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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  March 24, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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a motorcyclist is headed toward another rider who -- >> just tried to beat the light. >> pizza delivery guy didn't make it on time. >> cameras show a diner backing away from his meal. >> the video rewinds where see why the manager could smell a rat. inside a water cam was easy. >> it wasn't easy to get his head out. >> why rescuing a changekangaroo isn't
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for the faint of heart. >> three idiots trying to move a couch. >> faces look familiar. >> we can form a human ladder. >> you're the third idiot. >> the third idiot. some accidents you just can't see coming. some you company let's start with ones you can't. green light, through the intersection. >> look out. that was a pizza delivery guy who got in the way of this other motorcyclist. the riders are that were riding with clearly has the green light, you can see it right there as soon as the car in front of him clears out of the way, this delivery man just tried to beat the light, got in wait of those cars and right in front of this motorcyclist. >> what was he thinking in i don't understand that maneuver through traffic. >> in europe a lot of pizza delivered on the scooters and you don't need to get your license a lot of times young kids doing this.
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>> how is the pizza? >> don't know about the pizza the ride wurz injured but not seriously. you can see this next accident coming a mile away. huge truck called overtime. bouncing up this rocky ridge. trying trying trying over and over. doesn't quite seem to get to the top. in fact he lands on his top and goes sliding down. right here you can see his helmet is trapped in the roll cage and there's fire. >> oh! >> you might want to rethink that roll cage. it should not be large enough to fit a human head through. >> i have a feeling they may be welding another piece of met until there to prevent that from happening. back on valentine's day, christopher baker went to the
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bistro and order himself a meal for one. his day took a ton for the worst when this happened. a rat loose unhis table. he's like i'm not eating here i demand all of my money back. but the video rewinds. check it out again. >> did he release the rat? >> you can see him right there, as he reaches into his pocket and he pulls out the pet rat that he bought just moments before for his daughter but decided to stop for lunch and figured he'd try to get himself without paying for said lunch by releasing the rat and claiming it was theirs. >> that's why he was celebrating valentine's day alone. >> there you go. >> how awful. how awful this guy would attempt this. >> i would love to know how much the met rat cost compared to his breakfast. >> he didn't get away with it. they caught what he was up to. he has been convicted, banned from the restaurant for a year only a year. but he did get 12-month community order, had to pay $90 u.s. victim surcharge and
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compensation $10 in compensation as well. this coming to us from liverpool. police are looking for a vandal. a vandal who has been going around keying cars. we see our perpetrator. a small 4-year-old perpetrator. >> you little punk. >> police are looking for a very short person to give him a bit of a stern talking to, maybe a time-out. this is 101 freeway. notice how slowly traffic is moving. >> looks like a typical california. >> looks what's causing the traffic jam. first you see one young person on a bicycle on the side of the road then you start seeing more and more and more people on bicycles. according to witnesses, they say up to 50 young people between the ages of 10 and 17. the poster of this video, scott, says this is later in the actual bike ride that originally he
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said the cyclists were all across the entire freeway. >> you've got to be kidding. this is just a stud stuntpid stunt by teenagers. >> not a stunt. calf highway patrol said they did intervene. they said it was a mistake, cyclists happened to go up an exit ramp and realized they were on part of the freeway where you're not supposed to be on a bicycle. chp helped them get off the highway at the exit ramp. >> some are confuse, even to a driver in a car. i actually can see how this is a legit possibility. >> and according to california highway patrol these young people will not be cited. the next video looks like traffic cam footage from an intersection in russia. pay close attention to this guy on the bicycle. speeding through that intersection watch what happens. >> looking down the whole time? >> no other vehicles on the road. >> like an elderly couple like
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grandson. >> right. the person that this biker did knock down was an older gentleman. the cyclist was a student who was speeding down this road but get this after an investigation, it seems as though the older gentleman will be the one charged in this incident because he wasn't obeying traffic laws. >> you can see the crosswalk sign that blue triangle there, about a half block away. found himself a tight squeeze. as you can see, ned kelly that is red male changekangaroo. this is in australia. that watering can had a bit of water and think ned kelly stuck his head down to get some water. but as you see from rob smith it wasn't easy for him to get his head out. >> is ned kelly famous kangaroo. >> outlaw from australia who did that dressed up in metal. >> okay. they named the changekangaroo after
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they saw him in the watering can. >> or a massive. >> coincident. >> water can with wat in the bottom ofit. yeah that's where it all went. >> isn't that sad in. >> finally able to wrestle this to the ground. look at this. they have him by the tail and the buck. and then we're able to get some into the water can. he was relieved once it came off of his head in as soon as he popped up i'm out of here. >> my smoke break, i heard a peeping from the bush and i found this little guy inside of a pvc pipe. >> this posted by patrick smith. he was on his break, found this bird in a pvc pipe. those are his parents. he's returning them to the fold. >> go back over to your mom and dad. >> he's sweat band as he run as way.
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>> cue inspirational musicen. ♪ >> wow that was like one of the coolest things that's ever happened to me. he thought he'd seen his friend alive for the last time. >> but then a little miracle happened the next day. >> see the uplifting story that keeps him going. ♪ >> wow. >> that is perfect. >> shows you the power of music. plus why why use its wings to fly when this guy can take it on a joy ride. >> who would do this? ♪ it's work♪
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[ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ]
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tim wallace has been fighting lymphoma for seven months and he's in west lake ohio. he left his friend it looked like this was the moment before he finally passed. but then a little miracle happened the next day. ♪ ♪ >> this guy in bed with the guitar singing well i might add, is tim wallace. you can see, there's an entire band there. they're singing the song "duncan brady," known as been on a job too long. has a bit of a sense of humor as well. ♪ >> so what happened was, when these guys came in they died to throw him an irish wake while
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still alive. they bought some whiskey, musical instruments and had a good time that day and the next day and the next day and the next day. in fact it's been going every single day. they're having a perpetual jam session every day to just celebrate his time. in fact, it was going to be the first time that he was 16 he hadn't played a sants patrick's day gig but made it happen. >> perfect. >> it shows you the power of music, the power that it has on the soul and on your mind your spirit and the power of friendship and love. ♪ >> what a great moment for his friends. otherwise, tim's sitting there, like is today the day? what a horrible, mental state to be in. to have your mind taken off of it like that. >> instead, it's their putic. >> big smile on his face. they're going to keep doing it make sure he goes out happy as he can be on his own terms surrounded by his friends and
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music. >> yeah. a fellow named dell richter's been busy posting videos to the "right this minute" facebook page. he has a facebook page called the buzz. he has created a nucleus, colony for the beed but they're leaving. >> why are they on the run? >> we talked with dell. 30 30,000 to 35,000 bees they were rescue bees. trying to get them used to their new home but they like to find their own home. he posted a second video. the bees are coming back to the same nuc. dale trapped the queen inside of that box, and all of the worker bees came back for her. it's like you losing queen elizabeth.
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>> now i get it! >> the next video's going to make you say, who would do this. >> she's on a roll today. >> i'm on a roll today. >> these guys driving in a car with an owl. according to the posters of the video, these guys found this owl. they picked up and said we need to take this fellow for a ride. >> is this the new parrot right? like i'll have an owl instead of a parrot. >> who cares? >> who knows? >> one of the great things about having the internet is a free flow of information. in fact we can basically know anything we want on the spot. but it also allows people to be very mean this put together by lulu glenn. people reviewing on yelp but on the video it's people reading reviews about themselves. >> clearly needs to get laid. stickup [ bleep ] may have blinded him but we are superhot
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and he talked to us like we were dudes and didn't offer us a round after we told him we didn't like his attitude. >> wow. >> talk about entitlement. >> no kidding. >> the manager is a [ bleep ] lunatic. i will never return. i cannot and will not support a business own anded operated by such a massive [ bleep ]. >> you know what? they must face it every day, you'll have someone that will try to drive you up the wall. >> order a dumb little redheaded bimbo angela nowhere to be found, oops. >> should have punched the much pet. >> i'm giving you a reason to [ bleep ] in the damn drink. >> these are mean. >> we're certain our waiter was stoned. >> you better hope these all aren't about the same
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restaurant. >> wow work at [ bleep ] in steinke jean shorts rockin' nothing but cottage cheese. >> man, that's cruel. >> i told her you must have gotten this job based on your looks when it comes to your brains you shame your parents. they're calling me pretty, right? >> she's got a great attitude. look for the compliment in there. she's only 2 but she has a tude bigger than her size. >> i'm not talking to you anymore. >> this is why they call her a diva in training. >> find out the word that gets this firecracker fired up. >> that's a bad word to me. >> don't say it. >> she won't talk to me then. and redneck moving hits home. this is worse than the moment. >> see what it takes to get the couch down and who the three dummies are. >> while testing the theory, gravity decided to take over. hihi. . i'i'm m hehenrnry y wiwinknkleler. and i know there are many myths out
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>> closed captioning provided by -- rere s statainins s hihidede?? swswititch to plus white. itits s ststaiain n rereacacheher r momouth tray delivers a more complete reach at a fractioion n ofof t thehe c cost. plplusus w whihitete:: ththe e stain reacher. plplaqaqueue i is s ththe e nunumbmberer onone problem i see. nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded w witithh plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, hehelplps s prprevevenent t plplaqaqueue a and gingivitis prprovovididining g a a shshieieldld
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o of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded.. it's no surprise that josie is a diva in training because of the goal her internet video has rocked. this video of her rendition of "old mcdonald" has had more than 6.5 million hits ♪ e-i-e-i-o♪ >> her most recent one, why they draining. >> i'm not talking to you anymore. i'm really upset. >> she's got a specific person she's not talking to, her aunt mim. >> why aren't you talking to aunt mimi. >> she's saying bad words sheep said poop. >> that's not a bad word. >> it's not funny mimi, i told you!
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when my mommy and daddy pick me up i'm going to tell them and i'm going to right away i'm going to go home take a rest and -- >> i know you want to talk to this little girl right? >> oh yeah. >> we have josie and her dad "right this minute" via skype. >> what do you say? >> thank you. >> do you realize how many people are watching your videos? >> yeah. >> i think we're all really shocked and surprised by her vocabulary and her speech skills. is it something you've taught her or is it just something that she seems to have been born with? >> she's a sponge. she grass. grasps everything playing the harmonica. >> dad, i've got a question for you. i saw how she was negotiate organize demanding there. is it always like that trying to
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take a bath reasoning it out. >> show has her diva moments when she needs a nap or hungry but she's full of love. she really is. we'll be talking to her and she'll stop and say, i love you so much and it just melts you the bef thing we could have asked for. >> can you tell me what you like about daddy? >> what do you like about plea? >> i don't know. >> are you being shy now? >> uh-huh. >> thank you so much josie. we appreciate you taking time to talk to us. >> peace suckers. >> did you say peace, suckers? >> three complete idiots trying to move a couch. they may seem slightly familiar. >> what's going on mike? >> we're trying to move a couch from upstairs to downstairs. >> how's it going? >> not well. >> there's the couch. >> oh my. >> oh no. >> of course as you are aware, some people at home mike our esteemed mike from our web team
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decided to go off and be amazing on the other side of the country. as a part of this he was trying to sell all of us his furniture, tvs, socks, whatever. britney was going to buy his sofa i said i have a pickup truck, i can help. >> you're the third idiot. >> i am the third idiot. this is where we're at so far. it's completely jammed. it doesn't matter which way we took it always ended up getting jammed. mike had a great idea. >> i saw this on an episode of "benny hill." going to toss the sofa over the railing? >> we got to the point, there's no other way to get it down let's throw it off. mike was like we put some of the pillows down there maybe it will soften the blow. turns out while we were testing the theory gravity decided to take over. >> [ bleep ]! >> i condition -- >> i got it. >> you got it.
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>> britney catches it ends up falling into the hedge. success. we did it winners wishnners, winners. >> two grown men dropped a coupe on a little blond's head. >> britney saved the day and that's it. >> yes! >> that's not a happy camper in the white suv. >> what are you doing? leave the window down a little bit. >> see who's laying on the horn on "right this minute."
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y worked. good for them. >> nice one, girls. >> dogs can find themselves in some strange situations. this first video posted on the husky mama youtube chan na. you can see why she calls herself the husky mama. the pond is beginning to melt. >> we're not talking about christian. >> there she goes. vera swims over to the shallow part. fine. i think probably happier. >> no big deal. i'm a husky. >> i was born for this there she loved it to much back to thin ice and keeps exploring. >> this next video is one you won't believe. this dog found itself locked inside an suv. >> he's making a good point, he's drawing attention to his stripe he's calling out his owners. what are you doing. >> at least leave the window down a little bit.
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>> right. >> the whole video's 21 seconds dog long. the dog never lets off the horn. that's our show everybody. so glad you joined us. see you for the next edition of "right thi (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." today, wendy is bringing the heat with all of the hottest
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topics. and we're breaking down the latest headlines with one of wendy's favorite talkers donny deutsch. plus how well do you know hot topics? find out in our race the clock celebrity quiz. ♪ >> now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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