny nose. rerealallyly?? alalkaka-s-seleltztzerer s seveverere e cold and flu relieves your worst flu symptoms plplusus r rununnyny n nosose.e. [b[brereatath h ofof r relelieief]f] oh, what a relief it is. mommy! hehey!y! ththisis l litittltle e pipiecece e ofof hershey's chocolate...
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isis c calalleled d a a pipip!p! itit''s s ththe e waway y wewe a allll s start anand d enend d a a hehersrshehey'y's s babar.r. pipip p byby d delelicicioiousus p pipip.. hehersrshehey'y's s isis m minine,e, yours, our chocolate. ♪ wawaititining g ququieietltly, the key to everything. a a mamagigic c foformrmulula a ofof p protein and grain, ♪ t thehe s sunun'l'll l cocomeme o out tomorrow.... ♪ totomomorrrrowow i is s yoyoururs s toto claim. ♪the sun'll come out, tomorrow.... ♪ kekellllogogg'g's.s. s seeee y youou at breakfast™. jajackck's's h heaeartrt a attttacack k dididn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen toto h helelp p rereduducece t thehe risk of another one. ifif y youou'v've e hahad d a a heheart attack bebe s surure e toto t talalk k toto your doctor befoforere y youour r bebegigin n anan aspirin regimen.
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have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes? no what is it? starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number you'll need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and i'm calling a 415 number? you'll still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out!
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>> embarrassing. picked up at school in that mom van, the minivan. unless your mom drives like this -- >> 550 horsepower underneath the grocery getter hood. all through the bourbon streets she bows. this is playing on the gymkana series. millions of hits. mom's got her hand brake, too. kids in the back. >> that's impressive. think of the minivan's top heavy. you think it wouldn't skid like this. >> a minivan built to avoid
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these moves. this thing heavily modified. >> that is shawna duggins, stunt driver professional and longtime stunt driver handling the toyota minivan. >> did their heads? >> they were fine. >> they were fine because the kids never really went through any kind of speed. here's behind the scenes of how they shot the scenes. >> sweet kids. great kids. >> they had fog machines and everything. >> dollies underneath the tires. >> good for them keeping kids safe. >> advertising tires, her shoes? what did they make this for. >> look at the van. you'll see the logo for famous footwear. at end that's where mom's going, trying to get the kids new shoes. >> in a hurry to get there. >> that's our show.
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thanks for joining us. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." i bring the gift of the name your price tool to help you find a price that fits your budget. uh-oh. the name your price tool. she's not to be trusted. kill her. flo: it will save you money! the name your price tool isn't witchcraft! and i didn't turn your daughter into a rooster. she just looks like that. burn the witch! the name your price tool a dangerously progressive idea.
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