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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  May 11, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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of the boat a dog was in there by himself, doing donuts. see what it took to pull off one tricky rescue. something crashes through the window. flying monster that derailed the ride. a 13-year-old has no idea what's lurking in that swimming hole. what it is that wants this kid off his turf. plus the buzz word for your chance to win a new ipad mini.
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maserati driver who is not a winner in this race. how a prank with a serious story didn't go as planned. >> all the parents are like yes, take them. is this dog on a joy ride on a boat? i know that it's funny but something happened to the engine. it started spinning. the dog's owner fell out of the boat. someone came along and rescued him but the dog was in there by himself, doing donuts for a while. >> it's a boat just chasing his tail. >> it does look like that olli the owner did come back. a picture captured on into the boat. they were able to bring it back to shore. >> the poor dog is thinking if i only had some -- >> take off! >> for this public bus driver in china, just another day on the
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job almost kills him. watch what happens so very suddenly. he's driving down the road with some people in the bus. >> whoa! >> what was that? >> out of nowhere, a pole crashes through the window of the bus, barely missing the bus driver's head. watch as we get another angle. >> oh, my god gosh! >> the passenger, too. wait. where did that come from? was there a car accident that knocked the light pole out or something? >> no. in this other angle, you see that pole is right here. do you see that? it seems to be attached to a fence or something. it is slanted right in to the lane at the exact angle. so when the bus drives up it ends up driving right through it. >> wow! >> you would never see that. it's so difficult to see. it's just part of the construction that's gone haywire. >> looks like a rikty old fence that dislodged the whole.
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gosh, it looked like he was jousting. >> exactly what i was going to say. >> later in the video it looks like he did actually strike him on the head. he stops the bus. the passenger gets up. he's holding his head. >> couple of inches to the right would have taken his head off. just so close. something lurking in the water. watch where you swim. this little fellow 13-year-old weston frnk weston franklin. he has his go pro. budding photographer. watch what happens. >> is that an alligator? >> it's a crocodile, a freshwater crocodile in that swimming hole. and that crocodile reported to be about five feet long goes right after 13-year-old weston. >> no way. >> as he comes to the surface, you hear the fear in weston's
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voice. and he was there with a tour group. there was a canoe close by. he gets into it. we're going to actually see his arm. his arm was attacked. >> is that the australian way to calm a young boy down when he's attacked? it's just a freshie. it's a love bite. >> they quickly got him to shore. they called emergency services. he was air lifted to safety. he spoke to nine news. >> i don't really remember the croc just being there. i just remember the mouth and it was more shock than the pain. pretty scared of crocs now. also off the coast of australia this is in fact, a 16 1/2 foot long whale shark. it played with people and played around with this boat for nearly four hours. >> wow! >> fishing guide, the bearded guy you see there, he ended up
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jumping in the water and going for a little swim with this whale shark. >> just a freshy. thomas bradlen from denver is our latest winner in the ipad mini giveaway. >> to enter you need friday's buzz word be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> the buzz word is coming up. >> rtm ipad mini giveaway coming up in just a sec. captain mario an drety here decided he wanted to show off the abilities of his maserratti to his buddies. the car has plenty of talent. he has zero. this is in poland. you hear his buddies. that guy is not going to have a license any longer after that
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stupid incident. >> well, good. one less dufus on the road. >> in pictures you can see the aftermath of the damage he caused. you might, might be able to fix that but i guarantee you will not be able to fix this. car fire middle of the road. that car fire engulfing the entire vehicle. bit of an explosion there. tell me if you can determine what type of car that used to be. >> lamborghini. >> exactly. >> what? >> very expensive lamborghini. >> looks like a waxy candle. >> all the different carbon composite materials inside that vehicle. >> it melted. >> this is heartbreaking for its owner. >> you're not going to be repairing that. these dudes attempt to distract the guard. >> three armed men walk in to this bank. >> see who draws their gun first. >> situational awareness. that guy was on point.
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>> yes. someone unexpected is home. >> benji and bella are about to get a big surprise. >> sweet reunion that has their tails wagging out of ctrol. >> look at that! icicanans.s. 8 83%3% t tryry...... eat healthy. yeyet t upup t to o 9090% % fafallll short in getting... ...key nutrientsts f frorom food alone. let's do more. adadd d onone e a a daday y memen'n's.s. complete with key nutrients we may need. plplusus i it t hehelplps s susupppport healthy blood pressure wiwithth v vititamaminin d d a andnd magnesium. one a day men's. ththerere e arare e lolotsts of ways to save money. here's one way. esesururanancece.. ththeyey w werere e bobornrn o online and built to save. they majoror i in n efeffificiciency whwhicich h memeanans s whwhenen they save, you save. theyey h havave e smsmarartt ononliline tools that hehelplp y youou f finind d ththee right coverage. soso y youou o onlnlyy papay y fofor what's ririghght t fofor r yoyou.u. plplusus a a p perersosonanalilized set of discounts
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yoyou u cacan n tatakeke to the bank. chcha-a-chchining!g! ththatat's's i insnsururanancece for the modern world. esesururanancece, , babackckeded b by allstate. clclicick k oror c calall.l.
3:39 pm
this is not ice cream. this is not ice cream in an ice cream cone. this is not ice cream in an ice cream cone in the hand of a tall man. this is not ice cream in an ice cream cone in the hand of a tall man in san fran. this is not san fran. this is not a tall man it's pam and dan. this is not an ice cream cone it's a frozen custard cone. and this is not ice cream, it's extra thick and creamy frozen custard... ...a different kind of delicious. new from dreyer's. nestle, good food, good life.
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just because you're a crook doesn't mean you're going to get away with your bad deeds. three armed men walk into this bank. one with a red t-shirt puts something in this box. you drop off whatever is in your pockets into this box. you go through the rotating door here. once you're in you pick yourself up. watch what these guys do. the guy in the red starts walking toward the guard to distract him. second guy walks over to the box. the third guy puts a handgun in there. within seconds all men are
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running away. glass is crashing down. and that is because that guard fought back. as we can see in the second video, the guard answered the question about where he could do a transaction but immediately spotted the other two. >> then he had his gun trained on that guy before he even turned around. >> yes. he pulls out his own gun, starts shooting at the suspect. that guy drops the gun on the floor and they start running out the door. the guard was hit in the gut, but he was wearing a bulletproof vest. so he was not injured. if you notice right here the guard does hit one of the suspects as he's trying to get away the injured suspect ended up seeking treatment at a hospital which is assisting authorities in getting to him. they believe that he's probably going to be apprehended in just a matter of time. >> he needs a raise for that job. he is doing exactly what he
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needs to be doing. hop on board for a great ride in the countryside. i would love to know where this road is. the guy who posted this video said he has been riding about six ponts and the bike he as on is a new bike to him. he just upgraded to a larger bike. not a whole lot of traffic. on a beautiful, twisty road. but -- [ bleep ]. >> oh, wait over the railing. >> right over that railing. listen. >> oim okay. i'm okay. >> the bike however, slid against that concrete rail down the -- the bike not coming out of this like he did. tough lesson learned. >> why are you out riding a harley? we're having fun, jeff. >> this guy wondering why his buddies are out riding harleys. he sends a message to his buddy, jeff.
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>> you need to be riding in death valley. death valley has a particular name because people die at death valley. i'm going to do a wheelie that kills me. >> on that logic, our buddy tosses his drink aside to show jeff where he should be. getting i'm sorry all lined up to give jeff the visual message. rock 'n [ bleep ] roll man. >> jeff meanwhile, on his harley having a great time. >> and jeff's buddies, four seconds later. >> oh, talk about -- >> can you believe it? i don't know that they're related to him but these dudes on harleys come around the corner just as cletus is riding his quad. benji and bella are will about to get a big surprise. somebody's coming home.
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somebody they haven't seen in a long time. >> coming home after spending time overseas serving overseas. >> they're so excited. they just jump jump jump. >> i love it when the dogs get so excited like this when somebody comes -- look at that. picked it up like he's a child, like he's dancing with him. >> nothing like a welcome home like that. it never gets old. >> these two dogs just as happy to see their marine. closer to their level because they're smaller. pay attention to the bigger dog. jumping on him, kissing him. that big dog runs away for a while. the other dog gets some alone time but not for long. look what it's got in the mouth. >> oh, the ball! ready to play. >> you've been away a long time and i need some ball chasing time. that's what the dog was saying i think. >> raquel is going way over her quota. >> what helps you identify the role you play at work.
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>> the joke err, the insane person. >> oh, my lord. i'm every one of these people. >> friday buzz word for a shot to win an ipad mini. this is mike. his mortgage payment was $728 a month. nonow w mimikeke thought he would havek r another 12 years ununtitil l hihis s momortgage was paid off. anand d ththen mike heard that a rereveversrse mortgage may help him. hehe c calalleled one reverse mortgage toto g getet the details. mimikeke r retired immediately after gegettttining g hihis one reverse mortgage loloanan. . cacallll one reverse mortgage nonow w toto get your questions ananswswerered and ask for your frfreeee g guiuide. inin t thehe first year, his cash flflowow s savings totaled $8,736. afafteter r 5 5 yeyearars,s, i it t will be ovoverer $ $40,000. a a rereveversrse e mortgage is a momortrtgagage with no required momontnthlhly payments. cacallll o one reverse mortgage now anand d asask k for your free guide.
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plplaqaqueue i is s ththe e nunumbmberer one problem i see. nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded w witithh plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, hehelplps s prprevevenent t plplaqaqueue and gingivitis prprovovididining g a a shshieieldld of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded.. mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy skin makes me feel really self-conscious. [ female announcer ] gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72%. ggolold d bobondnd. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a period means stop! but with pamprin, a period means go! pain relieieveversrs o onlnly relieve pain. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papamprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n no o ststopping you. pepeririodod.. this is an example of what never to do at a gas station. this woman is about to pump some gas. she picks up the pump puts it in the car and goes over to pay.
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what's missing? >> there's no hose. >> there's no hose. >> there's no hose! >> i didn't even notice. >> apparently she didn't even. >> walks over to the register to pay for her gas. what's going to happen when the attendant engages the pump. >> oh, no. >> see the gasoline starting to prednisone all over? >> this is a really poorly maintained pump. is she trying to fix it? >> no. >> it's all over the place sheechlt runs back in to grab the attendant. fortunately, nothing more happens. the attendant grabs the pump and they seem to be able to manage the situation before anything goes out of control. >> and that's why you don't smoke at gas stations. in this next video, everyone seems to be doing everything exactly the way you're supposed to be doing it at a gas station. you grab the hose. you put it in. >> you're supposed to take it out. >> you're supposed to take it out. except the driver of this vehicle over here to the right doesn't. and watch what happens. >> don't do it.
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>> that person starts driving away pulling the pump. watch this lady right here next to her car, just trying to pump some gas. >> oh, gosh! >> ooh! >> talk about being at the right place at the exact wrong time. you can tell it hurt because it knocks her back. >> doesn't look like she was seriously hurt thankfully. >> shamus has a new trick. ♪ >> the office working environment is pretty much the same the world over unless of course you work here. there's all kind of characters you can find the joker, the insane person. how do you figure out what kind of character you are? fortunately the guys have put together a video that may help.
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first of all the gossip. >> have you heard that sarah was eating patricia's organic yogurt? raquel has gone over her printing quota. >> the loud talker. >> look i cry when i'm scared all right? that's just something you have to get used to if you're going to date me. >> wait a minute. >> you have a special microphone parkinson's the other day. that runs in your family right? >> i didn't. >> this is getting me teary eyed like in a good way. >> the insane person. >> you can't be both. >> nick please. >> we're always flirting with you, nick. >> your work here is so beautiful. >> it was your direction, that really made it. >> a painter is only as good as his canvas. >> shut [ bleep ] already.
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>> touchy feely? >> big sale buddy. real good work out there. you're -- >> whoa oh! that was weird. >> almost like the uncomfortably long hug from beth troutman. >> oh, my lord i'm every sengle one of these people. >> don't change. >> you can sound off underneath them maybe identify your friends. >> pay attention, everybody. it is time for us to give away another ipad mini. >> you need the buzz word, be at least 18 years old and a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to right this and click on the win ipad mini button. >> you can enter on facebook twitter or both each and every single day. >> today's buzz word is revolution. >> get on over to right this and click on the win ipad button and enter today's buzz word, revolution
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r-e-v-o-l-u-t-i-o-n. next week bonus winners, one will receive an ipad mini and the other a flat screen tv. this couple is on a mission. the funny prank with a touching twist. >> that's a drch way of using a prank video. we've not seen it for this purpose before. ststopop n numumbibingng.. nonow w yoyou can repair. nenew w cocolglgatate e sesensnsititivive e totootothbrush wiwithdrch way of using a prank video. we've not seen it for this purpose before. ifdrch way of using a prank video. we've not seen it for this purpose before. fdrch way of using a prank video. we've not seen it for this purpose before. edrch way of using a prank video. we've not seen it for this purpose before. rdrch way of using a prank video. we've not seen it for this purpose before. edrch way of using a prank video. we've not seen it for this purpose before. ndrch way of using a prank video. we've not seen it for this purpose before. tdrch way of using a prank video. we've not seen it for this purpose before. way of using a prank video.nitng
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heroes out there, every day, just to save your life. >> some children are really emotional, really expressive. some just aren't. >> this is at the zoo in illinois. polar bear just doing his thing. >> look at that coming right up by the glass. >> that's pretty cool. that's the closest you'll ever get to a bear. >> little talia, not impressed. >> she could not care any less. >> she's just sit tlg going, when do i get to eat?
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>> i don't even know what that is. >> this thing is moving like everything else in this planet. >> oh, look a thing. >> now this next child definitely saying oh, look a thing. and is very expressive. that thing being a plastic bag. >> she does not like the plastic bag at all. >> the plastic bag is scary. polar bear not. >> that's why they tell you not to play with plastic bags around children. something very serious happened at the zoo. people trying to kidnap children right from the park. >> your daughter is really cute. >> she's so cute. >> thank you. >> we're adopting so -- >> good for you. >> yeah. >> that's great. >> we're excited. a daughter would be great. >> is she available?
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>> sure. why not? >> really? >> great. >> here we go. >> okay sweetie. >> where are we going? >> is she kidding? >> yes, of course she's kidding. this is greg bestin from youtube channel. he and his wife go up to random people at the park telling people hey, we're adopting. >> do you have an extra one? i notice you have three. >> we'll go ahead and give all of them. >> oh, really? >> oh, wow, okay. >> we're actually adopting. >> oh, yeah? >> looking to adopt. is she available for adoption? >> yeah. >> all the parents are like yes, take them. >> are you handing her over? is she for me? >> hi. >> can you say hi? >> hi sweetie. hi. >> greg and kim did partner up with an agency called independent adoption center and they share in this video what it is that they're doing. >> i'm greg. >> and i'm kim. >> we really are trying to adopt a baby with his why we made this video. we could use your help. we signed up with the independent adoption center.
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and we're just looking to match with a birth mother right now. >> the adoption agency encourages them to create a prank video to raise awareness about adoption in general but also to increase their own visibility to potential birth parents that might want choose them as the parents to their child. >> different way of using a prank video. we have not seen it for this purpose before. that's actually kind of lovely. >> you sure you don't want to come along? no? okay. that's it for "right this minute," everybody. thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time.
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] harvey: welcome to "tmz live." harvey levin here. charles here. harvey: pluto got in trouble over the weekend. this kid according to this family pluto manhandled this little boy and his become get hype are extended and it was a whole thing at disneyland. we will get into what happened but first look at this video. this is pluto hugging the boy. we will show you this and show again in


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