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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  May 9, 2015 10:30am-11:01am PDT

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a woman tries desperately to keep her co-worker steady, because -- >> stathat is a steel bar in his head. >> see is the painstaking process to save his life. >> hey, little devil. what you doing down there? >> two fox cubs trapped in a canal. >> they're scared. >> how rescuers scooped them up to safety. a soldier is grabbed by a giant flag. >> it flung him about 50 feet in the air. >> what went wrong that sent him up up and away!
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and prepare yourself for a visit to the o.r. what had surgeons swinging for the fences. >> as you can see right there that is a human knee. >> ah! oh. >> i got a couple of near misses for you. this first one blows my mind from tv footage at a gas station in jerusalem. see that lady walking up to that guy? according to reports she asked for a cigarette. he didn't have one. she turns around then turns around and comes back. watch what she does. uses her lighter to start a fire and that guy, the driver quick thinking immediately pulled the pumps out of the car. >> i don't know if that was the right thing to do. >> totally wrong thing to do. it find the emergency shutoff. >> the fire diminishes after he is able to pull the pump out. the thing is a relative was in the passenger seat in the car. that guy unhurt. the woman got away a little bit
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but police caught up with her and she is getting a psychiatric evaluation of a this incident. >> because she didn't get a cigarette? oh not giving me a cigarette, i'll blow up the petro station. this video from china boggles the mind in more ways than one. the man was able to survive. that woman is holding that man up. that man is at a construction site and that is a steel bar in his head. >> ah! >> what? that's a steel bar in his head? >> yes. >> oh -- >> that was a -- >> i thought he was tied to something. oh. >> not a rope. >> mow did that happen? where did it come from? >> we don't know where the bar came from but he's on a construction site and not wearing a protective helmet. there you see firefighters called in to help this guy. they did cut the bar. here's the thing. you don't see it on video. they had to lower him down to a safety area and put him in an ambulance, you see here and
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take him to the hospital. >> get a helicopter. he needs to get some place faster. you don't need to go into space to experience the power of rockets. >> hmm. >> a lot of us us yaoed to have hobby rockets, like this one a nice big red one. getting ready for the countdown. >> two -- one -- whoa! >> and the earth goes away very quickly as this powerful rocket is launched up into the air. you see it separate, and -- >> uh-oh. uh-oh. >> by now the parachute should have come out. this thing is going all the way back to tara karma and land harm. you can see cars in the parking lot. is it going to hit any of them? >> oh wow. came pretty close. >> it did. landed between some cars. did minor damage to the fins. the owner says he was quickly able to replace and fix. in fact the next day the rocket was flying again, he says the
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parachute packed a little too tight, and he maybe used agents bit too little rocket fuel to eject that parachute. what caused the problem. >> rocket science. there you go. this guy's out flying his drone at a park. one of those rather swift-moving drones. looks like he's still learning how to fly this thing. ah! or he's got technical problems because he crashes right into a car. not just any car. his own car. >> at least it's his own he yttle bit of damage de to his car. a bit of a scratch and busted propellers. >> maybe start with a slow one. >> yeah. some people in this world have gigantic hearts. they do everything they can to help living creatures. people like -- simon cowell from the wildlife aid foundation. simon, on his way to rescue some fox kits. >> yes. >> down in this what looks like a drain canal. simon crawls down in that little drainage area and he gets to work. >> ow.
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all right, don't you spit -- no. >> ah. they're scared. >> so cute. puts them in that little crate. unfortunately because he can't tell where them came from it can't be a catch and release. they've been introduced to orphan fox kits who they are taking care of he said they've adjusted well. >> not for simon, certain death. walls, water, no way out. >> uh-huh. >> in this case nick certain death for these swamp hens. as this video picks up something spectacular is going on. >> something very strange has happened. these birds built his nest on top of these floating plastic irrigation dungtcts. we had rain and stormy night. when i came out i noticed their nest was slipping off the fake duct. almost falling in the water. >> how did we get to this point? >> because of ray christopher. earlier he went out on his kayak
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and helped get the slipping nest back on to the back of this floating plastic duck and realized there were four eggs. inside of that nest. he saved the lives of this entire swamp hen family. >> so loving and caring to have taken's time. others oh, well. just a nest. >> you did it. good job. saved the day! this was supposed to be a fun day of celebrating flag day in new mexico and instead, watch what happens. right there, hanging from the flag. do you see that? >> that flag is "enormous. >> just grab on go for a ride? >> a soldier holding a rifle. the size of that flag obviously meant it was flapping in the air. it rose him up 50 feet in the air and slammed him to the ground. >> what a freak accident. i wish we could see the whole flag get that much lift and
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wave like that. >> they have large flags, gigantic poles, and this one happens to be roughly 164 feetfeet x 91 feet. sent the soldier flying untrollably finally slammed him down to the ground. he ended up with a broken leg. >> whoa. >> he looks like a cirque du soleil performer. holding on to a bit of flag and spinning with his legs out. who knew flags were so dangerous? >> a symbol of pride turned into "i almost killed you." >> can you imagine taken to the hospital way broken leg? what happened? >> that's when you say, freak accident. don't asked for details. the adorable things that needed help getting moving. now wheels. see their amazing progress and find out how you can help to keep them rolling and growing. plus a prankster pretends to carry a toxic substance.
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>> start freaking people out i. didn't order anything man. >> see how a harmless package causes major panic. [ laughter ] yeyet t upup t to o 9090% % fafallll s short in getting... ...key nutrients f frorom m food alone. let's do more. adadd d onone e a a daday y memen'n's.s. c complete with key nutrients we may need. plplusus i it t hehelplps s susupppporort healthy blood pressure wiwithth v vititamaminin d d a andnd m magnesium. one a day men's. ththerere e arare e lolotsts o of ways to save money. here's one way. esesururanancece.. ththeyey w werere e bobornrn o onlnline and built to save. they major i in n efeffificicienency whwhicich h memeanans s whwhenen they save, you save. they h havave e smsmarartt ononlilinene tools that hehelplp y youou f finind d ththee riright coverage. soso y youou o onlnlyy papay y fofor r what's ririghght t fofor r yoyou.u. plplusus a a p perersosonanalilizezed set of discounts yoyou u cacan n tatakeke to the bank. chcha-a-chchining!g! ththatat's's i insnsururanancece
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for the modern world. esesururanancece, , babackckeded b by y allstate. clclicick k oror c calall.l.
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we on the gocart twins, as beth introduced them to us. that is aldo and wanda. when they were born everything seemed fines. hours later their owners realized things were not so well. they started a gofundme page because they did not have the use of their hind legs. good news they're doing better. you can say, they've got wheels. >> come on. look at you. are you mobile? >> so they raised through the gofundme page to get all equipment needed so that these two little goats could be
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mobile. >> beth they haven't raids enough for the entire carry. they have whale carts but need bigger ones because they're grow take care of medical issues to protect them from predators. raised more than $3,000 so far. the goal is to raise $15,000. >> come on, buddy! and back teaming up with a guy from my country nation stop pranking unsuspecting people. acts like a toxic chemical and he's going to start freaking people out. >> oh! those poor kids. >> listen to the slow motion. [ deep-voice mumbling ] >> he's walking past trips over freaks them out. they start running. >> it's like walter white just walked out of his lab. you know? something toxic. >> at least they can run away unlike this guy, who's in his
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house. >> he's making a dpliv ryelivery box. amazon box. >> i have a delivery. >> what is it? >> i don't know. says take precautions i. didn't order anything man. >> like no, no. i'll leave it here. enjoy your day, take precautions. bye! [ laughter ] >> that is priceless. >> but he's not done yet. he's got another one. this one actually is my favorite. this young lady at the park sip of water, starts walk aggy way when. >> got anymore? all here. >> oh! genius. >> she's like, wait, wait. what's going on? >> oh, my god. >> that guy is just laughing. >> is something wrong with him? >> you didn't drink out of that did you? >> i did. >> we were running late on another job. >> a few props to start that thought process in your head. the power of suggestion and
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it's up to the person to prank themselves almost. >> should i go throw up? >> and another lady here. same reaction but finally we get to see them do the reveal. >> get out! a little girl no better time than bedtime stories with puppy and her dad. >> jumped and then she landed on the ice. >> now apparently he makes up stories during bedtime. and kind of adapts them as you know the babies are falling asleep. this one he modified and happened to catch it on video. >> landed on the ice, she slipped. she fell and she started getting sleepy. she started closing her eyes. >> on the ice. >> on the ice. and falling asleep. turning into a sleepy dog. >> and it worked. she just stayed asleep struggling. when kids want to stay up but they're falling asleep. >> they fight. they fight the sleep. >> with this story he just guided her right into very sound
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sleep. very nice quiet sleep moment. a moment of carnage. >> these two twins, with training wheels up ahead, one take as wrong turn and falls. >> oh no! >> okay. her sister she's got her back. i got you twin -- sister -- and -- >> oh! >> falls right next to her. these dudes challenged themselves to -- >> 5,000 firecrackers. >> what happens when they light them up? >> looks like a war zone. and, enjoying an american classic, but -- >> who doesn't just love hot dogs? >> see what else he's digging and how he shares with his owners. >> bad as this probably sounds i actually seat food and don't let things go to waste. [ laughter ] ge payment was $728 a month. nonow w mimikeke t thought he would have toto w worork k for another 12 years ununtitil l hihis s momortrtgage was paid off. anand d ththenen mike heard
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plplaq closed captioning provided by -- nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded w witithh plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, hehelplps s prprevevenent t plplaqaqueue a and gingivitis prprovovidining g a a shshieieldld of tied.. mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy y skin makes me feel really self-conscious. [ female announcer ] gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72%. ggolold d bobondnd.. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a a period means stop! but with pamprin, a period means go! pain relieveversrs o onlnly y relieve pain. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papampmprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n no o ststopopping you. pepeririodod..
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in this video, it's -- nice. together -- >> a combination, volatile. >> very volatile. firecracker volatile. >> oh. >> in fact, these guys resist challenge, listen to what they're going to do. >> before the challenge we thought it was fair to all of us we fire just as a test. >> they have what they say is 5,000 firecrackers. they tested some as you can see here but their goal wear some safety gear and then jump in the back of a truck -- driven by a very pretty lady -- >> here we go. >> with the firecrackers in the truck. >> this seems very dangerous. >> you've seen what these numb. skulls do for a listening, the challenges. i'm shocked not wearing any kind
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of protective gear as all. >> true. >> oh! ah -- >> start driving through this field with these firecrackers going off. >> that looks like a war zone. >> oh! ah -- ah -- [ coughing ] >> look how it looks after. >> that's it. that was insane. >> really hot in here. >> everybody's coughing. >> impossible to breathe. ♪ there's a reason why animals rule the internet. because animals do things like this -- ah. >> oh my god. >> how is it not just devouring that hot dog, too? >> sid, the dog's name isn't getting a lot of attention because of this video that's gone crazy viral. this isn't the only one. doesn't just love hot dogs.
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also loves pizza. >> oh my god. >> also loved doughnuts. sid loves bacon. >> wow. >> incredible not to see a dog not eat bacon? >> sid also loves cheeseburgers. i'll tell you who loves sid. sid's owner alex has an entire instagram page dedicated to sid. it's called myregalbeagle. tell us all about this brilliant dog, possibly the cutest dogan 0 the internet right now we have alex and sid, via skype, "right this minute" from austin, texas. [ applause ] how did you train sid to do this? >> you know it's kinds of, got a funny -- i always grew up with him not eating my food. always made it a point. anytime i'd catch him when he was young trying to snatch my food i'd go back in and get it. now he knows what's his and mine. when he picks up something, even when not shooting a little
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video, picks it up walks around wagging his tail until he either get permission or i tell him to drop it. >> impressive. >> wow. >> 41,000 followers on instagram. what does it feel like to have your dog be so famous? >> he's had a pretty good instagram following a long time. in the last week it's really blown up. people are going nuts over this aparentsly. >> does sid get to eat all the food in the pictures or get a treat after the picture? >> he does get a treat. bad as this probably sounds, i actually eat the food. i don't like to let things go to waste. sid has been through quite a bit, correct? >> sid was hit by a car. i feel fortunate to still have him with me and in the position we're in now. >> you had a promotion. tell us about it? >> the day he was hit by a car, i sold everything i own because we were got to move to croatia. after he got healthy i packed everything up we had left,ut it in my car and hit the road. drove around the country eight
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months put 15,000 miles on my car and got back in austin i decided to publish a children's book as sid's new add vensventureadventures. a children's book coming out. a pre-sale going on. if you pre-order the book you get a pawtograph. >> i love it! a surgical instrument stuck where it shouldn't be. >> that is a human knee. >> why it takes three doctors to finally set it free. >> ewe! >> are you kidding me? itit c comomeses to sensitive teeth? ststopop n numumbibingng.. nonow w yoyou u can repair. nenew w cocolglgatate e sesensnsititivive e totootothbhbrush wiwithth b buiuiltlt i inn sesensnsititivivity relief pen shshieieldlds s exexpoposesed d nenervrveses.. releiving pain by rerepapaiririningg sensitive teeth. ststopop n numumbibingng. . ststarart t rerepapairiring. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ i if f yoyou u wawantnt i it t ♪ ♪ g go o ouout t anand d geget t itit ♪ anand d whwhenen y youou b bunundldle e yoyourur h home and auto insurance ththrorougugh h prprogogreressssivive,e, yoyou'll save a bundle! [ [ lalaugughshs ] ] jajamimie.e. ririghght.t. mamakeke a a b badad b bunundldle e jojokeke a a bubuckck g goeoes s inin t thehe j jarar.. i i guguesess s ththatat's's j jusust t hohoww the cookie bundles. nonow,w, y youou'r're e gogonnnna a hahaveve two bundles of joy! i'i'm m nonot t prpregegnanantnt.. i'i'm m gogonnnna a gogo.. [ tapping, c casash h reregigiststerer d dinings ] there you go. [ [ bubuzzzzining g ]] bubundndle bee coming! itit w wasas w wororthth i it!t! sasavivingng y youou a a b bunundldlee when you bundle -- nonow,w, t thahat't's s prprogogreressssivive.e.
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piece that you made in your home. >> exactly. and corgi puppies. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ inaudible ] ♪ this shows you what goes on when you're under the knife, and you're under. >> is that a human body that he's trying to split? >> see what part of the body that's stuck in. shall we? >> that is a human knee.
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>> oh! >> are you kidding me? he's -- a knee? what the -- >> this isn't real. >> this is very real. this is not uncommon. something is stuck in this man's knee. >> yes, nick. something is stuck in this man's knee. a drill bit. that gip is using a special hammer hitting a hit plate that is a surgical tool that they use to do this because sometimes a drill will get stuck, and they have to use this hammer to get it out, because when you're -- >> oh wait a minute. hold on. this drill bit, that got stuck -- >> he did this to him and now can't get it out? >> this man went in for a knee operation. working on bone and tendons, sometimes drills get stuck. >> what? >> they have a hammer made for this kind of thing. >> apparently they need a bigger one! >> all three doctors take a turn. >> there's got to be a better way. >> isn't there, like, a reverse? you know drill in oh drill out. you can do that with a screw. why can't you do it on someone's
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knee? >> if you put anything doeg fromput anything doeg from ikea put them in work with them. >> and now when you wake up from surgery and you're sore this makes sense. now i know why. >> because the surgens are sore too, after this workout. >> finally, the third doctor has a bit more luck than the first too. >> i got it. [ laughter ] >> if a human bone can endure that amazing a human bone ever breaks. >> yeah. thanks so much for joining us everybody. that's it for our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." -- captions by vitac --
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a man is chased by the neighborhood cat, but it's not just any feline. >> hugh! whoa. >> see the miraculous escape from one angry predator. it's epic road rage when a guy chases down another driver. >> and began beating her. >> what the suspect says really set him off. it's a historymaking try at a -- >> triple back flip on a dirt bike. >> see if this jump will land him in the record books. and a pet parrot that we guarantee you have never seen do this --


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