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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  April 14, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

3:30 pm
♪ wow, this is scary. >> it's just a hailstorm, but -- >> oh, my gosh. >> his freakout level hits like 10. >> the reason this driver doesn't get it. >> this is not a joke. i've never -- i'm so scared right now. >> we've got beer. -- when it started out. >> two good guys come to the rescue. >> they want to help this deer out. >> but getting to the happy ending is harder than it looks. a star-crossed superstar is coming in for the big finish. why nobody saw what was coming
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next. plus why you need to be driving a ripsaw and he's trying a scary backflip. >> win or fail. see if trying is doing on this one. some severe storms reeked havoc on parts of the midwest last week. a lot of people caught on the videos. this is a different kind of moment in a storm. >> good morning. it's hailing like crazy right now. hope crap! this is jeffrey stewart, he's a blogger along with his wife and new daughter. this was part of his blog. he's originalsly from palmdale california now lives in ames iowa. he doesn't know exactly what to do here. >> my gosh, what do you do? hole crap. >> wow, this is scary. >> and you can hear the hail.
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it sounds almost like bullets hitting your car. >> as a native californian, we do have hail is there. pull over duck under something. >> he's on his way to work. >> what am i supposed to do? [ laughter ] >> not exactly what i was expecting to see. i'm sorry. i judged his voice, and his fear level, and did not expect to see the big, bald tattooed -- >> my gosh his freakout level hits 10 by this point. >> this is terrifying! it's like the sky is made of ice and it's [ bleep ] me right now. >> and then he starts singing a song as a tribute to his old home. ♪ california ♪ ♪ i freakin' miss you ♪
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it appears that someone is doing something nice for someone else. there's a guy getting into his vehicle. you see two traffic wardens lifting that chain to let that driver out. pretty nice gesture you might say, correct? >> should they be busting you? >> i'm suspicious. >> apparently this is a private parking lot in nottinghamshire. that car wasn't supposed to be there. the owners that share the cost of that parking lot are very upset, because it costs them thousands of dollars a year to have. after reviewing the video, the partnership seeks an enforcement manager decided that there really doesn't seem like anything horrible is going on. they believe the officers add acted in good faith. not doing something nice this lady in australia. this is an rsl club an organization that provides
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supports and services to veterans and their families. they're have a celebration for remembering the lost veterans in australia. you can tell there are already some donations in there. this woman notices the box, sits down for a few minutes, hides the box under hurl jacket and walks right out the door. >> stealing is bad, but stealing donation from veterans is even wort but in their own building? that's a triple threat of cold. >> police are looking for this woman. sometimes animals get themselves tied up in curious ways and they need human interaction to help get them free. that's what happened in this first video. there you have a deer caught up in fencing, but two guys want to help this deer out. they have some pliers. when they approach the deer, it doesn't look like it wants help, but they're going to try it anyway.
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>> it definitely wants help. >> >> well they got the right tools, and the door at this point is fighting. it looked like for a second he had given up. >> you think it's exhausted until it gets up. >> give it a while, you'll get the hang of it. now in this next video, these ducks don't need human help but they need some help in getting along. these two are wrestling like they're in a wrestling match. >> that's not wrestling. >> no they're not doing that. they are wrestling. but to me it looks like a male and a female and they're doing at courtship. >> the courtship dance. >> exactly. >> but here it just looks like a fight. as you can see here the fight is over after the black one start picking at the wing of the other one and just takes eve, just walks off.
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>> the other one flyin off and the water like nothing happens. >> god, i love you for wanting this to be -- rated. i'm sure most would describe this experience as unlucky, but i'm pretty sure this might be the luckiest person in taiwan. it must be the luckiest escape we have ever seen. waffle as she makes the terrible decision to try to figure in there, and then -- >> o.oh! >> she runs across the street and there as well on the right-hand side it's also now on fire. she eventually comes stumbling back with a bit of a limp by the looks of it. incredible escape. she was trying to slip through, they can't really see her. i can't see how she escapes not
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being run over. the truck seemed like it stayed its course. 4 and why force the situation. couldn't slow down a bit and follow behind the truck? i'm wonder if she was all there. >> the city she comes from taiwan. people are just always trying to fit into small spaces. >> like good luck with that. he's trying to keep his balling on this longboard. >> that move only words for kaz. take a look at think unsuccessful attempt. see how this little elephant has a great time. >> he's wearing old pants. r r
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wewe s snanap p itit.. wewe s statackck i it.t. wewe s smomoososh h itit.. wewe l lovove e itit.. hershey's s mamakekes s itit a a s s''more... yoyou u mamakeke i it t spspececiaial.l. hehersrshehey'y's s isis m minine,e, y youoursrs our chocolate. yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme..'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l living, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know you may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't t yoyou.u. wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsonalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sorta like you drives. yoyou'u'llll e eveven n geget t a a discount just for signing up. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by y allstate. click or call.
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3:41 pm
nick don't be your normal self during these videos. they're all about romance, open your heart and fill it with love. >> this first video. >> adam in lake geneva wisconsin, coming in for the big finish is basically superstar tucker hibbard abouting to asked questioned by an announcer and two fan picks for the day. you get to talk to your idol. how cool. emily and joel. emily asks the first question. her heart has to be racing but joel's heart is racing too. it's his turn. listen to what tucker says. >> yeah. >> it was not a question for him, but a question for her. >> yes? >> it's -- what if he came last no interview, like never mind.
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>> the whole thing was orchestrated by joel to make this moment very, very special, because they are huge fans. this was his last race of the season. >> no more -- sports and love? you cannot possibly hate this. one more video full of love. maybe this one will warm nick's is heart, a beautiful setting, the ocean, what's at the bottom of the screen? that's a dog's head. this is a proposal from the dog's point of view. the dog is actually enjoying the view on this very empty beach. he turns his head and look down on one knee that's asking his girlfriend if she will marry him. >> so kirk buddy in charge of getting the moment on camera. >> i wanted him to point out that she --. the dog did a wonderful job. >> she said yes.
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>> i said yes. all right, guys we're going to play a game called win or fail. first one here. first video, this guy is on top of this rock of potato chips. he's lining up to do something impressive. win or fail? >> fail. >> i'm going to go win. he lines himself up. nailed it pulls off a backflip with his own camera there. everyone in the crowd very impressed. very well done. next up he's coming down hits the ramp. >> fail. >> fail fail. >> good instinct guys. watch this one. >> oh, that was a big fail. >> overshot that a bit. >> in fact when he landed he says this is a quote, basically he broke his arm off. he's okay. everybody else was fine. >> it was a long video, and this
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is robert kissler, win or fail? >> fail. >> fail. >> he has the waddles. honestly longboarding isn't that exciting to watch unless you -- i'm sorry. >> i'm going to go with win. >> wow. >> he ha has a hell mitt on. >> it look like he actually bit the concrete. >> he lost some teeth or two. >> if he had just taken the fall i watt he was falling. >> that move only works for cats. [ laughter ] i indisputable evidence that animals are just like humans. they want to eat like we do because dogs always take the food off your plate. they want to play like you. they just want to do like we do. like this elephant. ♪ >> that's such a cute angle,
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with the elephant bum and wrinkly legs. he's wearing big old pants. it's like he's wearing a sleeper, you notice like a toddler? >> again, more proof animals want to be like us this one older, but trending but awesome. >> totally awesome. >> the one on the left we're going to call next. the one on the right is oldies. >> nick is in command, ollie is holding on. and he falls off. >> this is like a lumberjack competition. >> except they don't run really fast. >> i demand a rematch. get in there. >> ollie climbs back up and watch what happens. oh nick is down it's a tie. >> that was quite a funny video. >> july the idea that out in nature this was happening, and we wouldn't know about it if this guy didn't roll a camera.
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♪ about time for a little "real or fake?" starting with this bird, it's having an interesting conversation. >> did it follow a radio? >> there's no way these real. this is absolutely fake. and this dude is enjoying a four-legged meal. >> what the heck? see the videos that will have you duped.
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closed captioning and other considerations provided by- bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakes and itch. selslsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandruff. trtry y ununisisomom l liqiquiuid.d. whwhen you can't wind down itit h helelpsps y youou f falall l asasleep quickly anand d wawakeke r refefrereshsheded.. ununisisomom l liqiquiuid.d. a a ststreressssfuful l daday y dedeseserves a restful night.
3:49 pm
sgloo don't worry, we have an injection of fun. >> it's time for a shot of life. let's run the clip. >> first video. [ laugh, what a doof us. you think maybe he was trying to swing into the open door on the side of the dumpster and forgot to let go? >> i'm going to be real -- >> five real -- >> my take on it is this doesn't look like just the first try. it's like you've got to come see this, and then failed. .
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>> it's r2-d2. >> did it follow a transistor radio? >> this is no way it's real. it's absolutely fake. >> it sounds fake to me. >> i'm insulted we're even answering the question. >> i'm saying real. >> me too. >> really? >> i want it to be real. >> it looks like some sort of mockingbird. i think it's heard these sounds and it's mimicking them. >> i'm going with the guys they got it right. this is real. this is actually from an exotic bird breeding project in brazil. they played video games, and one of people that and the bird just is repeating the sounds. sgloo and the last video. >> what the heck! >> it's a dried out squirrel. >> where do you get a dried squirrel? >> did you put like a tomato
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helmet on it? >> the back story is this guy found a dried-out squirrel and his friends challenged him for 25 bucks to take a bite. >> when you see the video, it's the dust that actually it was a petrified dead squirrel. >> i say real. >> i say real. $25 in i'd give him 25 not to eat it. >> i'm going real. >> we have a guy here in the office two-week-old chicken, throw some hot sauce. he didn't come into work for a few days but free time off. >> this is definitely real. sgloo cat love. ♪
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[ laughter ] ♪ sgloo when you're an amazing dj you can make music out of anything -- anything -- anything -- anything. to prove just that mashed and coucher hit the street to collect sounds. now they drive around town trying to get people to sing into their mikes. >> can you sing? >> no. >> would you sing? >> no. >> finally this jogger here they get to actually sing for them and he's actually good. >> do you mind singing something for me real quick? ♪ because i'm a passenger ♪ ♪ i'm not in control ♪ ♪ i'm a passenger ♪ ♪ you are the one leading me
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here ♪ >> yay. >> it scored. >> and now they have to put it all together. ♪ ♪ because i'm a passenger ♪ ♪ i'm not in control ♪ ♪ i'm a passenger ♪ ♪ you are the one leading me here ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm a passenger ♪ ♪ i'm not in control ♪ ♪ i'm a passenger ♪ ♪ you're the one leading me here ♪
3:54 pm
sgloo it's a custom -- check out this powerful beast. it's gorgeous. ♪ toto y youou, , ththeyey'r're e momorere than just a pet. soso p prorotetectct t thehem.m..... .....w.witith h k9k9 a advdvanantitixx® i ii. itit's's b broroadad-s-spepectctrurumm protection k ills fleas titickcks s anand d momosqsquiuitotoeses t too. k9k9 a advdvanantitixx® i ii.i. fofor r ththe e loloveve o of f dodogg™. ththisis i is s brbrian. eveverery y daday,y, b bririanan d dririveves carefully to work. anand d eveverery y daday y brbriaian n drives carefully to work, ththerere e arare e raratete s sucuckekersrs. hehe's's b beeeen n papayiyingng m morore for car insurance bebecacaususe e ofof t theheirir b badad driving for r soso l lonong,g, h he e dodoesesn'n't even notice them anymore. bubut t onone e daday y brbriaian n gegetsts snapshot from progressive. nonow w brbriaian n hahas s a a raratete babasesed d onon hihiss drdriviving, not theirs. geget t snsnapapshshotot a andnd s seeee just how much your good driving cocoululd d sasaveve y youou..
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on his quest, jack ventured far and wide. through dust, fog and rain. until he smelled something legendary. garlic herb butter. jack knew what to do. take the cowboy with him. and that's how the buttery jack came to be.
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our juiciest, butteriest craviest burgers ever. the new buttery jack burgers from jack in the box.
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>> you have to go dressed as trunk. you're going to want a ripsaw. i'm talking about this highly custom piece of machinery called the ripsaw. this thing is so cool. it's put together by a company called howe and howe tech. they used to have a show on the discovery channel a while bag. this is their new ripsaw. bakley it's a high-speed hack vehicle with tread. >> this looks like what the rock was driving in the second movie. >> there's no stop in this thing. look at them drifting on a frozen lakebed. >> essentially the closest thing
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you can have to the batmobile or a tumbler. >> there's no price tag. if you have to ask, you can't afford it. >> they build these incredible pieces of machinery, but this is the latest iteration of the ripsaw. this is the ev-2 the most modern version, fast furious, fun. it looks looks cool too, the kind of thing you would want as a toy as a kid that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute." thanks for joining us everybody. we'll see you next time. --
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[captioning made possible by warner bros.domestic television distribution] ♪ harvey: welcome to "tmz live." harvey levin here. charles: charles here. harvey: so justin bieber got chokeholded. is that a word? charles: it is now. harvey: at coachella. we have video of something that happened there that we broke on the website. and it's pretty crazy because this went under the radar for a day or so. but on sunday, justin went to a dre' concert. that's him being escorted out of this concert. he had a wristband on that allowed him to enter the artist entrance but the problem was


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