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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  April 16, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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[ bleep ]. >> a man in a truck is on a rampage. now, he's a menace to everybody around him. >> why it takes a village to pump the brakes on his bad behavior. >> relax. you're not going nowhere. >> a woman is trying to take in the scenery but -- >> oh, my god! >> she actually does get hit by that wave. >> lucky escape by that long fall down. thnchts little boy gets caught off guard when he spots a familiar face. >> what are you doing? i'm so confused. >> see the priceless reaction to
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an early arrival. plus a bike ride that will have you saying oh, my god! and dude sets up an elaborate bathroom prank for his lady that -- >> smells gnarly. >> what happens when nature finally calls? defendantin, florida is a great place to go fishing. folks in this video are trying to catch a whopper. see that big pickup truck seemingly stu right next toth >> yeah you're stuck. [ bleep ] now what? >> you can see cracks in the concrete. >> you just ran into my brand -- [ bleep ]. >> this guy isn't giving up. >> watch out. get out of the way, bud. >> eventually that engine in that big truck is able to pull itself out, tires smoking and everything. now a menace to everybody around him. before the video started, the
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truck had already hit a moving car, went into oncoming traffic, tried to negotiate the turn here. that's when it hit the building. >> you ain't going nowhere like that. >> where are you going with that? >> the gruks speeding down the street with all that damage. good samaritans on foot trying to catch up with the guy. just down the street an ambulance tries to run a roadblock on this guy. and it works. but only for a minute. >> oh, my goodness. >> big chevy silverado goes around the ambulance. yes, the truck goes around the ambulance. >> oh! >> took out a tree. >> hits the tree. crashes into a ditch. now the ambulance trying to get this guy to slow down and stop. the rest of the people around run up on this truck and try to get the guy out. one guy tries to break out the passenger window. there's another concern. >> no! hey, anybody -- [ bleep ]. >> the door does open and the
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guys nearby jump on top of him, get this guy on the ground. and it turns out they know who he is. they take one look at the guy's face and they say chris garner a boat captain in the area. >> [ bleep ]. >> chris [ bleep ] moron. >> there was a very heavy smell of alcohol on chris' breath and probably the most damning and even embarrassing piece of evidence open bottle of skinny girl vodka in the cab of his truck. >> oh! >> this guy has a history of dui. third offense in the last ten years, facing serious charges, including leaving the scene, reckless driving, and of course dui. thankfully no one was injured in this rampage. right there, you see a woman on top of that cliff wanting to take a picture that have wave. guess what waves sometimes get big and sometimes you want to back up. but she doesn't.
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>> oh, my gosh! >> she actually does get hit by that wave. you see her fall down the side of that cliff. that woman fell 40 feet. here is the thing. >> oh, ow! >> shamus mccarthy is shooting the video, an advanced paramedic. his girlfriend ran to call 999. her ankle was so smashed she couldn't get out there have. he and another guy took an army jacket and backpack fastened it around herself and they pulled her up where she was able to be helicoptered into town. >> she got so lucky that it was him recording that video watching what was happening. she would have been in so much more trouble. >> exactly. you have to remember that mother nature sometimes has really big waves smashing on stuff. >> so hard. this video from china is a
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year old, but just now is getting released. this man got stuck in a muddy swamp. i'm surprise there had wasn't a wardrobe malfunction this swamp is just full of sticky mud. they're having a devil of a time pulling this guy out. pant does stay on. eventually they have to cut away the bottom part of his pants and maybe a shoe to get this guy out of there. >> wow! >> how do you find yourself almost killed by mud? >> transported to a hospital and was found to be okay. there are thankless jobs in the world. being a mother being a host being a janitor has got to be one as well. this is the straw that breaks the camel's back for a janitor. just outside, right? packing up trash into this bin theechlts guys come through the door. one of these guys goes plunk and put it is there for the other guy to deal with. he's like hey, what are you
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doing? like i don't already have enough to do. you can't put your own trash in the bin? you've got to put it there? it gets to the point where, you know what? he's going to make a point. >> oh! good aim as well. he finally loses and throws the trash at the offending guy. this is russia i'm expecting a full-on brawl to break out. what actually happens is the janitor pulls him over gives him a stern talking to. after about a minute the guy actually picks his trash up and walks away and he's done. janitor walking back something about respecting other human beings. >> now, about this whole thankless job -- that right there, that is profession
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professional writer, writing what is known as the white line in one of these formations in sedona you see that very clear white line in the rocks and apparently it's a thing that you can write through. as he goes horizontally on the white line. then he needs to go down one level. watch what he does. >> oh, my gosh! >> absolutely crazy because that is one heck of a drop. if anything goes wrong. >> from that angle it looks completely vertical and doesn't even look real. you think no one would be that stupid. >> it's absolutely insane. he makes it all the way across. the video recorded by marshall mullen. this guy's a pro. he does say he was very very scared. >> as you should be if you're doing something -- do you notice how short it was? go back there and back. they don't ride the whole range. >> put your feet down. you just have to keep going. you have to keep riding.
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if you stop you're going to fall. >> the video was posted about a month ago and has already gotten more than 3.7 million views for very obvious reasons. >> i can breathe now. i have to remind myself i can breathe because i was holding my breath for that. she decides to go for it. but it's an uncontrolled pedestrian cross area. >> scking moment flying. >> oh, she fell right on her head! >> and he might just be the youngest music producer yet he has been producing music for five years. meet the 11-year-old and hear his story next. whwhatat's's g goioingng o on?n? toaster's broken. which means no eggo waffles. sosomemeththining g smsmelellsls d delelicicioious. egeggogo!! l'l'egeggogo m my y egeggogo breakfast sandwich. itit's's s sweweetet, , itit's's s savavory, it's in your microwave. l'l'egeggogo m my y egeggogo b brereakakfast sandwich. ♪ [ [upupbebeatat m mususicic] ] ♪
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dedefifianancece i is s inin o ourur b bononeses. dedefifianancece n neveverer g grorows old. cicitrtracacalal m maxaximimumum.. eaeasisilyly a absbsororbebed d cacalclcium plus d. now in a new look. evevereryoyonene n neeeedsds a a b bffff.. even your smile. nenew w cocolglgatate e opoptitic c whwhititee express white toothpaste wiwithth h hydydrorogegen n peperoroxixidede for whiter teeth in 3 days. dadazzzzlele&& wiwiththouout t ththe e hahasssslele.. new colgatate e opoptiticc whwhitite e express white. whwhititerer t teeeethth i inn 3 3 dadays just by brushing. hehersrshehey'y's s mimininiataturureses.. wewe p pouour r ''emem!! wewe p pasass s ''emem!! wewe p picick k ''emem!! dedeliliciciouous s fufun n fofor r evevereryoyone. hehersrshehey'y's s mimininiataturureses are mine, yours, our chocolate.
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a lot of people are considering what they're going to do on their summer vacation f you think russia maybe a walking tour in russia think again n this first video we are coming upon an uncontrolled
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pedestrian cross area. some of these cars stop like the one with the dash cam. watch what happens when someone making a left turn on the road she's crossing -- >> oh! >> she fell right on her head. >> knocks her right on the ground. yes, she does hit her head. she's having a bit of a problem. the car stops. passenger and driver get out. this is something i haven't seen before. they actually load the woman into the car as if they're trying to go get her some help. here in russia in the second video, it's not even the cars have you to worry about all the time. pay attention to the man on the bike. boom! hit that is pedestrian dead on. >> even if you're in a marked crosswalk and even if the light is red and you have the right of way to cross the road boom! hit twos people right there. and the two people angry. this guy doesn't even hit the ground. he hits the car multiple time. >> trying to head butt the car.
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>> the driver did drive off. she does get up after being knocked to the ground. the other guy didn't get knocked to the ground but definitely tried to knock out the driver. if you were to find some plum jam that smells like a portapotty you would probably throw it away. or if you're like this guy, you would use it as a prank. >> it wreaks. holy crap it wreaks. when i open it, it smells like [ bleep ]. >> it smells gnarly. >> we're going to take the jam, position it all around the toilet make it look like i missed the toilet when i was trying to go. even on the underpants. >> authenticity. he has it all set up. of course, like a kid on sort of christmas morning. he can't wait for nature to take its course. is she going to go to the bathroom? he decides to do some of the
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worst little acting possible to try to get her in there. >> can you help me clean this? i just spilled something. >> what did you spill? >> i spilled my guts. >> oh! what the hell? let me out. >> what a great way to -- >> the worst thing he could have done to this girl. you are going to be single. >> don't leave me in here. >> clean it for me, kate. please! >> oh, my god. so disgusting. >> that bathroom was so clean. please tell me she dumped him. >> that was excellent, kate. excellent reaction. >> shut up. >> oh, yes! my kind of girl. online music sites are very popular. triple j honor is another online
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music site. one song getting a lot of attention called fist pump. by a dude named blackstone. they wanted to meet the guy along the music. a heck of a surprise. >> oh, it's a kid. he's so young. >> he is 11 years old now but he has been producing music for five years. and the kid is a master. >> i love this. >> parents say this isn't anything new either. >> he has always had an interest in music at a very young age. you can tell when someone is passionate about something because even at 3 years old, you can tell he's really connecting. >> sold out a toy room at 3 years old. you have to be impressed with that.
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>> i spent hours and hours and hours. >> he had a bit of a setback, set out for a talent competition and didn't get accepted. it's because the judges had no idea what it takes to create this music. >> i'm glad that at 11 years old, he has that clarity. >> one of his favorite artists is phlume and got a special message. >> hey, rafe keep at it. you're good at the music. number one tip for you would be to always experiment always try new things. have your mistakes. good luck. >> i can't wait to see what he's going to be doing in about 10 year. >> download his songs at social experiment between the seks but there's a twist on the next "right this minute." and still to come guys about to go for the jump but -- oh my god! you idiot, you idiot, you idiot. what were you thinking?
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see why it's definitely not a soft landing. plus the adorable little lady was a bit confused. >> da da? >> no that's not daddy. >> she's like, okay, what gives?
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bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue
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tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakes and itch. selslsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandruff. ifif y youou c canan't't s shuhut t dodownwn at bedtime yoyou'u'rere n notot a alolonene.. geget t nonon-n-hahabibit t foformrmining g ununisom toto f falall l asasleleepep f fasast.t. ununisisomom.. a a ststreressssfuful l dadayy deservrveses a a r resestftfulul n nigightht. according to nicole joseph her 4-year-old son has just gotten done speaking to his dad on the phone in the military for arizona. his little boy was asking questions like are you in zona? thinking dad is going to home in may. it's still april. all of a sudden he hears a familiar voice. >> what are you doing here? >> oh, he's so confused. >> he was like i was just talking to you on the phone and there you are.
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>> i -- i called you and you were at work. >> magic, that's why. >> that is so cute. they surprise him all the time when his dad returns from deployment but he wasn't expecting it. >> didn't realize his dad was a magician. >> exactly. interesting kind of daddy issue. >> hi dad. >> she's hugging a mannequin. she's like hi dad. >> that's not dad. that's not mom either. >> sometimes it can just be the shorts. my kids used to be hugging on your jeans and lose concentration and hug somebody else's jeans and be like -- >> wearing man clothes but they're not dad. now i can't wait to see your reaction to this video. >> oh, jeez! oh my god! you idiot, you idiot, you idiot. what were you thinking? >> oh, such a bad --
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>> i closed my eyes. >> oh, goodness! why on earth -- he's not dead. he did suffer a concussion but ended up with one of the spikes from the fence in his leg. >> i want to watch it. play it again. >> oh! f these your friendstely don't need enemies. apparently those guys felt like he had too much to drink and he obviously needed a nap. he and his friends are at country sunder. look what his friends do to him. >> i feel horrible for him! >> that's good. you shouldn't feel bad. he fell into a nice soft chair. >> just getting comfortable. >> that comfortable, yeah. this one, just watch. this dummy thought he had the jump in him to make it all the way across that little river.
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>> he couldn't land it. >> forward like a gymnast would. >> what's more embarrassing the fall or his friend's laughter? >> it's their one-year anniversary. they've decided to challenge themselves to -- >> a food marathon. >> see how many meals they're able in one day. >> did they fast for 20 days before this? .....y.yetet u up p toto..... . 9090% of us fall short in getting kekey y nunutrtrieientnts s frfromom food alone. let's do more, together. adadd d onone e a a daday.y. cocompmpleletete w witith h kekey y nutrients we may need. plus, fofor r wowomemen,n, b bonone health support wiwithth c calalciciumum a andnd v vitamin d. .....a.andnd f foror m menen, , itit h helps support healthy blood pressure wiwithth v vititamaminin d d a andnd magnesium. tatakeke o onene a a d dayay m mulultivitamins. yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme..'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l
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living, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know you may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't t yoyou.u. wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsonalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sorta like you drives. yoyou'u'llll e eveven n geget t a a discount just for signing up. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by y allstate. click or call.
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>> glass ses. ♪ it's been over a year since one of our cool favorite editors matt levy left "right this minute" to head to new york city. he post this had video with his latest challenge, a marathon. >> what kind of marathon? >> a food marathon. he and his girlfriend decided to celebrate their one-year anniversary. >> this year we are going to go out to six restaurants in one day for a food marathon. >> 26 restaurant ss we've never been to before. >> leading up to meeting at midnight at the one restaurant where they did meet. >> that's a cute idea but, boy -- whoo did they fast for
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26 days before this? >> they tried all kinds of stuff. wings, hot dogs. it looks like those were nachos. >> little food carts. >> look at mattie how happy he is eating his way through new york. >> and smooching, he was doing a lot of that too. >> new york isn't cheap and new york tips as well. this is going to be an expensive day. >> it is going to be a very expensive day. it looks like they did it the smart way, to share a meal everywhere they went. >> i've heard of the ramen burger. >> so that's what it looks like? >> you fwhink it. they've got all day. you're just having a snack every hour or so. you know it's totally doable. >> plus you're probably walking everywhere. >> i expected to see the meals get smaller as the dayg went on. they're going big. >> they get bigger. >> yeah. >> closer to number 26. >> eating 20 meals a day at one point
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point. >> taking a food nap. >> yeah. they end up at the restaurant where they ended up meeting a year ago. he says this is the best anniversary of all time. they ended up spending a total of $282. >> if you were to go out to a nice restaurant to celebrate your anniversary, you would spend around that much anyway between dinner and date. >> the entire day was 17 1/2 hours long and they traveled around 100 miles. that's it f this minute." thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time.
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the rip cord. >> he's spinning round and round and round. >> then the wind blows him right into some trees. find out where he ends up and how badly he's injured. the dad and his daughter try to leave a shopping center, they're ambush ambushed. >> all of a sudden there's like 20 kids and they're like a pack of hyenas. >> hear what the kids stole and if they got away with it. feisty feline in a tree isn't interested in being rescued. >> he knows


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