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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  April 26, 2015 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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a first look at that terrifying avalanche that came down after the 7.8 earthquake
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in nepal. officials are now finding entire villages. good evening i'm ken wayne. >> and i'm heather holmes. we begin with the latest on the earthquake in nepal. 18 people have been confirmed dead in a resulting avalanche on mount everest. >> the ground is shaking. >> reporter: a climber captured this video of the avalanche as it swept through the base camp yesterday triggered by that 7.8 quake. he and another man rushed to a tent maybe to make an air pocket. helicopter have begun to take the wounded out. >> reporter: the 33-year-old
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was an experienced climber who survived an avalanche on mount everest just last year. his ex-girlfriend and chicago pd actress sofia bush called him one of the biggest loves of her life. according to the first democrat, scott holder just missed being stuck in the avalanche. today witnesses are describing what happened the moment that quake hit. >> the street was filled. people were grabbing each other. then everyone sort of waited for it to finish. once it finished there were floods of people running to open spaces. this video shows the violent shaking caused by that 7.8 quake. it was the worse in decades. aftershocks continue to roll through the region and
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thousands of people in the capital spent the night outside anxious over the possibility of more quakes and landslides. >> there's entire villages gone. >> many families have no word on whether their missing loved ones survived. the quake damage extends throughout the capital. the united states is sending search teams and aid just as medical supplies are starting to run short and hospitals overwhelmed. people across the country are holding vigils in such desperate need right now. debora villalon is live in san francisco where such a gathering was held this evening. >> the bay area is home to
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about 700 nepalese people. this was not a silent vigil. >> they are here, they are scared of what's going to happen next. >> amidst the hustle, bustle of the ferry building. nepalese people needed to get noticed. asking people who possessed so much to help those with comparatively so little. >> an earthquake happened in our home country of nepal. if they can help any way. a small thing matters. >> any disaster in any place is tragedy. >> reporter: this bike messenger left a message and a small donation. >> i know it's one of the poorest countries. they needed help before the
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earthquake. >> they have nothing. the houses are collapsed and everything. and it's raining so heavily. and their livestocks have died. the animals, that's their whole way of living. >> reporter: her uncle lives in one of the outlying villages where the shaking caused mud structures to collapse and slide count the hills. word has come of relatives who did not make it out. >> because he was 83 years old so he was very weak and then so they couldn't save him because he was buried by all the broken houses and everything. it is very sad. >> reporter: donations were tossed in once people brought attention. >> nepal needs our help and it's just a wonderful country with amazing people. seeing the community come out to try to help raise awareness for their people it just really calls to me. >> reporter: the amount raised
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from start to finish not huge. but awareness managed too especially here. >> it happened in japan, nepal it could easily happen here. >> reporter: two places with vastly different building standards but the same quake threat. >> i had a friend that was backpacking through nepal a few years ago and she said the people there were some of the kindest, and most generous people she had ever met. i just wanted to do the little i could to help out. >> reporter: vigil ended with candles lit to honor those who died in the quake. that chant we heard, skip lunch to help a bunch. the price of a lunch shrugged off by people here is a lot in nepal. >> and it will certainly go a long way to help those people. a bay area business owners
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and newlywed desperate to hear from his wife in nepal. the conversation that finally put his mind at ease. new at 10:00, a good samaritan was overcome by helping fight an east bay apartment fire and had to be saved by first responders. it happened shortly before 4:00 this afternoon in concord on kirkwood drive. contra costa county fire officials say after a fire started in a neighbor's kitchen. a man tried to put it out with five different fire extinguishers by running around the home. he collapsed as firefighters arrived. julian vargas propositioned a girl for sex and texted an obscene picture to her. the teen believes that other girls were harassed by vargas
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and police are asking other possible victims to come forward. vargas was arrested early today at his home in san helena. he was booked on charges of sending harmful material with intent to seduce a minor. investigators are looking into the death of a 9-year-old boy who was stabbed by an 18- year-old who was staying at the victim's house. social media played an important role in tracking down that suspect. ktvu's christien kafton is live at discovery bay where officials are still gathering information. >> reporter: investigators still at the scene of this crime 12 hours after it was initially reported. and in the last two hours a steady stream of well wishers has showed up at this house. you can see a group of them here now. that is very tight nit community. news about this homicide spread through the community very quickly especially via social media. that social media included a photo of the suspect in this case. and an alert nurse at a hospital spotted that suspect and called the authorities.
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>> sunday afternoon sheriff deputies arrested 18-year-old william shultz in antioch. he's the only suspect in a stabbing of a 9-year-old. >> we know that the 18-year-old was a friend of family. this wasn't a random act. a stranger that came into the home and murdered a child. >> reporter: deputies were called out to the scene. family members had already taken the boy to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. after the stabbing, shultz took a truck from the home and drove off only to show up at kaiser hospital in antioch with an unknown injury. >> one of the nurses on kaiser happened to see it on a social media post. the suspect's photo and recognized him as being treated in the emergency room. so the deputies went and determined he was at kaiser emergency. >> reporter: he grew up with the man who is now under arrest for his murder. jones says shultz seemed like a
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normal kid even the last time he saw him. >> i saw him recently at a gym in brentwood. >> what did he seem like? >> he seemed normal to me. >> reporter: jordan umgren allowed his baseball coach to release this photo. >> at this point that is part of our investigation. >> reporter: investigators are still looking for a reason for this homicide and they hope to interview the suspect tonight to help them gain some insight. >> very sad situation out there. christien kafton live in discovery bay. thank you christien. thousands of valley students received word of their struggling campus. struggling corinthian colleges will shutter all of their campuses. >> the rumors in class last week turned out to be true.
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>> i just can't believe that this is happening. >> reporter: corinthian colleges owner of everest is displacing 16,000 students. jessica patanicio are enrolled at concord. >> we were told that, concord campus is not going to close. they'll more than likely have a teach out. >> i spoke at a president of the academics and he told me we have nothing to worry about. >> reporter: students got an e- mail followed by a text announcing the closure. >> reporter: what was your initial feeling? >> anger. >> i initially felt anger. i talked to several people and they're irate. >> reporter: the institution collapsed last year amidst a
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cash shortage and fraud allegations. efforts to sell heald were unsuccessful. >> we were hoping and praying somebody would buy it and nobody, nobody did. >> reporter: students reportedly will have the possibility of loan discharges. something jessica and kevin will consider. they're half way through with their studies and worry about starting over. >> i wanted to go further into getting my nursing license and knew it's just a slap in the face. >> right now we're left in the dark. >> reporter: in a statement the ceo of corinthian said, we believe we have done everything we could to provide a better future for our students. we're told meetings will be held together here for staff and students to discuss their future options. cristina rendon, fox 2 news. opening day on the bay has been a bay area tradition. this year the blessing vessel has its own incredible story.
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how it kept san francisco safe during world war ii. >> and mammals born with a condition that mimics autism. a historically east coast sport has gone through such a sports explosion that girls are playing it across the region and this area know boasts one of the best women's team in the nation.
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it is one of the fastest growing sports in america. women's lacrosse. john sasaki has more on the explosion of the sport right here in the bay area and stanford's attempt at a national title. >> reporter: it was big game day at uc berkeley. no not that big game, this was cal versus stanford in women's lacrosse. it's a sport with a long history in the east coast. >> people get lacrosse sticks when they're born. it's like a given. >> reporter: while california is a goods west coast team stanford is now the 15th ranked team in the nation. >> we've been tested against penn state, notre dame, ohio state but they're just a really great group of girls that have come together and the cohesion throughout the season has been awesome. >> reporter: to play at this
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level, an athlete needs a solid foundation. that's what the girls around the area are building. >> you can tell the girls, they love the competition. they certainly love to win and leave it all on the field. >> reporter: girls lining up, this is the wolf pack takes on the stingers. >> at least in the east bay i know people talk about baseball season, soccer season and lacrosse season. i think it's a major player right now. >> i like lacrosse because it's different. it's not like everything else that people play all the time. like you really see lacrosse on tv. >> reporter: the boys game and girl games are different right down to their different sticks. but just ask these girls and their sport is no less intense. >> it feels really good to get a goal. >> reporter: their parents couldn't be more enthusiastic watching their girls compete. >> it's really a wonderful
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experience. >> she's picking up hand eye, she's picking up quickness and the able to see that little ball at high speeds is mental acuity i guess. she's picking it up. >> reporter: working toward a common goal, a successful team in sport they all love. >> i think it's super cool that girl's lacrosse, but boys can do it too. >> reporter: it's well known that boys cannot playgirls lacrosse not the way girls can. >> reporter: back in stafford who's girl's team won, the captain is really excited. >> i think you see that a lot in california. if people can start early i think athletes playing lacrosse are going to be really excited with what's coming up. the city of baltimore is calm tonight ahead of
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tomorrow's funeral. mourners came to view the body of freddy gray. that protest stayed peaceful but last night was a different story. with a heated confrontation between police and protesters. 35 protesters were arrested and a about a half dozen police officers were injured. police officers also encountered t police. one saying he was detained and another saying he was beaten and thrown to the ground. today baltimore's mayor and a congressman called for peace and calmness. >> we will not let a minority of incendiary honor the intentions of those trying to exercise their rights. >> we commit, and i know the man joins me in this to a new normal. -- the mayor joins me in this to a new normal. a normal where people are arrested for just cause. and police follow the rules. >> reporter: gray died from a spinal cord injury last sunday a week after he was arrested.
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he sur rended without resistance. a book about hillary clinton is about to hit store shelves. clinton cash was written by peter swizer. it alleges that clinton exchanges fees for speeches. and that includes a deal where the state department allegedly blessed the sale of a uranium mine. >> there's no evidence to suggest somehow doe -- donations to the clinton foundation. >> there's not a shred of evidence. that's because all the evidence was shredded. >> reporter: there is some speculation in washington that either the justice department or congress could begin looking into the accusations. meantime hillary clinton is
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planning a campaign fund raising trip right here to the bay area next month. the events are planned for may 6 and may 8 with tickets costing $250 a person. that includes two events in southern california. it was a nice warm day to officially start the summer sailing season on the bay. >> god bless you sailors. amen. a deacon, minister and rabbi blessed dozens of boats. it was part of the festivities of opening day on the bay. >> it's something we're very proud of. it kind of showcases our yacht club, our comradery. >> the blessing vessel has an interesting history all its own. the md wanda was blessed back
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in 1926. >> in the 40s the navy comendered it to circle the shore. >> they gathered to watch classic yachts sail on buy. they are bay area business owners, parents and husbands. and they are all waiting for word about loved ones back home in nepal. after that devastating earthquake. coming up next, we talk with the two men about their anxious wait for answers. >> veterinarians say some horses are born with what mimics autism. bay area researcher says he can now cure it in horses with implications on humans. patchy fog just offshore but mostly clear skies in san francisco bay. coming up the temperature change in your monday forecast. i will let you know if any rain
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clouds are in our forecast. we showed these kids some items from a nearby store, whoa! but they didn't know they were all tobacco products. ooh this is cool. it smells like gum. yummy. this smells like strawberry. ooh, are these mints? with colorful packaging and fruit and candy flavors that kids love, who do you think tobacco companies are targeting? do we get to keep any?
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it is not a huge population in the bay area but thousands of nepalese people do call this area home. many of them still have family and friends in nepal. noelle walker spoke with two men who have been in contact with their family. >> reporter: there are prayers for nepal every day at their home. >> all we can do is pray. >> but now they have a mission. >> it's everybody's prayer. this is not good. this is not good. a terrible disaster. >> reporter: anel says he has not slept. he has been glued to his computer trying to find out
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news about the earthquake. watching videos of the aftermath. anel and his daughter are keeping up through social media. >> he lost his five family members in the same home. so that's very sad. >> reporter: in pinol the co- owner of a restaurant is trying to stay hopeful. >> i saw all the facebook pictures, it's really bad. >> reporter: sh era d married his wife meda last month. >> i feel really bad because i'm supposed to be with her. >> reporter: she is waiting for papers to immigrate to the united states. >> reporter: she's okay but worried. >> reporter: nothing to do now
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but hope and pray. >> we need help right now. >> reporter: noelle walker, channel 2 news. and a photographer is talking about his experience when the earthquake hit. it shows everest just as the quake hit. churchhill described the moment when the quake hit as terrifying. >> everybody was running. people were screaming, people were jumping out of windows. people in their bathtubs because they got out of the shower. people in their underwear. people were in chaos. >> here's another photo by churchhill of people seeking shelter outdoors after the quake. everyone in his group are safe and obviously that wedding is now on hold. they expect to return home in just a couple of weeks.
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it survived san francisco earthquakes but it can't survive the latest change. and researchers discover a startling similarity between a disorder in horses and children. the possible clues being uncovered.
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remarkable research at uc davis is uncovering a similarity between a disease in some horses and autism in children. >> the veterinarian says he can cure this in horses starting a trail of understanding for autism. >> reporter: on the victory rose farm, a remarkable insight
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springing from a curious problem with some newborn horses. breeders call them maladjusted foals. >> they will just keep walking and they don't understand why they can't stop going. they really have no clue of their surroundings. >> reporter: foals don't recognize their own mothers. they don't nurse. in the wild they die. it used to be blamed on lack of oxygen at birth but research ruled that out. last year it dawned on them that maladjusted foal system is similar to autism. >> i said do you wonder if autism is transition of consciousness at birth. >> reporter: the foals normal transition to consciousness from in the wound to the world outside occurs during squeezing in the birth canal.
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dr.matigan found squeezing simulated birth and almost instantly cured maladjusted foals. >> reporter: dr. madigan says this squeezing of the foals turns on a switch in the brain. waking the foal up. could such a switch also be at work in children with autism? >> i was extremely skeptical. because there are many differences between the onset and progression of the foal syndrome and human autism. >> reporter: but he listened and now found something intriguingly. >> reporter: too much hormone after birth causes those maladjustment symptoms. how about in humans? >> the prediction is, that they would work in a very similar
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manner. >> reporter: autism is more common in kids born after complicated pregnancies and new saliva tests of autistic children show unusually high neurosterile levels. and they're asking if miswiring may have been caused by these hormones before or during birth. doctors are cautious because autism is complicated. >> i don't think there's going to be unfortunately the magic bullet. the one thing that solves the problem of autism. but certainly, as scientists we need to follow the leads that seem credible to us. >> reporter: even if those leads come from horses down at the farm. it survived the 1906 earthquake but the rent hikes are too much for the recent
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institution. the jewelry is leaving its long time home. it's been at business there since long before the 1906 earthquake. the company hopes to open a bigger store near by after the lease expires. belmont police says a fight in a parking lot ended in a fatal stabbing it happened around 7:30 sunday night in el camino real. a police spokesman identified the victim as 19-year-old masisian. it appears masisian knew his victim. the former chair of the former republican party announced he is running for barbara boxer's u.s. senate seat when she retires in 2016. east bay lawyer tom beccaro admits he knows it won't be easy but says he is ready for
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the challenge. del beccaro says that finding a stop to the drought are going to be a challenge. >> if the democrats don't put forward a plan, voters are not going to be happy a year from now as this drought goes on. >> reporter: del beccaro follows assemblyman rocky chavez and fresno businessman estrada in declaring their run. and after a 72 hour closure for a construction project, van ness has been closed so crews can continue construction on a tunnel. caltrans crews have been busy cleaning up spilled milk and diesel fuel.
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authorities say a tanker truck carrying that milk lost control on a turn and ended up on its sight just before noon. an estimated 6,000-gallons of milk spilled along with 6,000- gallons of fuel. activists gathered in the east bay today to celebrate the first anniversary of a farm growing on part of the university of california's gill tract property in auburn. they want to make sure that all of the land remains what they call urban farmland. activists are upset with plans to build a sprout supermarket on part of that land calling that an insult. >> this has been a struggle for the whole of the gill tract, that's been happening for 20 years. and we're going to keep coming back to preserve this land and save it all. the proposed development would pave over 6 acres of the land. they said it would be better
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used for growing food. it's a warm end to our weekend but it's about to get even warmer tomorrow. our meteorologist mark tamayo is up next with a full look at the bay area warm up for the weekend. it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft.
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but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank.
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hope you had a nice weekend out there. plenty of sunshine bay area wide. right now we still have mostly clear conditions. as you can see some of the highs from this afternoon. san francisco 67 degrees. lots of 70s inland now toward livermore and antioch and fairfield. one of the warmer spots 86 degrees. severe weather not here in california but out toward texas this evening in fact, reports of some of the tornadoes you
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can see fairly active radar right now for this evening for your sunday. here's a closer look at the west coast and a few high clouds approaching the pacific northwest. most of california in the clear. that does include the bay area. a closer look at the satellite does reveal patchy fog trying to reveal some fog at the shore. current temperatures are out there showing you some 50s still in san francisco and oakland. but look at 62 pretty mild in santa rosa last check. san jose 59 and livermore 69 degrees. forecast headlines here is our live camera beautiful isn't it. take a look at san francisco bay here the bay bridge. forecast headlines for tonight. mostly clear, a bit of a breeze. tomorrow more sunshine with 80s making a big come back inland. a dry pattern with no major storms to move in. first thing in the morning, lots of 50s out there. coolest spots in the 40s with patchy fog right near the immediate shoreline.
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but here's the headline it will be a warmer monday as high pressure rebuilds and strengthens the sinking air that's warmer air and most air coming together a good five to 10 degrees from the shoreline. i painted in some shoreline because there could be patchy fog regroup into the afternoon hours but especially by late tomorrow afternoon and late monday night. here's our forecast model showing you some of the overcast. especially south of the bay bridge. the rest of the bay area in the clear and into the afternoon hours, mostly sunny skies. we'll have to keep an eye on this fog bank approaching the coastline into the afternoon hours so that the orange contour links up with 80s. the beaches still in the 60s for afternoon highs but still a bit warmer than today. especially for the first half of your monday for that sea breeze kicks in. santa rosa 83 degrees. vacaville 86. you will find more 80s well
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inland. san jose very nice. san francisco forecast high 72 degrees but that sea breeze will kick in during the evening hours. your five day forecast no rain clouds to talk about. but we'll cool things off on tuesday and wednesday and a bit of a warm up for thursday and friday. then we cool off for saturday and sunday. down a few degrees and warming up again and cooling off again. >> that's giving you something to do. >> looks like a good dance i guess. >> thank you, mark. coming up the a's look to avoid a sweep as they take on the astros. >> things get a little tense this first round of the nba play offs. joe fonzi wraps it all up next in sports wrap.
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we showed these kids some items from a nearby store, whoa! but they didn't know they were all tobacco products. ooh this is cool. it smells like gum. yummy. this smells like strawberry. ooh, are these mints? with colorful packaging and fruit and candy flavors that kids love, who do you think tobacco companies are targeting? do we get to keep any?
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my name is tony sartorio. i'm a lineman for pg&e out of the concord service center. i have lived here pretty much my whole life. i have been married for twelve years. i have 3 kids. i love living here and i love working in my hometown. at pg&e we are always working to upgrade reliability to meet the demands of the customers. i'm there to do the safest job possible - not only for them, but everybody, myself included that lives in the community. i'm very proud to do the work that i do and say that i am a lineman for pg&e because it's my hometown. it's a rewarding feeling.
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good evening everyone. welcome to this late sunday night sports wrap. when the houston astros joined the west they were the door mats of the division and could not buy a win against the a's. today they completed a sweep at the coliseum. little league day at the ballpark. things started out well for the a's. reached the wall at center field while the ball rolled, ike davis came all the way from first. the astros got two in the first. that drives in a pair is within a run of craig gentry. then in the seventh. the a's went in front with a single to score. a's took that 5-6 lead in the
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ninth. clipper trying to nail things down but the astros loaded the bases with 1-out. and gathis went out to blast one to center. the ball goes over the head of sam foles who was playing shadow. they hang on to win with that score. houston in first place in the division. the fighting royals back at it today. volk has pitching as he appeals his five game suspension. micah johnson at-bat for the white sox in the fifth. doesn't look like there's any way gordon can foul. but gordon never gives up. sacrifices his body with a dive into the stands. that looked like a good start in the inning for kansas city. but the white sox would get five in the inning. lead runs with this base hit chicago gets one more in the inning for a 5-3 win. chicago also won the resumption of a game suspended on friday. 3-2 the final in that one. the giants


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