tv Right This Minute FOX March 27, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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after getting crowded out, a disgruntled driver decides he's the police. what happens when he tries to pull the pit man huber. it's not a surprise he jumped in the pool. >> that would be a water buck. >> how getting him out takes a village. >> used to be 625 pounds. >> losing more than half of your body weight is not easy. >> what's left behind is the skin. >> why a brave guy is hoping to inspire others with plans for surgery. plus -- how we know this guy never played break the ice.
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and poor sophie's in a sling. >> are you mad at me now for videoing this? >> why she's not enjoying a day at the spa. >> not only am i in this thing, but you're going to put it on facebook. a couple of dash cams. first from russia, this post theed video, felt superior. the left lane is a left-turn only lane. some people on the left-hand side are deciding they're going to go straight particularly this car there. you see it with the spoiler and the roof rack. the guy driving the car decides, no this is straight turn only that's a left turn oernl, i'mnly, i'm going to crowd you out, so he does. the guy that got crowded out isn't feeling happy about it. the guy we're riding with is feeling superior maybe too superior because later on, captain angry on left-hand side comes up the right-hand side. the guy we're riding with
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decides he's the police. he pulls a pit maneuver and puts the car into another car and back. what do you think? >> he wasn't. >> i don't condone this but you do wish you could just oh ram somebody for being so stupid! >> that's the problem. >> i know. >> that's exactly the point of this video. you're not supposed to do that. >> i would never do this. i know. >> i have thought about it. >> you've got to let it go. it's not a big deal because we also don't know if that person in the original car made a mistake. >> we're heading toeb thailand. you might see in the reflection of the wind screen a gold trinket. people in thailand have gold trinkets for luck. today, i think this guy's so glad it's there. out of nowhere this suddenly happens. >> oh! >> oh oh! >> holy snap. >> that's what i said. >> this guy sees it comes, jams on the breaks pulls over to the
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left-hand side and narrowly escapes the accident. it's an average morning at the lodge in tan zan knee yap everything's nice the pool's inviting but they have an uninvited guest in the pool. >> that would be a water buck. i don't think it's an accident it's in there. >> it's called a water buck where else is he going to be. >> have you seen the rest of the landscape. >> video speeds up. you see somebody extend the line across the pool. >> he's just doing laps. getting his morning exercise, guys. give him a break. give him a protein shake, he'll be fine. >> this thing is fighting it. i'm not done. i have 100 more laps to go. >> i feel bad for this guy. he found paradise briefly. >> finally somebody gets in pulls his tail up. they get it out with one big push.
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its like i'm out of here i know where i'm not welcome. >> i feel bad for him because this is his environment. these people came in to his home to build this pool. he should at least have some credit right? something. >> you know that phrase it's not the size of the dog in the fight it's the fight in the dog? that is puppies, the name of the six-pound yorkshire terrier. the yorkshire tarerrier's in a stand-off. >> they're moody little suckers. they don't like something, they're going to let you know. >> my father taught me from a young age, work smart, not hard. let the tool do the work. this video's about these guys at the top of the cell phone tower working smart. >> make sure he used proper
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rigging. >> that's right. >> bringing up something that they need to keep them going on this job. you see the ropes going, going, going, it's a long haul to the top of the tower. what did they need up there so bad? >> that's pizza delivery for you right there. >> lunch break. >> yes! oh my god, i love this! >> i never thought about those guys needing to eat. like that high up in the sky. that's brilliant. >> now that's pizza delivery for you right there. >> if brains were dynamite, there's guy wouldn't have enough to blow his own nose. here he is banging away at this. he's made quite a bit of progress. >> there's a theory theory of gravity. i think you're going to have a little bit of an issue with it.
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>> you made it! you're alive. you complete moron. >> looks like he was holding his right leg. doesn't appear to be a major injury but lucky it wasn't. >> this guy is brian fleming, and his numbers 390. 390 pounds that he has lost. >> lost. >> wow. >> there was a time where he weighed 625 pounds. >> i was a chronic alcoholic, i drank a fifth of vodka every single night, and i consumed well over,000 calories in food every single day my life was going into where. i was suicidal at one point, doing nothing but playing video games and working dead-end jobs. >> he was able to chat with a woman. he opened up to her.
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>> she had a form of muscular dystrophy. she found out i was having all of these problems drinking and everything. she told me i was throwing my life away. >> she gave him some perspective. he says one day on october 13th, 2012 cold turkey he stopped drinking he cleaned up his diet and the change in diet alone alone, he lost a ton of washington. he started exercising. >> he doesn't even look like the same person. >> in fact he shows us his pants before. now he's standing inside just one of his pant's legs. we flow that when you lose that much weight what's left behind is the skin. >> constant reminder every single day of what i used to be. this is something that i'm very uncomfortable showing. my doctor says that i have between 30 to 40 pounds of excess skin leftover. >> that's a lot of weight. 30 to 40 pounds of skin. >> it's not going to shrink on its own. >> that's why he put the video out there. he has a go fund me page trying
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to raise money needed for him to have this surgery. it's about $22,000. he's raised more than $7,000. hopefully he'll be able to get to his goal and have the surgery because it's amazing how much he's improved his own life. and he's use this as an opportunity to inspire other people. >> inspirational because of the washington loss, he's toebl do that and get it off. but inspirational to show the situation, draw attention to where he is now. >> i wish you all the best of luck. >> realizes the popo is after him and thinks -- >> i'm going to make my great escape. >> see the unexpected person that takes this dude down. devin supertramp partners up and -- >> you can win a chance to be a part of his next video. >> what you need to do to join the action.
3:39 pm
i i alalrereadady y fefeel like we're the most connected but i think this solo date will seal the deal. susurere! ! i i ofoffefer r mumultlti-i-car, safe driver, anand d soso m manany y ototheher r didiscscounts ththatat p peoeoplple e ththinink k i'i'mm a big deal. anand d boboy,y, a arere t thehey y ririghght. laladidieses, , i i cacan n shsharare e hundreds in savings wiwithth a allll o of f yoyou!u! jujustst v visisitit p today. bubut t ririghght t nonow,w, it's choosing time. ooooh!h! w we e hahaveve a a w wininnener. alall:l: w whahat?t? [c[chuhuckckleles]s] hehe's's s supupposed to pick one of us. ththisis i is s a a jojokeke, , ririghght?t? that was the whole poiointnt of us being here.
3:42 pm stay in touch all day long. now back to the show. criminal suspects will do anything they can to evade the law. >> this video, older but trending. >> police going into his residence. look upstairs. he razes the police are after me. while they rush into the house, he climbs out of the window and this i'm going to make my great escape. this is not so great escape because somebody's watching this fella. that somebody being a postman. that postman went postal on him. more police give chase. notice as the car passes you can see the takedown. >> imagine telling that story in jail whoaught er not so great escape in romania. this time at a court of appeals. the police officer is taking two men being extradited to another area. one guy's like i'm not handcuffed why don't i take the opportunity to scale the wall
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and leave. police officer opens the gate and gives chase. pay attention because this guy right here he's also a suspect in custody that's being transported. he's like hey, why don't i just walk out this way. >> they left the door wide open for him. >> another cop comes running out thinking let me help. here comes the made. she's witnessed the whole thing. >> the maid. >> nobody has closed the gate yet. the maid finally takes her broom and points them in the direction, one went that way, why don't you go that way and look for the other one? they were eventually caught and taken into custody. how many times have we watched devin graham videos and said we want to go, we want to be a part of it. >> devin graham, aka devin supertramp here in person. last year we teamed up for the ultimate experience in wake
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skating. >> looking decidedly different from all of the others, because you can win a chance to be part of the video. >> a same opportunity to work with sea do one lucky contestant will win a sea doo spark and the opportunity for them and two other friends to be a part of the next big video coming up soon. >> that is great because all of his videos tell you you're going to have a great time. >> how does one sign up? >> go to, click on today's show for the link to enter. >> we want contestants to show us how they would #sparksomefun to enter the contest with a 15-second video or picture. >> if we win? >> sophie's choice from mift be drama behind the scenes at "rtm." >> when i win i promise i'll take you guys. >> contest just started so sign up. we'll see you in devin's next video of "right this minute."
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sophie. how it's going, soph? >> not too cookeen on this thing. >> if pets give us so much joy, why do we do this? >> sophie's getting her little nails trimmed at the groomer's. >> okay. i've never seen a little thing like that. she looks like a sausage. >> are you mad at me now for videoing this? >> that dog has a permanent look of disappointment on its face. not only am i in this thing, but you're going to put it on facebook. >> this is how you repay all of my love and licks i give you? >> now this is at the elephant nature park that's little nevan. given a nice treat, a ribbon wrapped around a stump of a
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tree. it's very effective. >> like giving a 2-year-old a box, they don't want the toy inside they want the box. >> this ribbon made of sturdy plastic because you can't give an elephant anything else. >> it's an angry game of mini suv versus big van. >> someone's playing. >> check out the rage that seems to have no end. >> this is road rage on steroids. plus -- these pranksters pretend to be apple employees and start -- >> messing with people. >> see how it's to be lose a job without being hired. >> i quit. everybody should go to microsoft.
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rrelelieieveves s 5 symptoms of eczema. gogoldld b bonond d rerealally works. "right this minute," follow the show all day long. >> this guy just parked at an in cam rolling captures somebody getting away. >> what the -- >> watch it again. this time a little closer and a little slower. >> it's a kid! >> it is a child that falls out of the back. now, if you watch very closely, you'll notice there's a second person that falls out as well. that person pops up and runs over to the little child who also popped up back into the arms of that person and back into the car. reports say no injuries to that child. the next video, a neighborhood
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dispute, road rage. watch as it the suv pulls away from the curb and smash. look at the curb behind the suv, it looks like it may have run over somebody. >> ran his legs over. are you recording? are you recording. >> hell yeah. it's [ bleep ]! >> that gives us a lot of clarity. >> someone's playing too much grand theft auto. >> back and forth, smashing straight into the giant van. >> [ bleep ]! >> this video, 3 1/2 minutes long. you hear the horn short circuit, won't go off the driver going after those people standing around. >> somebody call the police. >> whoa. >> it's clear there's something really wrong with that driver. >> this is road rage on steroids. i don't think he's going to get his insurance money.
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>> bam versus branch. ♪ ♪ when you go to the apple store, the began yusgenius bar, all of the guys and girls know what they're talking about. it's weird if they started talking like this. >> i wouldn't get an iphone. >> no. >> like maybe a microsoft, samsung or something like that. >> it's all right?
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>> you don't want an apple product. >> these guys have come up with this prank where they're dressing up like apple employees and go into the store. just messing with people and saying no these products are awful. >> honestly i'd sell it go microsoft. >> apple is [ bleep ], i don't know. >> apple disciples like me i'm all about the apple, this is sacrelig. i feel like my ears are about to believe. >> in you've never been in an apple store, does he work here. >> this is where these guys got my massive respect from just having serious cojones because it's when staff gets involved. >> yes. >> your name? >> kyle. >> i have never seen you before. that's not a real apple. >> you've never seen me here. >> he doesn't actually work here. >> i've been working for three months now. i've been working for three months and you don't know who i am. >> time to go, brother.
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>> then he decides to make a scene. >> i quit. who is with me? >> you know what? i quit too. >> bob, take care of the kids. >> take care of the kids say hi to mindy. >> they're getting them authentic. i love it. >> no one knows who i am here. i've been here three shifts i'm quit. everybody should go to microsoft, microsoft. >> all of the people are thinking microsoft planted that guy, that he's a mole. >> they do it time and time again. >> another example. >> i quit. everybody should go to microsoft. he made me realize. great man right there. i quit! >> somebody said go away. >> i know. >> they're applauding because he's finally leaving. >> go away. he's only 3 years old but he's got the mike and he's the man. >> he is adorable. and i have to say, ten. >> absolutely. >> hear what song he's singing on "right this minute."
3:54 pm
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3:57 pm
>> this dad, taking her to disney land to a "frozen" sing along. >> oh, boy. >> they're not singing let it go it's "do you want to build a snowman." every time dad tries to draw it in with the crowd, his daughter's like, hell no! ♪ for the change there will be♪ >> it's a cute video. she doesn't let him get away with anything ♪ i'll be dancing through the night♪ >> this video posted to "right this minute" facebook page rachel arianna jackson, isaiah at his school performance. >> he's going for whitney houston "greatest love of all." look how little he is! >> he's 3 years old, and he is fearless.
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harvey: lks to "tmz live." harvey levin here. charles: charles here. wow, we have interesting video for you. you heard harvey talking about police profiling her son which is why he didn't go to u.s.c., because he had two experiences where he was racially profiled once on the campus and the other time off campus, which turned out to be glendale. charles: yes. harvey: guess what? charles: glendale p.d. is testifieding themselves by releasing video of the stop.
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