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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 2, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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♪ it's good times when dad takes his kids parasailing until -- >> everybody gets a built nervous. >> what had him underwater struggling under the weight of some heavy gear. it's an amazing show of force. two bruins fighting it out. the rare encounter caught on camera. a cyclist and truck driver go at it. then the driver stops and starts yelling yet again. >> [ bleep ]. >> the road rager that keeps going and going and going. plus how a ricochet ball
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tags dad out. and fun with a balloon is about to end. >> oh! video from turkey in 2013 getting some attention right now for just being plain scary. this dad is out with his son and his daughter and they are parasailing out over the ocean, having a great time. >> son looks a little nervous. >> that's the moment where everybody gets a bit nervous. you see how the camera suddenly jolted? this is one of the ropes and attachments have failed and broken. no one seems to really understand that it's happening. you le sig of the ft as sideways and quickly see as they start plummeting toward the ocean. >> they had a parachute behind them they didn't drop instantly, they floated down right? >> yeah they floated down all have life preservers on as well. very quickly, see a few of the legs they start kicking an
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start treading water and very very quickly, you hear the sound of the engine of a boat as it comes over and they are plucked out of the water within about 30 40 seconds. the they come out completely unscathed. >> terrifying. two small children and their father and they are strapped in. you know they have got harnesses and things on that are attaching them to this parachute parachute. even though they have a life preserver, this could be a tangled situation, the weight of that could really pull on this poor kid body. >> becomes very evidence as see in the footage, they come up and the boat comes up, you see everything being pulled out, the canopy and everything else i had a concern about that as well fortunately, everyone was fine. of couldrse, this failure happens, no one seems to know what was going on until it was too late. not quite sure why so many people are so darn angry but seems we are seeing more and more road rage videos. this time from vernon hills,
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illinois. we are watching footage from a camera mounted on a bicycle. and according to the poster of this video, the guy on the bicycle, he is having to ride more in the center of this ba far right lane because the road is so torn up. but then watch what happens. >> whoa! >> this big blue truck comes zooming by awfully close to our cyclist, but then he does this. slams on the brakes in the middle of that lane. [ screeching ] >> [ bleep ]. >> you're supposed to be -- >> i'm not road. >> then go around me. go around me. >> you're in my way, i'm gonna [ bleep ]. [ bleep ] >> you hear that he says i'm gonna run you over. >> kind of bike, sounds like he is riding the cute adorable ones maybe a basket on the front. >> that is not over. the trucker pulls up yet again and starts yelling yet again. >> [ bleep ].
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[ bleep ]. stupid. >> surprised that guy could even -- can't even see in his rearview mirror. >> everybody on the road. >> our cyclist did get this guy's license plate number. he actually pressed charges. police caught up with this fella, the truck driver 49-year-old michael a. ruben arresteded arrested with among other things obstructed windows. he stopped in the middle of that lane what were the other charges? improper parking. >> well done, vernon hills police department. >> if you're in my way, i'm gonna [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> you never know what's gonna happen when the trail cam is set up. >> got two bruins fighting it out. they are mad. according to people to catching this they don't know what they
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are mad about but fighting about something. >> incredible. using the tree as the fence, all hunched over. >> it was exactly like a couple of drunk guy yeah yeah yeah you gonna go? yeah. >> you swing first. >> yeah. >> just tell you that we are not far from the animals. there is some other footage, because the person that captured that was the keeper and you can see him right up here in that van. bears can climb and this guy is like five feet off the ground. >> even if he kicked down the ladder they can still get up there, they are too busy fighting each other. >> you don't want to get in the middle of that. >> so cool. you mad, bro? >> i wonder if they are mad or if they are playing. you know how dogs wrestle and seem like they are mad but having a good time. like maybe this is a fun day in the woods. >> you could be right, because they are using that. >> they are not using their clause and stuff just growling.
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>> maybe one wanted the tree to scratch my back and the other said that's my tree and that's what started it all. >> so cool. people when they are riding a but not paying attention, the world around them this guy is riding his bicycle, a bus passes by as the bicyclist passes by the bus at a stop, a passenger gets off and says -- something fell out of your pocket half a mile badge the bicyclist is like my keys. turns around. >> i can't by live the guy saw t. >> what are the chances that he finds his keys somewhere back there? well guess what? puts his bike down walks out into the street bingo. >> what? what are the odds of this happening, that a random human being on a bus happened to see the exact moment a tiny little set of keys fell out of a
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cycle's pocket as they were both traveling down the road. >> what is this guy doing? >> pretty lucky for the bicyclist. now, something else spotted on the road this from dash cam owners australia. 1:30 in the morning. dark rural road four by four stopped in the middle of the road a man in a hoodie walks up looking down at the road the car stops, so does the man. listen to what happens when the guy starts to drive by. the man takes a step forward, screams at the driver. our driver here just mashes the gas. he is gone. now, the scary part about this is he knows that his wife is about a minute behind him, so he is frantically trying to get her on the phone. that call doesn't go you there. she experiences the same exact scenario. they call police they show police this video, police did find a man but they didn't have enough evidence to charge him with anything. they don't know if he was there to rob him or just being creepy.
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>> he sounded like a tiger. a group of engineering students have come up with a new invention. it is called the scale boat. >> see what this wheelchair can do that's game changer. this allows people to go everywhere anywhere that they want to go. and it's par core at its finest. >> the moves that will leave you abused. >> oh, my gosh. isis i is s brbria bririanan d dririveves carefully to work. anand d eveverery y daday y brbriaian n drives carefully to work, ththerere e arare e raratete s sucuckekersrs. hehe's's b beeeen n papayiyingng m morore for car insurance bebecacaususe e ofof t theheirir b badad driving for r soso l lonong,g, h he e dodoesesn'n't even notice them anymore. bubut t onone e daday y brbriaian n gegetsts snapshot from progressive. nonow w brbriaian n hahas s a a raratete babasesed d onon hihiss drdriviving, not theirs. geget t snsnapapshshotot a andnd s seeee just how much your good driving cocoululd d sasaveve y youou.. woworkrkining g onon m my y fefeetet a all day gave me pain here. in my knees. bubut t nonow,w, i i s stetep p onon t this machine anand d geget t mymy n numumbeberr
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whwhicich h mamatctchehes s mymy d dr.r. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediatate e relief from my foot pain. mymy k knenee e papainin. . fifindnd a a m macachihinene a at t wewe s snanap p itit.. wewe s statackck i it.t. wewe s smomoososh h itit.. wewe l lovove e itit.. hershey's s mamakekes s itit a a s s''more... yoyou u mamakeke i it t spspececiaial.l. hehersrshehey'y's s isis m minine,e, y youoursrs our chocolate.
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it is not easy for everybody to understand the freedom and independence a wheelchair gives to those who need it hasn't really changed that much over the years, sure there are electric ones but there is one major problem that faces anybody that has a wheelchair stairs. >> oh yeah totally. >> fortunately, a group of ten engineering students in switzerland have come up with a new invention. it's called the scale boat. this is an electric wheelchair
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which when you look closer balances on two wheels much like a segway does but it really comes into its own when it comes face to face with a huge set of stairs. these tank tracks they come down you back up to the stairs and then it just does this. >> there are so many places that unfortunately just have the brand that people need and deserve and this allows people to go everywhere anywhere that they want to go. >> now, these students were creating this as a project for 2016 but this is something i think they should go down and look into put nothing production. another twist, later on, up the stairs at the view point, but wants to see over the wall check it out. actually raise him up a bit so he can look up see the stuff. it's a really really cool invention. >> gives them more than just mobility it gives them height. >> just hope that the last time you see this suspect in video, that's because we see it out on
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the streets. >> everywhere. one of the last places would you expect somebody to get carjacked is on an active motor way, but that's exactly what happened in johannesburg south africa. here you see a vw polo stopped in the middle of this roadway. the doors open jump out, three have guns, one have a sledgehammer. >> what? >> this car with a dash cam. these people are carjacked. >> my gosh. >> of course motorists don't feel like they can stop looking at these people holding these enormous weapons. >> absolutely. if you see, it happened in a matter of seconds. >> gosh i think my gut reaction would be just to mash the gas. >> but you wouldn't know because the fear that would just take over your body. i don't think they would be able to slam on the gas.
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now the bad guy in this video from the uk definitely caused. check out what happened when he walked into the first business he attempted to rob that lady there is a shopkeeper. add knife and he was wearing a hoodie. told the north devon journal this store is my pride and joy and thought this man is not taking my hard-earned money, you see her struggling with this guy, she eventually shuttles him out the door. >> just manhandled him. she was incredible. look at her. slammed the door. >> and get out! >> she eventually said should i have done that? no, because he could have killed her, could have left her husband without a wife children without a mother. said at the time this is my place. he did go to another store, rob them but police caught up with him. the video was released in court and he was sentenced to five and a half years in jail. >> they used the video that threw the book at him. isn't the most absurd intro
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to the most bizarre yet enter entertaining video? >> i came ross popular videos. the catnip. >> i should watch youtube more. >> in is a video. n this video -- >> sucks. >> not good. >> what? >> needed to be more sexy. i would lake . >> i would like to see you try. >> going to be sexy par core? >> that is the name of this video. >> is that a par core? >> it is now. watch. this the nice mulch on the chest hair move. >> sexy scooting off a breeze. sexy drink from the water fountain. >> steal right there. >> sexy.
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>> nice move. yeah. like that one. >> oh my god. >> boom how was that? >> it was okay. >> right, good point. this little car has some big baggage. >> a jet engine. >> the extra power is too much to handle. >> oh oh. father/son time. >> sometimes going outside with dad, get kind of tiring for dad. >> the genius idea you will wish you thought of.
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the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus.
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wwhehen n i i hahaveve a an n ececzema flare-up, i start to scratch. the more i s scrcratatch the worse it gets. [[ f fememalale e anannouncer ] gold bond eczema relief cream rrelelieieveves s 5 symptoms of eczema. gogoldld b bonond d rerealally works. gogot t bibig g papainin i in n a a smsmalall place? new icy hot micro patch. 5050% % momorere m mededicicinine. didiscscrereetet r relelieief.f. icicy y toto d dulull.l. hohot t toto r relelaxax.. nenew w icicy y hohot t mimicrcro o papatctch. fofor r sosomeme w womomenen a period means stop! but with pamprin, a period means go! pain relieieveversrs o onlnly relieve pain. mumultlti-i-sysympmptotom m papamprin relieves all your symptoms. soso t theherere's's n no o ststopping you. pepeririodod.. on tv online on mobile it's on "right this minute."
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these two automatic videos are brought to you word by oops. first up magnificent. we can see just a nice toed nary car. a jet engine. the camera turns over, you realize that's bad idea. oh. oh. oh. now what happened? the story behind what's going on? all you were supposed to do come down very slow speed, turn around and do the time trial. something goes wrong, right at the beginning of the video, you hear the rocket kick in. he tried to save it according. the brakes jammed on but no choice, but go straight through the retaining wall. shut down a little bit, the wall wasn't designed to be attacked from that. everything was fine. this next video comes to us from toronto. maybe the canadian version of the dukes of hazard. >> oh wow.
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>> yes. out of nowhere. this car comes flying through into this wall. you can see all of the air bags police working on a theory they were pressing the wrong pedal, the accelerator crashes into of all things an auto repair shop. we have a second angle of it there as well. you can see just how much speed he has and he clears this entire row of cars jamming into the wall. you see a whole bunch of people start running up and smashing the window here in order to get the driver out. the driver was actually reported to have quite serious injuries but taken to the hospital and expected to recover. a bakery in saudi arabia now closed. watch this video and see if you can determine why authorities decided to shut this guy down. they say spitting on the dough. that's why they shut him down. >> how much does he spit? >> oh. right there.
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>> his secret ingredient or just angry at all of his customers, like what's the point? why are you spitting on your bread? they said they didn't have a reason there was no reason listed as to why the man actually did it but they shut him down. condo conflict. >> that time of year for the boys of summer. the boys that play baseball. that's cooper up on the mound there. that's cooper up at-bat. popular name these days. cooper v cooper. >> here he comes. >> slow mo. >> look out! >> oh! >> trick shot? was that a trick shot?
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>> get ahold of that one. >> incredible. >> wasn't a trick shot dad holding his cell phone camera watching cooper at-bat and just took one off the bean and bounced it right back toward dad's camera. cooper uninjured. no big deal. >> why you have that helmet on when at bat. >> dad's samsung or iphone injured in this? >> doesn't look like it. got nice crystal clear video. you got to practice your baseball skills but sometimes, going outside with dad can get kind of tiring for dad. so we call this redneck ingenuity. >> just love rednecks. >> way of life. >> registered and trademark this idea before he posted it on youtube. >> this video comes to us from juking video. i just love dad's face when it works so well. he is like that's right. that's right. >> so proud of himself. probably the wife behind the camera like look i'm not as
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oh no what? >> smurfed up. a little privacy, please. >> i'm going to say be careful what you wish for? chewing down on this for a while, just really wanted to go then some genius says -- >> i really want a pop. >> as soon as the guy says it rks
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scared the poor child to death. as far as wishes and dreams i believe this might be nick's dream come true because -- >> created the world's largest whoopee cushion. >> a whoopee cushion in the corner whole time he is like on it. >> nick come here you got to see this. >> nikki, we got your christmas present. come here come here come here. don't say anything just play it for him. the world's largest whoopee cushion. >> the best part about it not the coopwhoopee cushion, the most unempressed cat in the world.
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$z >> these,
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♪ ♪ now, here's


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