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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  May 30, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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a wedding guest sends ends up in the hospital after an attack with a bow and arrow. >> in the head. >> the crazy reason he took one in the noggin. >> sitting here chatting to the news camera with an arrow in his head. come on! oh! >> it's a picture-perfect takeoff for this paramotor pilot. >> and a spiral. >> see what sent him out of control and into the drink. armed robbers pull off a precision holdup but -- >> what they didn't plan on -- >> the armed policemen waiting
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outside. and the internet is infatuated with -- >> the latest human barbie. >> what life is like inside the dollhouse with mom and dad. >> something scary going on there. this is exactly how not to celebrate a wedding. >> we all get like -- >> whoa what the -- >> you're definitely not supposed to end up with an air rein your head. >> why an arrow in his head? >> at the wedding of his cousin. during the part of the ceremony she is dressed with all kinds of beautiful jewelry, his neighbors got so jealous, because of the amount of money that they had, that they attacked him with a bow and arrow. >> what? >> talk about trying to keep up with the joneses? too much stuff. i'm going to shoot you with an arrow? >> stand by for a second. this dude is sitting here chatting to the news camera with an arrow in this head. >> come on! >> it's quite deep in his head. >> police are still looking for the culprits and know exactly
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who they are but apparently got away. >> he did have to have major brain surgery, but they credit his amazing immune system for surviving this. >> he's immune apparently, to arrows. >> whoa! >> the sky's blue sand is white, a beautiful day on the beach and going to do paramotoring. the perfect day of sports. decides to pull a move he knows. idles over to the edge and starts to do a spiral. everything going great until he tries to circle up. >> oh -- [ bleep ]! >> whew. >> yes, quickly he realizes he's in trouble. tries to restart the engine. as he knows, lost all the a lot feud he need altitude he needed and he's going for a swim. able to get the last thing released getting into the water and this actually has a power float, which actually manages to
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keep the power motor and everything floating on top of the water. >> was someone watching? come out with a rescue boat? because he's food right now. >> about three minutes after he hits the water, look to the distance. you see jet ski speeding towards him. people were aware he had gone into the water. they were actually able to help him get this back to shore. >> oh. >> interesting, after a really good rinse and wd 40 the engine was fine and yupzed it three times since. >> if youhe wanted to take you out, would you want to know or not that that was the engine that failed and he's used again? >> don't ask too many questions. just go up. >> oh -- [ bleep ]! ♪ to brazil security cameras caught a couple guys walking into a store. a little bit of tension at first. then guns are drawn. these guys are thieves. one with his helmet still on jumping over the counter of the
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business. the man holding his hands up emptying the register as quickly as he can. the accomplice in the corner in the blue keeping a security guard at bay. >> oh. >> this is a well-organized crime. >> they knew what they were up to. >> they did know what they were up to. they had their faces covered. they get the security guard over behind the counter and now it's time to make they're escape. what they didn't plan on was this. come out, book. run head-on into an armed police officer, who is instantly able to get these guys down on the ground, joined by another officer who helped out right here. >> how did they know? was this a coincidence? >> no information about that. i like think maybe the clerk behind the counter was able to push a call but rchton able to get these guys there. >> i like to think they happen to be there, these guys had bad luck and it's karma. down to australia. police are dealing with a string of organized thieves breaking into high-dollar mansions and
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making off with, not hurnndreds not thousands, but millions of dolls worth of jewelsnd cese thieves are targeting homes with security systems. the guys just going in tearing the security system right off the wall disabling it. some reports say that this group of thieves have gotten away with as hutch as $much as $3 million. >> imagine how creepy for the home owner? see someone walking through your home. i can't handle it. this is something you didn't expect to get on the bus. that would be a goat. according to one of the parents that was there, he saw the goat in the area where the bus was going to pull up. it was harmless. about 110 pounds just hanging out. once the door opened and the kids got on the goat was like i want to go to school, too. hop, hop in the driver's lap. >> the only way to get out of this barnyard go to school get
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an education. >> educate my way out of it. >> you can see all the kids broke out their phones. nobody scared. eric elvis the dad that had to pull the goat off, because he said the goat was stuck behind one of the seats. >> is it weird? the goat yarngnked off the school bus? >> should have taken the goat for a ride. >> after he gets in the car, it's like the goat has words. stares him down like thanks pal. in this next video, this mayhem was encouraged by the dad. there is a goose nearby. >> get close to him. >> what? >> get closer to him. >> >> geese are not the friendliest. very territorial. >> the dad, maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't. >> of course he knows. just sending his child in. why do you think he has his video going? >> trying to give the dad the benefit of the doubt, ali. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! oh! [ laughter ] >> ah! >> so the goose doesn't attack
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her, just chases after her and she tripped. >> no way that dad didn't know it would happen. >> she's probably never going to like geese again but a great video to remember how evil her dad is. [ laughter ] she's at the salon getting all dolled up and -- >> her husband was going to come over take care of the bills. >> watch what happens when her better half is a no show. >> this looks like a video in reverse. . plus this girl walks into a fight. >> and bites more than she can chew. >> this is what it means to fight like a girl. ararenen't't y youou c chrhrisisteten n prpresess? that's me. great t toto s seeee y youou o offff t thehe soccer field. what's that sunsnscrcreeeen?n? itit's's c copoppepertrtonone e clcleaearlrly sheer. lightwtweieighght,t, b brereatathahablble protection. yoyourur s skikin n lolookoks s amamazazing - not greasy. trtry y itit. . heheadads s upup!! shshowow o offff. . i i hehearard d ththatat!! cocopppperertotonene c cleleararlyly s sheheer. ththe e chchilill l ofof p pepeppepermrminint.t.
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ththe e ririchch d darark k chchococololatate.e. yoyorkrk p pepeppepermrminint t papattttieie.. geget t ththe e sesensnsatatioion.n. ♪ t takake e meme i into your darkest hour ♪ ♪ a andnd i i'l'll l neneveverr dedesert you ♪ ♪ i i'l'll l ststanand d byby y youou ♪ yeyeaaaaaaaah!h! yeyeahah.. soso t thahat't's s ouour r loloyayaltlty y prprogogram. you're automatically enrolled, anand d ththe e lolongngerer y youou s statay,y, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i i'l'll l ststanand d byby y youou ♪ ♪ w wonon't't l letet n nobobododyy hurt you ♪ isisn'n't t ththerere e a a sisimpmpleler r wawayy to explain the loyalty program? yes. ststanandidingng b by y yoyou u frfromom d day one. now, that's progressive.
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about $1,500 is what this customer wracked up to look like this. >> kwikquite a weave.
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>> and can't afford jeans that fit. >> and the -- >> had a manicure porcelain names put on. nail decorations put on the nails. a very fancy foot treatment, and eyebrow makeup and hair extensions if they aren't natural can be very expensive. the reason she's taking them off is because she is not going to be able to pay. she had all of this done said her husband was going to come over and take care of the bill. husband never showed up, and the salon is like well we're going to have to take our work back. all we know she is a 26-year-old student. >> a 26-year-old student and her husband's going to come pay for this? i don't believe any part of her story. please. >> so here she is taking the extensions out, and eventually, watch this, you see a bunch of people just doing all kinds of things -- >> this looks like a video in reverse. at happens backstageoreow
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surrounded by this. doing all this stuff and taking it off. >> she says according to reports she had no idea how much it would all court and sounds like she's taking legal action to sue the salon. the salon says that they were very explicit in terms of how much all of this work was going to cost. >> that's her responsibility. most of the time they provide that kind of information at the salon. >> shep was distracted by her nails. >> every woman knows you get a weave, you pay a lot of money. they're not cheap unless you want a cheap wig and that's another problem altogether. you know there are people out there that say fighting is a bit of a man's game and this young, nerpdy girl walks into a fight in malaysia may have bitten a off more than she can chew. looks a little lost. at the same time she wants to get involved. goes up to these guys guys can you maybe help me out with some sparring, maybe? >> come on. i -- i don't think you'll hurt
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me me. >> i have a feel "million dollar baby" working here. there is no way she doesn't work out a lot. >> that's the giveaway. her thighs are like thee trunks. >> you can fool us. >> come on. move. >> she has a built of a breather take as break, has water. fine you guys. show you how the beginning of the video starts. she is a champion from malaysia. the guys that run the gym hired these two guys and decided he wanted to prank them. after a little rest comes back and comes back swinging. >> this is a good way to prank those dudes that think they're all -- >> finally, stuck right in punching this guy. what's going on? >> a great lesson for these guys to learn. you never know who you're up against. you never know who's comingality
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you. so smart lesson to learn. >> i love this because it changes the whole thing. fight like a girl. this is what it means to fight like a girl. >> awesome, though it's a fun video as well. >> and doing it in really cool pink shorts. ♪ armani, could coeco, brat designgreat designer names. >> and names for dogs. >> what have they done? >> come up and show me. up here. >> we can see on the stairway something has been destroyed. >> looks like a toilet -- oh it's worse than toilet paper. keep watching. he goes up the stairs. more mess. wait until he goes into the bedroom. >> what? >> what have you been doing? i'm at work earning money to buy you treats --
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look what you're done. >> oh my gosh! >> know way. >> holy cow. >> is this in like tasmania? are those little tasmanian devils? >> goodness me. >> is his bed made of meat? [ laughter ] >> why would they suddenly attack the bed? >> no shame. some dogs will actually pretend like they are doing something, get the tail between the leg, hold their heads down. now these three. >> they're proud. showing it off. look what we have done for you. >> i bet this guy has doggy beds for all three and i bet they didn't destroy their own beds. >> you all changy little whippers. they became a viral hit with their twin sonogram. >> are you serious? because i'll be putting it in the -- >> now it's time to meet the twins, and hear who really toughed it out during labor. >> what was dad like in the -- delivery room? >> did he take credit for the birth? >> i made this happen. she was there, but, you know. [ laughter ] i made it happen. >> and see how this guy row,
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row, rows his boat right into a sail. >> oh, my goodness! ah! >> oh this is so sad. >> yeah.
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gogot t bibig g papainin closed captioning provided by -- s,s, m muscle and joint pain. icicy y toto d dulull.l. h hotot t to relax. nenew w icicy y hohot t mimicrcro o papatctch. - - yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awawayay. yoyourur w warart t wiwillll g go o awawayay.. female annououncncerer:: yoyou could try home remedies toto r rememovove e yoyourur w warartsts bubut t wawartrtststicick k woworkrks.s. bubuy y atat d drurugsgstotoreress oror ususe e ononlyly a as s didirerectcteded..
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mmy y fefeetet - --- ththeey'y'rere dry. cracked. it's embarrassing. [ male announuncer ] relief starts now. gold d bobondnd f foooot cream moisturizes and soothes, fforor s sofoft,t, s sandal-ready feet. ggolold d bobondnd f foot cream. late last year i showed you a video of a sonogram that changed one family forever. >> twins. >> are you serious? are you playing? >> no. >> there are two in there? >> yeah. >> oh -- oh. >> that is angel moore getting the news from her gynecologist obstetrician she's going to have twins. >> you remember she also had a youtube channel, that chick angel tv. her husband, we all remember his reaction. >> oh so awesome. i love this guy. >> so that is baby number one. and this is baby number two. >> [ bleep ]. >> i -- >> you better be [ bleep ] me. >> i am not [ bleep ] -- >> no! are you serious?
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>> that's why i -- >> i'll be putting it -- yeah. >> now months later, here's our first look at the twins. >> hello. my name is si i am the oldest but the smallest of the twins. >> hello everybody i am kai johnson, i'm the youngest of the twins. >> this video also has a little something from angel because this is from her channel. "that chick ainge tv." >> i think i'm arrange 178, i think, what the doctor office has said. >> she talks about her weight-loss journey she's about to start. >> my goal at least get the stomach gone before my birthday i. actually really love that. that she is owning her postbaby body which sigh think is really beautiful and respectful and she looks great. >> we should tell her to her face. right this minute via skype, we
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have the family on "right this minute." >> thank you for having us. >> what's it like having twins? have you slept? >> you know what? they do let me sleep. it's things like this we feel it's a ticking time bomb. >> are you starting to get to another their personalities? are they comediennes, just like that one over there? [ laughter ] >> yeah. i would say, yes. >> how is marcus handling all this because he's the older one and so you've got to give a little more attention to the younger one. >> he absolutely loves his little brother. he likes being big brother marcus. >> what was dad like in the delivery room? any super sperm jokes? any taking credit for the birth? >> everything. it was all me. yeah. i made this happen. she was there, but -- you know [ laughter ] >> i made it happen. >> so mum's got a youtube channel, dad a viral video star. these two, their future as well? have think got their own youtube
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channel? >> no, they doan.n't. if they want to make some money, mama's all about it. as for now, be little babies and be on my journey with me. >> thank you so much. we really appreciate it. >> we love you guys. >> thank you, guys. >> y'all have a good night. >> yeah! >> it's over? okay. baaaa. the old man and the sea, classic book. this old man versus the sea, classic video. in his little boat. starts rowing out to sea and everyone's sure it's going to go well. except -- >> oh my goodness. >> doesn't get very far. surfs his way back into the beach, hits the beach, quickly gets out and the caveat to it all, can't pull the boat in enough. >> oh this is so sad. >> yeah. didn't get very far at all. >> where was he trying to go? i mean like -- >> america. >> he was just trying to row out
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into the big, blue ocean. >> yes. >> i'm gone cruel world. i'm setting sail for new horizons. >> and the cruel word sent him back to shore. >> wasn't quite "hawaii 5-0" but everyone's already. another one. at beginning the boys are being silly. how silly are they being? stla guy right there with a blow pipe aimaled at his buddy. what do we 234i is going to happen? >> fire a marshmallow at his friend? >> it's a dart. isn't it? trying to pierce his friend's tongue. >> no. economic it out. >> a cigarette? >> look how happy he is. >> this is my proudest moment. >> yeah. turns the camera. there with his blow pipe and, boom gets himself a smoke. her fans call her a human barbie. >> she claims she has the unrealistic proportions of barbie. >> find out why the plot thickens for this living doll which is sketchy, i might add.
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>> yep. i bet that stinks. burning plastic smells awful. this young woman is angelica tanova the latest human barbie what her fans across the internet are calling her. she is 26 years old, but her story is shocking and strange and weird and it just makes you feel uncomfortable. now, she claims she has the unrealistic proportions of barbie a 28-inch waist, a 32e
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bra size and weighs about 90 points. she also claims that she had no cosmetic surgeries in order to achieve this look. the thing that is so disturbing about this story, her parents are the ones that got her into this. she, in fact as 26-year-old woman still lived with her parents. they pick out her clothes, dictate other diet. hired her a personal trainer. she's not allowed to date without a chaperone, namely her mother. never had a boyfriend. >> what's going on a 26-year-old woman has her parents controlling her and telling her what to wear. >> trying to get rich off her daughter's back. >> some argue that but making good off they are good looks. >> driving a porsche and having time to go to the gym. her family very well off? is this her job for them? >> according to the reports the family does steam toeem to have money. they gave her a private education. they started dressing her as a
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barbie when she was very, very young. >> a beautiful girl. wants to model, that's one thing. seems like she has no say in her direction? >> i'm concerned she's 26 and allows her parents to chaperone her dates. >> and angelica claims she is a model, belly dancer and a child psychologist. >> a child psychologist? >> what she claims. >> she needs to treat herself! >> yeah. ♪ that's going to do it for "right this minute." thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time. -- captions by vitac --
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we're recapping the high school football season this week on sports stars of tomorrow... we'll update you on how some of the athletes we've featured have done this season... and we'll also introduce you to a star prospect who's following in his father's footsteps... that and more is on your way... next. hi everyone, i'm charles davis... can you believe high school football season is almost over? it's gone by fast, and we're


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