tv Right This Minute FOX April 9, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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woman sneaking into a room. >> look like she's up to no good. >> see the low-life crime that got her busted. >> a speeding car leads to a street fight in east memphis. the guy in the black car jumps out and watch. the video that has kopds looking into the crazy cray cross. we had an option of two pathways to walk. >> an experiment with women and two doors. >> one labeled average, the other labeled beautiful. >> how who went where made for big surprises. >> oh my gosh i didn't even hesitate. a kayaker stuck in the spin
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cycle. >> and a street performer with the tools for the trick. >> he's proving it's a real nail. >> see if he can pull off the old human block head. >> what people do to make a buck. you guys are about to see sticky fingers paraded all over your computer screen. this first one, 29-year-old haley adams walking into this bedroom. she's looking around looks like she's up to no good doesn't it? >> slinking around. she's doing the, if i step quietly and crouch down a bit, no one will see me not even the camera. >> this is the bedroom of 89-year-old william tanner. this woman is the mother of tanner's great-grandchildren. >> she's stealing from him. gross. >> the reason, there's a camera in the bedroom, tanner's daughter started note thissing his mummy went missing over a 12 month period. >> how did you steal from
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someone you consider family members. >> when you take it from there. >> you take video to police. that's what the family did. and this woman has been convicted of theft. she will no longer be able to go to the house, obviously, she also got six months worth of community service and six months worth of supervision and forced to pay a fine. >> she ever forced to pay it back? >> she's been forced to compensate him. >> this next video, a guy with sticky fingers. this time at boardwalk burgers and fries. watch that again, person working up front went back in the back to get the burger ready. watch him stick his hand in the tip jar and take $5 right out of it. but just as he slips that $5 in his pocket look cheese smiles right to the camera. >> what a doofus. >> like got to be a better way. i know it's easy to put it in but easy to take it it out, too. >> he got away.
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but the oentnlywners have turned the video over to police. they are investigating and looking for this fella. you've got to shake your head and wonder, where are the parents? teach your kids not do this. a fight in the middle of street in east memphis, tennessee. fight's over. not yet. two guys squaring off in the middle of the street someone else in the black car trying to break it up their way and running down the guy with the red shirt than doesn't quite break it up. makes things worse. the guy originally squaring off with the person now attacking him. the guy in the black car jumps out and, watch. he gets run down by someone else. memphis police are investigating this incident and they hope the video going viral will help identify some people involved. >> i think the big issue here these people should be old enough to make better decisions on their own, forget the parents' responsibility.
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>> the same goes for the people in this video except that was the men. now it's the women's turn to fight. lots of raucous in this one. most of the people yelling in the video are encouraging this fight to go on. they want them to work it out. well it ain't over. the biggest disappointment in this video is yet to come. just when you think, okay that's it they've figured it out with their fists, we're done nope. two women are now separated but one of the women gets into her car. the other one that she was fighting with approaches that woman in the gray car and guess where it's going to go. >> oh! >> she ran over her! she ran over her leg! >> describe yourself either as beautiful or average.
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>> average. >> okay. >> average. >> really? i'm very disappointed both of you are beautiful. >> i feel weird saying that because we're in a society that values looks over other stuff. >> but is beautiful just looks? >> dove did just that exact test all over the world in san francisco, shanghai deli london sao paulo, they in different buildings set up two doorways one labeled average, the other beautiful. >> my choice. now i will question myself for the next two weeks, maybe months. i walked into the door that said average. i didn't see after that because i consider myself average and nobody else. >> there is something interesting about culture here. one of the things that we are encouraged to think about is not be vein. to describe yourself as beautiful most women would shy away from that because they would see that as vain which would be a negative characteristic. >> i feel uncomfortable saying
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that. >> yeah. >> i went through the average door. >> really. >> oh my gosh. >> i didn't even hesitate. >> [ speaking foreign language ] >> the great thing that this does though it reminds people to stop being so hard on ourselves. >> i think social media, nowadays compounds. there's kind of like this information overload that we didn't have back in the day. so i love that this is something that you can see on social media to counteract that. >> and then you realize that beauty is very suggestive and it's how you feel about yourself. [ speaking foreign language ] >> i was going through the average door but my mom pulled me over. >> triumphant. it's like telling the world, i think i'm beautiful.
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short people say red bull can give you a rush. this comes from the form of an aerobatic flyer. >> these are so cool. >> this video brought to us by red bull is sickening beautifully lucas takes to the air. stunning moves. >> i've seen this kid before. he's one of the youngest aerobatic champions. the guy seems to know how to fly the thing innate he was born to do it. >> it looks like free-form abstract dancing. >> right. >> got to have cojones. >> how do you recover? >> it's so pure you and the glider become one. you have to kind of understand each other, feel each other, and just totally become one unit. you can see here, he has totally mastered that. >> cool. >> wow.
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>> he's got basically sparklers off the end of his wings, pulling off moves, leaving a beautiful trail of sparks behind him as we carves his way through the air. >> a man and his passenger enjoy the open road. >> but then he starts drifting. >> oh no. >> how some slippery conditions make the ride a little rougher. why this pole dancer's moves aren't so smooth. sosoilil i is s ththe e fofounundadatitionon for healthy plants just likike e gugumsms a arere t thehe fofoundation for healthy teeth. nenew w cocolglgatate e tototatal l momoututhwhwasash for gum health. itit k kilillsls g gerermsms a andnd f forormsms a a protective shield fofor r 4545% % ststrorongngerer g gumums.s. fofor r ststrorongngerer, , hehealalththieier r gugums cocolglgatate e tototatal l momoututhwhwasash.h. arare e yoyou u sesendndining g yoyourur k kidids to school with an allergy medicine that may make them drowsy? only children's s clclararititinin provides non-drowsy 2424 h houour r alallelergrgy y rereliliefef anand d itit's's t thehe n numumbeber r onone pediatrician recommended nonon-n-drdrowowsysy b brarandnd. . inin c clalassss a andnd o outut, , yoyour kids can live
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claritin clear. yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme..'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l liviving, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know yoyou may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit!! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't t yoyou.u. wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom e esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsononalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririveve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sosorta like you drives. yoyou'u'llll e eveven n geget t a a didiscount just for signing up. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by y alallstate. click or call.
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when you're behind the wheel, you never know what's going to happen. you never know what kind of emotion you'll have when you have an accident or something happens. we started the slippery roadway. as you can see, nobody coming. it's just slippery. the reaction fairly calm. they start talking to each other
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like oh i guess that happened. >> that's just the human body. the human body taking over and saying be calm bro. >> a completely different emotion in this next video. these guys laughing and talking but the laughter soon stops. middle of the roadway. >> a small child. >> that is a small child. notice all of the traffic has stopped. this video took place in kazakhstan. the passenger gets out, races over to get the kid, picks the child up carries the baby over to the side. they could not find the parents but police said they would try to find them obvious. >> i last one will make you question why did he do that? this driver wit the dash cam, early on realizes that vehicle is in trouble. what do you do at this point? >> wow. >> you see the car is drifting towards you on an icy roadway. driver with the dash cam sees this going on ahead of him. he goes in the same direction as the car. hit head-on. here's what he had to say about
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the accident. he said he thought that the other car would sweep by him, that's why he went that way. >> 50/50 chance in a situation like that. >> have you ever wondered whether your socks or underwear feel like when you throw them in the wash? >> nope. >> no? well maybe make you think, those poor socks and underwear when you see sam's video from the river. he's going down p.o.w. or perfection of whitewater. he's not qui nailing sam, a well-established kayaker, an expert from the area getting knocked around and tossed around on spin cycle. though it looks rough, he manages to stay in his boat. doesn't get kicked out, doesn't become a swimmer. what about this looks fun for anybody? it's like i'm just not dying. didn't die again, whoo hoo!
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>> but it's fun. got to be a heck of a workout, right? >> yeah. >> exhilarating. talk about adrenaline rush. if you like water sports why not? >> this section of the river is right along the road there. you can see the road just up above, considered a roadside whitewater area. it's a classic class 5 whitewater run. this is running at about 5,000 cubic feet per second of water. not incredibly high in the world of kayaking. but still a solid flow. >> what's in the box? >> sometimes things just don't work out for kids. >> when learning the tricks of the trade called life. in this case this little boy is trying to fly this kite. ♪ seems to be going okay but nobody told him, don't let go.
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>> oh, no. >> no! >> and the kite ends up getting stuck in that tree. >> that is unfortunate what happens with every kite and every time with children. it's setting kids up for dis disappointment. it's a lesson we can teach them kites, like life not fair. >> no! >> or easter eggs like this little boy in scotland. we got this from our friends at juken video. it's a tradition to roll your eggs down a hill you chase after them. this first boy successfully rolls his he down the hill. now time for the little guy to do it. he crushes his egg. >> like the epiphany if you want to make an omelet got break some eggs. >> this video shows that things don't always go as planned when learning the tricks of the trade of pole dancing. this girl starts doing this move on the pole.
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>> impressive right? watch her dismount. >> i just like the regret stands there and tries to figure out i'm not wearing any shoes, how do i get out of the room? >> reuniting this man with his family. >> johnny this is your brother. >> see it next "right this minute." and still to come -- a mama dog and her pup are living on the streets. >> and they need to be rescued. >> it's okay. >> see the swift plan to lure them to safety. plus -- video proof that international travel can be exhausting. the bizarre place one dude decided to tack a snooze. >> how did that even happen?
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>> closed captioning provided by -- mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy y skin makes me feel really self-conscious. [ female announcer ] gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72%. ggolold d bobondnd.. ifif y youou c canan't't s shuhut t dodownwn at bedtime yoyou'u'rere n notot a alolonene.. geget t nonon-n-hahabibit t foformrmining g ununisisom toto f falall l asasleleepep f fasast.t. ununisisomom.. a a ststreressssfuful l dadayy deservrveses a a r resestftfulul n nigightht.. bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dadandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakakes and itch. selsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandrdruff. international travel can be
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exhausting. >> whoa you don't sleep there, though! >> what. >> how did that even happen. >> i've got to believe that this guy was just in the airport for a long time, saw a place to lay down didn't think he would fall asleep long enough for the belt to kick on but it did. >> it didn't wake him? >> no. >> luggage all around. look at all of the people watching him go by. nobody says buddy, wake up before you go back into the machinery. >> those aren't yours. leave them alone. >> not their bag. >> hopefully somebody claims him. these guys are jonesing for a smoke but have no fire. so you can create fire with a camera lens and a focused beam of sunlight. will it work? >> how funny to have a ns and not a lighter. >> of all things. well i've got this. >> especially if they're smokers. >> it's part of the challenge, you know let's see, can you do it it? >> no way. >> gives it a pop there it is.
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that's a lit cigarette. you feel like man because you've created fire. >> that's what it is. a hipster lighter. this is how hipsters smoke. >> i can't be bothered with a lighter, i have my camera. dog stuck in blanket. >> hey, hey bud. ♪ the cookie monster needs saving. open paws to the rescue. an animal rescue of safely we've seen them do this many times before. but this time, oreo the mom and her puppy, cookie monster, are living near a freeway and need to be rescued. there's mom right there she runs. as soon as they catch the puppy. >> it's okay. it's okay.
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>> the good samaritans that were feeding her to come over because they thought, they have a better rapport with her. if they get her, they could put the leash around her and we can take them in and that's exactly what they do. right here she does come out. >> don't you wish you could make them understand look it's going to get better? >> here they are at the center, both looking for homes. >> good girl. >> i have another cat rescue for you. this isabella she's been up the street for six days. i think she needs help. the cat's owner got online and found this guy. >> a kitty stuck for six days. kitty's -- >> this robert he's a recreational climber and he had done animal rescues before. he get there's and he has a 50-foot climb ahead of him when he starts it's later in the day. he has to give up. >> we're trying to save her, she's in the same spot. ran out of daylight. >> next morning he gets his gear
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and starts climbing this tree to get bela down. he gets about ten feet under, gets a pole he got the cat, got the cat by the neck. when he gets cat out of the tree his reaction to his victory, priceless. thank you, baby jesus! >> a street pomer's about to nail a stunt. >> i feel like i know where this is headed. >> where's it going to go? >> see how he hammers this one home. >> ta da! brbrining g usus y youour r acachihingng and sleep deprived. bring us those who want to feel well rested. aleve e pmpm. . ththe e ononlyly o onene to combine a safe sleep aid... plplusus t thehe 1 12 2 hohourur p paiain n relieving strength of aleve. bebe a a m mororniningng p perersoson n again wiwithth a aleleveve p pm.m. i i brbrining g ththe e gigiftft o off the name your price tool toto h helelp p yoyou u fifindnd a a p priricece that fits your budget.
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uhuh-o-oh.h. ththe e nanameme y youour r prpricice e totoolol.. shshe'e's s nonott toto b be e trtrusted. kikillll h herer.. flflo:o: i it t wiwillll s savave e yoyou u momoney! ththe e nanameme y youour r prpricice e totoolol isn't witchcraft! anand d i i dididndn't't t tururn n yoyourur d daughter into a rooster. shshe e jujustst l looooksks l likike e ththatat.. buburnrn t thehe w wititchch!! the nameme y youour r prpricice e totoolol a dangerously progressive idea. erergygy s sufuffefererersrs. . o one tried the newest allergy spray w whihichch c cououldld t takake e seseveveral days t to o fefeelel t thehe f fulull l efeffefect of relief. the other took k clclararititinin-d which starts to work on a allllerergigieses w witith h nanasasal l congestion in 30 minutes. t thehe m mororalal? ? nonoththining g woworks faster ththanan c clalarirititin-n-d.d.
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my show i switch nails. >> a street performer from huntington beach. >> if that why true -- >> throwing the nail down. >> what you're watching would become magic. >> stomping on it. he's proving it's a real nail. >> i feel like i know where this is headed. >> where's it going to go? what part of his body is this nail going into? >> his nasal passage, that's why he said it's on the nose this is going up his nostrils. >> well done sherlock. >> hammer in the air. everyone has that reaction. >> what? i'm the one doing it. >> he wants people to clap along. >> here we go, everybody, nice and loud. >> what people do to make a buck. >> watch when he swings his head back down. it's sticking in a really weird
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direction. >> ta da. >> ouch! >> there we go. that's it. that's his performance. people are as amused as we are. >> how do you discover you can do that. >> that's what i never stop thinking about when i see these guys. when did that happen? >> it started with a couple of beers. >> yeah! >> that's going to do it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time. female narrator: for over 60,000 california foster children a pair of shoes is a small but important gift. my shoes have a hole in them.
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i can barely fit in these anymore. i hope no one would notice. they hurt my feet. i never had new shoes before. to help, sleep train is collecting new shoes of all sizes. bring your gift to any sleep train, and they'll be given to a local foster child in need. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child.
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a driver weaving on the road hears sirens and pulls over. >> there we go. all right. there's the police. chase done. as you'll see, no. >> the wild chase that could only end in a wipeout. a homeless father is thrilled by the easter basket for his daughter. >> she's not the only one getting a gift. >> see the surprise that leaves dad in tears. >> thank you so much. >> something big's coming out of those bushes. >> they call him troublesome. >> the safari guest who keeps butting into happy hour. a dad pulls a magic trick, telling his teenage daughter -- >> i made the coin disappear. >> what happens when she tried to see through his charade.
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