tv Right This Minute FOX April 30, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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. cops tray to break up a brawl in the bronx. >> but nobody seems to listen. >> how they finally get the upper hand in a knock down drag out. >> abunch of bird nests and they leave them right here. >> leaving baby birds homeless. the story that's stoking the internet outrage. >> i want to go take care of these birds right now. >> it's a way to make yourself into an avatar. see the crazy results when we turn the app on ourselves.
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>> then. >> it doesn't matter. >> plus the buzz word at your shot for a new ipad mini and mom' opening up packet. how she finally got what she always wanted. >> a little street brawl turned street fall in new york. they asked the kids please disperse go away break it up but nobody seems to listen. one of the biggest instigators in the red shorts. then this guy tries to cool things off. >> while officers try to get that under control another fight breaks out in that corner of the
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park. >> he doesn't make it very far. officers on top of him. you can see police now multiplying. >> what goof ball do they fight? they knew the officers were there. just let it go. >> the fight continues. they don't let it go. here come a few more in the end eight people and two juveniles were arrested in the fight. one charge was criminal possession of a weapon. you can see this kid in the blue sweatshirt has a knife in his left hand. what are you doing? >> at this point, why are you trying to get into it with several police officers? there's nothing you can say with any kind of attitude that's going to end well for you.
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>> watch what happens. that porsche cpulls to the intersection. it seems to be his fault. that's the damage to the little honda. this dash cam from dash cam owners australia proved that some people do not look where they go. look on the side of the road. you got a big truck parked with a small white car behind it. it wants to get on the freeway right in front of the car with a dash cam. >> that person shouldn't be driving. what a stupid move. >> see that over to the left side the driver of the truck
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missed getting hit because the car with the dash cam could have hit that white car into him. >> this is going to break your heart. look at this. this is in abaline, texas. these people came across. >> all these babies just sitting here. >> these bird nests on a lawn near a curb right in front of a hotel. they obviously are very young little chicks. you see that a tree has been cut down right. >> whoever did the job said i'll leave the bird nests here. >> no word on how long they've been out there but the poor birds are hungry. this breaks your heart. i want to go take care of these birds now. >> these people decided to let management at the hotel that this happened. they said they would take care of it.
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>> they decided to take the birds and threw them into the dumpster. >> absolutely heart breaking. no word how they got there. >> taking care of it come on. >> we don't know how to birds got into the dumpster. we reached out to the mcm and they are saying they weren't aware of the videos or the situation. they have said they're investigating. they believe maybe a contractor is responsible for this. >> it's possible. the hotel could have called the person who cut the tree down. maybe that's the person who took care of it. >> call animal rescue and make sure these birds are taken care of. >> hey everybody, it's just about time for us to give away another ipad mini. >> so easy to enter. all you need is weps's buzzdnesday's buzz word be 18 years old and a
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legal u.s. resident. >> there is nothing as satisfying as seeing two professional masters of their art coming up to an epic thing. >> it came out of nowhere. >> he just got caught up by some of the roots. he pushed them over to the right-hand side and hits the tree head on. >> that isn't going to do you
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much good if you just dunk it. no sympathy for his friends either. >> they told him what to do and he didn't do it. >> amateurs of the world. keep videoing. we love it. >> the distractions just ain't there. why going forward again doesn't go so well. setting up two ladies on a bad blind date. >> let's just say the actors played it up pretty s s yoyourur tete line of defense. bubut t dadailily y eaeatitingng anand d drdrininking can make it weak. trtry y cocolglgatate e enenamamelel h heaealtlth. itit r repepleleninishsheses w weaeak
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k spspotots with natural calcium toto s strtrenengtgthehen n enenamamelel four times better. cocolglgatate e enenamamelel h heaealtlth.h. ststrorongngerer, , hehealalththy y enenamamelel. yoyourur h heaeartrt i is s prprececioiousus.. one of many ways to support its health isis n newew t truruhehearart,t, f frorom m one a day. itit's's t thehe o onlnly y hehearart health supplement wiwithth i ingngreredidienentsts t to both help lower bad chchololesesteterorol l anand d susupppport healthy blood pressure anand d alalsoso i incncluludedes s co q 10 trtry y nenew w trtruhuheaeartrt didiscscovoverer b brorookoksisidede and discover an excicititingng cocombination of tastes. ririchch, , dadarkrk c chohococolalatete covering soft centers. flflavavororeded w witithh exexototicic fruit juices. itit''s s chchococololatate e anand d frfruiuit flavors lilikeke y youou''veve n neveverer experienced before. didiscscovoverer b brorookoksisidede..
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on tv online on mobile it's on right this minute. >> what's up? i want to let y'all know i'm here in arizona right now. >> big story this week. you probably heard it. r kelly. >> i'm not going to perform even though i'm right here in my trailer. >> did not perform at soul fest arizona. was scheduled to perform on april 25th. no no. videos are still popping up. angry fans. people who paid a lot of money to see r. kelly. >> i'm here and there's nothing. >> people are not happy. you can see chairs have been thrown. >> i think that ticket said the money was nonrefundable. >> you son of a [ bleep ].
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you and your momma. >> soul fest arizona posted on their facebook page people will be getting a refund. however, r. kelly also responded to his fans. >> i just got bad news in my management. they told me they did not give me my money. >> he was in the trailer at the concert venue ready to go on stage in this video he posted and said it was not an issue with him, it was the promoters. he had not gotten paid. >> nothing personal against my fans but this is business y'all, i hope y'all understand. are. >> that's happened to other artist. they say they're going to be somewhere and if they don't get paid they don't show up. that's how they make their money. >> it's a bummer for r. kelly because the fans think it was
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his fault and his problem and if what he says is true that the promoters didn't pay, sadly that looks bad on him as a performer. >> he's just drifting and scooting around the turn. he gives mother earth the shoulder. watch how he knows what's coming and just tenses up. >> don't put your arm out. that's a broken arm. >> rolls over to his side no harm no foul. all part of the fun. >> i bet his shoulder was a little bruised up a little skinned up because he had on a little tank top. >> he'll feel that in the morning. >> now everybody deserves a second chance including this
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they didn't know guy number four was guy number one. >> the actors played it upwell. >> you hear her jaw hit the table. >> these girls are being extremely polite even they they've gone and seen these guys that clearly aren't their type. number one is back in that room getting transit form-- getting transformed. >> what's your favorite food? ? >> what do you consider a quality date? >> so jack shows up and asks
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them which one did you like? >> did he seem like a gentleman? >> yes. >> are there any of them you feel like maybe eventually. >> the last one definitely. >> what if i told you he was the first guy you met today? >> oh my god. are you kidding me? >> that shows how much women play on looks. >> an uninvited guest slithers off to one family's home. >> this woman found a python on her porch. >> on her porch. >> next right this minute. and still to come it's on when a tow rope falls out. see what happens when a game of tug-a-war gets wild. >> it's funny to you guys. >> plus it's almost time to give away an ipad mini. we'll reveal wednesday's buzz
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for over 60,000 california foster children it's a challenge to replace clothes that are too small or worn out. sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's day a little brighter. imimagaginine e hahavivingng a a s shield against plaque. nenew w acact t adadvavanced with plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, helps prevent t plplaque and gingivitis fofor r a a twtwelelveve hour shield of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnced. hohow w fafastst a arere n newew a allllegra® gelcaps? we're going ouout t inin a an n hohour... fafastst.. alallelegrgraa® r relelieieves your worst alallelergrgy y sysympmptotomsms two times fasterer t thahan n claritin®. nenew w alallelegrgraa® g gelelcacapsps..... nonot t jujustst f fasast,t, a allllegegrara® fast. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a period means stop! but with pamprin, a period means go! pain relieieveversrs o onlnly relieve pain. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papamprin relieves all your symptoms.
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soso t theherere's's n no o ststopping you. pepeririodod.. when you go fishing you're hoping to catch a really big fish. when you go fishing in the park accidentally you never know what you're going to catch. what happens here is a tow rope came loose from one of the land rovers and they caught not just one but a whole family. it is irresistible to any cat no matter the age or size. >> exactly. >> they have a real tug-a-war. it's adorable. the tourist are loving it.
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>> two cubs decide they're going to wrestle each other as well. >> this is enough to melt your heart. >> it's cool. everyone was thrilled to pick up the tow rope and everybody moved them. great experience for everyone involved. people do say they're man's best friend. we believe the next video there's a monkey comes along with three puppies and starts grooming them and hanging out with them and picking their butts. this is internet video perfection here. you have been on social media for a couple of seconds the past few days you've probably seen one of these, it's an app called my idol. you can digitally open your
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photo and place it on an avatar and live out a thousand lives. as the app creators say it's a huge trend even with celebrities like lady gaga sam smith. they're entertaining and it's cool to see your friends be all these cool different characters. here are ours. >> i love that. >> what about singing on stage? >> that did not look like me at all. >> it doesn't look like you but it has a few similarities.
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>> it is really weird. >> what do you think you're up to nick. >> pole dancing. >> no it's so much better and appropriate. >> mine is bizarre. i'm flipping a bouquet and suddenly have toilet paper with winging and then i do a chicken dance. >> that's up believably accurate. >> it comes from standing in a picture, amazing. >> you want to download to my idol app, it's free on the apple store. all right everybody. pay attention. it's time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> you need to have the buzz word be 18 years or older and be a u.s. resident. >> enter the buzz word on facebook twitter or both.
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you can use each every day. >> it's time for us to reveal wednesday's buzz word. it is captain. >> so get on over to right and enter wednesday's buzz word captain. >> get this. one day later this week we're going to have bonus give away. one -- good luck everybody. the whole family gathered to see what baby number four will be. >> she doesn't know. >> she doesn't know she's praying for a girl. >> the big reveal that has mom jumping for joy. lolookok l likike e ththisis. . fefeelel like this. look like this. fefeelel l likike e ththisis. . wiwithth d drereamamwawalklk i insnsoles, turn shoes that can be a pain inintoto c comomfofortrtabablele o onenes. their soft cushioning support means yoyou u cacan n lolookok l likike e ththis. anand d fefeelel l likike e ththisis. drdreaeamwmwalalk.k.
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yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme..'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l living, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know you may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't t yoyou.u. wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsonalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sorta like you drives. yoyou'u'llll e eveven n geget t a a discount just for signing up. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by y allstate. click or call. amamerericicanans.s..... .....8.83% try to eat healthy. yet up t to.o.....9090% % fafallll short in getting key nutrients from... .....f.fooood d alalonone.e. l letet's's d do more... adadd d onone e a a daday y wowomemen's gummies. cocompmpleletete w witith h kekey y nutrients we may need... .....p.plulus s itit s supuppoportrts s bobone health wiwithth c calalciciumum a andnd v vitamin d. onone e a a daday y vivitatacrcravaves gummies.
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>> i was about to say that word for word. >> what is that in the sky? >> this family is about to learn the sex of their baby siblings on the day of the ultrasound mom had the doctor write the gender of the baby. she looked away didn't find out. she then took the papers to the store and picked out a baby boy outfit and girl outfit and had the clerk wrap the appropriate one. she doesn't know. right now she brought it home so the entire family would learn the gender at the exact same time. >> i bet she's praying for a girl. >> you're right. she was hoping to have a girl and watch when shes
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she is in fact having a girl. >> no one else mattered at that point. >> i love the boys yeah this is not good. we're happy, this is good but you know what's coming. >> they're going to love it too. they're going to be big brothers and protect her, it's going to be awesome. that's it for our show everybody. thanks for joining us. ooel see you for the next addition of right this minute.
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