tv Right This Minute FOX March 4, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PST
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a flyer is skimming the trees but flying too low. the moment the truth hits him hard. firefighters in new jersey pull a deer from a frozen river. >> but the story doesn't end with just them rescuing this deer. >> how they saved a doe's life twice. panic when a cable car catches fire. >> somebody standing up on top of the tower. >> the death-defying rescue that got him out. plus giving yourself a fatly. . >> and getting a belly piercing.
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>> why wouldn't someone faint? >> why it's not who you're thinking. >> oh! time for a beautiful day of speed flying in nepal. >> love these. >> olaf here doing it for two years. he's kind of a pro. watch olaf go. skimming the tree tops. we'll watch him split the trees here as he flies down. you can hear the wind brushing by the camera splitting trees again. feel like he's brushing his bottom against the trees. >> that's part of the excitement the fun, right? get your adrenaline rolling. >> all about being in close proximity to that. we're about to see things go a bit wrong. olaf flying too low. his buddies say that made olaf lose control. >> uh-oh!
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>> it looks painful. you see him hit the trees. watch from his buddy's angle. >> oh yeah. >> crashed into the jungle. his friends don't quite know where he landed. >> according to olaf he was unconscious five minutes, came to but locals here in the village in this area helped him get out of the trees while his friends are frantically trying to find him. he had some minor injuries cuts and bruises, minor concussion but was able to walk away. >> did they kick him out of the group? >> no they did not kick him out of the group. this happened in 2013. they just posted the video because they wanted it to serve as a warpingning learning tool. >> they wanted him to fly low but you can see how low. they were low, but way above him. >> you guys are look at two two deer stuck in the river off of red bank new jersey. the fire department was called
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because people wanted to get them saved. i have to say one of the deer didn't make it but the firefighters thought, we're not giving up. we are going to rescue that second deer. that deer has been in there a soled hour. >> what? >> treading water? >> here you have two firefighters in this boat. there you could see them breaking through the ice with the paddle. they have a lasso kind of thing they put around the deer's neck. once they get to it they pull it with him as they get back to shore. two of them lay on their stomach, pick her out of the water. the second deputy chief defazio took her to a veterinary clinic. they said the clinic was full we'll probably have to euthanize her. the firefighters said not going to happen we'll save it ourselves. they put it in the ambulance with the mayor's permission, and somebody at the vet hospital said by the apartment complex, there's a green area where we seen some deer they had a
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volunteer collect on it and when one firefighter got off at 3:00 a.m. still worried about the deer checked on it to give it another blanket and the deer got spooked and ran away. think she's going to be okay. >> firefighters man. >> a scary and tense moment for everybody involved in the incident caught in the video. that is a cable car in flames. >> where is this in. >> this is actually in jericho, the city in the middle east. a popular tourist destination. this in fact is a cable car system that is used by tourists to get a view of the panorama around the banana fields. a photographer in one of the cabins had a firework and ended catching the whole thing on fire. reports say there were two pele iid>>e i this thing?
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>> whereth are they now? someone standing up? >> possible someone in the cabin. emergency workers immediately sprung into action. a photograph of them pulling someone, look at this. >> yikes! >> oh my gosh. >> no way. >> my gosh. >> intense. there's another video that shows firefighters working hard to put the fire out. in fact you can actually see what's left of the cabin. it's just a charred shell. >> a melted mess. what a nightmare in this enclosed space, hanging many feet above the ground. >> how lucky were they in that they close enough to one of the towers to get out to effect a rescue and how quick were toe respond? you saw the guy with harness and ropes up there already. >> they responded incredibly fast. and everybody made it out alive. >> everyone survived.
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>> there are iconic moments in history. they happen and they just burn into your psyche. remember where you were, you remember who you with you never forget it. guys it's about to happen to you. this the moment you heard about magic. >> today i'm feeling super, super lazy a new service for lazy asses like myself imaginic. >> your 24/7 go-to guy for anything. >> send off a text message and a real human will field your request, have it delivered to you. >> as long as it's legal. >> i contacted my friends at wired and asked if we could have petty cash to blow on stress testing imaginic. >> love this! >> give me $500. let's see what we can do. i'd two meatball sandwiches. order's on the way in 45 minutes. >> not impressed. >> see how far he pushes it. >> wants some beer? a couple bottles.
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you can get them brewed in 45 minutes, total should be$17. >> wow. >> how it's going? >> thank you much. yeah. >> i would feel like i was inconveniencing these people. >> i'd feel guilty. >> no, they're getting paid for it. have at it. have fun. enjoy. that's the point. >> i feel like this is going pretty well. >> amazing. this would be like having a personal assist sint antant. >> i'd like a joint made of high cbd medicinal cannabis and i have my medical marijuana prescription. >> we'll check on the cannabis too. >> i bet it would be fun to be a magician running around. >> yes. that will work. >> picking. all of this stuff. that would be a fun job. >> everything's turning up. there's the mask hoodie toothbrush. >> order's confirmed enjoy your
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cannabis. >> $500 one day, i need some magic in my life. >> we've spep allnt all of the petty cash allotted. >> if you wish to be one of the 30,000 on the list or text to that number right there, hopefully some magic will happen for you. >> big trucks are ramping it up in this race. >> having a great time. coming up to the fen, lean. >> see now one finishes with a flourish into he wants to take a funny photo but his sister has other plans. >> tell me when. >> she's taking a video. >> the prank that's picture perfect. >> no. dodoining g ththisis a allll d dayay, , my feet and legs got really tired. so i got dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles. ththeyey a absbsororb b ththe e shshocock k of working on my feet all day. i i fefeelel e enenergrgizizeded!! i i'm'm a a b belelieievever.r.
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drdr. . scschohollll's's m masassasagiging gel work insoles. i'm a believer! ♪ flflavavoror f feeeedsds t thehe soul. itit's's t thehe b beaeat t yoyou u momoveve to, ththe e trtracack k yoyou u dodon'n't t wawant to end. ththatat's's w whyhy t thehesese a allll-n-new special k snack bars arare e fufullll o of f ththe e gogoodod s stuff like golden oats, dadarkrk c chohococolalatyty c chuhunknks s and salty pretzels. eaeachch f foror 1 10000 f feeeel-l-gogoodod calories. ♪ bebecacaususe e yoyou u shshououldld g givive life all the flavor you've got. spspececiaial l k k snsnacacksks. . bebe f flavorful.
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bangers, it's amateur racing you destroy the car. this is mike's spectacular bainer debut, car number 328. it's spectacular all right. get together a cheap car, stick a roll cage in there, go racing and have a good time. this is mike having a good time buddies in the audience. there's the green flag. go mike go. going to be amazing. i can see you're going to be epic. race is over. everyone ends up crashing into him. the red flag comes out. he's done. you see him limping away because he's smashed the front wheel. banger racing, i kind of want do it. >> what did mike make it? 100 feet. >> put the tire back on next week try again from from the uk to adelaide. australia, one big state of texas. they love big trucks. they love big explosions. these guys are racing trucks but
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ramped it up. they've got ramp. almost like trucks having a great time. coming up to the finish line. watch the third truck. he rolls over the finish line. but look wait wait back on the wheels. and keeps going. >> wow. >> recovery. >> finishing with a flourish. >> absolutely. >> really cool. >> right? this is a sister pranking a brother in this juken video. he wants a nice photo with a statue making a funny face but she is telling him that she's not quite getting the photo. >> tell me when. >> you've got to get it straightaway. >> okay. >> ready? >> tell me when. tell me when. >> obviously when my tongue's out. >> yell. >> you must have figured it out
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what you're sister's doing. >> it's a simple prank that's so darn funny. >> are you recording? >> this next prank video, this is sillylvester. the spider dog. >> priceless. >> dressed his dog up as a spider scaring people half to death. this prank, he dressed up as an older gentleman doing different things around poland. however, this moment that caught the attention of some people. >> that's bold. in america, this is called bad grandpa, johnny knoxville. >> in poland this does not go over well. grandpa running away with pants around the ankles you see the security guard follow hem and later carry him back away has him in custody. get this this video landed him in jail. >> whoa. >> just got sentenced to one month behind bars for indecent exposure. but according to him, he had on
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skin colored shorts but still got the sentence anyway. >> that's strict. >> poland. >> run around in little european-cut bathing suits. >> this video posted a year ago in march 2014. >> that is pretty funny, though. >> double teamed in a paint ball duel. >> they're getting him good. >> i'm calling fake. see why, next "right this minute >> still to come -- brave guys decide to make the climb up one high mountain. >> at night in the dead of winter. >> see why their long cold trek has a spectacular ending. plus -- ♪ >> his song about what we learn in school has gone so viral that -- >> students schools, teachers have noticed daves video. he's got an update. >> find out how his words are inspiring major change.
9:16 am
>> this is a starting point. hihi. . i'i'm m hehenrnry y wiwinknkleler. and i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortrtgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k knonow the facts. ththerere e arare e cucurrrrenently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirirements to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-x-free money from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoneney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone.e. the remaining money can be used for anything. ththerere'e's s nono m mononththly mortgage payments. anand d yoyou u ststilill l owown your home! cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. itit e expxplalainins s hohoww a government-insured reverse mortgage works. ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligigation. onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgagage is a quicken loans company. ththeieir r lilicecensnseded e experts can answer all your questions. cacallll t to o fifindnd o outut what a great solution this can be. dodon'n't t wawaitit, , cacallll now!
9:18 am
>> closed captioning provided by -- [ [ fefemamalele a annnnououncncer ] helping your kids get fewer cavities can take enthusiasm. or just act kids scooby-doo rinse. it tastes greaeat and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. soso i it't's s aallll good. aactct k kidids.s. like us on now, back to the show. >> two types of people. the kind of people that will sit at home surf the internet and look at other people doing it and people that will go out and do things.
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thises thisess guys of the return of the yak. climb up the tallest mountain in north africa also at night in the dead of winter. >> up to over 4,000 meters. everyone's ready to go. >> for you guys that is 13,000 feet up. >> wow, that's a lot. >> another 1,000 meters to go vertically. then we'll be prepared. a look at summit head up and start talking through the effort that they're going to have to go through and the preparation. >> we're heading up that way, we said like 2 1/2, 3 hours. we want to get to the summit see the sun right over the mountain. going to look spectacular. we'll wake up about 1:00ing 2:00 in the morning. >> the morning. >> around about 20 minus 20 degrees. >> that's minus 4 fahrenheit for you americans. >> we saw a helicopter sitting from here heading back down.
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there was only a guy that slipped off the mountain and broke both legs. lad to have two guys carry limb down from the peak to the refuge. >> to watch a sunrise. >> that's living man. >> wow, it's so cool. >> as the sun comes up the sky just does look beautiful bands of colors and you get a look. this is why you get up and go. >> wow. that's glorious. >> the best time by the way. put it there. feeling pretty positive. >> and they sled down from here ? >> you guys remember this song we brought to you about a month ago? david brown from boy in a band youtube channel ♪ i wasn't taught how to get a job but i remember dissecting a frog ♪ ♪ i wasn't taught how to pay tax
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tax♪ >> this has gone viral. more than a million hits. people passing it around. it's gotten lots of attention not only among youtube viewers but students schools, teachers have noticed dave's video. an update. >> one message stood out. this person's school listened don't stay in school is changing our school. many students shared it on facebook twitter e-mailed it to the head of the school. now having an assembly to discuss what we want to learn about and how the school can help that. >> wow. that is success. >> that was the whole idea behind this. he's passionate about it. >> dave wound up skyping with one of the students from the school that says they'll make changes because of dave's song. >> we've had assemblies and talked about it in forum and had proper discussions discussing what we want to sought out. >> a school started teaching more useful stuff. >> awesome.
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really wants to take this and run with it. >> i'm going to start making videos about the stuff we weren't taught in school things that i think are valuable and things you suggest are important. >> one said the gauntlet has been thrown down. a new syllabus needs to be created. >> no one else is creating everybody together to say what the syllabus will be. we'll do that on a live stream friday 6th of march, 8:00 gmt. >> anyone in the world can join the conversation and talk about education. >> going global. >> a ton to be excited about. >> go to the prime minister. he gets enough attention, traction, they'll listen to him. >> she's going for the plumped up lip look. only problem is -- >> it worked too well. >> the ep hancenhancement that failed has her freaking out.
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♪ oh you got it. good boy. you're so goofy. ♪ who can forget the day we tried these little guys. >> oh yeah. >> lip enlargers. >> to enhance our pouts, remember that? >> is it working? >> yeah. >> people are getting into this trend. this girl thought it would be a good idea to try it. >> look at me. >> this girl's using the candy lips lip enhancer. >> it worked. >> it worked too well.
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she didn't see it coming. she is in shock. >> looks like she was stung by bee. >> buzzfeed posted these photos of her after and herly. lips are super plump and look bruised. look at this. >> look guys be happy with what you've got. >> here's another unfortunate incident. this video's older but it's now trending. this girl is getting her belly pierced. she looks like she's in pain. >> feel terrible for saying this, but i got this done on my 21st birthday. >> still getting to know you, oli. >> yeah. >> so this girl's on the table, about to get her belly pierced. she looks like she's in agony. of course why wouldn't someone faint? but it's not the girl on the table. >> oh! >> oh no her friend who was there to offer moral support.
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>> holding her hand getting her through his pain. she falls. watch the girl's expression on the table. she's confused. >> in my moment of need i can't count on you. >> wrong person passed out. >> someone does rush in she came back to pretty quickly. >> you're okay. just sit. >> maybe it was her friend's way of distracting her other friend from the pain right. >> next time you go if for a body piercing, take someone that doesn't faint at the sight of blood. that's going to do it for us at "right this minute." thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time.
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it's an adventure bike built for on -- >> and off-roads. >> why he's got that part nailed. >> time to smash and stop. >> trick shot golf when the dude perfect guys team up with calloway. >> awesome long drive champ, jamie sadlowski. >> now the champ himself reveals his smash hit and his misses. what are you bad at? >> putting. >>
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