tv Right This Minute FOX May 4, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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like my munchie meals. they all come with halfsie fries, two tacos and a drink for just six bucks. get one and get weird. down the street. >> look out, look out, look out! >> see the amazing escape from one sticky >> that was like james bond kind of stuff. >> ahh! >> you won't believe why police are desperately trying to get into this house. >> this is a kidnapping rescue. >> oh! what are you doing down there? >> two little fox cubs are trapped in a canal. >> oh, they're scared! >> how these cute critters ended up with other orphans. don't miss the buzz word for
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your chance to win an ipad mini or flat screen tv. and this young lady really doesn't like needles. >> oh, my goodness. >> see her surprising reaction when she finally gets her shot. common knowledge that soda isn't the best thing for your health. do you know it can nearly kill you? cctv in rio de janeiro, brazil. look out, look out, look out! >> oh, no! >> holy. >> what? >> sea of soda comes crashing down the road. this guy notices it just in time. run down the street. he nearly misses. >> man! >> taken out by liters of soda. >> quick thinking on his part
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that he took the time to leap t wall. that was like james bond kind of stuff. >> i don't think he got out of this completely unhit. he must have gotten soaked by soda. bottles just erupting all over the place. nearly deadly soda attack. never seen that before. >> next video from india. watch this incident. crash and -- >> oh! >> oh! >> oh! >> right into the edge of that driveway. >> yep. that's a drainage ditch. rider with passenger collide with a rickshaw the rickshaw tipping over. watch this though. >> do they just get up and walk away? what? >> the motorcyclist himself reports they had busted up ribs and was semi conscious when taken to the hospital. other reports say that rider is expected to survive. you watch it again, you'll notice that motorized rickshaw seems to make a u-turn right in the middle of the road turns right in front of that speeding motorpsych sbl down they go. >> some people in this world
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have gigantic hearts. they do everything that they can to help living creatures. people like simon cowell from the wildlife aid foundation on his way to rescue some fox kids. >> yes. >> down in this -- what looks like a drain canal. simon crawls down in that little drainage area and gets to work. >> oh, they're scared. >> so cute. he puts them in that little crate. unfortunately, because he can't tell where these foxes came from this can't be a catch and release. in fact he took these cubs to the center and they now have been introduce edd to more orphan fox kids who they have taken care of. they've adjusted well. >> walls no, water. no way out. >> you'll see something pretty spectacular going on. >> something very strange has happened.
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these birds built this nest on top of these floating irrigation ducts. we've had rain and a stormy night. i noticed their nest was slipping off, it was almost falling in the water. >> how do you get to this point where they're able to rebuild the nest? because earlier he went out on his kayak and he helped to get the slipping nest back on to the back of this floating plastic duck and he realized there were four eggs inside of that nest. he saved the lives of this entire swamp hen family. >> so caring and loving to take the time. some others would be like it's just a nest. >> you did it. good job. save the day. >> that is elvis. he lives in los angeles. what you see him putting together here is a tiny house. it is not a playhouse. it is a liveable space for a homeless woman. she's 60 years old. she says she's been homeless the last ten years. he says there's got to be something i can do to help her
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out. she was living on a patch of dirt in his neighborhood. he took five days got $500 worth of supplies and started putting together this little house for her. now, it is on wheels so they can move t he's able to finish it and hand her the keys along with a home sweet home sign. very happy to get this place. >> i adore that she can lock it so she can keep her items in there. >> it is a lockable door so she can have privacy, safety and shelter. >> it's a tiny space, not the most luxurious thing but this sends a big fat message to the community that we need to help the homeless that it doesn't take much to help the homeless. >> that's exactly how he felt. he has gotten over 2.4 million views on this video. it's only been posted a few days. so many people said i want to help. so after the video went viral, he started a go fund me campaign. he is calling this the tiny
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house huge purpose project. and he's trying to raise $50,000 so he can build more of these for people. other people in other towns are saying what can we do to do this? we need to do this where i live. >> start a movement from just one video. no reason for people to be without a shelter when we've got all these resources. everybody, we have another ipad minute toy give away and it's bonus giveaway day. that also means we're going to give away a flat screen tv. >> all you need are friday's buzz word, 18 years of age or older and u.s. legal resident. stay tuned for the buzz word for the ipad mini giveaway. right from the get go. police officers are trying to break inside this house. wrestling with the gate before one of them has a bright idea
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and smashes this window. as they search around the house, obviously looking for someone or something, it all becomes clear once find the bathroom. this is a kidnapping rescue. >> are you kidding? >> this young man was kidnapped on the 27th of march. basically what happened was a group of people came to the house, stole a car, cell phones $677 worth of brazilian money but kidnap this had young boy. he has been in captivity for a month tied for-to-a concrete block in this bathroom. clearly relieved to see all these friendly faces. they start quieting down. they shake his hand making sure he's okay before they start leading him outside. >> was he in that small room the entire time? >> i believe so. they did pt a small mattress down for him to sleep. it looks like yeah this is the end of a month-long ordeal for
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this young man. >> that house is well fortified. all those bars and gates on the outside. it was like a prison. >> it almost looked abandoned. >> you can see him moving very slowly a bit shaky. of course glad to be outside. they were saying as well he has become quite skinny in the time he has been in captivity but it looks like a bit of a happy ending to a truly harrowing experience. >> yep. go pro video that will take your breath away. >> $250 million invested in this project. >> underwater show that will make you say -- >> wow! plus this couple has an interesting way of making an announcement. see the explosive reveal that blew everyone away. coconsnstitipapateted?d? .y.yeaea dudulclcololaxax t tabablelets can cause cramps but not phillips. itit h hasas m magagnenesisiumum anand d woworkrks s momorere n natatururalally than stimulant laxatives. fofor r gegentntlele c crarampmp f freree e relief of occasional constipation ththatat w wororksks!! mmmmm m mmmmmm
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liliveve t thehe r regegulularar l lifife.e. ththe e chchilill l ofof p pepeppepermrminint.t. ththe e ririchch d darark k chchococololatate.e. yoyorkrk p pepeppepermrminint t papattttieie.. geget t ththe e sesensnsatatioion.n. ththerere e arare e lolotsts of ways to save money. here's one way. esesururanancece.. ththeyey w werere e bobornrn o online and built to save. they majoror i in n efeffificiciency whwhicich h memeanans s whwhenen they save, you save. theyey h havave e smsmarartt ononliline tools that hehelplp y youou f finind d ththee right coverage. soso y youou o onlnlyy papay y fofor what's ririghght t fofor r yoyou.u. plplusus a a p perersosonanalilized set of discounts yoyou u cacan n tatakeke to the bank. chcha-a-chchining!g! ththatat's's i insnsururanancece for the modern world. esesururanancece, , babackckeded b by allstate. clclicick k oror c calall.l.
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the skill and talent of the performers in this video spectacular go pro video from a show called "house of dancing water." watch what these acrobats are able to do. point of view of the go pro, stunning. >> whoa! >> yeah the whole show very innovative very inspiring. very new, interesting things to see in this show. all the different angles captured underwater, underneath the swing, from the point of view of the other performers. wonderful to see. now that's just the go pro video shot by one of the -- >> check out the trailer on house of "dancing waters" website, the whole show. >> wow! >> $250 million invested in this project to get it off the ground. they've been practicing two years. the video and go pro proechlting ticket sales for 2015. >> look at that man.
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>> that is pretty amazing. that would make me want to take a trip there just to see that. >> there you go. the promotion working. chris and kayla are having a baby. in that box is the answer is it a boy or is it going to be a girl? >> the family gathered with excitement. dad with a big old rifle pointed right at the box. >> wow! he's about to blow away the surprise huh? >> yes, he is. >> ahh! congratulations. you're having a girl. >> he shoots the box. it explodes releasing this very pink dust. obviously means it's going to be a girl. >> explosives and a sniper rifle. if you're going to reveal the gender anyway might as well go that way. >> the pregnancy announcement before theenderka surprising her mother letting her know that she's going to be a grandma.
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she lifts up this shirt and there is the message. >> no! no! >> you're going to scare the kid. >> oh, my god! >> there we go. yep. well done. >> you know why the baby's upset? it's not a baby anymore. lot of hugging, crying cracking up. >> but no explosives and no sniper rifle. relatively handy at home. very handy fellow. he can wire all kinds of things. we're about to feel very unmanly in comparison to this fellow. chris is back to do some amazing woodwork. >> this guy, he's awesome to watch. >> he makes me sweat. watching him work. just a manly man. and he uses old school tools.
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>> everything is hand cranked. it's an amazing video, about five minutes long all done in high speed. first three minutes of which is just him building a carving table so he can then make the things he's going to make. >> it's amazing. >> just a bench. >> it's amazing how much work goes into it. eventually the bench is ready. so now it's time for him to find another magic piece of wood to do what he wants to do in the first place. >> a front flip to it. >> that's right, with amazing special effects. in the next minute and a half of high-speed epic -- on the carving bench. there you have it. he just does it because he can. and we can't. you're a legend. it's a grand beat box battle. >> you sit back close your eyes and it's pretty cool. >> see the dudes behind this
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freestyle. and it's bonus giveaway day. don't miss friday's buzz word for a shot to win an ipad mini or flat screen tv. hi, , i'i'm m hehenry winkler and i know there are many mymythths s out there about a a rereveversrse mortgage soso i i w wanant you toto k knonow w the facts. a a rereveversrse mortgage is insured byby t thehe federal government; yoyou u cacan get tax-free money frfromom t the equity in your home; yoyou u cacan n ususe the money to papay y ofoff your current mortgage, ifif y youou h havave e one; ththe e reremamainining money can bebe u usesed for anything; ththerere'e's s no monthly momortrtgagage payments, anand d yoyou still own your home! cacallll t today to get your frfreeee g guide and dvd. itit's's e explains how a a gogovevernment-insured reverse e mortgage works... ththerere'e's s nono o obligation. onone e rereveversrse mortgage is a a ququicickeken n loans company. ththeieir r lilicensed experts can ananswswerer all your questions. cacallll t to o find out what a great sosolulutition this can be. dodon'n't t now!
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imimagaginine e hahavivingng a a s shield against plaque. nenew w acact t adadvavanced with plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, helps prevent t plplaque and gingivitis fofor r a a twtwelelveve hour shield of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnced. hohow w fafastst a arere n newew a allllegra® gelcaps? we're going ouout t inin a an n hohour... fafastst.. alallelegrgraa® r relelieieves your worst alallelergrgy y sysympmptotomsms two times fasterer t thahan n claritin®. nenew w alallelegrgraa® g gelelcacapsps..... nonot t jujustst f fasast,t, a allllegegrara® fast. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a period means stop! but with pamprin, a period means go! pain relieieveversrs o onlnly relieve pain. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papamprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n no o ststopping you. pepeririodod.. 11 years old and she needs to get three shots. >> oh! >> i have to get them at the
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same time? >> oh, look at her face. you can see the worry and fear in her face. all at once. >> oh! >> everybody's laughing at her. they think it's the funniest thing they've ever seen. her mom and her aunt are there. they're laughing. her aunt is the one with the camera. >> come on. >> i have to. >> don't! >> the nurse goes after her. she carries her back in. >> oh, my gosh! she really did just fly out of there. >> so let's just fast forward. >> no no no no! >> stop. you have to hold still. >> finally they grab her by the arm. she picks up the needle. >> no! oh it isn't that bad.
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am i done now? >> that nurse was like wham bam bam. you're done kid. >> i'm exhausted. so we can all ask questions to the wonderful amethyst and her mom, kristin and her aunt ashley. welcome to "right this minute" via skype. >> well done amethyst. >> thanks for having us. >> kristin, let's start with you. how long has she had an issue with shots? >> all her life. she's known about this shot for almost a year and has been panicking. the last three mons almost every single day she's been ask ing i just knew i hait. amethyst once we see this video, you said that's not so bad. are you going to react the same way in a couple of months when you have to get this shot again? >> oh, i can get it done. >> they're just so creepy. i don't like things going through my skin. >> what did you think, amethyst when you saw this video? when you went back and saw how scared you actually were?
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>> i was like oh, why did i act like that? >> how do you feel then about the fact that your video being so funny, is now being seen all around the country? >> it's crazy. >> i told her it proonl wouldn't go viral. that was just this morning. and she gets off the bus and i'm like you're going to be on tv. she was like what? >> yes. >> do you have anything to say to those nurses? they were pretty patient. >> the nurse friended me on facebook. she thought it was funny she was on the video. >> oh, my gosh. >> am i done now? >> you are about to be treated to the music of two of the world's best beat boxers. ♪ >> this is gene and barney at the rebel inc studio. this was a day after a huge beat
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boxing battle in switzerland called the grand beat box battle. apparently one of them is the actual grand beat box battle winner and the other is team world champion. ♪ >> watches these dudes it seems so silly to watch them and the sounds they're making. when you hear it back or close your eyes and listen to it it's like it sounds cool. >> there's something almost musical about it. it's not just rhythmic. ♪ >> this is just a studio that appreciates the talents of a beat boxer. these two guys were invited to the studio and they were allowed to beat box on the fly. >> this is improv beat boxing? >> yeah. >> that's really impressive. ♪
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all right, everybody. pay attention. it's time for us to give away another ipad mini. >> so easy to win. you need the buzz word be at least 18 years of age or older and be a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to right this and click on the win ipad button. >> enter the buzz word or facebook twitter or both. you can use each every day. >> the buzz word is smash. >> click on the win ipad b at right this and enter friday's buzz word smash s-m-a-s-h. >> definitely end today. it's bonus give away day. not only an ipad mini but a second winner will get a flat screen tv. >> good luck, everybody. these guys are the worst personal trainers ever. >> i think some of these people are doing these thing that is they suggest just so the guy will go away. >> see just how weird things get next.
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little critter cafe. captain awkward is back this time. he has team eded up with average bros in the gym. they're the worst persona on earth. >> i'm actually a personal trainer here. >> uh-huh. >> i was going to iv awe a tip on your workout. >> personal train yes. >> they aren't under selling that. we've been hired by the gym to give free personal training advice and start throwing all kinds of random things. >> if you walk with your knees closer to the heart it will pump more blood. there you go. >> oh, my gosh! and people do it. >>e thi that. you feel the burn? are you working your asteroid? >> i don't know. >> it looks like you are. if you really want to work your asteroid put a little hop in your step when you're on the treadmill. little bounce. you know like a one-two kind of thing. >> i think we might all fall for this. >> i would. >> i know for a fact i would.
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you would trust these people right? >> i'm mainly hitting the techcoids and the tech teratops. >> kind of saying dinosaur name. >> people are full-on amused even somebody calling the guy out as you would expect. >> are you actually a personal trainer? >> check out the whole prank in its entiretyd over to and click on our show or use the mobile app. that's it for rtm. we'll see you next time.
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> harvey: welcome to "tmz live." harvey levin here. charles: charles here. harvey: so this is unbelievable. we have video of a star from "the walking dead" going just crazy on a new york subway. i have not seen anything like this. a crowded subway and he just went all the rails. charles: he goes berserk and in fact tells people, get your phones out record this. ha
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