tv Right This Minute FOX March 31, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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up an suv. >> with one inside it. >> see how that dude's about to make a great escape. that lion is not a lion. >> the lion whisperer has a dilemma. >> how do you fix a problem with the king of the jungle? >> why saving ashland is one very careful operation. they're kings of the road but another driver's about to see -- >> a trike coming at ya. >> how crossing the line leads
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to a long recovery. and the pop bra, created for this woman. >> she actually has a back injury. >> see how we're trying out the ingenious invention. >> go ahead, girl. >> pow! >> wow. >> freedom! aparsonly, if you're from chicago, this is not an uncommon sight, a car being towed. according to poster of the video, this is something he sees a lot from the wall green across the street. people park their cars and, like lightning, they're getting towed. this guy was too lightning. look closely. he hasn't noticed he's towing a car with one inside it. >> someone's in the car? >> yes. he didn't get in the car, according to the poster. he was inside the parked car. these guys turned up started trying to tow it. as you can see, he's irritated, looking out the window. he's thinking hey, i'm in a jeep. you know what?
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>> whoa. >> but, no you think maybe he's crunched his car. no. puts it in gear. bye. >> we know anything. >> information is sketchy. we're getting answers from what he posted on reddit. no, sitting in the car. apparently tow people turn up within minutes, seconds. it's an issue with a lot of people in chicago. people were happy about this video. seeing this guy get away with it. >> the big thud i thought, was the bumper of the jeep but, no it's the tow arm smacking back up he got away nice and clean. he's thinking i did not need this off-road vehicle in chicago. >> another video with a situation not too uncommon i think in russia because it's inventive and a bit crazy. this is trending. you'll see why. following the bmw with a guy in the back and he's got this old tire which he's holding up. what's going on? the bmw, got its indicators on hazard lights.
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it's slowing down as it goes up the hill. this is why, they're pushing it because the clutch broke. >> brilliant. >> yeah. russia. footage just recently released causing a global debate. take a look at this. this is outside a detox center in saskatchewan canada. that according to reports, is a dunk homeless man. his name eddie stone child, he's heading to this detox center to admit himself. but watch this. you see a police car pull up alongside this man. inside that police car is a constable, rob power. >> oh! >> you see constable power kick stone child in the stomach, knocking him backwards. he hit his head against the wall. then you see the officer put this man in cuffs. this video just released by a judge. used as evidence in a trial. >> originally convicted of
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assault which resulted in dismissal from the police force. but late last year that decision was overturned and constable powers was reinstated to the police force. now people are seeing the video for the first time and and people were upset. many people believe that this attack was unprovoked. >> it looks completely unprovoked even if stecld was officer. we don't know. we can't assume. but this video is not really merit the attack. >> prosecutors are now working to try to get his reinstatement now overturned. the man in the video looks familiar to you, we've seen him on the show before. that is kevin richardson. he has the kevin richardson wild life sanctuary. he's the lion whisperer. the lion had a dental problem. how do you fix a dental problem with the king of the jungle?
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>> cautiously. >> very carefully. >> broke his canine he's become more agitated aggressive. he's isolated himself. >> he lost his canines prematurely and he needs a root canal. so fixident stepped in to provide services to get him a root canal. >> this is a long procedure. >> they think this is going to be a four-hour surgery where they have to gikve him general anesthesia and put him tound do the work. >> what makes this procedure unique here we've brought all of our equipment out and we'll do it on site. >> a whole team that specializes in operating on animals. oh you can see. oh! >> in this image you can see where one of his canines has come out. they need to go in there and get out what's left over of the root. while they thought the surgery was going to take four hours. they said it took closer to six.
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>> three root ka nanska nails and one extraction. >> he returned him back to the pride. guess what? they accepted him like he missed him. >> usually it's fixident and forget it. they dent forget about the lion. good for them for helping the lion out. >> the king's back. some of the sports that we did as a kid but has become a legitimate professional sport, riding down the hill on your tricycle these guys are professionals, riding in south carolina on a closed course. here they go. back and forth. sliding around. neck and neck racing. this is the kind of fun you want to have when -- >> oh my -- >> you said a closed course! >> what? >> the guy you see becoming a hood ornament. jeremy 34 years old, the first
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professional drift triker ever. he rides for huffy cycles. jeremy has some minor cuts and bruises and abrasions. he also has a separated leg from the hip. and the hip socket is broken. >> oh that's a bad recovery. >> this incident happened back in 2013. this clip just recently reposted and getting a lot of attention. you can see why. >> where did the car from if it was a closed course? >> two cars went around the closure at the bottom and that's why this dent happened. >> considering the severity of accident and how fast they were both going, it's actually amazing those were the only injuries. they are serious injuries it could have been a lot worse. >> this guy knows his way around a ball. >> it's almost like magnetically connected to him. >> the freestyling tricks that will have you saying -- >> how do you do that in.
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>> fuzzy bunny be's dreaming. >> a pilot. >> see why her flying adventure makes for one epic fantasy. is s yoyourur teteeteth'h's s first line of defense. bubut t dadailily y eaeatitingng anand d drdrininking can make it weak. trtry y cocolglgatate e enenamamelel h heaealtlth. itit r repepleleninishsheses w weaeak k spspotots with natural calcium toto s strtrenengtgthehen n enenamamelel four times better. cocolglgatate e enenamamelel h heaealtlth.h. ststrorongngerer, , hehealalththy y enenamamelel. yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme..'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l living, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know you may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't t yoyou.u. wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsonalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sorta
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like you drives. yoyou'u'llll e eveven n geget t a a discount just for signing up. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by y allstate. click or call. (vo) at jennie-o, we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride ten miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco, made with jennie-o ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. (mom) i'd feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. (woman) i think that they're light and they're just fresh tasting. (vo) it's time for a better taco. (kid) the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. (vo) make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey at a store near you. ♪ ♪ ♪
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anytime we hear the brand red bull i think we automatically plug skydiving, extreme sports crazy stuff. but red bull sponsoring this guy. i guess he's still pretty extreme because the things that he can do with a soccer ball is mind bending. >> yeah. ♪ >> one of the best freestylers in the business every part of is body he can use to perfectly manipulate this ball. >> defying physics. one leg, splits it how are you doing that? >> wherever he goes whatever part of his body he needs to use, the ball magically comes back to him.
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pretty cool when he gets into a crowd of people too, and mesmerizes all of the people around him. all of the people that step up and try to take the ball way from him, no sorry, he just nutmegs them. >> i think he's got like magnets all over his body and a magnet in the ball. >> maybe that's what the trick is. >> doing different stunts around different locations. the first european game in 2015. just random that's all i have for you guys in the three videos. just random. for the most part everything looks totally fine. some person walking the dog. these guys in the car having a very nice very pleasant conversation. watch how it comes to an end. >> whoa! >> the tree snaps right here. >> what the --
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>> there's a woman on the sidewalk. >> the tree falls. it's t. smashes the vehicle in front of us crashes the vehicle with dash cam. >> yeah. woman on the sidewalk she escaped by the skin of her teeth. you see her turn around and move to the left of her. >> that's a lot of bad luck and weird timing. >> the poster did say that nobody was injured. now another random here it is driving down the street. watch what happens. this truck begins to make a right hand turn. >> oh! >> no he picks up a stray. >> yeah. >> wow. >> ends up hooking on to that van and dragging it out of the way. now this other one, you may be able to tell what's about to happen. right about here. do you see this? >> bouncing. >> no. >> yeah. >> no. >> and there it is. yeah the driver on the phone, does explain to whoever it is that he's talking to.
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>> i've been doing a bit -- i left my hood open and it cracked my front windshield. >> i'll be a little late. this happened over the weekend. probably getting his windshield replaced right about now. >> there's fuzzy bunny going to sleep and then fuzzy bunny begins dreaming of -- >> being a pilot. >> fighter pilot. >> not just fuzzy bunny. fuzzy bunny has a partner. there's another bunny. wait there's more. red hamsters are after them. will they defeat fuzzy bunny? a lot of work went into the dream sequence. >> a lot of work did go into it because they're planes special effects. fuzzy bunny's partner. it's fuzzy bunny against four red bears. fuzzy bunny goes upside down behind them pulled a maverick move. the best move, fuzz n. bunny gets in between them. fire on each other instead of
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funny bunny. fuzzy bunny wins the day. more cuteness to come because it is easter time. hamsters deserve easter treats don't you think. >> absolutely. these two hamsters popcorn. >> it gets better. they're giving food. >> and they get to hunt for eggs. >> my favorite part. you cannot distract a hamster from its food. that hamster's eating food and lo and behold a chicken pops in. doesn't even blink an eye. >> i just love the way they eat there. they're like little machines. >> shove it in their little jaws. >> as you can see, these hamsters are going to have a happy, happy easter. >> it's just a prank. a water bottle and a dog. >> bad dog! i'm so sorry. >> next "right this minute." and still to come -- dude's climbing up one very tall wall. but -- >> he's getting tired and he bails. >> no!
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>> the b.a.s.e jump that will get your heart pumping. plus it's how to pop off a bra. >> in a second. >> see why this one works for everyone. >> want to give it a shot? >> what? >> are you serious? hihi. . i'i'm m hehenrnry y wiwinknkler. and i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k know the facts. ththerere e arare e cucurrrrently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirements to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-free money from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone.e. the remaining money can be used for anything. ththerere'e's s nono m mononthly mortgage payments. anand d yoyou u ststilill l own your home! cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. itit e expxplalainins s hohow a government-insured reverse mortgage works. ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligation. onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgage is a quicken loans company. ththeieir r lilicecensnseded experts can answer all your questions. cacallll t to o fifindnd o out what a great solution this can be. dodon'n't t wawaitit, , cacall now!
9:18 am
>> closed captioning provided by --- against plaque. nenew w acact t adadvavanced with plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, helps prevent t plplaque and gingivitis fofor r a a twtwelelveve hour shield of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnced. ifif y youou s strtrugugglgle e wiwithth b back pain you have the power toto t tururn n itit o offff..
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smsmarartrtrelelieief f frfromom i icy hot. a wawaveve o of f rerelalaxixingng pulses ththatat b blolockck e eveven n chronic pain. tuturnrn o on n smsmarartrtrelelief. bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakes and itch. selslsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandruff. tim howell scaling this huge man-made rockwall. it's actually a dam. em misson dam in switzerland. you can see a bun. of climbers put up different hand holds and footholds on the wall. 541 feet this thing stretches into the zblar wowair. >> wow. >> six pitches. attempting the sixth without rope. >> no. >> he does have a parachute. free soloing this monster wall. when they finally gets a bit of arm pump he's getting tired and
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he bails. >> no. >> you just jump. epic jump by epic tv. this whole video put together by them the jump spectacular. green valley below. >> it looks like the second time he walked up there. this is like the regular way. >> right. he's got a buddy. a friend jumping off the top of the dam a couple of times just, well, for fun. >> fantastic that someone set this up at the dam. they actually allow these climbers to get on the wall climb it and jump off of it. >> it is cool. think, i'm sure they did their homework. ho dow you drill into the dam. >> did they have a vodka martini waiting at the bottom? something very james bond. gorgeous. >> having a ball. >>
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>> this is the easiest trick to the decades long question how to take off a bra in a second. >> a regular bra. >> take this girl, she's wearing a bra, about to show you a simple trick. >> is that a rip cord? i expect a parachute to come flying out of that. >> jamie, her boyfriend helped create this to help her out because it turns out she has a back injury. reaching back to undo the clasp is actually very difficult for her. >> it's beneficial for him. >> yes. >> i was about to say, so beneficial. >> it's a win-win situation for everyone involved. >> want to give it a shot? >> what? >> are you serious?
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>> all right. have at it. >> three, two, one. >> it's off. >> how does it work? is it a normal clasp in the back? allow us demonstrate. >> nick you look so good in a bra. >> tell me about it. >> i think you're a 34 c. >> go ahead. >> wow. >> freedom. >> she actually has had two laces, and when they are attached to the hook the laces when you pull it undo the hook. so then it comes undone. >> what a simple idea. i imagine for anybody that has arthritis or injury. >> back problems. >> front clasps aren't always the most comfortable thing. maybe it's not the type of bra that you want. >> you sound like a bra salesman. you should be working in the undergarment section. >> jamie and her boyfriend set up this go fund me page looking for $25,000 to fund this. >> i think this is worth every penny. >> awesome that she's reached out to us. i feel like the shark tank here. >> could make millions. how many women have been
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frustrated in the heat of passion, for some reason guys can't figure it out. >> if you're in a situation like that where the guy can't get the bra, maybe leave it on and pick another guy. this brave little dude's going to try to pull his loose tooth with the help of -- >> a camero. >> see if bringing in the extra muscle gets the job done. yoyou u tototatal l yoyourur b brarandnd n new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. itit c comomeses w whehen n yoyourur i insurance company says they'll only pay ththreree-e-ququarartetersrs o of f whwhat it takes to replace it. whwhatat a arere y youou s supuppoposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? nonow w ifif y youou h hadad l libiberty mutual new car replacement, yoyou'u'd d geget t yoyourur w whohole car back. i i guguesess s ththeyey d donon't't want you driving around on three wheels. smsmarart.t. nenew w cacar r rereplplacacememenent t is just one of the features that come standard with a base liberty mutual policy. anand d fofor r drdriviverers s wiwith accident forgiveness,rates won't go up dudue e toto y youour r fifirsrst t acaccicidedent.
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leleararn n momorere b by y cacalllling swswititchch t to o lilibebertrty y mumututualal a and you can save up to $423. fofor r a a frfreeee q quouotete t today,call liberty mutual insurance at sesee e cacar r ininsusurarancnce e inin a a w whohole new light. lilibebertrty y mumututualal i insnsurance.
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you're in the city scramble everything's awesome. dude i'm on fire today! and look down dude i'm on fire today. just like this video. this guy, jason, his dirt bike just catches fire. you can see it he looks down notices flames licking away at his legs. he leaps off, like a kangaroo watches it start to burn. >> what a drag on a race having fun like you say and, and one tiny mechanical flaw probably a leak from the fuel tank on to the exhaust, you're done. the day is done, your bike is damaged. second video for you as nick is too well aware. i have the motorcycle skills of i drunk squirrel. i'm not supposed to be on a motor bike. neither is this guy. this is bryce's brother, he's on a teeny, tiny dirt bike going to jump off on the curb.
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>> okay. at least he misses the fire hydrant. >> i know. i was convinced he was going to hit it. >> okay. >> ah the glorious sound of a tooth being pulled. >> oh that's little jims he's 8 years old. string tied around the loose tooth. that's a front tooth. that's a big deal. >> ready? >> yeah. >> you'll never going to guess what the tooth is attached to. >> butchers? >> yep, car. >> not just any car. a camaro. listen to this engine. this is why tooth pulling sounds so good. [ engine ] >> it came out!
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untangling a mouflon. >> a man starts stabbing a woman's purse so she calmly -- >> sprays him in the face with pepper spray. >> how a dangerous suspect is finally cornered by the cops. a biker's just traveling along but -- >> watch the rider's head snap to the right. >> what he noticed that had him circling back. er r. ever heard the idea somewhere out there that seven people on the planet who look exac
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