tv Right This Minute FOX May 24, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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right near the train tracks there's -- >> a family posing for a picture. >> why they're lucky it's not their last. a dog is saved by an awesome vet, but -- >> brace yourself. >> see what's in there that has got to come out. >> ah! after a dude picks up a lost wallet and goes shopping it -- >> seemed like this guy was up to no good. >> what happens when the owner shows up and gets a big surprise. >> this better not be fake or i'm going to be so pissed at him. >> and adults consulting kids about love. >> call her every day? >> no. ery monday.
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>> the advice fro breaking up. >> going to be really mad. >> run away. >> run away from the mad guy. that's actually great advice. just going an living leitch you need to keep your head on the swivel and know what's going on around you. this first video from brazil you will notice a locomotive approaching. >> you've got a family posing for a picture on the train tracks. that's a father holding his son and watch what happens. >> oh -- stupid, stupid man! >> now, reports say that this father did, in fact think that this locomotive would miss them. this was actually a track clearing locomotive with a grid-type structure on the front designed to clear debris from the train tracks. it they got caught up in the grid part. knocked them off the tracks. fortunately, no one was seriously injured as a result of
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this really, really bad decision. [ train wiffle ] >> the next video, cctv footage from china. a reminder pay attention to surroundings. you see pedestrians at a crosswalk waiting to cross the street. watch whatrd. >> what the -- holy -- >> oh muy gosh. that's a gigantic tire. where did it come from? >> cause an accident off-camera? >> according to reports coming out of china, that is a tire that came off a large tractor trailer truck that was in the area. the driver of that truck says he felt his truck shaking, looked in his rearview mirror and saw the tire just rolling down the street and you notice that it did knock a woman over. an 81-year-old woman waiting to cross the street and sme had to be taken to the hospital. reports say she has non-life threatening injury es. this video captures what daniel baldwin is calling his best fishing day ever.
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not because he caught a ton of great fish. because of this -- as soon as the video begins there's a boat -- there's a thump -- a splash in the water, and that's the moment that daniel realizes the guy on the boat fell in the water, and daniel immediately noticed that the man was struggling's he put his rod down jumped in the water to go help this man, that is drowning. >> what? >> wait. what happened? does this guy not know how to swim? >> he doesn't know how to swim. that explains though he's so close to the shore, she's tuck. can't move. daniel gets very close to him. meanwhile, wear agopro attached to his chest that captures all of the action. and for a minute and a half he struggles to get this man over to the shore and eventually you see they're finally on the
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rocks. >> i'd have sure drowned. i tell you -- >> crazy it took so long. like four feet away from the edge. you put panic involved and somebody that doesn't know how to swim you're fighting this person almost. >> people who enjoy fishing, don't know how to swim you should have on a life vest. >> exactly why daniel released this individual joe. 19 years old, trying to record a video for youtube. >> the teenagers are all right. >> 19 years old, did that. good for him. >> what's your name? >> ray. >> i'm glad i could do that for you, ray. >> i am, too! what would you do if you saw somebody drop their wallet on the street? that's what cctv set out to find out. a social experiment. dennis shows $100 in the wallet his chase bank card and i.d. one guy steps up picks up the wallet and doesn't alert dennis.
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looks around looks in the wallet and proceeds to go into the mall. dennis and his camera men follow this guy and he walks into the store. >> lost my chase card. >> boom. the blue chase card dennis showed at the beginning of the video. the guy leaves this store and heads to another one. two bags bought with dennis' money or credit card. they follow the guy out of the mall and then catch him here looking at dennis' i.d. now. >> why haven't they stopped him? >> what's he doing? >> i don't know. i'm curious to know. let's follow him. >> strangely enough they tail him into dennis' neighborhood. >> wow. he brought it to my house. >> awe, hey, buddy, what's your name? >> nice to meet you. i'm dennis. >> sound random and crazy, but that's actually my wallet. we've been following you the last three hours all over the mall. that's actually my house i. saw it on the ground. i -- returned it. it's you, right?
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>> yeah. it's me. >> pretty interesting. seemed this guy was up to no good this whole time but looks like he just finished his shopping trip. now, about that blue card, that looked like it was clearly dennis' card. >> did you use my credit card? >> no. you didn't use my credit card? i saw you use a blue card i. have my own credit card. >> wow. >> wow. >> they thought that this guy was doing the wrong thing. in actuality, he looked at the i. dvgts i.d. to find his way to put guy's house. >> did he give him $100 or anything? >> dennis says thanks for going out of your way, for doing the right thing. please take the $100. the guy didn't want to take it. he had to force the $100 on him. >> take the money. please. do me a favor take it. >> well i'm glad i got it to you. >> yeah. >> you take care all right? i appreciate it. thank you. >> wow.
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brace yourself. >> as a veterinarian we see pretty interesting things. this lull puppy is a middle-aged probably jack russell terrier mix. >> that is a doc, a veterinarian and i must say this is really cool because the surgery he's about to perform for this dog was funded by people who watch youtube. >> she is homeless and looks pretty normal but she urinates more frequently than a normal dog, and that can be caused by a number of things. we went ahead and took an x-ray just to make sure nothing big is going on and turns out something big is going on. this is a bladder stone. >> a stone? that's a bladder boulder. >> it's huge. >> you will be surprised the dog survived it. >> her bladder here. i'm going to exteriorize it. >> how does that bladder even work?
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>> why the dog was urinating so frequently. no urine in there. all stone. now he makes an incision. >> just about to start to squeeze it out. i made this hole as small as possible. >> ah -- oh! >> there it is. >> looks like a crostini you would get at a fine restaurant. >> a stone from indiana jones. >> it looks like a big, old rock. >> oh! did you hear that sound? how heavy that thing was. >> yeah. i'm going to make sure there's no little stones in there and start closing up this hole in the bladder. >> two weeks later. you can see, a whole lot better. >> that's just so worrying that that can happen. >> you've got a paper weight now. a dog you paper weight. >> here is the giant stone that came out of there. very rufr and nasty. rough and nasty. dude's ready to test out the
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jet boots. >> throttle sending water shooting through the pipe and the rocket and to the end and amazing. >> why going up has this adventure going -- south. >> oh! and -- this. >> marlee what do you have? >> she starts patting them. >> why marlee is loves her new look. >> they're my new boots. >> she just got them. [ laughter ] what's that susunsnscrcreeeen? itit's's c copoppepertrtonone e clcleaearly sheer. lighghtwtweieighght,t, b brereatathahable protection. yoyourur s skikin n lolookoks s amamazing - not greasy. trtry y itit. . heheadads s upup!! shshowow o offff. . i i hehearard d ththatat!! cocopppperertotonene c cleleararlyly s sheer. yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme..'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l living, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know you may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't t yoyou.u. wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsonalized
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a triple threat. >> stand up. i'm going to hit the throttle. right now. you ready? >> our first video is andy's first go in this gopro video using rocket boots. you feel like iron man. >> oh! >> shoot. >> oh. >> i don't think he meant to do any of it. i think he was completely out of control. >> i think he underestimated how difficult this is. >> another one for you here. this young guy, looking cool as well. going boarding. jumps and immediately goes over to the lefthand side. ah man. you know what? i'll just move back but makes a mistake and doesn't realize that fast-moving water, no matter how shallow, has a lot of force behind it. >> whew! >> whoa. oh that was like a toilet --
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>> he got back up. >> oh yeah. back on his feet within seconds. that moment, only about an inch of water. didn't think about it. should have paid attention in physics. they say monkey see, monkey do. a guy with the i.q. of a monkey on a skidoo. [ laughter ] >> oh my gosh. he thought that he speared -- and the trailer. >> first thing he did. like, yeah. >> good thing he his life jacket on. >> yes, i know. any trouble, he could be completely -- there you go. triple threat. [ laughter ] ♪ what you're a 6-year-old there's nothing better than a surprise. >> your present. >> this is 6-year-old aleeya. it's not her birthday. it's just a day of surprises. >> keep opening it. open the other one. >> hear the voice behind the
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camera that's mom monica who put this bag of goodies together whankts does . >> what does that say? what does that say? >> and then she figures it out. >> there's one more in there. >> what does that say? what does it say? what does that mean? >> a new baby. >> yeah. are you excited? >> ah. now, this is not what you're expecting your daughter to do. this was posted to our "right this minute" facebook page by jessica schaffer. her daughter marlee. >> marlee what do you have? >> m boots. >> exactly what you would expect your daughter to do. it's just a little early. >> boobs.
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>> your boobs on? >> yeah. my new boobs. >> she just got them! >> her new one. >> well okay. there you go. >> she's ahead of her time. >> very comfortable with who she is and what she's eventually going to grow into. >> yes. >> what do you have? >> boobs. the octopus. one of the smartest animals on the planet. it has the ability to camouflage the ability to regenerate a limb. it has the ability to play hide and seek. see that? peek-a-boo. an objection pussctopus. if you hide from it it will look for you and plendy yplenty of video of this game. >> a playful personality. >> doesn't the octopus have an unfair advantage, it can
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camouflage. >> doesn't try to blend in with the rock. >> can darken. fascinating. >> tried. his face turned red. just beautiful, beautiful individual joe. >> it's cute video. >> also cues this hedgehog. this hedgehog rescued last ought autumn and when they found him, he was underweight. >> treated for parasites. you can see, put weight on made it a little difficult for him to roll over. >> so close -- so close -- so close, i just need to -- just a little bit more -- yes! he asked a stranger to take a photograph. >> thinks it would be nice if maybe they kiss in central park. a great photo. >> wait until you see the big reveal in this picture-perfect moment. >> oh, my gosh. i can't handle it. and how failing the rail goes from bad -- >> oh! >> -- to worse.
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♪ t takake e meme into your darkest hour ♪ ♪ a andnd i i'l'll l neneveverr desert you ♪ ♪ i i'l'll l ststanand d byby y youou ♪ yeyeaaaaaaaah!h! yeyeahah.. soso t thahat't's s ouour r loloyayaltlty y prprogram. you're automatically enrolled, anand d ththe e lolongngerer y youou s statay,y, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i i'l'll l ststanand d byby y youou ♪ ♪ w wonon't't l letet n nobobododyy hurt you ♪ isisn'n't t ththerere e a a sisimpmpleler r waway to explain the loyalty program? yes. ststanandidingng b by y yoyou u frfromom day one. now, that's progressive.
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imimag closed captioning provided by -- nenew w acact t adadvavanced with plaque guard kills 99% of bacteria, helps prevent t plplaque and gingivitis fofor r a a twtwelelveve hour shield of protection. nenew w acact t adadvavancnced. mmy y rorougugh h anand d bubumpmpy skin makes me feel really self-conscious. [ female announcer ] gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. uusesed d dadailily,y, it reduces bumps 72%. ggolold d bobondnd. hohow w fafastst a arere n newew a allllegra® gelcaps? we're going ouout t inin a an n hohour... fafastst.. alallelegrgraa® r relelieieves your worst alallelergrgy y sysympmptotomsms two times fasterer t thahan n claritin®. nenew w alallelegrgraa® g gelelcacapsps..... nonot t jujustst f fasast,t, a allllegegrara® fast. nothing like romance in central park in the spring time. the perfect place for romance. vincent in the shirts and his girlfriend. asked a stranger to take a picture, and they kiss.
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you see people come up big signs, "will you marry me." 24i7s is the perfect height. his shoulder kind of blocking her vision. >> yeah. >> i like the one on the lefthand side from the baby can you be my uncle? >> assuming that's their friend that decided to come together and help out with this little moment. >> that's a great time. >> vincent had planned this entire thing and all of these people behind them it's all of his girlfriend's family and friends. so everybody that she loves, right behind her. still has no idea. >> oh my gosh. i can't handful. all squeezing in to be in the picture. >> she has no clue and walks u to toto. grabs the camera. suddenly we change angles, watch what happens. >> oh my god. >> everybody starts applauding. vincent comes walking up and does the romantic thing and gets down on one knee like a gentleman should. >> and the hilarious thing, there's a wedding going on right in the background.
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i feel like this might have stolen her thunder, this moment. [ cheers and applause ] >> they hug. she says, yes. she gets to hug and celebrate and share this moment with all of the people she loves. and you see them all come in. her girl friends are crying friends all hugging her. awesome. when the fun fails of fun, everything for pup from the youtube channel. this is his buddy felix, jumps on the rail by the river. rides a bit, jumps off. everyone is cool. >> shall we go again? >> up he goes -- >> oh there's goes his bike. >> runs down to grab it but don't want to get into the -- >> it's floating away. >> yep. floating down the river. felix gets up returns to the next set of stairs. down to his undies and dives into the water. he's going to rescue his bike. now he's caught in the river as well. he can't get back.
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now the guy with the camera he runs down to the next set of stairs that he can find to find felix coming out of the water completely dripping wet with his bicycle. the wind to finish off. felix has an audience of people watch aring and gets himself a little round of applause. >> nothing but words for you. seen all of those incredible trick shots. what if you don't have your amazing camera crew to get your trick shots. doesn't matter. selfie shots, ladies and gentlemen. >> this video, coming to us nothing more than a minute and a half of this fellow with his hat doing all kinds of trick shots, around his house, into the bin. and into the microwave. oh without looking's how much time does this take? >> my favorite though the toothbrush one. whew! clink. there you go. selfie shots something else men can do when they have nothing else to do and can feel like champions of the world. kids tell adults about love.
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>> should i call her every hour? >> every monday. >> every monday. >> once a week. >> i can handle that. >> hear what other advice the mini experts have to offer smplgts that going to get me a man? >> maybe. [ laughter ] heherere.. ananytytimime.e. ananyoyonene.. spsprereadad t thehe d delelicicioiousus t tasaste you know and love. hehersrshehey'y's s isis m minine,e, yoyoururs,s, ouour r chchococololatate e spsprereadads.s. ♪ [ [mumusisic]c] ♪ jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. totodaday y heher r dodoctctoror h has her on a bayer aspirin regimen toto h helelp p rereduducece t thehe risk of another one. ifif y youou'v've e hahad d a a heheart attack bebe s surure e toto t talalk k toto your doctor before y youou b begeginin a an n aspirin regimen.
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waiting for? don't blow it. >> in mexico a saying, [ speaking in foreign language ] which means -- kids and drunk people always tell the truth. >> when should i kiss her? right away? >> no. you should wait. until you're going to get married. >> which is probably why he decided to tap into little kids for their opinion on dating. >> what do i do if i like a girl and want to tell her i like her? what should you do? >> you should call him. >> call him? >> yeah. >> what should i say to him. >> you're a really nice boy. >> call her every day? >> no. >> should i call her every hour? >> every monday. >> every monday? >> once a week. >> i can handle it. >> you should write a note and
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put them in the flowers, and then mail them to her. >> that's a good idea. ladies like flowers, and a nice note. put your thoughts on paper. >> what do you think me and my boyfriend should do for our next date? >> kiss. >> where should i take a girl out on a date? >> paris. >> take her to paris? >> yeah! >> paris would be a lovely date. >> yeah. how much do you lik this girl? >> i go out for pizza with him? >> yeah. >> yes? is that going to get me a man. >> maybe. [ laughter ] >> now this is where it gets real because sometimes relationships, they end. >> tell him i'm sorry but we've got to break up. >> yeah. >> should i delete her off facebook. >> no. she might still be your friend, though. >> is there anything else i should do? i feel like he's going to be really mad. >> run away. >> run away from the mad guy. great advice. >> much more simpler with kids. sorry, i want to break up and run away.
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