tv Right This Minute FOX May 12, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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♪ [ car honking ] see the heroes who s the rampage in the street. >> what the [ bleep ] is wrong? >> they're over there's a frenzy in the water. >> what is this. >> holy moly how being out for fish let the fish come to them. >> oh! some genes pull an assault weapon. >> how he kept his head on a terrifying situation plus the buzzword for your
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shot as at a new ipad mini. and why these dogs love rocks. >> why he's not leaving with a boulder. >> some car crashes are accidents. seems to be no accident at all. this truck goes amok the video picking up so the guy gets his camera out. watch what happens. >> whoa. >> wheel, whoa whoa! >> he almost hit that man. >> wow, that person is out of control. >> the truck crashing into that car, now it's backing up and nearly hits someone else again. now the guy getting out of car to try to stop this person. >> are you okay? okay. get in the car. >> the guy with the camera backed into his truck, because he's afraid this car will come after him. >> what the [ bleep ] are you
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doing? >> watch out, bud. [ bleep ]. >> another motorist now very upset, because he claims he had children in the car. just at that moment a marion county sheriff's deputy does pull up. it looks like the truck is incapacitated. >> she's been all over the place. >> there's a woman behind the wheel of this large truck. >> thankfully she's not behind the wheel. the passenger door opens, gets up and she needily drops her keys. >> do we know what sparked this whole thing? >> we contacted the sheriff's office. we did not hear back from them by our deadline. it's hard to saying if she had a medical condition or she was under the influence of something. we're trying to find those details out. >> she could have killed several people during this incident. >> from what we could tell there were no injuries related to this.
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♪ there you go, there you go. >> let's head to the water for a little unexpected fun. first off the coast of panama what is this holy moly. >> unbelievable. >> yes. look at that captain calderon. these fishermen out fishing for tuna. >> they probably found a smaller school jumping up and just brushed the small bait fish to the surface. >> that's correct. this video shot by collective tv and you can see these -- >> they put the reels down and grab a net. >> this is unbelievable. unbelievable. [ bleep ]. >> shannon ryan off the coast of florida. sam carlos bay. this is a 15-foot sausage -- this is a endangered speech
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juries. just to get his eyes on this fish. >> your net and -- >> you almost got two. >> yikes. >> that fish came right up with that saw-sharp snows and almost got this guy in the next. he talked to our friends at fox 4 in ft. myers. >> it was beautiful, all of the teeth were there. just beautiful. i probably won't seen one like that ever again. now from fishing to a little fun in a swimming hole in california this is hammy. hammy loves to swim around but hammy has something he likes to do while he's swimming. hammie loves to die down and get rocks off the bottom of the swim hole and take them over to the shore. >> hole cow, that's a bulder.
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sammy is going to need a dentist. >> good boy. >> yeah. >> these videos are an unfortunate reminder you have to keep your head on a swivel. you never know when you're about to be attacked. this first video is in south africa. this man is locking up his business right at the end of the day. as he's about to get into the car, another vehicle pulls up right behind him. >> oh, no. >> and men with what look lie assault rifles, get out, pat him down they begin to rob him, they leave him behind but do drive away with his vehicle. >> that's horrifying. imagine this poor man, the stress of this situation, to have guns like that weapons like that pointed right at you. >> unfortunately it's not the only time that something very similar has happened in south africa when you see this vehicle pulling up to what could
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be a residence. as you see, one of the men in the vehicle gets out of the car, and you see weapons drawn pointed at this man. there's someone else in the vehicle, and it's a little scarier when they pulled that man out of the car. the first man manages to escape and run away but you see that they take the second man and put him in the back of his own car, and they drive away with the vehicle and the man kidnapped in it. >> wow, this is just escalating went from a simp car theft and robbery to kidnapping. this has to be scary for anybody there. >> another attack this one in australia. that's a--year-old man, royce bell. you hear verbal confrontation, but then things get out of control very quickly, as soon as this other teenager trying to separate the man from the kids.
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according to records, that man started punching two teenagers, 14 and 18 you see that people tried to get in the way, the bus driver also trying to get between the man and the kids is eventually able to calm the situation down. authorities were called and he was charged with assault in this incident already, everybody, just about time for under the circumstances to give ute another ipad mini. >> number one, you need monday's buds word. two, you need to be a legal u.s. resident. number three, you kneel to be at least 18 years of age it's coming by in just a little bit. if at first you don't success, try try again. that's what this guy did. he's with straight up harley's stunt team and they have a dvd comeing out of. if you remember just a few days ago i showed you this video the who
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walked out of the wheelies. >> primary flurd scattered all over the place. added this new plate, came out here again. >> so he fixed it. that little fail led to a mod iskt. will he nail it now? let's see. >> nice. that was awesome. you are correct, nick. i think this is what you would call nailing it. sometimes you learn the most when you fail. >> this is slid i don't proof a backpack has become the source of an investigation. >> it's been sitting there for like a day. >> why it's being held behind caution tape. >> really to survey the spring thaw up in alaska. how dragging his toes
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through the water didn't go as planned. yoyourur h heaeartrt i is s prprececioiousus.. one of many ways to support its health isis n newew t truruhehearart,t, f frorom m one a day. itit's's t thehe o onlnly y hehearart health supplement wiwithth i ingngreredidienentsts t to both help lower bad chchololesesteterorol l anand d susupppport healthy blood pressure anand d alalsoso i incncluludedes s co q 10 trtry y nenew w trtruhuheaeartrt ththerere e arare e lolo ways to save money. here's one way. esesururanancece.. ththeyey w werere e bobornrn o online and built to save. they majoror i in n efeffificiciency whwhicich h memeanans s whwhenen they save, you save. theyey h havave e smsmarartt ononliline tools that hehelplp y youou f finind d ththee right coverage. soso y youou o onlnlyy papay y fofor what's ririghght t fofor r yoyou.u. plplusus a a p perersosonanalilized set of discounts yoyou u cacan n tatakeke to the bank. chcha-a-chchining!g! ththatat's's i insnsururanancece for the modern world. esesururanancece, , babackckeded b by allstate.
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whole, this is the illusion reporting from -- >> this guy hammish patterson had a video that went viral back in 2011 you might remember it the bowl cut video. >> i went out to keep my bowl cut tight. >> he calls himself the illusion. he is in malibu california. >> this is how ridiculous this is all becoming. behind me surrounded by caution tape is a backpack. it's been sitting there for like a day. >> sheriff's deputies have arrived on scene. >> guaranteed if i went over and opened the backpack it's full of like a fifth grader's school books and pencils and stuff. >> what's getting attention is the social commentary.
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>> when i see something like this i know we're in great danger. the back pack doesn't make me feel unsafe. the person who puts the caution tape around the backpack makes me feel unsafe. the people who elicit this time of fear makes me fee unsafe. >> i get what he's saying. >> but what if? there have been occasions where we're well aware of that explosives are put into something just like that. >> well the officer does come closer to the backpack and he inzips it. >> it's a backpack. >> it doesn't seen there's anything dangerous. >> another terrorist plot foiled an unmanned backpack -- on the streets of california. >> i hope that person leaving that backpack is watching and realize it is -- oh, that's where it is. >> sorry, guys. >> my bad.
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the deep dark long alaskan winter is beginning to loosen its grip and that has chris reynolds out there suiting up with his paramotor, ready to survey the spring thaw up in alaska. going for a beautiful flight. he's got the skill, puts his toe on that city with the flag. >> wow. chris tells us that the ice had just melted three days beforeoh! >> he just wanted to drag his together through the water, but that didn't quite go as planned. then he gets his foot and ankle, and before you know it --
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>> taking his first swim of the year. >> this could have been such a good video, had he actually been able to do it. instead it's a great video, because he failed. >> agreed. >> the engine you can hear still sputtering along. he was can't to gather it up swim to shore. the heavy breathing is because it was so cold. there he is a big smile. he just has to dry out the wings for a couple days. no problem with the engine either. he as back flying it's real estate time. we're putting these videos to the test. first a baby carriage takes a stroll around the parking lot. >> it's so lame maybe it is real. >> then a perfect pour machine. and there's a shake-up on the road. >> oh, wait a minute.
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plplaqaqueue i is s ththe e nu exploded captioning provided by -- w acact t adadvavancnceded w witithh plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, hehelplps s prprevevenent t plplaqaqueue and gingivitis prprovovididining g a a shshieieldld of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnceded.. mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy skin makes me feel really self-conscious. [ female announcer ] gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72%. ggolold d bobondnd. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a period means stop! but with pamprin, a period means go! pain relieieveversrs o onlnly relieve pain. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papamprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n no o ststopping you. pepeririodod..
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let's run it from first -- >> no one would ever leave a baby carriage behind like that. >> and also not on the curb. >> cctv seems to clear -- >> the friend who noticed it first stood with her hand on her booty like whoa who is it. >> but at the same time it's so salem, maybe it is real. there's no drama, nothing is going on. >> this is so fake it's almost insulting. >> really bad. >> four fakes, one real. >> i do feel bad for giving you this clip after you ripped it apart like that. i think you're on it. they would have been sprinting after it if there was a baby in there. if there's not a baby in there, why do we even care? [ laughter ] video number two -- >> oh, yes.
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>> the perfect pour machine? >> yes. >> is it real? i used one in the airport in dubai. these are awesome. >> japan has all these automated things. they're very good at robotics. >> wouldn't it be cool if you have one in your house, like a keurig or something? real or -- >> they nailed it. i don't know why this isn't how we pour beer in america, too. all right. last video. >> what's going on here? earthquake? >> oh, oh, earthquake. >> wow. what is it? is that supposed to be the stoplight? >> it feels like one of the augmented reality apps i've seen -- also the crack on the wind screen.
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they don't really crash like that. >> i feel like the spotlight isn't real. >> something looks -- >> also the cyclist, you just don't crash to the ground like he did. >> i'm going to go -- >> something doesn't jibe. >> it feels fake to us. >> this light seems to be still on they detached from the pole. i don't know how that happened. so you nailed it. >> thanks max. >>eeou guys. lovea. i think it's safe to say that one of the most fun, exciting times -- was sometimes. this video is going to take you through senior prom over the years. >> let's go all the way back to 1938. ♪ >> you can see the dresses, the hair the attire for the guys. now 1956. you're getting a little more
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dplamed up a little more romantic. >> the audrey hepburn look. >> 1977 we're getting a little disco. >> yeah. >> that's so funny too. >> we would have -- >> we could have rocked this. >> i would have had the best fro, it would have been like ten feet high. >> 1985 all the plastic jewelry? >> my prom was in the '80s. >> i was there with -- >> fast forward in 1985 to 2001. >> where are the '90s? >> they decided to skip right over that. i feel a little cheated. i'm not going to like. oh the chokers. >> yeah i forgot about the chokers. >> and now 2015, apparently this
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is what the kids are doing now. video put together by teen vogue, and their post claudia polesky it's time. you need the bud word need to be at least 18 years old and a u.s. legal resident then head to and click on the "win ipad" button. you did enter on facebook and twitter every day. monday's buzzword is "zodiac." so go to and click on the win number and enter "zodiac." and later this week it's bonus giveaway winners. watch every single day. good luck everybody. this also boy is excited for a b-ball game. >> a ball in his hand but he's racing running. >> see who he flags down for
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hoaction. >> this is just going to break my heart. s atat t thehe w wataterer's's edge. heherere, , ththeyey m musust t lolookok their best. smsmoooothth, , bebeauautitifuful l skskin is an advantage. ththe e otothehersrs c canan o onlnly y hide in shame. inintrtrododucucining g ththe e nenew w drdr. scholl's drdreaeamwmwalalk k exexprpresess s pepedidi.
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back? >> i would if the person was clean. >> there you go. puppy wants out. [ barking ] >> i think the dash-cam video from russellville arkansas will surprise a lot of people. right there you see one police car in front of the dash cam, and a little boy coming from behind that brick house, running. where is he going? you notice here once this dash cam starts moving, he flags down the police officers because he wants them to play ball with him. >> oh, this is just going to break my heart. >> i'm not kidding. he's running down the street.
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you sigh right there, on one side there's a basketball hoop set up. it's pint-sized. >> can you imagine if he played 911 just so they would play with hem. >> he two officers down so once on patrol they decided to take time out and play with this kid. >> well done officers. >> this shows what policing is community contact thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time.
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] harvey: welcome to "tmz live." harvey levin here. charles: charles here. a royal battle for king and tyga. harvey: we got black china out last night and what you're going to hear, i should say, in my opinion is not authentic. charles: i think she's
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