tv Right This Minute FOX May 18, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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the bride's getting on the trash the dress trend. she wants it to be her moment. >> how it turned into an emergency instead. [ yelling ] a driver noticing a car in the distance. >> it's not doing what a car is supposed to do. >> why nope should have drive this, but they did. >> i love the smell of an old barn in the morning. >> they are the miracle workers that turn barns into the -- >> most luxurious homes you could imagine. >> now the star of "barn hunters" reveals the secrets to restoring a treasure.
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>> some of these barns go back to the early 1700s plus the buzzword and your shot as an ipad mini. the wrong shoes for a graduation, and after a girl fences evidence of cheating she tells her in which boyfriend -- the prank that's so not funny. it's a trend that's been around quite some time. trashing the dress. brides do august kinds of stuff to trash it. >> you don't need the dress anymore. might as well do -- >> amy, people are egging her on standing there on the edge of the boat. she knows exactly what she's doing. she couldn't wait to trash the dress moment. the guy in this suit c'mon, c'mon, she's taking her time building the anticipation waiting for everybody. >> she wants this to be her
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moment. >> all right. here she goes. >> you hear everybody screaming, clapping laughing. >> her dress is wrapped up all around her. >> she could drown. >> she could. >> in fact people quickly realized this is not going the way the bride had planned. people start jumping in. it had basically folded up over her. you see she's not coming up. >> you've got to find her. there's so much fabric. >> people are panicked trying to find this poor bride's head. finally there she is. >> i was -- that could have been th history. >> that's a pretty epic way of ruining this dress. traffic camera from china catches the moment at this
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intersection when the blue truck probably should have waited a few more seconds, because he does this. the taxi quickly moves to the side hits that bit and rolls over. you notice here the traffic light is flashing green? >> yeah. >> it goes to yellow. at it goes to yellow this taxi goes through. this was a female taxi driver and passenger inside. very quickly you notice people start running over to assist because actually the driver is trapped at the moment. people are able to get along, help lift up the taxi. and you get an even better shot here with this huge group of people coming over to help and eventually they right it back onto its wheels. >> my goodness she's on the ground. >> funny enough. at the taxi drive only received a slight injury to the elbow and the passengers a sleight injury to the head. it could have been worse had she not reacted as fast as she does
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you're about to observe a real-life miracle on the roadways of russia. >> >> i want you to pay attention to the silver car. it's not doing what a ka is supposed to do. >> oh, that flipped. did you see that? >> oh, my goodness. >>ed the person in the car was erect jurisdiction. >> you did see that correctly. course to load reports, the driver was intoxicated, got dis com bob lated, and the car rolled. it tossed him from aside. he avoided getting smushed by the car. she say he suffered soft tissue injuries to the head and multiple bruises, but he survived. >> yeah that doesn't even look real. it looks like there's a crash test dummy being ejected, the way that bod,is flailing about. >> you were exactly right. we move to the british isles. i want you to pay attention to
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that red honda there. >> oh, my goodness what are they doing? >> this poor woman the victim here. >> wow, everybody looks so shaken up you know? it was obviously a strong impact. the guy with the camera on his head he was on a motorcycle. watch what happens to him later on in the video. this guy has had a pretty shaky day. >> this guy cause than me. >> go back to bad guess what everybody? isaac will be watching the shows on a brand-new flat-screen tv he's our latest winner on the giveaway. >> all you need is monday's buzzword be at least 18 years old and be a lieu u.s. resident monday's buzzword is coming right up. the "right this minute" bud words is coming rupe i got. this video in ireland, this
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man is using a hammer to try to break into a cage that has, as can you see, barrels of beer. >> such an irish crime. >> the guy working so hard to try to break the lock but you know who's watching him? the owner of the business. he walks up to the guy holding an umbrella and he says he using his best fencing move on the guy. he just goes up to the thief trying to beat down a gate and just start poking him with an umbrella. >> you see the owner chases the guy around the corner ends up getting away but he got no beer that day. >> well good he didn't need any beer. he's already making bad decisions. >> this happened in the uk. in the middle of the night, you see security cameras captures this indent apparently these thieves really needed some fake brass -- >> why didn't they have a
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getaway car? >> i love how gayle always analyze the what the criminals are doing wrong. you need a is it getaway car, or take off the license plates. >> you see these guys walking down the street with turf. >> is it being caught with grass, it happens all the time the guy behind the camera is waiting for a friend to come by. >> he says just come on in walk in it will be fine. >> are you kidding? >> what happens when his buddy walks right into a prank. [ laughter ] >> grumble dad has been senting art to his granddaughter for years. >> trying to inspire her. >> see her touching tribute to return the favor. coconsnstitipapateted?d? .y.yeaea dudulclcololaxax t tabablelets can cause cramps but not phillips. itit h hasas m magagnenesisiumum anand d woworkrks s momorere n natatururalally than stimulant laxatives. fofor r gegentntlele c crarampmp f freree e relief of occasional constipation ththatat w wororksks!!
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mmmmm m mmmmmm liliveve t thehe r regegulularar l lifife.e. [ [ scscrereamamining g ]] raratete s sucuckekersrs!! [ [ bebellll d diningigingng ] ] yoyourur c carar i insnsururanancece g goes up bebecacaususe e ofof t theheirir b badad driving. pepeopoplele t tryry a allll s sorortsts of ways to get rid of them. [ [ drdriviverer p panantitingng ] ] ifif y youou'r're e sisickck o of f papaying more than your fair share... [ [ scscrereamams s ]] geget t snsnapapshshotot f frorom m prprogressive, anand d sesee e jujustst h howow m mucuch your good driving could save you.
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the rtm video, download it now. >> i just think with age comes wisdom not because we're smart, but because we've learned the hard ways. we'll start off with the boys. they should learn this lesson soon. the personal that would be cruelist to you will be your best friend. >> we have cameron from connor who's buddy brad is coming over to play. >> that one. >> he says just come on in walk in it will be fine. >> are you kidding? that is mean.
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>> he walked into this house, hell orks connor mate takes a couple quick steps and very quickly realized he is obviously in the wrong house and does the only thing he can do. >> run out? >> leg it. >> run, run, run around the corner before anybody seeing me. >> the whole time connor is dying. >> i wonder what she saw that made him realize it wasn't the right house. i hope it wasn't a naked person. >> this is the kind of stuff you can expect from your guy. >> we have lessons that all girls learn, too. heels have occasions and there are places not to wear them. for example, high school graduation she's done it she's graduated high school she has made a slightly poor shoe choice. very high heels. >> actually she is wearing wedges. she's going to be great. >> absolutely. oh wait don't do it!
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>> oh! >> look out for the band. you're almost there, saves it no she's down. >> the longest fall ever. >> i hope her ankles are okay. >> this is so sad to watch, but those are the things you learn. >> exactly. round and round it goes. >> if you're a grandfather that goes by the name grumble dad, you are one cool gramps. >> grumble dad? >> kerry pearson is the 1 years old, the grandfather of megan clark. she is an artist. he has created his even pieces
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of art, then dropped them in the mail to send them to her as inspiration in her own journey through her work in art. he's been doing this for five years. she's been trying to figure out how to pay tribute to this wonderful man who is her grandfather. >> to get him talking about -- >> she came up with an exhibition of his art in a local cafe. it is just sweet and cute and awe many genuine, just like grumble dad. he's really talented. they genetic. >> megan put this video together of the process of putting this exhibit together. she also has people draw art that is dropped into the grumble dad postbox. >> so he as going to get a huge wave of return art? >> yes. >> now grumble dad couldn't be at the exhibition because he has mobility issues so megan played this video back to
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grumble dad, and this video, which has gone viral is grumble dad watching the video back. >> he's adorable his little glasses, beard, and insanely happy face. to think he's still got that much spunk and life and energy and happiness inside of him. that in and of itself is inspiring. >> he doesn't seem like a grumble dad. he seems like a snuggle dad. >> i love him very much. let's pogo. >> i love that people have figured out how to make pogo sticking extreme here's the video next "right this minute." and still to come dude's rolling out his latest creak. >> a pulse jet engine powered go-cart. see what happens when he takes it for a spin plus theonday buzzword for a chance to win an ipad mini.
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this is not ice cream. this is not ice cream in an ice cream cone. this is not ice cream in an ice cream cone in the hand of a tall man. this is not ice cream in an ice cream cone in the hand of a tall man in san fran. this is not san fran. this is not a tall man it's pam and dan. this is not an ice cream cone it's a frozen custard cone. and this is not ice cream, it's extra thick and creamy frozen custard... ...a different kind of delicious. new from dreyer's. nestle, good food, good life.
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closed captioning provided by -- advavanced with plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, helps prevent t plplaque and gingivitis fofor r a a twtwelelveve hour shield of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnced. mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy skin makes me feel really self-conscious. [ female announcer ] gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72%. ggolold d bobondnd. hohow w fafastst a arere n newew a allllegra® gelcaps? we're going ouout t inin a an n hohour... fafastst.. alallelegrgraa® r relelieieves your worst alallelergrgy y sysympmptotomsms two times fasterer t thahan n claritin®. nenew w alallelegrgraa® g gelelcacapsps..... nonot t jujustst f fasast,t, a allllegegrara® fast.
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after watching the video, i think i want to quit my job and be a barn hunter. >> what exact slid is a barn hunter? >> my name is shawn tracy. i love the smell of an old barn in the morning. >> i turn old barns into people's dreams. >> shawn tracy and his crew on diy's "barn hunters" head across the country to find old! dated barns, gut them restore them and make them the most luxurious homes you could imagine. >> i want one. >> i know! >> i guess that got rid of the phrase did you grow up in a barn? >> yes, i did, and it was delightful. >> come on in and enjoy your home. >> you have glass and the
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beautiful door elf these spiral staircases to go up to the second-level loft. tell us more about exactly what we have. we have shawn tracy via skype, the star of "barn hunters" welcome to the show. >> how are we doing, gang? >> is this aa new things? or has it been going on for a while? >> it's been going on for a while. i've been doing it about 25 years, especially on the east coast with we have these great old buildings and beautiful canvass to work with. >> shawn, how xraektly does 2 work? are you converting people's barns and they're moving into? or are you taking these barns elsewhere? >> about half the barns we do are barns that are on site already there. we just go in and turn them into a house. the other half are barns we relocate piece by piece to a different location design a new house around it put it up and turn it into member's dream
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house. >> it's so cool. how did you get into this? >> i grew up in an area that has a lot of them. i spend a lot of time playing in them fixing them and started a company converting them. >> have you found cool old items in these places? >> oh, yeah. some of these barns go back to the early 1700s, you can find all sorts of old trinkets and treasures. whenever possible we try to use those again in the design so that history stays with the building. that's a lot of fun whenever we can do that. >> "barn huns hunters is airing" all monday on diy the mad scientist of metal and mayhem one of my favorite dudes on the inter-web. colin colin
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colin colin furth. >> as crazy as he appears, this is his latest mad creation. >> well you know what? at least this time it's not a baby carriage. >> no this time colin has bit a pulse jet engine pow ser go-cart. >> it's awesome! >> look at the size of this. he straps it on to the old go-cart. it's glowing red hot, it looks sinister. >> man, he's not wear ago helmet. >> he doesn't care. >> he doesn't have any protection. i'm surprised the seat hasn't melted. >> he built a heat shield so he doesn't light on fire. he created videos to show how he put it together. the he got up to about 60 miles per hour on that rickety old go-cart. >> it all looks insanely dangerous, but it looks like he's having so much fun.
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>> you got to see how he puts the whole thing together. go to, click on today's show and you can use the mobile app. >> in the event of an apock clips, he's going to be winning it's time for us to give away another i pat minner. >> find the buzz world. >> and then gob to and click on the win this ipad. >> ready to reveal monday's word? >> i'm so ready. >> here it is everybody -- gravity. >> get on over to, click on the win i pavement mini button and enter the buzz world gravity we have bonus today, two will win the ipad minutist and one will win a bradened-new tv. >> good luck everybody dude uses a pair of earrings
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to pull a fast one on his lady. >> instantly you see the hurt on his face. >> why this prank gets real ugly real fast. ? esesururanancece w wasas b bororn online. which means fewer costs, which saves money. their custstomomerer e expxpererience is virtually paperless whwhicich h sasaveves s papapeper,r, which saves money. ththeyey h havave e smsmarart t ononline tools so you only pay fofor r whwhatat's's r rigightht f for you which saves money. ththeyey s setettltle e clclaiaimsms quickly whwhicich h sasaveves s titimeme, , which saves money. they dririveve a an n alall-l-hyhybrbrid claims fleet whwhicich h sasaveves s gagas,s, which saves money. ththeyey w werere e bobornrn o onlnline,
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>> there can't be many more thankless jobs in the world than dating a prankster. a great way to get dumped is to cheat on her. i think another way is to make her think you're cheating on her. >> i'm planting these earrings somewhere in my room. hopefully she finds them and hopefully we get a reaction. >> why would you want to date somebody who would sow the seats of doubt like that? >> it doesn't take her long. she sits down she notices, what is that? instantly you see the hurt on her face. she's also pretty smart. they calls out for him and grabs his mobile phone. she gets that sticks it in her pocket, she's ready. >> [ bleep ]. >> are you [ bleep ] cheating on me? >> these are your earrings. >> no they are not. what the [ bleep ] --
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>> she's already criticizing the imaginary woman. >> these are your earrings. who else could they be? >> are you [ bleep ] cheating on me? >> even though this is a prank she's never going to believe it was a prank. she's going to believe he said it was a prank so he wouldn't get caught cheating. this is going to destroy the trust. >> tell me the [ bleep ] truth. no. >> she's got his phone. after about a minute he finally goes it's a joke! >> it's a joke honey. it's a joke. >> it's not funny, nick man. >> it's a joke. >> ha ha ha. >> that's not a good prank. >> why do you always do this to me? [ bleep ] i don't wear this crap anyway. >> would i say it's a nice one? no it's kind of cruel. >> it's a lot cruel. >> totally one of the worst things you can't do to tower
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