tv Right This Minute FOX April 17, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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call 911! >> call 911. >> drivers try to stop a beatdown in the street in a video that's quickly going viral. outrageous scene after a minor accident. >> hey back the [ bleep ]! hey, hey, it happens! you are looking at the case of duck-mestic violence. >> a fight between a duck a goose and a drake. >> weirdest video i've ever seen. what happens when a hero with a billy club tries to make
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it stop? plus the hoff is back with some new kung furryy. and bmx biker loodss a battle with gravity. >> he just ate the pavement! video that is quickly going viral. you're about to see why. what we're seeing happening in front of this semi truck. >> look what you did to my [ bleep ] car! >> oh, wow! >> you see a pretty violent fight going on. according to the poster of this video, tommy solis, the driver in front of the car cut the truck off, causing the truck to actually hit the car. after that small accident happened the poster of the video says the driver of the car got out of his car and then pulled the truck driver out of the car. the truck driver an elderly man. and then this fight started happening. the driver of the car is the
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guy in the mustard-colored jacket. >> i wouldn't call it a fight. this is an assault. >> it's absolutely an assault. tommy solis and his friend, the guy behind the camera they quickly intervened. >> it's assault. >> hey, hey, leave his -- alone. >> call 911. >> he's just yelling at this man, look what you did do my car. >> this doesn't warrant a beatdown. >> accidents happen. >> hey back the [ bleep ] off him. hey, hey, it happens, man. are you going to [ bleep ] kick his ass? >> i am going to kick his ass. >> why? [ bleep ]. >> quit being a [ bleep ]. call the police. this dude's old [ bleep ] -- >> passions are high. people are heated. the guy in the mustard-colored jacket is starting to threaten the video poster's friend. [ bleep ] visible wound to the head. listen to the truck driver.
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he actually says thank you. the poster of the video, tommy solis is tattoo and rap artists and has gotten hundreds of thousands of views. people are also saying you can't really fight violence with violence. we reached out to police in baltimore. they did not get back to us by our deadline. what we have here is a case of duck-mestic violence. i'm not kidding, you guys. these ducks are fighting. there's ducklings around. according to the person who posted the video there is a chinese goose. you see the drake, a male duck, trying to drown the female duck the goose is trying to moderate it. watch what happens. the goose is fed up with the drake. the goose tries to drown the drake. >> it's a game of duck duck goose that has gone too far. >> it literally is a game of duck duck goose. >> it has its head under the water. look at it. it is forcing the drake's head
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under the water. duck on the back of a goose which is on the back of a duck. >> the duck is riding the goose while the goose is trying to drown the duck. >> this is the weirdest video i've ever seen! >> finally they make it to land and all separate. i'm tired just looking at it. >> we go from some wild happenings to a wild magazinepie acting very tame. >> so cute. it lies on its side just like my dog when you rub its belly and its paw is on your arm and it's like keep it up keep >> this bird actually likes a human touch. no other bird will get in there and do that for the little fella. they're soulmates this human and this magpie. it's incredible how brazen some thieves can be. check out this video from the uk where you see a car driving
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through this driveway. this is a farm. just a little while later you see that same vehicle turn back around. two people get out. then they walk right back through those gates and you're about to see why. these people are up to no good. you see what they're after. it's a buggy from a farm that they just drove off with. >> it almost seems weird, like it was a target of opportunity. they took a wrong turn. while they were in there, they were like the keys are in that. we should just take it. >> it's worth thousands of dollars and vital to the day-to-day operations of the victim that was robbed. authorities released this video because they are looking for these people. like these guys in brazil this guy on the motorcycle turns on to the street. you see another one with two riders on top of it pull up right next to him. one of them has a gun pointed right at the first rider. one of them starts patting him
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down. you can tell that they're taking things from him. eventually they force him off the bike. one of the riders jumps on his bike and they both take off. little bit difficult to identify them because they are, obviously, wearing helmets. hopefully, someone recognizes something, some detail and they'll call authorities. >> they probably are affecting this guy's livelihood too, this is how he got to and from work. i don't know about you guys. i want to go to vienna not for the history, the architecture. this is a full-on entertainment show that brings the best of motocross, bmx, atvs, snowmobiles, performances and scantily clad women and loud music. >> holy moly i like all of it except the scantily clad women. >> professional riders to go out and do what they want to do and
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entertain the crowd. it goes around europe as well. it stops in vienna. it's awesome. i want to check it out. now from one gigantic win to a pretty massive fail. this one in the world of bmx. big jump. he's up. boing! >> oh, no! he just ate the pavement. >> yeah. >> he almost landed on his feet. >> downward facing. if you watch the bike you can see the impact. he goes totally across the street and ends up hitting the car. you can tell how heavy the landing was. immediately back up on his feet. honestly i think this guy was old enough to know better this next kid, not so much. posted to our facebook face little dennis craig iii, also known as junior. he's 2. he is shredding it in the park out there in arizona with all the older kid. >> nice. >> he has been on a bike since he was 1 but also on the motor
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bike since he was 2. motocross bike. figuring it out. >> he has on his superman cape. bound for glory. >> dad chasing after him. >> immediately gets up dusts himself off. another video right here. mastered it all by himself. >> i think we're going to see him in the x games. >> i think we're going to see him at masters of dirt. they're tievgdiving in the name of love. >> she thinks he they're down there to do some fun stuff. >> seems to me he caught a big fish that he's going to keep. in this age of business casual dressing up for work may trigger a specific question. >> do you have a job interview? >> hear the lie that is get a bit awkward. amamerericicanans.s. 8383% % trtry... to eat healthy. yet up to 90% fall s short in getting... key nutrients from fofoodod a alolonene. . lelet't's s do more. adadd d onone e a a daday y wowomemen's. cocompmpleletete w witith h kekey y nutrients we may need. plplusus b bonone e hehealalthth s supuppoport wiwithth c calalciciumum a andnd v vitamin d. onone e a a daday y wowomemen'n'ss
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yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme..'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l living, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know you may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't t yoyou.u. wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsonalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sorta like you drives. yoyou'u'llll e eveven n geget t a a discount just for signing up. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by y allstate. click or call. wewe s snanap p itit.. wewe s statackck i it.t. wewe s smomoososh h itit.. wewe l lovove e itit.. hershey's s mamakekes s itit a a s s''more... yoyou u mamakeke i it t spspececiaial.l. hehersrshehey'y's s isis m minine,e, y youoursrs our chocolate.
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diving in lake towel, arizona. they're holding spears. he's there to make her his woman forever. >> what? he's going to do this while she has a spear in her hand? she better like him. >> fortunately, she does like him. right here when they're almost at the bottom of the lake brings out a beautiful orange box with the ring inside. >> what? that's risky. >> yeah risky and brave. fortunately, the ring stayed exactly where it was supposed to. you see her nodding, heck yeah. you also have to keep in mind she's at the bottom right, holding in one breath. >> i'm wondering how long they're going to stay down there before they have to surface. >> they stay down there for a really long time. >> he didn't put a string on that ring. i cannot believe it. >> she says yes. >> did she say it looked bigger under water? you know how water changes -- >> this is a really cool
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proposal moment. >> completely unexpected. she was down there with a spear, trying to see what she could catch. suddenly there's the ring. >> take in like a mouthful of water. you know that moment when you -- >> seems to me he caught a big fish that he's going to keep. >> ahh. you're right. it is a driverless utility golf cart on the loyola university chicago campus. somehow this little golf cart is reversing itself and it is stuck in a constant turn and is just going around and around and around. >> it's kind of quick, though. just steadily walks over to the golf cart pulls out his little stick. >> beat it into submission? >> actually yes. >> what?
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>> i'm not sure they're train for the record this particular situation so yes, he's beating the golf cart into submission. he is trying to break the window. that doesn't really help. >> he still can't get in. >> he keeps chasing it around in a circle. meanwhile the guys behind the camera are still giggling. >> this is probably the best thing i've ever seen. >> getting himself dizzy. >> staring it down like he's a matador. >> surely if he just grabs ahold of it. >> you are a genius when it comes to stopping golf carts. this man has some power. >> superman on that thing. >> his partner gets inside the golf cart. for some reason he can't figure out how to shut it off. the poor guy is holding the golf cart. can you see. watch that back wheel. it's just spinning. >> yea! >> finally. >> we work in the age of business casual. when a co-worker comes in in a
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suit and tie, what do we always ask him? >> are you here for a job? >> yes, exactly. do you have a job interview? companies sent us this video. they want to show us how awkward we look when somebody does have a job interview and they're trying to lie where they're going. >> just out. going for a walk. little cold. i thought i would throw on a blazer and tie. i don't wear scarves. >> don't feel like this area this area. >> that was a new one for dressing up. usually you put on sweat pants. >> never works for me. >> where are we going, you know? we should fwauk this. >> ooh, yeah turn the question. good one. >> funeral. my mom died. also my dad died. my dog also died. it's a swroint thing. >> i like that girl. >> every now and then this happens t happened to greg a little while back. he came in in a shirt and tie. i stuck my foot in my mouth when
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i asked you, why are you so dresd up? and you're like, i'm going to a funeral. >> why are you so dressed down? you look ridiculous. >> my uncle died too, and my aunt is really sick and will probably have a funeral scheduled next tuesday at 2:00 pm. >> some people get nosey, though. you're not out for a job interview? >> no. no. >> yeah whatever. >> what's a job interview? what is that actually? like i even have a resume. like what? it's a 1300-foot zip line. she starts screaming hold on, holding hold on hold on. you start to understand why she's saying that. >> why this experience has him holding on by a thread. >> no dangling right below? fun for kids to brush their teeth. >> every time you brush your teeth you're scoring points. >> the products that may be a
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- - yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awaway. yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awawayay.. female annnnououncncerer:: you could try home remedies toto r rememovove e yoyourur w warartsts bubut t wawartrtststicick k woworkrks.s. bubuy y atat d drurugsgstotoreress or ususe e ononlyly a as s didirerectcteded.. bebeining g frfreeee f froromm dandruff feels great. maximum strength selsun blue tatargrgetets s dadandndruruffff wiwipipingng o outut flflakes and itch. selslsunun b blulue.e. frfreeeedodom m frfromom d danandruff.
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ifif y youou c canan't't s shuhut t dodownwn at bedtime yoyou'u'rere n notot a alolonene.. geget t nonon-n-hahabibit t foformrmining g ununisom toto f falall l asasleleepep f fasast.t. ununisisomom.. a a ststreressssfuful l dadayy deservrveses a a r resestftfulul n nigightht. every time you fly, you hear the same warning. make sure your seat belt is safely fastened. in this instance make sure your caribiner is safely attached. >> oh, oh, i don't think i want to see this. >> zip line a girl about to take the plunge and her friend is right behind her. watch as they take off. you see him? he drops right behind her. not to the ground. he's attached to her. >> no. he's dangling right below? >> yeah look. there he is right below her. >> hold on, jess. >> there's someone who says you're not attached? they don't actually check? >> the employee is supposed to check but the employee forgot. >> that's great. >> connect him! >> if he lets go he falls, right? >> no.
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there's a caribiner attaching him to her. >> he's safely hooked to her? it's not like if he got really nervous and his hands got -- not like he's going to -- >> he didn't ride a zip line. he rode his friend. >> kind of stuck in the middle so the employees, you see them work their way down to these two because they have to get this guy up. it is scary. there are some laugh that is occur. occur. >> this is funny but not funny. >> that's the key there. you can see them working to get them back up to that platform that they took off from. >> grab my hair. there we go. >> they got him back up okay. this is a trip to thailand they will never forget. >> it's scary that a minor human error leads to this. >> connect him!
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getting your kids to brush your teeth willingly was as easy as playing a video game. these guys in the uk have create this had attachment to your toothbrush and, as you are brushing, you're playing a game on the smart phone that every time you swipe the brush to brush your teeth you're actually scoring points in the game. >> how much i need to -- >> speaking as a parent at this table, absolutely 100% i will buy them right now. tell me how. >> there is a kick starter campaign which you can buy into. they're looking for just over $50,000. >> i have my wallet. i would donate right now.
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>> you can donate as little as $1 or as much as you want really. if you have thousands to give then they'll take it. >> i was really bad at brushing my teeth and i found it really boring. but now i always want to brush my teeth when i can. and i am so much better at brushing my teeth because of the instructions on the screen. >> because there's a competitive element to it they believe that siblings will actually brush longer and more often just to one up each other. >> oh, yeah that will totally work. now how much? how much? how much? >> no word on what it's actually going to cost when it hits the market. but if you contribute $60, you'll get one of these gadget. >> it will rat your kids out. because if they don't brush their teeth you'll say you have the same score as yesterday. the music video bringing the '80s back for the song "true
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survivor," genius flip you don't want to miss. hihi. . i'i'm m hehenrnry y wiwinknkler. and i know there are many myths out there ababouout t a a rereveversrse e momortgage soso i i w wanant t yoyou u toto k know the facts. ththerere e arare e cucurrrrently no credit score oror i incncomome e rereququirements to qualify. yoyou u cacan n geget t tatax-free money from the equity in your home. yoyou u cacan n ususe e ththe e momoney to pay off your current mortgage ifif y youou h havave e onone.e. the remaining money can be used for anything. ththerere'e's s nono m mononthly mortgage payments. anand d yoyou u ststilill l own your home! cacallll t tododayay t to o gegett your free guide and dvd. itit e expxplalainins s hohow a government-insured reverse mortgage works. ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligation. onone e rereveversrse e momortrtgage is a quicken loans company. ththeieir r lilicecensnseded experts can answer all your questions. cacallll t to o fifindnd o out what a great solution this can be. dodon'n't t wawaitit, , cacall now!
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[ laughter ] [ gunshots ] >> permit denied. >> oh, yeah. >> my belly hurt. >> this is the music video for the song "true survivor." this has an excellent story behind it. and a story that connects to our show way back in 2013 guys. you might remember this official trailer for the movie "kung fury." >> one of the most successful movie kick starter campaigns of all time. in fact they raised more than $630,000 to create the movie "can you think f" "kung fury." >> i remember. we loved the story then. >> the creator behind the idea of "kung fury" david sandberg raised enough money to create the short film set to be released may 28th on youtube. the song "true survivor" is part of the official "kung fury"
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sound track. >> if anyone it's got to be david hasselhoff the biggest star of the '80s. >> the full sound track will be released which includes the awesome hit song "true survivor." >> this is all kinds of genius and '80s-ness. >> head to our website click on our today's show or on our mobile app. that's our show. thank you for joining us. we'll see you for the next edition of "rtm."
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