tv Right This Minute FOX April 3, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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woman creeping around with a baby. >> is she doing what i think she's doing. >> exactly. >> the story of an abandoned child saved bay sharp-eyed hero. >> why? >> why not? >> see how surviving the group means surviving the initiation. >> a scared young pig is comforted in the hospital where -- >> he only had a 10% chance of survival. >> now, meet the determined lady behind bentley's life-saving surgery. plus -- trying to kiss strangers at
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grand central station. and a daughter finds out dad's celebrity crush. >> has she had a response? >> i don't agree with my father. >> see the little powerhouse with one big rebuttal. >> every single photo shoot you go to you -- >> it's a short video, a simple video, but having a profound effect on the people that see. this comes to us from brazil and cctv. on the right hand sigh a mother carrying a small infant comes into the shot by a trash can and a big hole right there. behind the pole for a couple of seconds before finally she bends down. >> is she doing what i think she's doing. >> exactly what you think she's doing. she's bending down and leaving the baby there. the baby was there for a half hour before anybody discovered. the baby's so young, the umbilical cord was still attached. she's chose an alley. if you don't want the child and
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don't want to give her a chance i don't understand the choice. >> she probably didn't want to be seen. >> after a half hour somebody approaching the baby. wauld what could have happened to the baby in a half hour? authorities were notified. the people are giving him a name moses. another baby abandoned as well. >> this highlights the need for safe harbor laws everywhere. >> shocking video. a happy ending not here but a couple of thugs using an ax. what are they doing? perhaps they smash their way in for loads of money. this is in perth. there have been two other break-ins in perth in recent weeks as well. people are baffled why. these are cashless places. all they managed to get away with was petty catch, iphone and vacuum cleaner. >> really all of that damage for that? it's so weird. >> long boards big on fun but
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short on fun if you crash. look out! this video shot as part of a commercial shoot for fayette chill clothing company, that's long boarder jarrett henry, just put on the long sleeved shirt because it was getting chilly. that saved him a atlot of skin. one deer scooting across. should have been his signal to watch out for others. another little deer boom in front of him. deer goes skidding across the road but notice there goes the deer scooting up the edge of the roadway there. the deer okay. jarrett also pops up. >> a good bit of audition for the commercial to show it's redurable. >> yeah. >> fun long board rides, like i said can come to a quick and short ending. there's another dude sliding to a stop tripped up and it's a domino effect. >> but the first guy stayed on his feet.
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>> goofs up his buddy. why would you do that. >> deer comes out of nowhere, misses them both. >> glad to see kids wearing helmets, elbow pads gloves. at least they're trying to protect themselves from injuries like this. that little creature there on the left is bentley. bentley is a 9-month-old potbellied pig let. but bentley's video from the hospital has gone viral ♪ ♪ ♪ angels are calling♪ >> as you can see, bentley looks a little bit different because bentley was in the hospital after suffering a seizure. the woman singing him a lullaby is corin delorenzo, the founder of the earth animal sanctuary. she took the pig in but she
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noticed one day he had fallen over he had collapsed. they took him to the hospital and realized that he had bacterial meningitis. it caused brain swelling. that left him blind but he needed surgery. he only had a 10% chance of survival. >> and she still went through with the surgery. >> she thought he's such a sweet pig. she thought, what else can i do about get the surgery and try to save his life? the reason she sings him that lullaby in the hospital he's blind, he's hearing noises unfamiliar to him so she's trying to give him comfort. ♪ >> but what she also did was create a new caring page. he wasn't be released from the hospital he could pay his medical bills. they needed $20,000. they were able to raise $21,000.
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bentley's so kissy today. want to say hi to everybody? say hi. >> this is bentley after the surgery. and this is corin. >> bentley's giving kisses to everybody across the world who shared his video. >> we have corin "right this minute" via skype. tell us how bentley's doing and his prognosis. >> doing so well. bacteriale meningitis is no longer a threat. we don't know if the blindness is permanent yet that he's so young, it's in his favor. neurons in the brain replace and repair themselves up until age 2, and he's only 9. we have severalnctuary who live long happy lives while being blind. hopefully he'll become a seeing eye pig. if you drop your keys or your phone in the toilet do you go after it it? >> you have to yeah. >> exactly what this guy did except instead of retrieving his
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keys which he dropped, he ended up getting stuck. >> oh man. >> yeah. and it looks like this is a public toilet. >> god, in the pee and the funk. >> for at least four hours, he is stuck. >> oh my god. >> soap his arm to lubricate it hopefully that will give it and make it slippery. does not work. nothing that they conceived of worked. eventually they had to break the toilet to free this poor man. >> looks like he's in pain. >> yeah, i know. >> finally, they are able to release his hand. you see him here washing it it down. >> no matter washing will be enough. >> hurry home take a shower. >> did he get his keys. >> we do see that at the very end of the video. there's a strain going down toilet and they end up bringing
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the key back. >> my gosh! >> when mom's away the dads will play. >> dads take their babies out for a little field trip. >> this is a play date for dads. >> see the fun time at the fire station. and a dude caught a tuna so let's take a picture. why taking the perfect snap gets off to a shaky start. coconsnstitipapateted?d? .y.yeaea dudulclcololaxax t tabableletsts can cause cramps but not phillips. itit h hasas m magagnenesisiumum anand d woworkrks s momorere n natatururalallyly than stimulant laxatives. fofor r gegentntlele c crarampmp f freree e rerelief of occasional constipation ththatat w wororksks!! mmmmm m mmmmmm liliveve t thehe r regegulularar l lifife.e. inintrtrododucucining g yoyorkrk m mininisis.. a a bibitete s sizize e wawayy toto e enjnjoyoy t thehe f fulull l sisizeze s senensasation ofof p pepeppepermrminint t anandd ririchch dark chocolate. yoyorkrk m mininisis geget t ththe e sesensnsatatioion.n.
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yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme..'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l liviving, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know yoyou may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit!! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't t yoyou.u. wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom e esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsononalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririveve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sosorta like you drives. yoyou'u'llll e eveven n geget t a a didiscount just for signing up. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by y alallstate. click or call.
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>> interesting and particularly revealing video here posted by the trip where we see so many b.a.s.e jumping videos. just posted. a peek behind the scenes of the special things these guys get up to. >> the most we've ever seen of the valley itself from the ground and not the air. >> it gives you an idea how much
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work that goes into it there's the drive, the train, you see them walking, across the water fall and the fun begins as they start jumping off the cliff, doing all kinds of craziness. you see here riding on top of another guy who is parachuting. this guy not parachuting but does this back flips off the other guy. >> pulls off pretty cool moves as well. >> there you go. >> i thought i saw one shirtless earlier. i'm thinking is that cold? >> it's very cold for these guys. serious shrinkage happening as they jump off butt make itted. >> imagine the wind is really cold right, as flying. >> i can onlyage. >> wow. >> yeah you can see them there, big smiles on their faces. i guess if you do it go -- >> why not! >> you know what they say, when mom's away the dads will play.
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>> field trip. >> these two adorable dads matt and chris, they tweeted us this video. you see a firefighter jump in and start playing "dance with me tonight" ♪ i just want to dance with me tonight♪ broke i down. y've bee frienreally long time. every friday they get together for breakfast and a play date for their kids. this day they decided to go on a field trip to the fire station, and they have a video for mom. >> this is a play date for dads. >> yes, you have to love them. they look so happy. kids look so happy in their arms. >> what kids wouldn't be happy around fire trucks? every kid loves fire trucks. >> i'm impressed the firefighters started to get fun and play around even with big mustaches. >> firefighters dads dancing and sings, ovaries across america went -- >> singing the blues.
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♪ ♪ fishing can be a ton of fun, especially when you've got the right lure and you're right in the middle of black tip shark migration season in florida. joshua jorgenson from black tip h fishing, look at the aerial shot of the black tip sharks hungry on the move looking for food. look at size of the lures they're using. dragging them through the surf. the sharks whoa reaching out of the water, flying after the lures. the guy's getting a huge kick out of it. >> another one! another one! >> this is a compilation of two months of shooting video while fishing. they put together the best stuff. the sharks jumping out of the
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water. that's a testament to the lure that they're using. great stuff. that what happens when you lure the fish in. what happens when you catch one and bring it on board? >> eat it. >> here's tuna. this guy's got his fish yeah nice size tuna. let take a picture. calm you down for a second. they try again. and smile. poor tuna's like let me go. >> great pictures, though, let's be honest. >> surprise movie wedding. >> watch her come down the aisle. >> she looks great. >> wow. >> next "right this minute." and still to come -- the pub's out of beer so the bar manager just tweets need more beer. >> the high-tech way he gets the
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>> closed captioning provided by -- imimagaginine e hahavivingng a a s shihield against plaque. nenew w acact t adadvavancnced with plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, helps prevent plplaqaque and gingivitis fofor r a a twtwelelveve h hour shield of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded. ifif y youou s strtrugugglgle e wiwithth b bacack pain you have the power toto t tururn n itit o offff.. smsmarartrtrelelieief f frfromom i icycy hot. a waveve o of f rerelalaxixingng p pulses
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ththatat b blolockck e eveven n chchronic pain. tuturnrn o on n smsmarartrtrelelieief. bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dadandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakakes and itch. selsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandrdruff. want to see a video again and again? head over to, find tons of videos and share with your friends. >> you're about to see a guy pull off a pretty crazy stun in this juken video. watch very closely, and pay attention to his feet. >> ahh! >> that is move called the i'm on the way to hospital? >> yes, exactly what it's called. and was definitely not the move he intended. but watch. >> no. >> i need to see it again. i need to see it again. >> as he lands, his ankle goes -- >> what's the damage? >> definitely dislocated the
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ankhle. >> that looked like a compound fracture. >> it did. it was just a dislocation, apparently according to the poster of the video. this one isn't so bad. >> i'm feeling a little nauseous. >> oh no it's in slow motion as well nick. >> it's in slow motion. >> it's in slow motion. >> watch him jump. >> oh god! >> this guy did break his ankle. look where he lands. you can hear him screaming and as he goes to stand back up you see his ankle, pointing the exact opposite direction. >> how did he do that? oh! >> we do have picture ofrward. it's just the x-ray. you can see the snapped bone. and you can see here they did a really good job straightening out the foot. here he is afterward in a full cast. it's going to take a little while but it's a good video to show for it. are you sure.
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>> i'll take it. >> oh see, you are totally cool with that. weird, how she was totally open for a kiss. what if a stranger came up and did the same thing? that could make an interesting social experiment. >> what? what are you going to do. >> we're going to kiss some people. >> this is a comedian at grand central station in new york and about to basically that walk up to complete strangers with her phone, engage them in a conversation and almost immediately then just randomly try to kiss them. >> hey. >> could she have picked a taller guy? you need a ladder to get to that guy. >> for the lick. >> as you can imagine, most of the reactions of people in new york are exactly like you would expect. just kind of are you crazy? >> i love it. it's so romantic. the guy's like what just happened here. >> i'm right here give me a kiss. >> i don't think it's so much about the kiss as it is somebody just immediately invadeing your space, that space that you --
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you can see, i'm fine with that. but the space that you know you expect people to stay outside. >> it's time and time again, she's like it's awkwardly strange. like awkward like a teenager going for the first kiss kind of. >> does she ever suckceedsucceed, does she land one. >> all the way, all the way until the end when she sits down next to this fellow. this guy has the same reaction like everybody else. but she keeps looking to him and then, new york. get engaged in a little bit of a tonsil tennis i suppose, right in the middle of the station. as the video ends. >> get me a beer. might be a phrase that you no longer have to utter, especially in the age of drones. >> what? >> yeah buddy. five lamps, the supply is out at the pub in ireland. so the bar manager just tweets need some more five lamp beer.
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the kraft brewery gets the tweet, loads up beer and sends the drone out to make the delivery over to the pub. >> they can lift that. >> too heavy. too heavy. >> i'm calling bogus, it too. i have one of these exact drones and there's no way it's going to pick up a case of beer. great promotional video for the five lamps dublin brewery. i've got to believe in the not too distant future that this is going to be possible. >> i think it's great. >> just don't drink and drone. >> dad's crushing on a certain reality star but -- >> daughter done like it. you want to know why? i'll tell you all why. >> the famous face that just ain't going to cut it. >> you don't got clothes on. >> exactly what you want your daughter to say. gogorgrgeoeousus g grarainins s atat your service. this looks interesting! spspececiaial l k k hohot t cecerereal. mamadede w witith h susupeperfrfoooodsds. spspececiaial l k?k? i i cacan n dedefifininitetelyly tataste the quinoa. i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. a a nonoururisishihingng b brereakakfafast of multi-grains and quinoa. spspececiaial l k k hohot t cecerereal.
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atat b booook k clclubub they were asking me what you'ree dodoining g nonow, janice. bloggingng.. yoyourur b blolog g isis j just pictures of you in the mirror. itit's's c calalleled d a a fafashshioion n blblogog todd. wewellll, , i'i'veve b beeeen n hehelplpiningg people save money wiwithth p prorogrgresessisiveve's's d disiscocounts. flo, can you getet j jananicicee a job? [ [ lalaugughshs ] ] yoyou u shshououldld'v've e ststucuckk to softball! i i wawas s soso m mucuch h bebetttterer a at t sosoftball than janice, dad. whwherere'e's s yoyourur w wifife,e, t tododd?d? vavacacatitionon.. didiscscouountnts s lilikeke h homomeoeownwnerers's' multi-policy -- i i gogot t a a didiscscouountnt onon t this ham. i'i'veve g gotot t thehe m meaeat t swsweaeatsts.. ththisis i is s gogoodod h hamam, , didianane.e. papapeperlrlesess s didiscscouountnts s ---- give it a rest, flo. alall:l: y yeaeah,h, f flolo, , gigiveve i it t a rest.
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>> cheerios or milk. >> he's squinting his face like that milk is sour. he gets the choice multiple times, cheerios or milk. >> cheerios? or milk? >> it's great, nonverbal communication. could not have made himself any clearer. >> cheerios. or milk? >> this little girl has a lot of verbal communication. her dad told her who his celebrity crush is. his celebrity crush is kim kardashian. daughter done like it. i love how well reasoned her argument is. >> if i were a man i would not pick kim kardashian to be my celebrity crush. >> first of all, let's collect the attitude. love. number two, very clear spoken saying i don't want her for a stepmom. >> the only reason she's fame use because of her plastic surgery. excuse me every single photo shoot you go to you don't -- >> this is what you want your daughter saying. brilliant. >> plenty to say about miss
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kardashian. >> if barack obama knows who you are, he should make you illegal because it is not legal to show yourself off to people okay around the world. >> how old do you think she is. >> maybe 11 12 going on 30 because she is so mature in her thoughts are so eloquent. >> i have a sneaky suspicion dad doesn't talk to her like a kid. >> or mum is very vehicle. >> got to cut you off. nothing person zblal do notal. >> do not call her babe, thank you very much. >> thank you for joining us at "rtm." we'll see you next time.
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a snowmobiler's head for the peak when the peak decides to come down and meet him. see the moment he's swallowed up by an avalanche. a window washing platform swings out of control. >> there are two people in that. >> the terrifying scene 100 floors up. ♪ she won't let her condition keep her from enjoying her music. >> and she's making us smile doing it as well. >> why miley cyrus has nothing on 2-year-old natalie. a theater sets up a kiss cam.
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