tv Right This Minute FOX May 22, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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seven robbers target the atm inside a busy mall. >> everybody looked at them like that will work. >> the stunning scene as nobody did a thing to stop them. >> it's a greater in the grass versus a truck. >> who do you think is going to win? >> why this one is not really a contest. 84-year-old woman fends off a caregiver in her own room. how her family planted a camera to bust the bully. superstars unite.
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and when chickens attack. >> this is no joke. >> the video that brought us some very bad memories. >> i had to go to the doctor and get a tetanus shot. >> really? >> not a lie. you just can't make this stuff up. that's why i love this show for videos just like this. firefighters working on a technical rescue beneath that bus, someone is trapped under the bus. >> stowaway? >> not a stowaway. it's a thief. and he's got comeaccomplices. when the jack he was using collapsed. his accomplices had to call in police and firefighters to come and get their buddy out. all three were arrested. this guy had to make a stop at the hospital first. >> at least they called for help. you know what this say? there's no honor amongst thieves. >> the guy is expected to be okay but what a dummy. those bumbling thieves kind of goofed it up.
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these with a hand truck, free standing atm. unplug it. load it up. everybody looked at them like well yeah that will work. out the door they go. $160,000 u.s. >> you're joking. >> i didn't think they held that much money. >> i didn't either. >> police are looking for them. one of these guys knows something about this atm. if maybe he loaded it. it seemed too easy. gator versus truck. who is going to win? >> gator.
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going gator. >> going to bite a tiger. >> this truck is actually the name of a lion. >> hey, watch my truck. >> that thing is hissing saying you shall not pass. >> just drive around it. >> oh, he could but he doesn't. >> yeah! >> one bumper. >> i thought he just got a little trim around the wheel well there. >> we've got another video of car versus big animal. this at yellowstone national park. these bison are coming straight to the car for where this camera is rolling. >> whoa! >> just pass at the side. it was close but it just passed. oh no the running of the buffalo is not over. >> just stop! >> just wait. >> they keep coming like right
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at them. >> come on genius. go around. >> looked like they were heading straight at them. >> playing chicken. >> go out and -- >> playing buffalo chicken. couple of wings. >> just want to remind people it's our responsibility as human beings to take care of each other. this is 84-year-old hope shepherd and her caregiver, one of her employees at this retirement home. watch how this woman is treating this poor 84-year-old woman in her own room. she just keeps pushing her and shoving her, forcing her down on the bed and as this woman tries to fight back this caregiver's attacks gets more and more violent. you're probably wondering why there's a video camera in this room. it turns out hope shepherd ended up with a broken arm about a year ago. and her family got suspicious.
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so they placed a hidden camera inside the television in hope's room. and they caught this. now, of course they turn this had video over to authorities. and -- >> oh! >> what is this person's problem? >> the really difficult thing is she can't speak. this woman suffers from throat cancer. because this video exists this woman will be punished. in fact she has been charged with assault, with intent to cause bodily harm. she is expected to appear in court in june. retirement foundation said that they have now sent her name to all the other retirement centers in that area so that she can't be hired again. >> this next video is security guards confronting a suspected shoplifter. that suspected shoplifter is the man in the motorized wheelchair. watch what happens next. >> come on. >> the security guard yelled at this man and got him out of the motorized wheelchair. people around as you can imagine, were disturbed by what
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they were seeing. that's why this camera started rolling. a judge ruled that this 31-year-old security guard used excessive and unnecessary force. he is currently awaiting his sentencing. these days the scariest thing that can happen to any of us is live without your cell phone. buzz feed put six people to the test. took their cell phones away for a week. and it's pretty crazy. >> from buzz feed to my car and i've already reached in my pocket to make a call check my e-mail and check my face book each on separate occasions. >> they realize just how conditioned you are to reach -- >> it's become automatic. >> this past weekend going to san francisco was really really really, really hard. i miss mied friend's birthday party. i went to a party this past weekend. on the left side of me people were having conversation on the right side of me people were having conversation. i didn't have a phone to look at
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to keep me occupied or anything. >> engage in the conversation! >> exactly. >> people have become less social the more connected we've become because we all have our faces in our phones. >> once i made a wrong turn i had to use this tiny map they printed out to figure out how to correct it. on the other hand people use maps for centuries. >> a lot of people don't even have home phones anymore. >> i don't. >> giving up my phone would mean i don't have a phone to call anyone. >> how many phone numbers do you know by heart? >> the police. >> not having a cell phone makes you more culpable. have you to show up. >> i think i'll have a greater appreciation for my phone. this is an awesome piece of technology. he's back and setting another world first. >> the kid just can't stop.
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>> watch what he does this time around. >> holy -- >> oh, wow! and she's not liking what her father is serving. >> i don't want it. i don't like it. >> the distraction trick that works like a charm. >> oh! ararenen't't y youou c chrhrisisteten n prpress? that's me. grgreaeat t toto s seeee y youou o offff t the soccer field. what's that susunsnscrcreeeen? itit's's c copoppepertrtonone e clcleaearly sheer. lighghtwtweieighght,t, b brereatathahable protection. yoyourur s skikin n lolookoks s amamazing - not greasy. trtry y itit. . heheadads s upup!! shshowow o offff. . i i hehearard d ththatat!! cocopppperertotonene c cleleararlyly s sheer. yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme..'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l living, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know you may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't yoyou.u. sensnse e frfromom esunce, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsonalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sorta like you drives. yoyou'u'llll e eveven n geget t a a discount just for signing up. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by y allstate. click or call.
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live entertainment, in my opinion, no better way to spend your money than on the nitro circus live tour. they're all about world first. especially ryan williams. few weeks ago i showed you a video of ryan throwing down a triple back flip on his scooter. we're all quite impressed. what he's about to do right now -- >> now, just recently ryan has another first. watch what he does this time. >> one, two, three! >> holy --
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>> oh, wow! >> how many? how many was that? >> that is a 1080 front flip. if wruf never seen something like that before it's because nobody has ever done it. kids just can't stop. watch from ryan's point of view. i don't know how you keep your wits about you at all. like you're in a blender and somehow he puts it down on those wheels. >> incredible developing tricks. what we showed you a couple of weeks ago, i'm expecting in a month to see him do that. >> this is -- kids all over the world are going to want them. >> lot of people saying the only guy out there that can truly mac a scooter look cool. >> they say cute is as cute does. and this little boy does cute and, boy, is he cute. >> falling asleep in the car
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seat while trying to eat an ice cream. >> it's not fair on kids. it's like a sugar coma at the same time as you put any kid in the car, they rock themselves to sleep. >> that lull. >> exactly. no child can succeed in this situation. the best part about it he keeps waking up it's like oh, ice cream. >> exactly. the ice cream surprises him every time. i forgot i had this. and then the -- >> asleep again. >> this next video, another adorable child eating. this time it's the ingenious father who is getting the eating accomplished. the baby's like no. i don't want it. i don't like it. then dad does the distraction trick with what looks like a ball. maybe one of those little mini oranges. >> oh! >> oh, that was deceiving. i want the orange. >> you'll come up with any
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trick, whatever will work to get that food in his baby's mouth. out-witting a baby. bang bang. bang! bang! >> never say i don't do anything for you, ladies. just to give you guys a back story we're at the end of a gq shoot and we're supposed to do this acting dvd, acting video. truth is it's hot as hell and i'm drunk. i took a lot of shots of fireball whiskey. i'm trying to improv at the top of my head. i'm not sharp right now. i'm dull. >> this is a video that gq has put together with chris pratt being very drunk. >> let's say you're at a jamba
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juice and you're drunk. how do you react? easy. you say [ bleep ] t-rex. see how i emot'ed? fireball. drink it out of a paper cup. don't be that kind of [ bleep ]. >> the only way it would be better if he was not wearing that shirt. >> if you'relaying a parent and your childsks you wherebiom simply tell them the truth from your mom's butt. hold on a second. i have to ignite the night. fireball whiskey. ignite the night. these dudes are exploring water sports by using a -- >> jet packed water propulsion system. >> see the cool tricks they get to try out. >> these twins have yet another thing in common. >> they both have their wisdom teeth out.
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their delirious conversation next. ♪ t takake e meme into your darkest hour ♪ ♪ a andnd i i'l'll l neneveverr desert you ♪ ♪ i i'l'll l ststanand d byby y youou ♪ yeyeaaaaaaaah!h! yeyeahah.. soso t thahat't's s ouour r loloyayaltlty y prprogram. you're automatically enrolled, anand d ththe e lolongngerer y youou s statay,y, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i i'l'll l ststanand d byby y youou ♪ ♪ w wonon't't l letet n nobobododyy hurt you ♪ isisn'n't t ththerere e a a sisimpmpleler r waway to explain the loyalty program? yes. ststanandidingng b by y yoyou u frfromom day one. now, that's progressive.
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imimagaginine e hahavivingng a a s shield against plaque. nenew w acact t adadvavanced with plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, helps prevent t plplaque and gingivitis fofor r a a twtwelelveve hour shield of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnced. mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy skin makes me feel really self-conscious. [ female announcer ] gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72%. ggolold d bobondnd. hohow w fafastst a arere n newew a allllegra® gelcaps? we're going ouout t inin a an n hohour... fafastst..
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alallelegrgraa® r relelieieves your worst alallelergrgy y sysympmptotomsms two times fasterer t thahan n claritin®. nenew w alallelegrgraa® g gelelcacapsps..... nonot t jujustst f fasast,t, a allllegegrara® fast. some of our viewers in the south beach area may recognize that skyline because that's where this drone video is from. one of our viewers sending this in. he's using his brand new dgi phantom three now. new versions of these drones have become even smoother even cooler. flying over the water there, right over the causeway and picking up a pretty cool scene in the distance. watch this. >> this is great for like the tourism website. you get this gorgeous view of the beautiful water. but also the things that you can do if you visit south beach. they should hire this person. >> right there, dot com and the coverboard. >> that's who this is? also sponsor this had video that
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makes me want to jump in this water. >> beautiful. now that's south beach florida. let's head on down to nicaragua. these guys are using something similar. this is a jet-packed water propulsion system. the best 40 bucks they ever spent on 40 minutes of fun. >> that's 40 bucks? >> that's what they say. >> let's go to nicaragua and try this. >> they're not very good at it yet. it's a new thing but try the flip. they get to have some fun with their buddies on vacation. boom. boom. >> these twins, somewhere in the pacific northwest, both have their wisdom teeth out. that means we'll see lots of antics after the anesthesia starts to wear off. >> what if twins do really do everything together? >> oh, yeah. [ indistinct talking ]
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>> oh, my gosh. this is so weird. >> like they're baby. >> the one is not shutting up. she's talking constantly. the other one is crying. >> the one in the pink shirt is comforting her twin. she's fascinated by the lights. then she starts to count them but quickly loses focus. like what did they give them to take their wisdom teeth out? >> and where can we get it? >> i want some of that sometimes. >> it is double trouble. we've never seen pairs. it's like two people being totally stoned together. [ indistinct chatter ] quick lunch break.
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seems very very very scared. when the chickens attack. in this video, you see this woman walking over to her chicken coop to open the door. >> that's the sound of terror right there. the rooster. >> watch what he does. >> uh-oh. >> no! stop! >> chases her and pecks her. >> i'm telling you, this is no joke. this happened to me when i was like ten years old. getting the eggs out of the chicken coop. the rooster stabbed with its little due claws, in the tuckus. not a lie. these things can be nasty. >> he's relentless. fortunately, she survives. another little survivor is little angelina. angelina and this precious
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little boy, look are meeting little chickens for the first time. greatest experience ever until -- until one of them lands on her head. what the heck is happening? >> doing really, really well though. tenses up and realizes what's going on and waits it out. >> can you imagine what the talons feel like on her head? she maintains it for two seconds and then -- >> i love it. why don't you guys do something? >> fortunately, everybody made it out alive from these scary encounter. >> chicken attacks. big youtube names come together for a new challenge. >> you have to blow really hard right? insect fest that will give you chills. ananytythihingng.. ananywywheherere.. ananytytimime.e. ananyoyonene.. spsprereadad t thehe d delelicicioiousus t tasaste you know and love. hehersrshehey'y's s isis m minine,e,
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yoyoururs,s, ouour r chchococololatate e spsprereadads.s. ♪ [ [mumusisic]c] ♪ jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. totodaday y heher r dodoctctoror h has her on a bayer aspirin regimen toto h helelp p rereduducece t thehe risk of another one. ifif y youou'v've e hahad d a a heheart attack bebe s surure e toto t talalk k toto your doctor before y youou b begeginin a an n aspirin regimen.
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contestants, each blowing on opposite ends. whoever can blow the hardest will blast the cricket into the opponent's mouth. >> gross. look who is there. furious pete crazy russian hacker. >> this is serious youtube superstar power. >> one, two, three. >> come on guys. >> blow! >> i've got to say furious pete has some lungs. >> oh! >> ew. and it starts getting pretty disgusting. who do you think is going to blow chunks first? >> oh! >> and the weird part about it there's vomit on the carpet and they're all just like -- >> three, two, one. blow! >> oh, my gosh. he has no blow game. >> then i think comes the most surprising part of this video
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and most disgusting. >> we've been covering them all these years and he's my soul mate. >> yeah. >> i feel bad for whoever owns that apartment. >> right. >> their floor is going to wreak. >> i was a better blower. i'm proud to be the blowing champion of 2015. >> if you want to see this entire collab fest check it out on our mobile app. that will do it for us on "right this minute." thank you for joining
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live from new york city it's the "wendy williams show." today wendy has the juiciest hot topics lined up and ready to break it down. and bill cosby speaks out on sexual assault allegations. we have the scoop on his controversial comments. and it's "trendy at wendy" just for you. now here's wendy! snep ♪
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