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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  May 2, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

3:30 pm
chris huston and i'm a sports mom. now that the weather is getting warmer, it's time to start bonding with your kids over fitness. we all know that working out can be beneficial to our health but did you know it can be beneficial to our relationships? it's proven families bond over fitness so here are some ideas on how to bond as a family. -take a walk - plan a weekly family walk or walk after dinner. this is a great way to bond and burn some calories at the same time. -go to a local baseball field or
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basketball court- have catch with your kids or run the bases - or play a game of around the world - these are great activities for the kids and it's free -go for a family bike ride -plant a garden - this will encourage family time and inspire kids to make healthy food choices. there are many ways families can bond over fitness - visit our website to read more. and don't forget to follow us on facebook, twitter and youtube. i'm chris huston, a proud sports mom - we hope you'll join the conversation! this week's viewer mixtape comes from highlands ranch colorado... this is rhett hanson, who is wrapping up his junior year at thunder ridge high school. the defensive end has been a three-year varsity player at thunder ridge, and he'll be counted on as a senior leader next season. he stays busy witha lot of school activities, as he's also a varsity wrestler, a member of the national honor society... and he's also involved with the fellowship of christian athletes... if you'd like to be
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on the show, send us your highlights... go to - slash - sports stars of tomorrow - and post a link to your highlight video... that's all for us today... thanks for being here... for our entire crew, i'm charles davis... we'll see you next time.
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her husband is cowering in that car. >> he won't come out. he's that afraid. >> what set off one furious wife. >> you want some help? >> aye-yi-yi. >> this hot air balloon rides into trouble.
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>> watch out! >> it's a balloon trip that doesn't fly. >> went in the front door y'all. >> a mom getting a feel for her son's new car. >> sits inside to try it out. >> the moment there's an unexpected twist -- >> are you -- oh, my god! >> and pretending to lift a heavy box. >> do you see what's about to happen. right? >> the fake move with real injury. >> oh! they say hell has no fury like a woman scorned. this woman apparently scorned by her husband, who's in that car. >> oh he's in the car now? he won't come out? he's that afraid. >> reports say he is inside the car. you can hear cars behind, honking. this woman is busting out the window. looks like she has some kind of object in her hand busting the window then takes her bare hand and begins to people the windshield back. fingers bloodied and all.
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reports say this woman is married to the man inside the car, and she had just discovered that he had been having an affair. >> i don't blame her. >> come on! >> he did this. he drove her to this. who knows what he was doing leading up to this. >> why waste the time and energy on that jerk? now, here she is, bloodied her hands. injured herself and got nice, white plants on. blood all over the pants. >> reports say this man was at first too scared to get out of the car. but she smashed in the window and opened the door. >> we do see him get out and try to have a conversation with her. he tries to diffuse the situation. here's that moment. >> what happened? >> you want some help. >> she connected hard. looks like coming from china or something, you got to factor in the loss of -- >> this is in china. >> absolutely right. she is shaming him in front of what looked like the entire community.
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>> what should have been a nice car, once in a lifetime experience quickly became an experience everyone wants to forget. a hot air balloon. you think it's nice, not good in control. this is a problem. >> oh, oh, oh, oh. a parking lot right there. >> there is a parking lot. they trip over -- there you see they're in trouble but it stops and of course straight up in the air, except it's windy, and they're not. >> watch out for that house. >> aye-yi-yi! >> and they went in the front door y'all. >> and somebody opened the door just in time. >> listen to the screams of the lady onboard. [ screaming ] >> clearly terrified as the balloon continues to rise a little bit. you're not quite sure what's going to happen. here it sort of catches on the top. starts to deflate and now they're kind of stuck about ten feet up in the air. >> so glad nobody seems to be on fire because that thing has a
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pretty big flame to get it in the air. >> totally right. everyone is lucky in this regard. here, as it starts to deflate, what actually happened it's caught, starts to slip down. >> oh. >> there we go. you see just -- camera shot now, when you see the camera tilts down left just a couple of feet above the ground. a bit of a scare for everyone onboard by the looks of it many many bullets dodged. be honest. a much more interesting experience than a hot air balloon. >> ah -- no. reunions are always quite special. especially between friends, but this particular reunion is about a man and some thing. something that he lost 39 years ago. >> oh! >> he's already found it went and got his camera just so he can rereveal what he found in his yard with his metal detector. >> i didn't bring my camera with me and already dug this and i
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know what's under there. wow. it's something i lost 39 years ago. and it's the best find i've ever had. right there. it's my class ring. >> what? >> right? >> no. and it's in his backyard? >> it's in his yard. been there for so long. this video shot back in 2013 though just now getting attention. >> talking about bringing tears to somebody's eyes. just finding that. >> i just love the emotion you can hear in this guy's voice, and he goes on to describe why it's a bit emotional for him. >> i worked really hard to get that. and my mama helped me. want a find. what a find. sweet. man, that made my day. made my whole week. >> i wish i could see it all shined up now. >> the video ends.
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you see that old, old ring. >> oh. i just love this. >> cool. >> so glad he didn't move. >> wow. the only thing we can really blame this accident on i think is really bad timing. watch this. you see this woman walking behind these parked vehicles. she's got a very small child. they stand behind this truck a little second. as she starts to crouch down to the level of the child, watch what happens. >> ah -- no! >> oh -- >> that truck that's parked right in front of her starts backing up, and does actually hit the mother throwing her over the child. the driver gets out of the vehicle right away and goes to see what's happening. they were taken to the hospital, and are expected to be okay. >> oh. if you had his head down and didn't notice them walk up and then when he checked his rearview mirror, crouched down. yeah. just an accident. all it is.
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definitely an accident. >> bad, bad, bad timing. now this is a completely avoidable accident. the vehicle two cars in front of us decides it's time to pass at the exact wrong time. >> geez. >> why did that car think it could pass? >> i don't know. i asked the same question. it causes a head-on collision with the other vehicle. you see that car immediately pull over and people around immediately come over to the aid of the driver in that white car, who is stuck in this moment because as you can see, they cannot get the doors open. eventually the person was taken to the hospital but also is expected to be okay. >> that person's lucky to be okay. did you see how old that car is? before air bags were invented. ♪ something stuck near the engine. thinking -- >> kitten. >> nope. see why it's still furry with teeth. and pulling a fast one on good old gramma, and now -- >> the police.
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they've been called. >> the prank that lands her in cuffs. >> you have the right to remain silent. cram but not phillips. itit h hasas m magagnenesisiumum anand d woworkrks s momorere n natatururalallyly than stimulant laxatives. fofor r gegentntlele c crarampmp f freree e rerelief of occasional constipation ththatat w wororksks!! mmmmm m mmmmmm liliveve t thehe r regegulularar l lifife.e. ththe e chchilill l ofof p pepeppepermrminint.t. ththe e ririchch d darark k chchococololatate.e. yoyorkrk p pepeppepermrminint t papattttieie.. geget t ththe e sesensnsatatioion.n. ththerere e arare e lolotsts o of ways to save money. here's one way. esesururanancece.. ththeyey w werere e bobornrn o onlnline and built to save. they major i in n efeffificicienency whwhicich h memeanans s whwhenen they save, you save. they h havave e smsmarartt ononlilinene tools that hehelplp y youou f finind d ththee riright coverage. soso y youou o onlnlyy papay y fofor r what's ririghght t fofor r yoyou.u. plplusus a a p perersosonanalilizezed set of discounts yoyou u cacan n tatakeke to the bank. chcha-a-chchining!g! ththatat's's i insnsururanancece
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for the modern world. esesururanancece, , babackckeded b by y allstate. clclicick k oror c calall.l.
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3:45 pm
it is "right this minute" rescue time. no we are not going to rescue anything but we're going to watch these folks do it. got a couple of guys here. looks like they're on the side of the road and it looks like they have the hood of their car up. what they're about to rescue -- can you guess? >> kitten. >> no. that was my first thought, too. >> raccoon. >> no. >> giant snake. >> no, not 0 a snake. >> bird. >> no, not 0 a bird. all great guesses. wait until you see what it is. >> ah! >> awesome. >> it's an opossum. >> looks angry. mama opossum stuck in this engine compartment with her six babies. >> six? >> six babies and luckily, they all survived this little trip in this car.
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>> the next rescue of course a cat in the a tree. >> that's a -- >> yes. >> up there a while now. >> the cat seems to be maneuvering around quite well. in fact we see the cat spin around, try to go the other direction. almost has a little slip-up. >> ooh! going it try and jump. >> jenkeventually you think the cat will find its way down. you see the cat turn around start crawling down the branch towards a smaller branch, but no. the rescuers have a better idea. they use a blanket. they spread it out hoping that the cat will see it and think this is the perfect place for me to jump. >> come on. >> oh -- on to the concrete as well. of all the places. >> yeah. the guy loses his grip and the cat falls right through. didn't realize how heavy that cat was. >> oh!
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high hey guys today's my grandma's 79th birthday. >> at beginning of the video one of our favorite pranksters and his grandma, whose birthday it is out on a ride on this really super fancy car. >> gtr. >> apparently had been wanting to get a ride in the car, just to feel the power of this vehicle. >> that car's known for how fast it gets up to. >> well, she gets that point quickly. >> oh -- >> what was that? does it have jets on this thing? >> she's having a great, old time enjoying this very fast, powerful drive. they come to a stop and he asks grandma to get on the driver's seat so that he can take cool pictures and send to the fae. family. she's like, that's all right. we have problems. the police have been called. there's a car that's been reported stolen, and they stot
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spotted it burning rub other than the road. >> oh, my gosh. >> excuse me. are re wonder arrest? >> yes. at this point consider -- >> talk to me right now. >> ma'am, did you know this car was stolen. >> it's not stolen. >> it is stolen. >> no it isn't. >> we just ran your plates. two complaints. >> oh this is too much. >> no, it's not. it's perfect. >> awesome, and she, you will see is one really cool gram. >> i'm an old lady. >> i'm not -- ma'am, i don't -- >> playing it very cool. looks like she's been there before. >> i've never been under arrest in my life. >> the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. you have the right to acquire an attorney. if you can't afford one one will be appointed to you. do you understand these rights? >> yes, i do. >> okay. i got one more to read to you. >> happy birthday! >> ah. very funny. my favorite part, the very end. theye with theak yes! >> now you know where he gets it. over there. >> quick.
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>> the name is need help it's a snake. >> or is there? >> going to the door where's the snake, where's the snake? >> oh -- oh! >> i don't understand what's happening. >> it isn't a snake. this is his birthday present. it's his first-ever car. >> oh! a new car. oh -- that's -- >> no, not new. it's the first car. >> yes. >> it's new to him. >> yes. >> that's awesome. a perfect car to start with. mid-'80s tercel. >> a 1990 is all i know. he's super excited offering a sister a ride to school already. >> i'll take to school. >> mom wouldn't let him take it be out yet, no license yet. does let him take it down the road get a feel for it. >> your first car should be an old car, smell like fish and have to hang a christmas tree thing in there to smell like fish and vanilla. >> are you happy? >> i'm happy!
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>> buying the first car is an iconic moment, another one as well. buying your first brand new car. lauren and her hubby just bought this brand new car and want her mother-in-law to test it out. >> wow. this is beautiful. lauren oh my gosh. >> love it? >> oh, i love it. it's great. >> but, of course her son's got something else to tell her. >> it's a 2015 and we just bought this car for you. >> ah -- no way? you bought it for mom? >> watch her reaction as well. >> you're lying. >> brand new car. for you. >> you're lying. >> happy early mother's day. >> are you lying? oh, my god! >> oh! >> it's such a sweet video. giving back to a parent sometimes seems it's a thankless job. you see the reaction from parent when they get something like that. it's awesome. >> say hi to the camera. >> thank you! it's way to make yourself into an avatar. >> drop! >> see the crazy results, when
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we turn the app on ourselves. and then -- as you can see, the chicken dance. >> as bad as it looks. and the top boxer that will knock your socks off. >> oh, unbelievable. she's amazing! hihi, , i'i'm m hehenrnry winkler and i know there are many mymythths s ouout there about a a rereveversrse e mortgage soso i i w wanant t you toto k knonow w ththe facts. a a rereveversrse e mortgage is insured byby t thehe f federal government; yoyou u cacan n get tax-free money frfromom t thehe equity in your home; yoyou u cacan n ususe e the money to papay y ofoff f your current mortgage, ifif y youou h havave e onone; ththe e reremamaininining money can bebe u usesed d for anything; ththerere'e's s nono monthly momortrtgagagege payments, anand d yoyou u still own your home! cacallll t tododay to get your frfreeee g guiuide and dvd. itit's's e expxplains how a a gogovevernrnment-insured reverse momortgage works... ththerere'e's s nono o oblbligation. onone e rereveversrse e mortgage is a a ququicickeken n loloans company. ththeieir r lilicecensed experts can ananswswerer a all your questions. cacallll t to o fifind
3:52 pm
out what a great sosolulutitionon this can be. dodon'n't t now! imimagag in closed captioning, provided by -- w acact t adadvavancnced with plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, helps prevent plplaqaque and gingivitis fofor r a a twtwelelveve h hour shield of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded.
3:53 pm
hohow w fafastst a arere n newew a allllegegra® gelcaps? we're going out t inin a an n hohourur... fafastst.. alallelegrgraa® r relelieieves your worst alallelergrgy y sysympmptotomsms two times fasterer t thahan n claritin®. nenew w alallelegrgraa® g gelelcacapsps...... nonot t jujustst f fasast,t, a allllegegrara® fast. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a a period means stop! but with pamprin, a period means go! pain relieveversrs o onlnly y relieve pain. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papampmprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n no o ststopopping you. pepeririodod.. and these past weeks and days you've heard -- pacquiao mayweather, all about the big fight. in the near future, it's going to be about -- >> 8-year-old, a boxing phenom. watch her go. >> oh! >> what? >> the power, the speed, the moves, the technique. that's her dad she's there sparring with. the kid is lightning quick. >> oh!
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>> oh. >> unbelievable! she's amazing. >> i know and she's like a little ronda rousey. >> started boxing at 5. a video went viral then. the latest video. you can see her skills advanced quite a bit. the stance everybody's pointing out how she's planted, how she's moving. >> it's amazing. >> how her combinations are coming with a flurry. >> i want to see her fighting. i want to see her fight. she looks tough. ♪ corgi refuses to fetch. >> didn't get it. >> get it. >> you can get it. >> come on. >> get it. come on. get your toy. get it.
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>> get it. get it! >> if you've been on social media even a couple seconds over the past few days you've probably seen one of these -- >> oh, yeah. what are they? >> it's an app called "my idol" created by avatar works in china. you can digitally upload your photo and place it on an avatar and live out 1,000 lives, as the app creators would say. it is a huge trend, even with celebrities. celebrities like lady gaga. lena dunham did one. even sam smith. they're entertaining and it's cool toll see your friends be all of these cool, little characters. here are ours. >> oh! >> here's christian vera. her after torr a nice catwalk. >> something you'd wear too. >> i'm sure i've worn that actually. >> i love how i'm sashaying down
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the catwalk. >> what about you, gayle bass, singing onstage? ♪ >> i like that. >> that does not look like me at all. >> no it doesn't look like you, but it's got just a few similarities. like, oh, okay. >> let's see what you're up to. >> playing the guitar, dude. >> oh. gosh. ♪ >> it's so weird. >> it is really weird. >> i can't grow a beard that good. this is as far as i can go. >> but it's close. what are you up to, nick calderone? >> so much better. it's so nick appropriate. >> oh! >> that's freaky. >> that does look like you. >> like a very younger you. >> i am living out something i can't do. ride a motorcycle but certainly can't pop a wheelie like that. >> mine is bazaar. bizarre. then i do the chicken dance. >> that's unbelievably accurate.
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>> all from scanning in a picture. amazing. this is cool i need this app. >> download the "my idol" app, free from the apple store. and a jump to nail a stunt. >> goes in does the jump he's about to hit the end of that board -- see why the stunt nails him instead. >> oh!
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periscopes up.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> a couple of videos just for you guys and the other boys out there who love to watch boys havin' fun. these guys from scotland scaffolders, what they do when they're not doing their jobs. >> oh yes. >> you see what's about to happen, right? >> hard-hat? >> yes. hard-hat. >> genius. come with me, i believe in you. >> you got this. >> yes. >> oh! well we always knew there was a 50/50 chance of that one happening. ♪ [ laughter ] >> that is next video, you guys
4:00 pm
got to find quite painful, yet quite hilarious, unfortunately. this fella is working on a motion capture project, and he's moving an imaginary box. it looks heavy. >> exactly. this guy blew out his knee moving an imaginary box. >> he's like i mean it's an imaginary box. >> that's embarrassing. >> ridiculous. >> that's embarrassing. >> isn't that hard to watch? this guy reportedly tore a ligament in his leg. >> lifting a pretend box. >> lifting a pretend box. ♪ thanks so much for joining us, everybody. that's it for our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." -- captions by vitac --


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