tv Right This Minute FOX June 1, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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crime is a family affair as cops best a father/son tagger team and while another video has a father/daughter video. >> what created outrage on the internet some tourists get a trunk full after deciding -- >> let's take a selfie with an elfie. >> it's all fun and games until somebody loses a purse. we have to descend down to 10,000. >> air emergency on a flight out of florida. what's amassing is -- >> how school calm and collected these two guys remained. >> the pilots who are grace
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under low oil pressure. >> we're going to take ocala a 10-month-old is about to meet his mom ace identical twin. >> see the mom baby's mind gets blown. >> she's like i don't understand what's going on right now. they say the apple discussing fall very far from the tree right? i have video proof, the first video from poland we see the driver with the dash cam, and then we cut to this scene. >> as you can tell that's? graffiti on the side of a wall. our car with the dash cam backs up and reveals the entire scene. >> police have arrived and there are two suspects down on the ground. police are getting those two in custody, a 23-year-old man and 49-year-old man. police say them with a bucket and some paint, not the quickest way to go about graffiti. >> so they caught them in the act? i love it. >> they caught them with the bucket and paint, at least, the
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older gentleman said we do renovation work. it wasn't true but here as the kicker. the 23-year-old man, the son of the 49-year-old man. it was a father/son duo. according to police in poland the two had been drinking together before this act happened. they were arrested and charged another video, a father/daughter duo. these two walking into a lawn roe matt and mistreat something cats. in the beginning of the video we see there's a dark-colored cat this duo is really mistreating. but then this bizarre moment the daughter picks that white cat up -- >> no. >> -- and puts it into a front load washing machine. she doesn't turn the machine on but she closes the door and then sits down and put her face up against the glass and waves at the cat and leaves the
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landromat these two guys will smith the pilot, not the actor in the purple shirt, is the buddy in the right, both have pilots' licenses. they're on their way from connecticut to florida. they go in a turbocharged twin engine cessna up to about 20,000 feet and it's a gorgeous day out. about ten minutes into the flight you hear the pilot murmur something. >> we're having trouble with our right engine. we have to descent down to 10,000. >> the cool part about this entire video is how cool calm and collected these two guys remain. first thing air traffic control
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has to do is get another plane out of the wait. >> i haven't seen you turn i need you to turn immediately. >> we're going to lose our right engine down. we need to get down as soon as possible. >> he wants to get down as soon as possible. >> what's the nearest airport that we can land at. >> there's ocala, about 20 miles -- >> you're right, these guys are calm cool and collected. it looks like they're just taking care of business like a normal day at work. >> you have to. it's your life on the line. there's no need to get freaked out. who also will land the plane. >> romeo that is ocala in sight. >> you are experience something difficulty but you are not declaring an emergency? >> not at this time. >> that's actually good news. you hear the pilot and air traffic control in ocala say you are not declaring an emergency, no but they do want to get down as soon as possible. >> you can see the airport in the distance time to set this thing down. >> just descending to 1100 300
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feet touchdown. >> and you just hear tm saytouchdown. still calm. >> smooth on the growing, and a nice knuckle bump for a good job for two well trained pilots at the gleaned i want you to take a close look at this elephant. what does it have in its mouth? that my friend is a handbag. that elephant carjacked the people in that care according to people who are witness toss this event said people were on a drives tour where you could observed animals. they decided to let's take a selfie with an elfie, and they had apparently maybe the flash from the camera made her charge the car. she put her trunk in there, but then they sent digging around and got the purse. the people they're trying to get away. >> they want she got 134 fruit, a debit cart and some cash. >> maybe she just misunderstood
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what she heard. >> happier news from the melbourne zoo. >> there is petra. petra recently had a baby. a baby pygmy hippo, the first in the zoo in 32 years. we could see some video from it. they say they are very ecstatic. they haven't been in there, but they are 90% sure she gave birth to an 11-pound boy. >> look at that. >> he's adorbs. >> it's said that mom and baby are doing fine. when we see videos like this these daredevils riding enormous waves. every time we sit there and ask ourselves, how do you train for this? >> if you can't grasp the anxiety that your mind creates, you can't perform filly to the best of your ability. >> this is mark matthews.
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>> this is a behind the scenes video about his training for the redbull cape fear 2015. they ride this enormous wave called oz. >> it's just try to mimic what the wave is trying to do to you. if you do it well you're just holding yourself under water at any stage you can come up whenever you feel like it. that's not the real yesterday of a wipeout in the ocean. >> you're at the mercy of this mountain of water. >> of course. >> at cape feel 10 tection feel like a 30-second wipeout anywhere else. >> how do you figure out which way is up? is that part of the training? >> you can see it where the guy is rolling him around to train that sense of discom bob lace. >> when someone is wrestling you, you don't have the option. you have to wrestle to get the results. that's really what it's like when a big wave gets you. >> he's been training with the
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board leash on his ankling, too. so you have that sensation of that pulling you down. >> yeah that's neat. >> at a relaxed -- i could get three to four minutes. so for me it's holding it at a high heart rate. if el can do that for a minute a minute 30 i'll be completely confident. the guys at smash tv interview -- >> chris. >> chris. >> chris pratt. >> see how the actor reacts to their silly questions plus he decides to make matters into his own hand. >> he numbs his mouth and then starts to pull. >> find out hout this guy's schooling leaves him with a little less wisdom. heherere.. ananytytimime.e. you ananyoyonene.. spsprereadad t thehe d delelicicioiousus t tasaste you know and love. hehersrshehey'y's s isis m minine,e, yoyoururs,s, ouour r chchococololatate e spsprereadads.s.
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esesururanancece w wasas b bororn online. which means fewer costs, which saves money. their custstomomerer e expxpererience is virtually paperless whwhicich h sasaveves s papapeper,r, which saves money. ththeyey h havave e smsmarart t ononline tools so you only pay fofor r whwhatat's's r rigightht f for you which saves money. ththeyey s setettltle e clclaiaimsms quickly whwhicich h sasaveves s titimeme, , which saves money. they dririveve a an n alall-l-hyhybrbrid claims fleet whwhicich h sasaveves s gagas,s, which saves money. ththeyey w werere e bobornrn o onlnline, and built to save money, whwhicich h memeanans s whwhenen they save, you save. bebecacaususe e ththatat's's h howow it should work in the modern world. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by allstate. click or call. ♪ toto y youou, , ththeyey'r're e momorere than just a pet. soso p prorotetectct t thehem.m..... .....w.witith h k9k9 a advdvanantitixx® i ii. itit's's b broroadad-s-spepectctrurumm protection k ills fleas titickcks s anand d momosqsquiuitotoeses t too. k9k9 a advdvanantitixx® i ii.i. fofor r ththe e loloveve o of f dodogg™.
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security cameras were rolling at this mall in florida, but it's not helping police very much. watch what happens. in walks this lone man wear something black clothes here and whack, starts to smash open the cabinets. he's just the first of a group of jackals that come swamping into in jewelry store, as he continue toss smash open the cabinet. thinks accomplices with bins emptiying the counters the woman behind the counter, 58 years old, grabbed a nearby pipe that she keeps behind the counter and starts swinging but no-no avail. reports are that the guys made
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away with about $200,000 worth of her product. >> in a busy shopping mall. >> they had no fear. >> it was because they had so many of them. >> security cameras also capturing this moment. you may remember this. played this video about a week or so ago. this hostess gets called over by a couple guys at the bar s this guy gets a little handy, she pushes him away. he goes for the grab. she lays him out with two solid hits. >> i was skeptical. >> there was some suspicion about this video, and i'm here to tell you, i have an update. your suspicions were valid. this is fake. >> really. aha. >> our eyes are getting keen. >> a bit of sleuthing discovered this was a video put out by the cafe to try to generate some interest. all the people in the scene actors includes the hostess who does the swinging. the guy that gets laid out, also an actor, but that was a real
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hit. the reports are that that actor was dizzy for about an hour after this hit. shall video was short in barton springs pool this is a swimming area in austin texas, fed by a natural spring. as you can see super and you have rainwater this has been become a rapidly moving river, because this is now a raging river, you'll see it's walled off, swept up by the waters. i'm glad he was able to spot him. he might not have seen him. >> it's so hard to watch the first part you see the dog struggling. the people in texas have been through far too much. but people who came upon the scene, they do everything they can to them. >> the good news is the dog has found as eddie.
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>> me just inching closer and closer to the dog, and then the's p.m. moment where he just cooperation the dog up brings him back to solid ground. >> c'mon. >> there you go. >> he doesn't mind just get me on solid ground. >> this has drawn quite the crowd. everyone is applauding. chris pratt, a very popular actor right now in the united states with guys at smosh tv had a chance to interview him, because he's promoting "jurassic park" but chris pratt -- >> yeah sure. >> he has a great sense of humor. >> and starts rolling with it. >> can you drink it like tons of straw -- like -- can you do
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that? >> nope. i want you to re-create jeff goldblum goldblum's laugh. >> ha ha. ha ha. >> are you able to re-create that? [ laughter ] >> well this is the fun part. a lot of the actoring say this is the job part. going out and promoting it is what they're being paid for. >> can we take a selfie so i can pinned it on my tinder. >> on your tinder? >> you don't know about tender? >> i thought you want tinder. >> somewhere other than the social app. >> that's good. >> you're way bigger than man, it will look like my guns are bigger. >> yeah.
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>> if you want to see the whole interview smosh tv go to our website, or check it out on our mobile app. it's time for a little real or fab with matt see how cutting the cake leaves her wanting to cut ties plus there's something fuzzy out of theory eggs. >> i don't see the motivation and a $5 bet almost leaves him without a finger. what to decide. that's next. amamerericicanans.s..... .....5.57% of us try to excercise regularly. 83% try to eat healtlthyhy. .....y.yetet u up p toto..... . 9090% of us fall short in getting kekey y nunutrtrieientnts s frfromom food alone. let's do more, together. adadd d onone e a a daday.y. cocompmpleletete w witith h kekey y nutrients we may need. plus, fofor r wowomemen,n, b bonone health support wiwithth c calalciciumum a andnd v vitamin d. .....a.andnd f foror m menen, , itit h helps support healthy blood pressure wiwithth v vititamaminin d d a andnd magnesium. tatakeke o onene a a d dayay m mulultivitamins.
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wwhehen n i i hahaveve a an n ececzema flare-up, i start to scratch. the more i s scrcratatch the worse it gets. closed captioning provided by -- [[ f fememalale e anannouncer ] gold bond eczema relief cream rrelelieieveves s 5 symptoms of eczema. gogoldld b bonond d rerealally works. gogot t bibig g papainin i in n a a smsmalall place? new icy hot micro patch. 5050% % momorere m mededicicinine. didiscscrereetet r relelieief.f. icicy y toto d dulull.l. hohot t toto r relelaxax.. nenew w icicy y hohot t mimicrcro o papatctch. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a period means stop! but with pamprin, a period means go! pain relieieveversrs o onlnly relieve pain. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papamprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n no o ststopping you. pepeririodod.. what's or favorite thing about mondaying? >> matt dre. >> i'm so blessed on this monday. >> get the fake out of here! ♪
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yeah that was an uncomfortable wedding moment. >> she married the wrong guy. it's early out of the gate but maybe that wasn't the one for her. you see the realization on her face. >> maybe. >> one of the guys that can't take a joke. >> real, real, you called it. you can see the fear in her eyes like what have i just done? >> oh, no. >> it seems real but i'm suspicious. >> they're pretty fuzzy. they would be wet if they had just hatched. >> you're right. i don't see the motivation. this is hard man, the guy on the far left is his face that's giving it away for me.
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he's smiling, maybe anticipating each one of the cracks. >> fake matt. >> i think it's definitely a setup. i think it's like they're trying to get people to come around their stand. i'm with you. i think it's a fake. did they then say they have a bunch of hot chicks? >> you've got it nick. in the bull's-eye. >> in this video, we have a challenge $5 is going to take a dart to the hand. >> ow! >> oh! [ bleep ]. >> a dart to your finger. >> there's a -- men are that stupid. >> yeah five bucks, dummy. >> the other thing as well. >> he's already got a bandage on. that's how he makes his money. >> it's definitely real. >> i'm with you guys on this. you can see the dart go right into his finger. it's a real video.
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i've seen a charley horse to the leg for five bucks. at the time you want that five bucks. this is jess per, jesper a stay tuned at a dental school. he's giving himself novocaine, because he needs a wisdom tooth on you. a dent u.s. was supervising, but he decided to try it on himself. he numbed his mouth, and then they starts to pull. it's on the top, somebody is hold ago mirror for him, and he start to work the tooth out. i sense you're uncomfortable. >> if you've ever had a toot pulled that sound, i don't care how numb it is that kunching.
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>> you can't even like plug your ears out. >> he is successful in doing it. >> there it is. wlik my tooth judd fell out. >> there's a tooth. he did say there was a bit of notice like nick alluded to. from dad has some bad news for his little girls. >> you guys are probably going to have to move back into the same bedroom together. >> the announcement that quickly changes their mood. [ screaming ] ftftining g awaway to, uh oh, those summer nights ♪ ♪ w welell l ohoh o oh h ohoh o oh h ♪ ♪ t telell l meme m morore,e, tetellll me more... ♪ twtwizizzlzlererizize e yoyourur susummmmer fun with twizzlers. ththe e twtwisist t yoyou u cacan'n't t reresist. ♪ t takake e meme into your darkest hour ♪ ♪ a andnd i i'l'll l neneveverr desert you ♪ ♪ i i'l'll l ststanand d byby y youou ♪
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yeyeaaaaaaaah!h! yeyeahah.. soso t thahat't's s ouour r loloyayaltlty y prprogram. you're automatically enrolled, anand d ththe e lolongngerer y youou s statay,y, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i i'l'll l ststanand d byby y youou ♪ ♪ w wonon't't l letet n nobobododyy hurt you ♪ isisn'n't t ththerere e a a sisimpmpleler r waway to explain the loyalty program? yes. ststanandidingng b by y yoyou u frfromom day one. now, that's progressive. seseemems s lilikeke w we'e'veve h hitit a a road block. ththatat r rememinindsds m me.e..... anyone have occasiononalal constipation, diarrhea... .....g.gasas, , blbloaoatitingng?? yeyes!s! onone e phphilillilips' colon health probiotic cap each day hehelplps s dedefefendnd a agagaininstst o occccasional digestive issues. wiwithth t thrhreeee t typypeses o of f gogoodod bacteria. liliveve t thehe r regegulularar l lifife.e. phphilillilipsps'.'.
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two great videos for you guys with seriously like some of the best reaction moments ever. >> oh. >> dad behinding camera saying you probably will have to move back into the same bedroom together. >> why? >> why? we need our own rooms. >> yeah you're going to have to move -- >> and she's very upset with her parents. >> and then suddenly that all changes. >> you're going to have a new brother or sister. >> you're pregnant? [ screaming ] >> wow. >> they don't realize that they really have to move into the
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same room. >> they're super excited about it now. >> now you can move in with me. >> are you sure? >> yes. [ screaming ] this next video, this this reaction amazing it that is like 10-month-old felix. he's meeting his aunt stef for the very first time but aunt stef is his mom's identical twin. >> wait until you see it. >> who is this? >> hello. hi. [ laughter ] >> look at that thinks es are as big as saucers. >> he's like i don't understand what's going on right now. >> that's priceless. >> that's so funny. >> he looks back at mom like hold on a minute, who is holding me? >> why is there another of my mom? that's it for rtm.
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