tv Right This Minute FOX May 5, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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any paraglider knows the hard part is. >> the what? >> landing. >> why this dude definitely didn't stick it. >> all that open space. >> some guys spot something big. >> strapped on the ice. >> see how they saved a gentle giant. >> voters hunker down as they're hit by hail. >> actual hail. >> why the freak storm came as such a surprise. plus the buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini. and a little girl who -- >> is really good at imitating her 6-month pregnant mama.
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>> how she's busting all the right moves. >> how does mama walk? >> oh, my gosh. >> she nailed it. >> unpowered flight is always fun, but the difficult part as we've come to know on this show the what? >> landing. >> the landing. exactly. this guy near weaverville, california is coming in in his hand glider for a landing but flying into warm turbulent air and normally we know that speed is dangerous. speed kills. we've heard that quote before. in this case too slow is the problem. he didn't come in fast enough and -- >> oh! >> oh, man! >> all that open space. >> slides between the two trees. i think he's okay. >> he has ruined his handglider that's for sure. >> yes, and yes. the pilot getting away with just bruises. the hand glider which happened to be brand new, a total loss. quite an expensive lesson to learn. >> good thing he's okay.
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>> this guy over in brazil with a paraglider. beautiful flight. as he begins to make his landing approach just barely misses that tree and as he gets close, to try to land on that little dirt path he catches an updraft. now he's just trying to drop some altitude before he goes crashing into the house. barely makes this landing. oh! >> oh, wow. >> that guy is a pro. >> not exactly how it was supposed to go but a lucky landing nonetheless. >> wow. >> i hope that's his house because he could walk right inside. pardon the pun but all hail. >> oh! >> actually hail. >> yeah. >> that's the worst. >> actual hail. this is in sydney harbor in australia. two fisherman a guy named darren and his buddy on a fishing boat and in comes an unexpected storm and they start getting pelted.
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look at this and listen. >> [ bleep ]. >> just dump the cooler and use it as cover. >> or the bucket. put the bucket on your head. >> that's what these guys said everybody has been saying. a lot of the bait containers were hooked to the bottom of the boat. >> right. >> and the rest full of all kinds of yucky bait stuff. >> miserable day in sydney. >> it does look awful. it would make you wonder why would these guys even go out on a fishing trip. >> this is what the day started out like. ♪ >> it's beautiful. it. >> is gorgeous. watch, the first ten seconds of this video look like this. watch how quickly this changes. ♪ >> that's just pure living hail. >> the hailstorm passed in like ten minutes and then -- >> they got to shore with black eyes and bruises. drone delivery that is what we are looking to in the future.
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check out this service. ♪ this is called same day pup. you can order a pup on the same day get a drone to deliver your puppy. >> brilliant. >> and pretty cool. the sad thing is you know some kid is going to pick up mom's ipad and order ten puppies. >> you have to really trust the operators of the drone. that would be a bad day to crash your drone. >> is this just a sketch? >> there is a website saying go to the website drone delivery from trusted breeders find a puppy puppy. it is not real. the brain child of the united states and the maadi fund. 99% of puppies sold on-line come from puppy mills where they're caged as commodities, farmed for profit or discounted and discarded. they're trying to discourage people from buying dog on-line. >> a brilliant way.
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this video will get attention and you know people will click on this website just to find out if this is, in fact, real and then they get bomb bardsed with the message as a reminder you can't support these things. as long as the people are making a profit they will continue treating these animals horribly. guess what everybody. it is just about time for us to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter you need monday's buzzword be 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> monday's buzzword coming up in a little bit. >> stand by for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. when there's dash cam and you're in russia there's going to be an accident. >> the first one at night. and this car with the dash cam actually not involved in the accident at all. keep an eye on the car that just entered. >> whoa whoa whoa. >> everybody's going too fast. >> you see the black car tries
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to miss the car in front of it but instead ends up going right over the double lines and hits the car on the other side of the road. this vehicle turns back around and we get to see what it looks like after. fortunately nobody seems to have been injured in this accident. >> if you want to drive like that take the car to the track. that's what they're for. >> and yet people don't. the driver we are with is a 59-year-old man and right about here starts to make a left-hand turn into the road that you see up ahead right here. >> looks pretty clear. >> except the person behind him a little impatient. >> oh, no. >> that vehicle looks like it's a truck ends up overturning. >> can you hear if the guy had the little left-hand signal on? >> sounds like he did. >> yeah. >> you hear it. >> the 59-year-old driver had to be taken to the hospital. is expected to be okay. but completely irresponsible.
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a signature trick that -- >> freaks people out. >> that would disturb you. >> see what's behind the elevator doors that has everyone freaking out. plus a beautiful sight you don't want to miss. >> it extends all the way to the end of the beach. yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme..'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l liviving, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know yoyou may not get
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ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit!! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't t yoyou.u. wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom e esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsononalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririveve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sosorta like you drives. yoyou'u'llll e eveven n geget t a a didiscount just for signing up. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by y alallstate. click or call.
3:40 pm
oh. >> i think you know it's about to be a good bmx trick when you a forklift involved. jason, he's froo ireland, he has one mad trick up his sleeve that he's about to pull off. ♪ >> that's awesome. >> very awesome. if you're not impressed enough doing a trick like this, obviously, takes practice. jason riding his gt bike. he tried this back in 2013 and
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this is how it went. >> oh. >> he tried that without even practicing. he built the ramp and said let me see if i can pull a backflip and didn't put any mats down. thankfully he was wearing a helmet. after he recovered he began to build another ramp and during testing he chose to put the foam down. but that's just what they have to go through. imagine takes that hit and not giving up. taking that hit, smacking your head on the floor so hard and saying i want to do it again. >> when you first showed us the stunt it seems easy and then you realize how difficult it really really is in the other videos. >> i'm glad they put out a behind-the-scenes video like this. if you want to see what it takes to pull this trick off, check out and click on today's show. or use our mobile app. images in this video that will break your heart but you will be cheering by the end of it. this is in norway.
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two guys walking across a frozen lake. they're walking toward that thing in the distance. >> is that a moose? >> it's an elk trapped on the ice. cannot get its footing. back legs just spreading out under the weight of its body, just sliding on the ice. these guys walked on the frozen lake with a strap and they're going to hook this little strap around the little elk and slide him across the ice. it works quite effectively. they keep moving closer and closer to the shore. ♪ >> that thing is so exhausted. >> after it gets up on the grass a little further, it kind of stops. gets its footing. >> his legs had to remember what they're supposed to do and how. >> this next video involving some animals on the coast of
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california. off the pacific coast highway. we're looking at sea lions and elephant seals having a little testle. looks like a couple are having a fun fight. >> i want you to see just how many elephant seals and sea lions are on the beach. >> wow. ♪ >> what's the grossest thing that could happen when in the elevator with someone snels. >> the grossest thing is andy gross. check this out. ♪ >> that is so awesome. >> yes. it is. and it's awesome each -- and every -- time he does it. >> how does he do this? >> he's a magician one of his signature tricks. >> going down. >> check out the reaction. this is nothing but pure gold. the guy and a young girl. watch what the guy does. >> oh, my god. >> he hides behind the girl. >> yeah. >> and -- >> take her. >> i feel like you don't need to
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take your torso off. if you stood ith elevatopl freak out. >> this is true. >> no no. >> he's following him. >> that's better. >> this one, i was like so worried. this little old lady. >> and this -- >> ah! >> this is another classic. they fight to get out of the elevator. >> there is one other guy that i really want to talk about. nothing. and then watch. after you. obviously this guy, he's like whatever, after you, sir. >> it's about time for a little real or fake. first up someone has stolen her parking spot and she's not happy. >> oh!
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closed captioning provided by -- adadvavancnceded w witithh plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, hehelplps s prprevevenent t plplaqaqueue a and gingivitis prprovovididining g a a shshieieldld o of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded.. mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy y skin makes me feel really self-conscious. [ female announcer ] gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72%. ggolold d bobondnd.. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a a period means stop! but with pamprin, a period means go! pain relieveversrs o onlnly y relieve pain. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papampmprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n no o ststopopping you. pepeririodod.. it's monday. >> yeah. >> we all have a monday. >> welcome buddy is here to help
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us and that is that great one from e-bomb's world. [ applause ] >> that's right. that's right. >> let's get started. video number one. ♪ >> oh! >> and that is totally real because that has happened 8 million times in 8 million different parking lots today. >> keep watching the clip. >> okay. >> that driver is going to get out and -- key its paint or puncture the tires. >> oh, no. no. >> fake. >> she's wearing a wig and walking intentionally like an old person. >> the quality of the video is too good. >> yeah. for a security camera yeah. >> no other car is driving past. if it's that crowded wouldn't there be other cars looking for spots. >> fake fake fake. >> going with me again. definitely a fake.
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>> all right. video number two. >> the queen. >> oh. >> yes. >> wait. i totally missed. >> yes. >> yeah. >> oh, my goodness. that is so cool. >> it's funny because her eyebrows the corners of her mouth. >> i was doing this 20 years ago. it's diflly real. like an urban myth that went around and we all found out you can do it. >> real? >> fake. >> i wish it was fake to fight you guys on it. we need the confrontation here. but it's definitely real. going with ollie. >> and our last video. >> [ inaudible ]. >> right here. >> this one is great. >> we've all been there. >> i hate those kind of screens. >> there we go. ♪ >> oh, my gosh.
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>> exactly what i would have done. >> yeah. >> i totally feel this guy's pain. so happy for him. >> it's a release of it. >> this is real. i've been there. i've been in that frustrated state, nothing can go right. the best thing he could have done for himself, smash the thing, get rid of it move on. awesome moment. >> we see these videos before. somebody has had dental work somebody is a little loopy. cindy woods posted this video. that's her husband. >> what i like about this this is an older fella, not the teenager you normally see in the videos. i can't wait to see what he has to say. >> definitely a mature man. takes one look at himself in the mirror and thinks i'm too for that car. >> sexy. >> what? >> sexy. >> he's mesmerized by his eyes. >> sexy [ bleep ] eyes. >> yes, you do. >> yeah they're pretty sexy. he thinks going on with his
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tongue as well. >> what did you do to your tongue? >> i think [ bleep ] put a tongue in my mouth. >> did she? >> maybe i think she transplanted and gave me a new tongue. >> think she switched tongue with you? >> gave me a different tongue. >> nobody wants to see it. it's a private thing. >> he forgets his marriage vows. >> get married now. >> you're already married. >> huh? >> you're already married. >> no. >> maybe he's trying to send her a message. maybe not. >> if he decides he wants to get back out there and start playing the field, this is a great dating profile video. >> oh, man. myself. all right, everybody. pay close attention because it's time for us to give away an ipad mini. >> to enter you need the buzzword be at least 18 years old or and a legal u.s. resident.
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>> head over to and click on the win ipad mini button. >> enter on facebook or twitter or both. >> enter on each every day. >> monday's buzzword is -- >> fury. >> get over to and click on the win ipad button and enter monday's buzzword fury, fury-u-r-y f-u-r-y. >> one day this week we have bonus giveaway. one will get an ipad mini and the other a flat screen tv. watch every day. good luck, everybody. he's a wrestling fan. find out who this cutie is trying to impersonate. ♪ ♪ ♪ hehersrshehey'y's spreads. brbrining g ththe e dedeliliciciouous s tataststee of hershey's chocolate toto a anynyththining g -- evevererytythihingng.. wiwithth h herershsheyey''s s spsprereadads,s, ththe e popossssibibililititieies s arare e dedelilicicious. ♪ ♪ itit m mayay s seeeem m strange, but people really cacan n loloveve t theheirir l laxaxatativive.e. esespepecicialallyly w whehen n itit's's
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miralax. itit h hydydraratetes,s, e easaseses a and softens toto u unbnblolockck y youourr sysystem naturally soso y youou h havave e pepeacace e ofof mind from start to finish. loloveve y youour r lalaxaxatitiveve. . m miralax. ohoh, , i i loloveve g gamame e night. ooh, it's a house and a car! soso f farar, , yoyou'u'rere h hororririblblee at this, flo. yeyeahah, , nono t talalenentt fofor r drdrawing, flo. hohoususe!e! c carar!! ohoh, , raraise the roof! nono o onene?? remember w whehen n wewe u usesed d toto raise the roof, diane? ohoh, , ququieiet,t, r ricichahardrd i'm trying to make sense ofof f flolo's's t tererririblble e drdrawawining. i'll d draraw w ththe e papantntss ofoff that thing. ohoh, , ohoh, , hahatsts o on n hahambmbururgegers! dancing!g! drdrivive-e-inin m movovieie theater! hohomeme a andnd a aututo.o. lalampmp!! sqsquauareres.s. s stutupipid,d, d dumumb.b. lines. [ [ alalararm m riringngs s ]] nono! ! hohomeme a andnd a aututo o bubundndlele from progressive. sasaveves s yoyou u momoneney.y. yayay,y, g gamame e ninighght,t, soso m much fun.
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we know the internet is ruled by all kinds of babies. this video is the epitome of that because courtney is playing with the human baby and its diaper and somehow it is the most fun this corky has had. >> the real life version of the sunscreen commercial where the dog was pulling the trunks down. maybe this korkie is into coppertone. >> super cute. >> this is ryan. ryan loves wrestling matches and here she's trying to do her best impression of hulk hogan. >> that's hulk hogan. >> it is very cute to see her make that face.
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>> oh. >> oh. >> so cute. her legs. >> i know. >> i love baby legs. >> you're going to love this girl. she is really good at imitating her 6-month pregnant mama. >> how does mama walk? >> oh, my gosh. my whole head just exploded. oh, my gosh. >> she nailed it. nailed it to a t. curved back and she's walking. >> and her face her little hand. >> it's perfect. >> how does mama walk? >> dad's joining in on the fun, making fun of mom. >> once upon a time three bears and they went on to somebody's lanai in florida and they weren't exactly welcome. the home of judy. there's three. mom lurking over there somewhere. >> they broke through the screen. >> let's see how long they stay. ♪ no, it's not an attack of eagles. th she bought.
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the alarm sounds like an eagle. >> the alarm makes multiple sounds kind of cycles through because she wanted to scare them away without like going boo, but the sound makes them uncomfortable and go away and she said this is the best way to get them trained not to come into her yard because as you can see here there are woods, residents in the area say the bears come out on trash day so what she's to do is discouraging them from coming into her yard so game and fish doesn't have to come in and put them down. this was before she got the alarm. this is them playing in the pool. i mean isn't that what we all dream of going to florida? >> go skinny dipping. >> not wearing a bathing out. >> always naked. >> she says as cute as it is you don't want them on your lamy but i give her credit. >> she cares about them because she recognizes it is kwuts cute but dangerous. >> and they're beautiful. beautiful animals. we must protect them.
4:00 pm
[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] harvey: welcome to "tmz live." harvey levin here. charles: charles here. i'm coming. harvey: floyd mayweather. floyd mayweather may lose $20 million-plus from what he collected over the weekend because his baby mama is suing him saying he's a despicable liar who rolled over her and to save his own ass before the fight saying essentially she deserved the beating she got. a beating that landed floyd i
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