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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 1, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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fast. >> there's a woman in that car. >> things look tense in tanzania. >> staring each other down. >> when two males finally come tusk to tusk. he tried to murder somebody. now officers are after him with -- >> a huge snoot full of pepper spray. >> why it will take a lot more than that to bring this guy down. plus an airman drops in. [ screams ] >> and a showman is about to stick his arm -- >> all the way down the croc's throat. >> what sent the audience over the edge. >> that is not what i was
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expecting. a couple of videos for you that will remind you that people really do care about their fellow man. first one from thailand. you immediately see at the beginning of this video that someone is in distress. it's filled with water. there's a woman inside that car sbchlt . and that car is quickly filling up with water. seven men, seven bystanders heroes i would call them jump in to help this woman. as you can see, because they are working quickly and working together they are able to get this woman out of the car and carry her to the edge of this ditch. >> it's great that they saw someone in help and jumped in. no thinking about it. there's no -- oh, i don't know. get in there and help another human being. >> she is expected to be okay. one of the rescuers said personal belongings not nearly as important as a human life.
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this next video from china, firefighters jumping in to help their fellow man. this was a construction site. there is a man trapped under all of this debris. this construction worker was working on a home that collapsed and he is under there. >> i'm surprised he wasn't smashed. >> watch this moment right here. this moment is pretty spectacular. the rescuers actually use their own bodies to get underneath some of the debris to hold it up so that other rescuers can get in and try to pull this man free. >> wow! >> that's dangerous for them. >> yeah. they did get this man to safety. they put him on a stretcher, taken to a local hospital. he did survive the incident. ten on one here. ten officers in london are trying to get this guy in the red and white stripe shirt under control. first officer delivering a huge
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scoopful of pepper spray. one officer here with the taser and now all these officers come on in. the guy was charged with attempted burglary and attempted murder. and you could see a couple of officers here look like they might have gotten slightly injured. they are able to get this suspect bundled up. you can sort of hear what he's scream ing screaming. >> i am your king! king. this next guy -- police are down below the man on this balcony balcony, challenging police saying come on. come and get me. i'm protected by god. shoot me even. >> what's wrong with this guy? >> they do come up and actually bang right through the door. >> go ahead. go ahead. my god is here. god is here. god is here. >> this guy obviously has something going on with him. you don't know what you're going to encounter with this y.
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>> d involved. as police advance so does this man. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> rat-a-tat-tat of the taser doesn't immediately get the suspect under control. >> ooh! >> oh! >> the window breaks the and the suspect is taking swings at officers inside. >> this is scary, scary stuff. i hope he gets some help. [ bleep ] satan. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> i love this sidio. it comes to us from ruth cornett, "right this minute" viewer. she wanted to share her vacation video with us sheechlt went to tanzania. look what she captured two elephants, to males. staring each other down. their tusks at the ready. what's going to happen? between their trunks because, you guys they're hugging. >> bro hug. >> this is fantastic.
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every creature just needs love! >> as you can see, they wrap their trunks around each other, move their tusks out of the way. ruth said she tonight know it but this is an elephant hug. >> it would be awesome to hug an elephant. >> now while the elephants were getting along, these two sheep weren't. of course they're fighting over a girl. >> that car stops because there's sheep in the way. one backs up the other backs up. guess what happens next. it took out the headlight of that car. wait. action is not over. >> immediately after ramming the car, she went back for the other one. >> definitely committed to the fight. >> call that blind rage. >> didn't even see the car coming. >> didn't care. i can only imagine what it
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must feel like proud days of a boat owner as you watch your 130-foot yacht low profile get unloaded. it's fresh from the shipyard in italy. it's a beautiful ship. it's huge. it's humungous. it's gorgeous. it's also quite heavy. >> oh, no. i feel like i say already where this is going and it's going to be painful. >> things don't quite go according to plan. >> oh! >> how about we leave it here? is that good? one of the restraints of ropes on the front quickly gives way. the whole thing comes tumbling down. some explanations i think, will need to be -- >> oh, that's so awful. they've been waiting for this delivery for a while. >> no information or update as to what sort of damage. everyone can count themselves lucky that it didn't fall further or fall off the cargo
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ship. >> or land on someone. >> another one here this boat. people on the side of the road. and it's upside down. >> it's a uponpontoon. >> yes. slowly but surely flip this boat around to the way it's suppose tobdd to be even though it's nowhere near -- >> when you play with -- see how the guys take it to another level. >> this is like the dream. this is the dream. plus dudes will be dudes. >> this is basically just a bunch of guys measuring -- >> yes. >> -- their manhood. >> watch how they punch this oneout. ararenen't't y youou c chrhrisisteten n prpress? that's me. greaeat t toto s seeee y youou o offff t the soccer field. what's that susunsnscrcreeeen? itit's's c copoppepertrtonone e clcleaearly sheer. lighghtwtweieighght,t, b brereatathahable protection. yoyourur s skikin n lolookoks s amamazing - not greasy. trtry y itit. . heheadads s upup!! shshowow o offff. . i i hehearard d ththatat!! cocopppperertotonene c cleleararlyly s sheer.
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ththe e chchilill l ofof p pepeppepermrminint.t. ththe e ririchch d darark k chchococololatate.e. yoyorkrk p pepeppepermrminint t papattttieie.. geget t ththe e sesensnsatatioion.n. ♪ t takake e meme into your darkest hour ♪ ♪ a andnd i i'l'll l neneveverr desert you ♪ ♪ i i'l'll l ststanand d byby y youou ♪ yeyeaaaaaaaah!h! yeyeahah.. soso t thahat't's s ouour r loloyayaltlty y prprogram. you're automatically enrolled, anand d ththe e lolongngerer y youou s statay,y, the more rewards you get. great! oh! ♪ i i'l'll l ststanand d byby y youou ♪ ♪ w wonon't't l letet n nobobododyy hurt you ♪ isisn'n't t ththerere e a a sisimpmpleler r waway to explain the loyalty program? yes. ststanandidingng b by y yoyou u frfromom day one. now, that's progressive. sfx: engines revving. listen up. ready. ready. steady. sfx: engines revving. go! ♪ it's more than a movie.
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it's now a ride. fast and furious. supercharged. ride it at universal studios hollywood.
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there is nothing sweeter than seeing a service member returning home getting greeted by their family members always
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fun to watch. this one fun to watch. the kids don't know what's inside the big box. >> i think you should open it. >> okay. >> right there. there's a spot. you want to open it? >> yeah. >> like rip it open. >> papi! >> wrapped himself very well. >> that's awesome. >> it was the best gift they could get. his little awesome. >> it was the best gift they could get. his little boy, so appreciative. >> papi i missed you. >> that military training has gone well knowing how to hide in plain sight. >> everybody very very happy. but in this next video it's very clear early on that there's a lot of excitement when this
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airman comes home. he just walked into the room. [ screams ] >> ahh. i love to see all of the love. it's just uncontrolled love. they're always very sweet. when boys get together there's always some sort of test of manhood going on. who is the alpha dog? you know the punching bag? give it a good shot. the higher the score, the manlier you are, right? bald head. 923. >> muhammad ali did that when he was 5. >> a bunch of guys measuring -- >> yes. >> -- their manhood. >> yes. >> it's not surprising that the
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thing that they're hitting. >> whoa! >> whoa! >> oh, poor guy. >> whoa! >> since he was 15 years old, you can see his arm going all the way down the croc's throat when suddenly -- >> ooh! that is not what i was expecting. >> no. >> kept its cool. what was that dude even doing? >> the dude was doing his job exactly as the script said because there are multiple videos of this duo online from the same park the same app and
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the same hapless in the background. >> really? >> you were fooled just like the rest of the crowd because, like i said it's part of the act. >> big claw goes out, the claw. never, ever picks up anything. they've decided to take it to a whole new level and literally make them the grabber. >> this is so much fun! >> i knew you guys would like this. they hook them up. as many as they can. >> this is so great! >> and bring them back. >> this is the dream. this is genius. they actually get something. >> all these kind of things are popping up all over the internet and all over asia. grab as many as you can.
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>> look at this. >> i double dog dare you to join us at "right this minute." >> dropped to pose for the picture. picture. >> it's time to put this drone to the test. >> a brand new inspire one. >> getting it flipped upside down. and a time lapse that captures one year in one minute. >> these are awesome transformational video of their love story. e is.
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on his quest, jack searched the globe for a flavorful spice coveted by kings and sultans. at last, he found it. exotic black pepper. jack knew what he had to do. trade his most beloved possession. and that's how far jack went to bring you the black pepper cheeseburger. black pepper cheese and peppercorn mayo. the black pepper cheeseburger. taste it before it's gone. mmy y fefeetet - --- ththeey'y're dry. closed captioning provided by -- relief starts now. golold d bobondnd f foot cream moisturizes and soothes, fforor s sofoft,t, sandal-ready feet. ggolold d bobondnd foot cream. gogot t bibig g papainin i in n a a smsmall place? new icy hot micro patch.
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rereliliveves s ststififfnfnesess,s, muscle and joint pain. icicy y toto d dulull.l. h hotot to relax. nenew w icicy y hohot t mimicrcro o papatch. amamazazining g hohow w bebeining so light on your feet. can be so hard on them. gold bond fofootot c crere 7 7 momoisistuturirizezers 3 3 vivitatamiminsns hehelplp h heaeal l anand d soften. evevenen t thehesese f feeeet.t. gogoldld b bonond.d. video from everyday review youtube channel, inspire one. one of the fanciest newest drones you can buy. this he claims is around $4,000. a built-in camera that hangs down. beautiful shots getting those colors the contrast. this is his maiden flight. he's taking it easy. >> i have a feeling that something bad is about to happen. >> that's only because it's on this show. and you're right.
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suddenly he continues to climb. it's a great shot. i wish i did it purposely. the thing is way up there now when suddenly -- look at this -- boom! >> oh, did it get hit? >> may day, may day. >> the drone inverts itself and is flying upside down. first time an inspire one has ever flown inverted. the camera goes black and they pick up the fall about 2 1/2 minutes later on a phone camera from the ground. it's falling fast and kind of hard. we don't see it hit the ground. but that's some serious damage. >> wait it came back? that's pretty remarkable. >> no one has hurt. the drone obviously damaged quite a bit. it went straight and up straight back down. >> i think these things are programmed with a mind of their own. eventually they're going to take over. >> just feeling us out. >> it sends its information
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to -- >> the cloud. >> your distrust of robotics is unbleefbable. >> have you not seen terminator? >> which is a movie. >> for now. kids at a high school football field taking precautions. they've got plenty of room to fly, not flying anything nearly as expensive as that inspired drone. the same type of thing happens. poor guys get a little shaky, little further away. this time though hits the ground. bounces. tries to fly and crush. >> so many people crash their drones. drones. >> hands down one of the coolest videos we've had on the show. put together by a guy named sam stonehill. >> we've changed like this. bought another bus and i've got a new friend. sabrina. >> it starts at the moment sam
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meets the lovely sabrina and then it goes from there. from the moment he met sabrina. >> bippity baggety boom. >> all the gifts and baby clothes and they're going to do like a little dance around her baby belly. they have moved. the homeland in order to have the baby. >> oh, there is he. >> little esteban. she's adorable. >> actually have on video the moment that they met. >> right? and did he know was it love at
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first sight or were they just friendly? >> apparently. >> he knew. he was like let me roll the camera. >> it says at the end of the video "to be continued." sam says he's going to create one of these each year for the next 20 years of esteban's life. he decides to set a trap for dad. >> this is so mean. >> so good. >> but this take ace quick turn. >> what's he looking for in the cupboard? try phphilillilipsps' ' fifibeber r gogoodod g gummies plus energy support. itit's's a a n newew f fibiberer s supupplplemement that helps support regularity anand d ininclclududeses b b v vititamaminins s to help convert food to energy. mmmmmmmmm,m, t thehesese a arere g gooood!d! ninicece w worork,k, p phihillllipips!s! ththe e tataststy y sisidede o of f fifibeber,r, frfromom p phihillllipips's'.. yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme..'re the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l living, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know you may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't t yoyou.u.
3:53 pm
wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsonalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sorta like you drives. yoyou'u'llll e eveven n geget t a a discount just for signing up. esesururanancece. . babackckeded b by y allstate. click or call.
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coating. after a bit of dipping and refrigeration, there you go. >> anybody who has seen "frozen" remembers that song -- ♪ want to build a snowman ♪ >> these toddlers are acting it out. ♪ you want to build a snowman ♪ >> what? ♪ >> oh, my gosh! that is too much cute for one video. >> better than the movie. guess what -- >> it's entertaining. >> no the door is going to open. >> bingo. yea! >> dad! >> oh, he took "frozen" and turned it into a comedy. this video is very special. this is my friend natalie
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woosley's little boy, cameron, 18 months old. he was the ring bearer at a wedding. guess what he stole the show from the bride. >> he already has moves. >> so adorable. ♪ . when you're living with your family over time you're going to learn each other's habits. if you're living with a prankster it does mean there's very useful information for them. >> when dad wake the up first thing in the morning he puts his shoes on. today i put a mouse trap in one of those shoes. >> all set to go. inside one of his slippers there is a mouse trap. he has cameras all over the house to get the response. >> did he think about the fact that he put cameras in his parents' bedroom? and what he might have caught on video? >> ew. >> the alarm goes off. dad wakes up. finds himself a t-shirt. still groggy. not much energy yet. have a funny feeling he's about to. >> this is so zbleen so good.
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>> puts his foot in the first one. is that it? no it is not. >> ooh! [ bleep ] son of a [ bleep ]. >> mom wake ss up. what's wrong? >> put something in my [ bleep ] shoe. about cut my foot off. >> dad is a bit peeved. >> and dad has a potty mouth. >> is this real? >> mother [ bleep ] what he has done with his [ bleep ]. i'm going to kick his [ bleep ]. >> dad goes into the cupboard. what's he looking for? >> rat poison. >> shotgun. >> belt. >> oh! [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> ow! [ bleep ]. >> he's out of the door and away. you are going to go for the prank you have to pay the piper. it comes right back on you. >> this is promoting all kind of violence between family members and i don't like it. >> the kid learned it from somewhere. he may have learned his pranking habits from dad or from "right this minute." that's it for rtm.
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see you next time, everybody.
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] harvey: welcome to "tmz live," harvey levin here. charles: charles here. harvey: bruce jenner is no
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longer bruce jenner. bruce jenner is caitlyn jenner. there is a big story behind this story and we know a lot about it and we're going to tell you. charles: big story behind this photo. harvey: this is a stunning photo in many ways on many levels. this is caitlyn jenner. it is no longer bruce and this is, if you will, the official coming out of caitlyn. this is interesting because if you look at that picture it


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